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acetyl-L-carnitine, 221
acid/alkaline balance, 108–11
acupuncture and acupressure, 156, 170, 268
addiction, 28–30
adolescents and young adults, 26
affirmations, 317–21
alkaline/acid balance, 108–11
alpha-GPC, 222
alpha-pinene, 51
American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM), 6, 96, 296
amino acids, 277–78
Anatomy of the Spirit (Myss), 132, 156–57
Anderson, Bob, 155
antibiotics, 113–14
anticoagulants, 243
antifungal supplements, 121–22
anxiety, 27, 46, 47, 91–92, 249–60
diet and, 253–54
emotional health techniques and, 259
exercise and, 256
Functional Medicine testing for, 253
herbs for, 255–56
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 252–91
medical marijuana recommendations for, 251–52
patient story, 260
physical health recommendations for, 253–59
professional care therapies for, 256
risk factors and causes of, 252–53
stress-reduction techniques for, 256–59
symptoms of, 250
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 254–55
arachidonic acid, 232
arginine, 220
arthritis, 123–40
symptoms of, 124
see also osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis
autoimmune conditions, 99
see also Crohn’s disease; rheumatoid arthritis
backache, 141
see also lower back pain
Backache Relief (Klein and Sobel), 144
Backache Survival (Ivker), 145
beta-pinene, 51
Blake, William, xi
body, loving, 322–24
body mass index (BMI), 323
bodywork therapies, 154–55, 283
Brackman, Levi, 298
bromelain, 137
Brown, Michael, 300
Buddha, 317
Bupleuri falcatum, 137
butane hash oil, 72
butterbur, 169
Cameron, Ewan, 242
Campbell, Joseph, 305
emotions and, 246–47
exercise and, 244
support groups and, 245
cancer pain, 237–48
biomolecular options for, 243–44
diet and, 241–42
herbs for, 243
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 240–47
medical marijuana recommendations for, 238–40
patient story, 247–48
physical health recommendations for, 241–46
professional care therapies for, 245–46
types and causes of, 240–41
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 242–43
antifungal supplements for, 121–22
diagnosing overgrowth, 114
diet and, 120
emotions and, 122
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 100–122
questionnaire and score sheet, 114–20
cannabinoids, 39–40, 48–50, 53
see also CBD; THC
cannabis, xv, xviii, 7, 12, 39, 325–27
endocannabinoid system and, 51–54
as sacred herb, 36, 293–303, 327
terpenes in, 39–40
see also marijuana; medical marijuana
carrageenan, 199–200
caryophyllene, 50–51
CBC (cannabichromene), 49
CBD (cannabidiol), xiv–xv, 15, 20, 31–34, 38, 40–43, 52, 289
in different strains, 43, 44, 46, 47
legality of, 47–48
THC’s synergistic effect with, 42, 43
therapeutic properties of, 40–41
tinctures, 70
CBDa (cannabidiolic acid), 50
CBG (cannabigerol), 50
choline, 169
chronic fatigue syndrome, 175, 176
chronic pain, xiii, xvi, 3–6, 23
symptom chart for, 92–93
citicoline, 33
CO2, 72
colitis, see irritable bowel syndrome; ulcerative colitis
complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), 217–19
patient story, 225–28
Cook, James, 255
corticosteroids, 198
Cousens, Gabriel, 128
creative activities, 259
Crohn’s disease, 192–98
diet and, 194–95
emotions and, 196
herbs for, 196
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 193–96
medical marijuana recommendations for, 185–86
patient stories, 196–98
physical health recommendations for, 194–96
risk factors and causes of, 193–94
symptoms of, 193
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 195–96
Crook, William, 114
deaths per year, 289–91
delivery methods, 57–85
concentrates or extracts, 71–76
dabbing, 74–75
edibles, 76–78
juicing, 80–81
respiratory problems and, 64–67
tablets and capsules, 78–80
tinctures, 67–71
topicals, 82–85
vaporizing, 60–67
depression, 26, 89–92, 272–84, 291
cancer and, 246
diet and, 276–77
emotional health recommendations for, 281–83
exercise and, 280
herbs for, 279–80
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 274–83
medical marijuana recommendations for, 274
patient story, 283–84
professional care therapies for, 281
risk factors and causes of, 274–76
stress-reduction techniques for, 256–59
symptoms of, 272–73
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 277–79
