Adam, 44, 47, 85

“Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The,” 40

Aeneid (Virgil), 22

afterlife, 139

Ainulindalë, 90

Ainur, 86

alchemy, 96

Alexandrina, Blessed, 66–68


fairy stories, 7–10

formal (crude), 4–6

intertextuality, 6

meanings of, 3

parable, 3–4

of power, 2

All-Father, 86, 88, 90, 115

Allied Powers, 98

anaphons, 101

Anborn, 129

Andropov, Yuri, 58

angels, 75, 77, 88, 92, 95

Anglo-Saxons, 19–20

Angmar, 117

Annunciation, 26

antrhopos, 15

April Fool’s Day, 27

Aragorn, 61–62, 108–9, 111, 113–14, 137–38

Arathorn, 109

archangel Michael, 86

archangels, 92, 115

Arda, 89

Argonath, 103

Arthur, King, 111

Arujo, Gomez de, 67

Augustine, Saint, 57

Baggins, Bilbo, 30

Ballad of the White Horse (Chesterton), 80

Balrog, 75

Barrow-wights, 39, 41, 46

Bede, 21–22

Belloc, Hilaire, 19–20, 138

Beornings, 69

Beowulf, 21–26

Big Brother, 99


act of pity and mercy, 126–28

discovery of the Ring, 34, 125–26

moral choices, 37

voyage to Undying Lands, 139

Blessed Virgin Mary, 13, 52, 114, 116–19

Boethius, 4

Bonnie Prince Charlie, 112

Boromir, 55, 58–61, 64

Bunyan, John, 4

Castel Gandolfo, 111

Catherine of Genoa, Saint, 68

Catherine of Siena, Saint, 68

Catholic Church, 2, 60, 65, 110

Catholicism, 1–11, 20, 95, 138

Charlemagne, 109–10, 137

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 28

Chesterton, G. K., 7–8, 33, 80, 138

Christ, 74–75

Beowulf and, 23–26

birthday of, 136

Frodo and, 137

Gandalf and, 78–80, 110–11

parables, 3–4

Virgin Mary and, 117

Christianity, 14, 28

Christmas Day, 136

Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis), 91

Church Militant, 119

Cirith Ungol, 90

Claudius, King, 85

Cold War, 98

colors, 56–57

confession, 60–61

Consolation of Philosophy, The (Boethius), 4

Corpus Christi, 139

Council of Elrond, 56, 136

cram, 69

creation, 92, 97–98

Creator, 92, 97–98, 104

Cross, 27, 122, 136

Cross-bearer, 122, 136–37

Cross-Roads, 102

Crucifixion, 26, 82, 114, 136

crude allegory, 4–6

da Costa, Alexandrina Maria, 66–68

Dante, 21

D’Arcy, Martin, 19, 21

Dark Lord, 48, 57, 83, 99, 102

Dark Power, 32, 101

Dark Tower, 54

Darwinian man, 14

Déagol, 34

death, 2, 49–53, 96, 131

December 25, 136

Denethor, 100–101, 112

De Pascha Computus, 27

Devil, 23, 63, 95

Divina Commedia (Dante), 21

domination, 96

dragon, 22–23, 85, 89

dragon sickness, 29, 32, 108

dyscatastrophe, 81

Eä, 75

Edoras, 85

Edward the Confessor, Saint, 113

Elbereth, 13, 52, 114–16

Eliot, T. S., 6, 41

Elizabeth II, Queen, 112

Elrond, 53–54, 56, 60, 115, 139


immortality of, 50–52

subcreative gifts of, 92–93

Elvish, 65, 74–75, 102, 115

Ents, 99

Éowyn, 116–17, 119

eucatastrophe, 81–82

Eucharist, 13, 68–69

Eucharistic host, 65–66

eustrophe, 82

evangelium, 81

Eve, 44, 47, 85

Everyman, 15, 55–64, 122

evil vs. good, 56–57, 90

exiles, 52–53

Eye of Sauron, 98

fairy stories, 7–10

as mirror of man, 11

Tolkien on, 9–11

faith, 28, 53

Fall, the, 27, 43–44, 82, 90

Faramir, 55–56, 62–64, 129–30

felix culpa, 82

Fellowship of the Ring, 58, 73

Fernsehen, 102

Finrod, 52

Forbidden Pool, 129

formal allegory, 4–6


arrival at Cross-Roads, 102–3

Boromir and, 61

as a Christ figure, 122

as Cross-bearer, 122, 136–37

farewell to Middle-earth, 139–41

