List of Tables

Table 2.1:


‘arsh Ath Slegguem

Table 2.2:


‘arsh Ath Adas (confederation of Ath Jennad)

Table 2.3:


arsh Ath Wasif (confederation of Ath Bethroun)

Table 2.4:


Regional distribution and relative significance of thiddar and tuwāfeq in Greater Kabylia c. 1868

Table 4.1:


Saff divisions of the Ath Yenni

Table 4.2:


Saff divisions of the Igawawen (mid-nineteenth century), after Devaux

Table 4.3:


The Ath Irathen saff system

Table 4.4:


The saff system of the southern Igawawen ‘proper’

Table 4.5:


The eastern Jurjura and Akfadou saff system

Table 4.6:


The saff system of maritime Kabylia

Table 4.7:


Pre-colonial saff systems and colonial administrative divisions in Greater Kabylia

Table 5.1:


Distribution of major saintly lineages and zawāyā in Greater Kabylia, by location, date of establishment and point of origin (where known)

Table 7.1:


Saff allegiances of the ‘aarsh of Kabylia in the fitna of the Iboukhtouchen succession