Descartes, René, 288
DHA, 112, 168, 195, 221, 233, 279
diet, 91
acid/alkaline balance in, 108–11
Fully Alive Diet, 100–103, 109, 120
standard American, 108
see also specific conditions
digestion, 183
dispensaries, 14–15, 19–21, 22
DLPA, 277–78
doctors, 15–18
dopamine, 26, 28, 34, 53, 89–90, 292, 295
dream, living your, 305–24
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 24, 48, 289
dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), 229–35
diet and, 232–33
emotions and, 234
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 231–34
medical marijuana recommendations for, 230–31
patient story, 234–35
physical health recommendations for, 232–34
professional care therapies for, 234
risk factors and causes of, 231–32
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 233
eicosanoids, 229
Einstein, Albert, 287, 291, 317
emotional freedom techniques (EFT), 258
emotional issues, xvi, xvii, 91–92, 249–84, 294
anxiety, see anxiety
depression, see depression
insomnia, see insomnia
stress, see stress
see also specific health conditions
empathy, xiii
endocannabinoid system, 51–54
end-of-life care, 55
endorphins, 53
energy, 291
energy medicine, 156, 208, 222, 245
enteric nervous system, 184
entourage effect, 34
epilepsy, 43
essential fatty acids, 130–31, 137, 207, 255, 279
omega-3 oils, 130–31, 168, 221, 232–33
exercise, 323
anxiety and, 256
cancer and, 244
depression and, 280
for fibromyalgia, 179
insomnia and, 268
for low back pain, 155
for migraine headache, 170
for musculoskeletal pain, 207
osteoarthritis and, 131
yoga, see yoga
fasting, 128–29
feverfew, 169
diet and, 178
emotions and, 180
exercise and, 179
Functional Medicine testing for, 177–78
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 177–80
medical marijuana recommendations for, 176
patient story, 180–81
physical health recommendations for, 177–80
professional care therapies for, 180
risk factors and causes of, 177
symptoms of, 175
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 178–79
fish oils, 112, 130–31, 195–96, 233, 255
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 305
flaxseed oil, 131, 137, 196, 207
acid and alkaline, 110–11
sensitivies and allergies to, 108, 168, 189–90
see also diet
Fully Alive Diet, 100–103, 109, 120
Fully Alive Medicine, 5
Fully Alive Questionnaire, 308–14
Functional Medicine testing, 177–78, 253, 266
gastrointestinal tract, 183–84
genistein, 243
ginkgo biloba, 280
glutamine, 277
glutathione, 243–44
glycemic index, 104–6
goals, 317–21
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 305
grains, 102
grapefruit seed extract, 121
Gupta, Sanjay, 42
Hawthorn berries, 137
Hay, Louise, 98, 112–13, 122, 132, 156, 157, 209, 234
headaches, vascular, 161
see also migraine headache
Healing Touch, 156, 208, 222, 245
health care, 288
see also medicine
heart conditions, 26–27
herbal therapies, see specific conditions
Hippocrates, 10
Hirshberg, Caryle, 244
Holistic Medical Treatment and Prevention (HMTP) program, 89–92
for anxiety, 252–59
for cancer pain, 240–47
for Crohn’s disease, 193–96
for depression, 274–83
for dysmenorrhea, 231–34
for fibromyalgia, 177–80
for IBS, 186–90
for inflammation and candida overgrowth, 100–122
for insomnia, 265–71
for low back pain, 143–58
for migraine headache, 165–71
for musculoskeletal pain, 207–10
for neuropathic pain, 219–24
for osteoarthritis, 125–33
for rheumatoid arthritis, 135–38
for ulcerative colitis, 199–203
holistic medicine, 6, 8–10, 95–96, 291
hops extract, 131
hormones, 281
migraine headache and, 169
hospice care, 55
Hypericum perforatum, 279–80
hypnotherapy, 258
IBD, see inflammatory bowel disease
IBS, see irritable bowel syndrome
immune system, 183, 237–38, 292, 315
diet and, 100–109
emotions and, 112–13
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 100–122
medical marijuana recommendations for, 99–100
smoking marijuana and, 59
vitamins and supplements for, 109–12
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 192
see also Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis
inhalers, steam, 66
inositol, 220
insomnia, 46, 91–92, 255, 260–72
diet and, 266–67
emotional health options for, 270–71
exercise and, 268
Functional Medicine testing for, 266
herbs for, 268