Ring and, 33–38

stone kings of Argonath and, 102–4

Tom Bombadil and, 45

trek to Mount Doom, 121–33

wearing the Ring, 32

Führer, 99

Galadriel, 13, 49, 53, 114–16, 139


on consequences of Bilbo’s act of pity and mercy, 128

coronation of Aragorn and, 137

death of, 78–80

on death of Gollum, 132–33

encounter with Saruman, 56–57

exposition of Ring’s power, 29–38

Gates of Moria and, 73

on Middle-earth’s new beginning, 136

moral test, 77

resurrection as Gandalf the White, 110

on Sauron’s motives, 83–84

supernatural gifts of, 94–95

voyage to Undying Lands, 139

Garden of Eden, 44

Gates of Moria, 73–75

Genesis, Book of, 85, 89, 117

Gildor Inglorion, 49, 52, 78

Gimli, 69, 73, 80

Glorious Revolution, 112

God, 75–76, 90, 95, 131

Godey, Bruno, 54, 82

Goldberry, 44, 47

Golgotha, 78, 136

Gollum, 29, 33–34, 37–38, 56, 64, 125–26, 130–32

gollumized, 17, 91, 125

Gondor, 58–59, 98

good art, 92

Good Friday, 136

Good News, 74

good vs. evil, 56–57, 90

Gospel of St. John, 21

Great Divorce, The (Lewis), 132

Hall of Fire, 115

Hamlet, 85

heaven, 50, 131, 135–42

hell, 50, 131, 135–42

High Elves, 100

Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (Bede), 21–22

History of Middle-earth, The, 89

Hobbit, The, 29–30, 73, 97

hobbits, 14, 37–38

Boromir and, 61

childlike wisdom of, 90

Creator and, 104

encounter with elves, 52

in Fellowship of the Ring, 52

natural gifts of, 93

Phial of Galadriel and, 115–16

Ring and, 32

sun and, 9

Tolkien and, 14

Tom Bombadil and, 44–47

Holy Spirit, 76

Homer, 6

homo superbus (proud man), 17

homo viator (traveling man), 15–17, 64

Hopkins, Gerald, 135, 141

host, Eucharistic, 65–66

Ilúvatar, 54, 86, 88, 90, 115

immortality, 2, 49–52, 96

infernal man, 64

in persona Christi, 61–62

intertextuality, 6

Isaac, 27

Isaiah, Book of, 88

Isengard, 98–100

Isildur, 34

Israel, 27

Istari, 94

Jackson, Peter, 39, 62

Jacobites, 111–12

James II, King, 112

Jesus Christ. See Christ

judgment, 50, 131

Khazad-Dûm, 75, 78

Kilby, Clyde S., 76

kings, 107–14

Knox, Ronald, 19

Lady Philosophy, 4

Lake-Town, 30

Last Alliance, 54

“Leaf by Niggle,” 91

lembas, 13, 65–66, 68–69

Leo XIII, Pope, 137

Lewis, C. S., 4, 91, 132

Lord of the Rings, The

as allegory, 1–4

Catholicism and, 2, 13–14, 136–37

death and immortality in, 49–52

kingship in, 107–14

magic in, 91–105

as mirror of man, 11, 13–17

queenship in, 114–19

lore-master, 74

Lothlórien, 92

Lucifer, 27, 86–88, 90

Macbeth, 113

magic, 91–105

Maiar, 94

Manwë, 86

March 25

Middle-earth’s New Year, 136

significance of, 26–27

Mary Magdalene, 62

materialism, 8–9

Melko, 86, 88

Melkor, 86–90, 115–16

memento mori, 50

mercy, 37, 126–28

Merry, 39, 47, 61, 73, 92

Michelangelo, 94, 103

Middle Ages, 19–28, 96

Middle-earth, 19–28

exiles in, 53

Frodo’s farewell to, 139

man and, 15–17

as Morgoth’s Ring, 89–90

overthrow of evil in, 136

path of virtue in, 97

Sam’s virtuous choice and future of, 130

Sauron and, 83

wizards in, 77–78

Minas Tirith, 55, 59–60, 83, 100

Mines of Moria, 78

miracle, 66–68, 95

Mirour de l’Omme, 11

Mithrandir, 129

“Monsters and the Critics, The” (Tolkien), 22

Mordor, 30, 55, 57, 59–60, 73, 98–99, 102–3, 121

Morgoth, 86–90

Morgoth’s Ring, 89

Moria, 73–75, 111

Moriah, 78, 111

