1. Orders Phase
1. Draw an order die from the dice bag and hand it to the appropriate player.
2. The player chooses one of his units and gives it an order. Place the order die next to the unit to show that it has received an order. Once a unit has been given an order it cannot be given another order that turn.
3. If necessary, the player takes an order test to determine if the unit follows the order.
4. The player executes the unit’s resulting action.
5. Back to 1. Once all eligible units have received an order, the orders phase ends – move to the turn end phase.
2. Turn End Phase
Return all order dice to the bag, except for those units wishing to retain an Ambush or Down order.
Order | Summary of Action |
1 Fire | Fire at full effect without moving |
2 Advance | Move and then fire |
3 Run | Move at double speed without firing; also used for assaulting |
4 Ambush | No move or fire but wait for opportunity fire |
5 Rally | No move or fire but lose D6+1 pin markers |
6 Down | No move or fire but gain an extra -2 to be hit |
D6 Roll | Effect |
1 or 2 |
Friendly Fire The unit does not move and opens fire against a friendly unit, mistaking it for enemy. Place a Fire order by the unit. The opposing player controls the firing unit as if it was one of his own, except that the chosen ‘friendly’ target (or targets) must have an enemy unit within 12’’ (proximity to enemy is precisely what has caused the ‘friendly fire incident’!). If no such target is available the unit does not fire and goes Down instead. |
3, 4, 5 or 6 |
Panic The unit executes a Run order and must move as fast as possible away from the closest visible enemy unit. If no enemy are visible, or if the unit can no longer move for some reason, it goes Down instead. |
Quality | Morale | Examples |
Inexperienced | 8 | Conscript, poor or little training, no combat experience. |
Regular | 9 | Normal training and some combat experience. |
Veteran | 10 | Special training (paras, commandos, marines) and extensive combat experience. |
Rank | Morale Bonus | Extra Orders | Range | |
2nd Lieutenant | +1 | 1 | 6” | |
1st Lieutenant | +2 | 2 | 6” | |
Captain | +3 | 3 | 12” | |
Major | +4 | 4 | 12” |
Unit Type | Advance | Run |
Infantry | 6" | 12" |
Tracked vehicle | 9" | 18" |
Half-tracked vehicle | 9" | 18" |
Wheeled vehicle | 12" | 24" |
Unit Type | Advance | Pivot (90°) when Advancing | Run | Pivot (90°) when Running |
Tracked vehicle | 9" | 1 | 18" | None |
Half-tracked vehicle | 9" | 2 | 18" | 1 |
Wheeled vehicle | 12" | 2 | 24" | 1 |
The terrain table indicates how different kinds of troops are affected by different terrain.
Terrain Category | Infantry | Artillery | Wheeled Vehicles | Tracked Vehicles |
Open ground | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Rough ground | No Run | No* | No | No Run |
Obstacle | No Run | No | No | OK* |
Building | OK | No* | No | No (!) |
Road | OK | OK | x2 | x2 |
OK – The unit can move through the terrain without hindrance – this is the default or normal rate for all kinds of troops over open ground. OK* –The unit can cross this kind of terrain without hindrance unless it has been designated as an anti-tank obstacle, or impassable bocage, or the equivalent, in which case it is impassable to all types of vehicle. No Run – The unit cannot cross or move within this kind of terrain if undertaking a Run action, but can cross or move over with an Advance action. No – The unit cannot enter or move within this kind of terrain at all. No* – The unit cannot enter or move within this kind of terrain, except that it can be deployed within the terrain at the start of the game. In this case it cannot move once deployed. This represents situations where guns are 'dug in' to positions prior to the battle as discussed later in the section on Artillery. No (!) – The unit cannot enter or move within this kind of terrain, except that heavy and super-heavy tanks may move through and demolish some buildings in some situations. See the rules for buildings. x2 – The unit's move rate is doubled if it moves entirely along a road or track. This enables vehicles to move rapidly along roads where the opportunity permits. |
A vehicle can reverse straight backwards only at up to half its standard Advance rate unless it is a recce vehicle. A recce vehicle can reverse at its full Advance rate in most instances and can manoeuvre as if driving forward.