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 265–71
hydrotherapy and, 269
medical marijuana recommendations for, 262–65
patient story, 271–72
physical and environmental health recommendations for, 266–70
risk factors and causes of, 265–66
sleep apnea and, 261
sleep hygiene and, 269–70
sunlight and, 269
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 267–68
Invocation of the Cardinal Directions, 300–303, 306
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 184–92
diet and food sensitivity and, 188–90
emotions and, 190–91
herbs for, 190
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 186–90
medical marijuana recommendations for, 185–86
patient story, 191–92
physical health recommendations for, 187–90
supplements for, 188–89
symptoms of, 184
journaling, 257–58
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 289–90
Klein, Arthur, 144
legal issues, 7–8, 10, 11–13, 47–48, 326
life force energy, 6, 281, 296
linalool, 51
love, xvi, 3, 6–7, 9, 10, 96, 293–94, 296, 306, 323–24
loving your body, 322–24
low back pain, 141–59
bodywork and body movement for, 154–55
diet and, 156
emotions and, 156–58
energy medicine for, 156
exercise and, 155
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 143–58
medical marijuana recommendations for, 142–43
patient story, 158–59
physical health recommendations for, 144–56
risk factors and causes of, 143–44
types of, 141–42
yoga for, 144–55
L-tryptophan, 278
L-tyrosine, 277–78
lycopene, 242
maitake mushroom extracts, 243
malic acid, 178
manganese, 137
marijuana, 7
addiction to, 28–30
driving and, 31
hemp vs., 12
increased potency of, 30
legality of, 7–8, 10, 11–13, 47–48, 326
reducing intake of, 325–26
safe and responsible use of, 24–28, 325–26
working and, 30–31
see also cannabis; medical marijuana
McClellan, Myron, xvi
medical marijuana (MMJ), xviii
author’s self-medication with, xiv–xvi, xviii, 9, 53
budtenders for, 15
dispensaries for, 14–15, 19–21, 22
effects of different strains, 43–47
endocannabinoid system and, 51–54
in end-of-life care, 55
frequently asked questions about, 11–22, 24–55
getting high from, and medical benefits, 31–36
getting started with, 11–22
keeping a record of products and effects, 94
as medicine of empowerment, 3–10
methods for consuming, see delivery methods
pharmaceutical industry threatened by, 289
physician’s role in, 15–18
recommendations for, see specific conditions
recreational shops as source for, 14–15
understanding, 23–55
see also cannabis; marijuana
Medicare and Medicaid, 24
medicine, holistic, 6, 8–10, 95–96, 291
see also Holistic Medical Treatment and Prevention (HMTP) program
medicine, modern Western, 288–92, 296, 317–18
pharmaceutical industry in, 288, 289
meditation, 256
menstrual pain, see dysmenorrhea
migraine headache, 68, 79, 161–73
biofeedback and relaxation for, 171
diet and, 166–68
emotions and, 170–71
exercise and, 170
herbs for, 169
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 165–71
hormones and, 169
medical marijuana recommendations for, 162–64
patient stories, 171–73, 180–81
physical health recommendations for, 166–71
professional care therapies for, 170
risk factors and causes of, 165–66
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 168–69
milk thistle, 243
mind-body connection, 287, 292, 314–16
musculoskeletal (M-S) pain, 205–10
diet and, 207
emotions and, 208–10
exercise and, 207
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 207–10
medical marijuana recommendations for, 206
patient story, 210
physical health recommendations for, 207–8
professional care therapies for, 207–8
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 207
see also low back pain; osteoarthritis
mushroom, maitake, 243
nasal irrigation, 66
nasal sprays, 65
neuropathic (nerve) pain, 211–28
cancer and, 240–41
complex regional pain syndrome, see complex regional pain syndrome
diet and, 219–20
emotions and, 223–24
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 219–24
medical marijuana recommendations for, 212–14
neuropathy, see neuropathy
physical health recommendations for, 219–22
professional care therapies for, 222
risk factors and causes of, 219
shingles, see shingles
trigeminal neuralgia, see trigeminal neuralgia
