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Mitch R. Abblett, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and executive director of The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a non-profit focusing on education and training at the intersection of mindfulness and treatment. For over a decade, he was clinical director of the Manville School, a Harvard-affiliated therapeutic day school program in Boston, MA, serving children with emotional, behavioral, and learning difficulties. He maintains a private psychotherapy and consulting practice (, and writes about mindfulness, professional development, and family mental health. His books include The Heat of the Moment in Treatment (W.W. Norton) for clinicians, Mindfulness for Teen Depression (New Harbinger, coauthored with Chris Willard, PsyD), and the upcoming Overcoming the Five Hindrances to Awakened Living (Shambhala Publications). He also coauthored the child/family friendly practice aid Growing Mindful, as well as additional mindfulness-related card decks. He conducts national and international trainings regarding mindfulness and its applications.
Foreword writer Christopher Willard, PsyD, is a psychologist and educational consultant based in Boston, MA, specializing in mindfulness. He has been practicing meditation for over fifteen years, and leads workshops internationally on the topic of mindfulness for treating young people. He currently serves on the board of directors at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, and the Mindfulness in Education Network. His thoughts on mental health have been featured in The New York Times, on, and elsewhere. Willard is author of Child’s Mind, Growing Up Mindful, and three other books. He teaches on the faculty of Harvard Medical School.