1. Declare target
2. Target reacts
3. Measure range and open fire
4. Roll to hit
5. Roll to damage
6. Target takes casualties
7. Target checks morale
The basic chance of hitting a target is a roll of 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a die (i.e. a roll of 3+). The following modifiers apply:
Hit Modifiers | |
Shooting at point blank range | +1 |
Per pin marker on the firer | –1 |
Long range | –1 |
Inexperienced | –1 |
Fire on the move | –1 |
Target is Down infantry/artillery | –2 |
Target is a small unit | –1 |
Target is in soft cover | –1 |
Target is in hard cover | –2 |
Once a target is hit, the minimum score indicated is required to score damage (i.e. 3+ is a roll of 3, 4, 5 or 6):
Troops and Soft-Skinned Targets | Result Needed |
Inexperienced infantry or artillery | 3+ |
Regular infantry or artillery | 4+ |
Veteran infantry or artillery | 5+ |
All soft-skinned vehicles | 6+ |
Armoured Targets | Result Needed |
Armoured car/carrier | 7+ |
Light tank | 8+ |
Medium tank | 9+ |
Heavy tank | 10+ |
Super-heavy tank | 11+ |
Finnish KV-1
Small Arms | ||||
Type | Range (") | Shots | Pen | Special Rules |
Rifle | 24 | 1 | – | – |
Pistol | 6 | 1 | – | Assault |
Submachine gun (SMG) | 12 | 2 | – | Assault |
Automatic rifle | 30 | 2 | – | – |
Assault rifle | 18 | 2 | – | Assault |
Light machine gun (LMG) | 36 | 4 | – | Team |
Medium machine gun (MMG) | 36 | 5 | – | Team, Fixed |
Heavy Weapons | ||||
Type | Range (") | Shots | Pen | Special Rules |
Heavy machine gun (HMG) | 36 | 3 | +1 | Team, Fixed |
Light automatic cannon | 48 | 2 | +2 | Team, Fixed, HE (1”) |
Heavy automatic cannon | 72 | 2 | +3 | Team, Fixed, HE (1”) |
Anti-tank Rifle | 36 | 1 | +2 | Team |
PIAT | 12 | 1 | +5 | Team, Shaped Charge |
Bazooka | 24 | 1 | +5 | Team, Shaped Charge |
Panzerschreck | 24 | 1 | +6 | Team, Shaped Charge |
Panzerfaust | 12 | 1 | +6 | One-shot, Shaped Charge |
Light AT gun | 48 | 1 | +4 | Team, Fixed, HE (1”) |
Medium AT gun | 60 | 1 | +5 | Team, Fixed, HE (1”) |
Heavy AT gun | 72 | 1 | +6 | Team, Fixed, HE (2”) |
Super-heavy AT gun | 84 | 1 | +7 | Team, Fixed, HE (3”) |
Flamethrower (infantry) | 6 | D6 | +3 | Team, Flamethrower |
Flamethrower (vehicle) | 12 | D6+1 | +3 | Flamethrower |
Light mortar | 12-24 | 1 | HE | Team, Indirect Fire, HE (1”) |
Medium mortar | 12-60 | 1 | HE | Team, Fixed, Indirect Fire, HE (2”) |
Heavy mortar | 12-72 | 1 | HE | Team, Fixed, Indirect Fire, HE (3”) |
Light howitzer | 48 (or 24-60) | 1 | HE | Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (2”) |
Medium howitzer | 60 (or 30-72) | 1 | HE | Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (3”) |
Heavy howitzer | 72 (or 36-84) | 1 | HE | Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (4”) |
HE shells have a penetration modifier that is fixed to the HE value, and may also result in more ‘pins’ or hits on the target:
Diameter | Pen | Pin | Hits vs targets in buildings |
1" | +1 | D2 | D3 |
2" | +2 | D3 | D6 |
3" | +3 | D3 | 2D6 |
4" | +4 | D6 | 3D6 |
Additional Penetration Modifier for Heavy Weapon Against Armoured Targets | |
Vehicle's side or top armour | +1 |
Vehicle's rear armour | +2 |
Long range | –1 |
Die Roll | Effect |
1 or less |
Crew Stunned. The crew is stunned or momentarily overcome by smoke or shock. Add one additional pin marker to the vehicle. Place a down order die on the vehicle or change its current order die to Down to show that it is halted and cannot take a further action that turn. If the vehicle has one or more turrets, also roll for turret jam. |
2 |
Immobilised. Part of the vehicle's tracks or wheels are blown apart. Add one additional pin marker to the vehicle. The vehicle cannot move for the rest of the game. Place a suitable marker or token by the vehicle to show this. If the vehicle has already taken an action this turn flip the order die to Down to indicate it has been brought to a halt. If a further immobilised result is suffered the crew abandon the vehicle and it is considered knocked out (see below). If the vehicle has one or more turrets, also roll for turret jam. |
3 |
On Fire. The hit ignites either the vehicle's fuel or ammunition. The crew are driven into a blind panic, fearing to be trapped in a burning wreck. Add one additional pin marker and then make a morale check for the vehicle. If the test is passed the fire has been put out or fizzles out of its own accord. Place a Down order die on the vehicle or change its current order die to Down to show that it is halted and cannot take a further action that turn. If the test is failed, the crew abandon the vehicle and it is considered knocked out (see below). If the vehicle survives the test and has one or more turrets, also roll for turret jam. |
4, 5 or 6 |
Knocked Out. The vehicle is destroyed and becomes a wreck. Mark the vehicle in some fashion to indicate it is wrecked – a blackened cotton ball and/or an upside-down turret work quite well. Some players like to use models of wrecked vehicles instead. Either way, vehicle wrecks count as impassable terrain. If players prefer not to bother with wrecks, destroyed vehicles can be removed altogether, perhaps blown apart by an internal explosion leaving only scattered debris. |
Superficial Damage (armoured vehicles only) – Roll D6–3 Full Damage – Roll D6 Massive Damage – Roll two results (see below) Open-topped hit by indirect fire – Add +1 |
1. Declare target
2. Measure move distance
3. Target reacts
4. Move assaulting models
5. Fight first round of close quarters
a. Attackers roll to damage
b. Defenders take casualties
c. Defenders roll to damage
d. Attackers take casualties
e. Loser surrenders and is destroyed
6. Resolve draws – further rounds of close quarters
7. Winner regroups
US M26 Pershing Heavy Tank
Type of Attack | Range and Line of Sight | Cover To Hit Modifier | Extra Protection | Special |
Small arms | To an opening | –2 | Yes | – |
Heavy weapons | To a wall | –2 | Yes | – |
HE weapons | To a wall | – | No | 10+ hits = Collapse! |
Flamethrowers | To an opening | – | No | 4+ = On Fire! |
Close Quarters | To an opening | – | No | Defensive Position |
Note that bunkers have several exceptions to these rules, as explained.
Barbarossa − German forces sweep across Russian territory