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 220–22
neuropathy, 214–15
patient story, 224
neuropeptides, 315
neurotransmitters, 33, 34, 184, 253, 292, 295
dopamine, 26, 28, 34, 53, 89–90, 292, 295
Newton, Isaac, 288
niacin, niacinamide, 131, 233, 279
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), 259
oils, in diet, 102
omega-3 oils, 130–31, 168, 221, 232–33
CBD and, 41–42
O’Regan, Brendan, 244
Osler, William, 161
osteoarthritis (OA), 99, 123–33
diet and, 127–29
emotions and, 132–33
exercise and, 131
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 125–33
medical marijuana recommendations for, 124–25
patient story, 97–98
professional care therapies for, 132
risk factors and causes of, 126–27
supplements for, 129–31
oxytocin, 295
painkillers, prescription, 23–24, 75
opioids, see opioids
pancreatin, 137
Pauling, Linus, 242
peppermint oil, 65
Perlmutter, David, xv
pH (acid/alkaline) balance, 108–11
pharmaceutical industry, 288, 289
phenylalanine, 277–78
Phoenix Tears (Rick Simpson Oil; RSO), 73, 238
physicians, 15–18
potassium, 201
prednisone, 198
Presence Process, The (Brown), 300
probiotics, 112, 122, 137, 188–89, 243
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), 287, 292, 315
psychosis, 25–26
PTSD, 47
reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDs), see complex regional pain syndrome
progressive muscle, 258–59
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 99, 133–39
diet and, 136
emotions and, 138
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 135–38
medical marijuana recommendations for, 134–35
patient story, 138–39
professional care therapies for, 138
risk factors and causes of, 135–36
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 136–37
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), 73, 238
rosemary, 280
Rumi, 3
Invocation of the Cardinal Directions, 300–303, 306
St. John’s wort, 279–80
saline nasal sprays, 65
SAM-e (S-adenosyl methionine), 131
Sandore, Richard, 301
Schweitzer, Albert, 314
Science of Mind, The (Holmes), 314
seizure disorders, 42–43
selenium, 137
self-talk, 259
shame, xii–xiii
shingles, 215
author’s experience with, xi–xviii, 3, 5, 53, 74, 215, 223, 294, 299
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), 186, 190
silymarin, 243
sinusitis, author’s experience with, xvi, xvii, 8–9, 64–65, 91
sleep, 156, 214, 255, 261–62, 323
see also insomnia
Sobel, Dava, 144
Society of Cannabis Clinicians, 24
Socrates, 314
steam inhalers, 66
techniques for reducing, 256–59
Stretching (Anderson), 155
symptom chart, 92–93
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), xiv–xv, 20, 31, 33–34, 38–43, 52, 53, 292
adverse effects of daily use of high-THC products, 25–28, 89–90
CBD’s synergistic effect with, 42, 43
in different strains, 43, 46, 47
increased concentrations of, 30
medicinal benefits of, 34
psychoactive effect of, 31–36, 307
side effects from, 36–37
tinctures, 70
THCa (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid), 48–49, 70
Thomas, Caroline Bedell, 247
thyroid, 281
tic douloureux, see trigeminal neuralgia
Tielhard de Chardin, Pierre, 293
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 6, 7, 315
transdermals, 84–85
trigeminal neuralgia (TN), 216–17
patient story, 224–25
tryptophan, 278
turmeric and curcumin, 137, 233
tyrosine, 277–78
ulcerative colitis, 192, 198–204
diet and, 200
emotions and, 202–3
herbs for, 202
holistic medical treatment and prevention program for, 199–203
medical marijuana recommendations for, 185–86
patient story, 203–4
physical health recommendations for, 200–202
risk factors and causes of, 199–200
symptoms of, 198
vitamins, minerals, and supplements for, 200–202
valerian, 255
A, 195
B, 131, 169, 201, 233, 255, 267, 278–79
C, 137, 169, 195, 201, 222, 242–43, 254, 279
D, 112, 131, 195, 201, 207, 221
intravenous injections of, 179, 242–43
multivitamins, 112
Waldinger, Robert, 324
Washington, George, 7
Wilbur, Ken, 325
World Health Organization (WHO), 273
cat-cow, 147–48
chair forward bend, 148–49
cobra, 149–50
desk pose or bridge, 150
easy back twist, 152
forward bend, 152
hamstring stretch, 151
knee-to-chest position, 146
for low back pain, 144–55
for musculoskeletal pain, 207
relaxation pose (shivasana), 153–54
supine pelvic tilt, 147
yohimbine, 280