Mount Doom, 66, 121, 125, 130, 135

Mozart, 94

Murray, Robert, 2, 76

“Myothopoeia,” 92

Napoleon of the Notting Hill, The (Chesterton), 138

Nazgûl, 117

Nazis, 98–99

New Eve, 117

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 124

Nietzscheanism, 124

Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 99, 102

Noldor, 86

“Nun’s Priest’s Tale” (Chaucer), 27

Odysseus, 15

Old Man Willow, 39

Old Testament, 86

One Ring, 28, 30, 59, 85, 89

One Sin, 85

“On Fairy Stories,” 9–11, 91, 105

Original Sin, 28

Orthodoxy (Chesterton), 7

Orwell, George, 99

other-worldliness, 4

Our Lady, 116

Our Lord, 27

Overman, 124

palantiri, 100–102, 111

parable, 3–4

paradisal man, 64

paradise, 141

Paul, Saint, 64

Peter, Saint, 111, 137

Phial of Galadriel, 114–16

Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 64

Pieta, 103

Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan), 4

Pilgrim’s Regress, The (Lewis), 4

Pippin, 39, 61, 101

pity, 37, 126–28

pope, 109–11, 117, 137

power, 2, 49, 95

prodigal son, 4

Providence, 104, 117, 125

purgatorial man, 64

queens, 114–19

Quenya, 65–66, 102

Reagan, Ronald, 58

realism, 9

Redemption, 82

Resurrection, 82

Revelation, 76


betrayal of its possessors, 34

Boromir and, 59

darkening of, 28

destruction of, 26, 28

power and history of, 33–34

as synonymous with sin, 32

Tom Bombadil and, 45

Ring-bearer, 83, 137

Ring-maker, 33–34, 36, 76

Ringwraiths, 32, 117

Rivendell, 83

Rohan, 99, 117, 119

Sackville-Bagginses, 30

sacraments, 15, 60, 68

saints, 21, 64, 66, 68, 95, 115, 139

Salve Regina (Catholic prayer), 10, 52–53, 114, 141

Samwise Gamgee

act of pity and mercy, 130

arrival at Cross-Roads, 102–3

encounter with elves, 52

return to family, 141

Shelob and, 84, 114–15

on sun and shadow, 9, 90

trek to Mount Doom, 122–23

Saruman, 56–57, 60, 94–95, 99–100, 110

Satan, 23, 27, 58, 85–90, 115, 117

Sauron, 88–89

as Dark Lord, 57

fall of, 136

motives of, 83

palantiri and, 100, 103

Ring and, 34–36

servants of, 117

subcreative power of, 95

victory of Last Alliance and, 54

sauros, 111

scientism, 96

Second Coming, 113

Secret Fire, 75–77

selfishness, 7–9, 125

serpent, 85, 89, 117, 119

Shakespeare, William, 6

Shelob, 76, 84, 114–16

Shire, 30, 74, 98, 121–22, 138

Silmarillion, The, 40, 58, 75, 85

Smaug, 30

subcreation, 92, 97–98, 102

Superman, 124

technology, 92

television, 102

Théoden, 84–85, 100–101

Theos, 101

Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 52–53, 139

Thor, 101

Thorin Oakenshield, 30, 107–9

Tolkien, J. R. R., 19–28

“Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The,” 40

on crude allegory, 4–6

description of himself as hobbit, 14

on The Lord of the Rings as an allegory, 1–3

love of Anglo-Saxons, 19–20

“Monsters and the Critics, The,” 22

“On Fairy Stories,” 9–11, 91, 105

Tom Bombadil, 39–48

Übermensch, 124

Undying Lands, 139

Uruk-hai, 99

Vala, 115

viaticum, 65–66

Virgil, 22

Virgin Mary, 13, 52, 114, 116–19

Virgo potens, 119

Voyage of the Dawn Trader, The (Lewis), 9

“Waste Land, The” (Eliot), 6

Waugh, Evelyn, 6

waybread, 13, 65–66, 68–69

Wilde, Oscar, 8–9, 58, 64

Witch-king, 117

wizards, 56–58, 73–82

Word of God, 26

worldiness, 4

World War II, 98

Wormtongue, 85–86, 89, 101