Issues with Application Heap

RAM. Developers nowadays are used to having lots of it, and a virtual machine capable of using as much of it as exists (and more, given swap files and page files).

“Graybeards” — like the author of this book — distinctly remember a time when we had 16KB of RAM and were happy for it. Such graybeards would also appreciate it if you would get off their respective lawns.

Android comes somewhere in the middle. We have orders of magnitude more RAM than, say, the TRS-80 Model III. We do not have as much RAM as does the modern notebook, let alone a Web server. As such, it is easy to run out of RAM if you do not take sufficient care.

There are two facets of memory issues with Android:

This part of the book examines memory-related issues, with this chapter focusing on the application heap. Another chapter will deal with system RAM issues. These are not to be confused with any memory-related issues inherent to graybeards.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters and understand how Android apps are set up and operate, particularly the chapter on Android’s process model.

You Are in a Heap of Trouble

When we think of “memory” and Java-style programming, the primary form of memory is the heap. The heap holds all of our Java objects – from an Activity to a widget to a String.

Traditional Java applications have an initial heap size determined by the virtual machine, possibly configured via command-line options when the program was run. Traditional Java applications can also request additional memory from the OS, up to some maximum, also configurable.

Android applications have the same basic structure, with very limited configurability and much lower maximums than you might expect.

The original Android devices had a heap limit of 16MB. As screens increase in resolution, the heap limit tends to rise, but only to a point. 32MB to 64MB of heap space is fairly typical, but less-expensive devices, such as Android One models, will tend towards the lower end of that range.

This heap limit can be problematic. For example, each widget or layout manager instance takes around 1KB of heap space. This is why AdapterView provides the hooks for view recycling — we cannot have a ListView with literally thousands of row views without potentially running out of heap.

API Level 11+ supports applications requesting a “large heap”. This is for applications that specifically need tons of RAM, such as an image editor to be used on a tablet. This is not for applications that run out of heap due to leaks or sloppy programming. Bear in mind that users will feel effects from large-heap applications, in that their other applications will be kicked out of memory more quickly, possibly irritating them. Also, garbage collection on large-heap applications runs more slowly, consuming more CPU time. To enable the large heap, add android:largeHeap="true" to the <application> element of your manifest. Finally, bear in mind that your “large heap” may not be any bigger than your regular heap would have been, as the “large heap” size is determined by the device manufacturer and takes into account things like available system RAM.

Determining Your Heap Size At Runtime

To get a sense for how much heap you will be able to potentially grow to, you can call getMemoryClass() on an ActivityManager. This will return your per-process heap limit in megabytes.

If you requested android:largeHeap="true" in the manifest, use getLargeMemoryClass() on ActivityManager to learn how large your “large heap” actually is. Note that it is entirely possible that the “large heap” is not all that large, or potentially is no bigger than the standard heap, depending upon how much RAM is physically present on the device.

Fragments of Memory

The Dalvik garbage collector is a non-compacting implementation, which makes OutOfMemoryError messages somewhat more likely than you would find on traditional Java environments.

Here, “non-compacting” means that Dalvik does not try to move objects around in physical memory to “compact” the use of physical memory, leaving a large contiguous block of free physical memory for future allocations.

For example, suppose that we allocate three 1K byte arrays, named A, B, and C. As it turns out, they were allocated using adjacent portions of physical memory, so that the last byte of A immediately precedes the first byte of B, and so on. Hence, we consumed 3K of available heap space to create these three 1K blocks.

If we release all references to A and B, they can be garbage-collected. Dalvik, like Java, will see that A and B are adjacent and will free up their physical memory, such that the memory is available as one contiguous 2K block for future allocations.

If, however, we release all references to A and C instead of A and B, Dalvik would be unable to make their blocks be contiguous, and so our heap would have two free 1K blocks, in addition to whatever other free memory that the heap already had.

Hence, allocating memory not only ties up that memory while it is in use, but it may fragment the memory even when it is released, such that our formerly pristine heap is now comprised of lots of little free blocks of space, separated from other such blocks by in-use objects. When we try to make a large allocation, such as setting up a byte array for a large image, it may be that while we have enough total heap available for the request, there is no single block that would meet our request, and so we get an OutOfMemoryError.

One technique to help address this is to pre-allocate any large buffers that you know you need, up front when your process starts up, such as via a custom Application subclass. Then, use an “object pool” approach to obtain, use, and reuse these pre-allocated buffers, rather than having them be garbage-collected and have to be re-allocated later.

ART — the runtime engine used on Android 5.0+ — has a compacting garbage collector. However, it only compacts the heap when the app is in the background. So long as your application is in the foreground, ART behaves like Dalvik does, and your heap will continue to fragment.

Getting a Trim

It would be nice if we knew when a good time would be to cut back on our heap usage. For example, if we are caching a lot of data in our process, to save on future disk I/O, we could free up those caches at some point to help minimize our heap usage.

Fortunately, Android has some hooks for doing just that.

onTrimMemory() Callbacks

Starting in API Level 14, your activities, services, content providers, and custom Application classes all offer an onTrimMemory() method that you can override. This will be called from time to time to let you know about changes in the state of your app that might indicate it is time to free up some caches or otherwise cut back on memory consumption.

onTrimMemory() is passed a “level”, indicating how serious the memory crunch is. At the present time, there are seven such levels, but others may be added in future versions of Android. However, these levels are in priority order, and the documentation indicates that Google will ensure that future levels are slotted into the order as appropriate. Hence, you can watch for levels of a certain severity or higher and take appropriate action at those points in time.

The seven levels are all defined as constants on the ComponentCallbacks2 interface that defines onTrimMemory(). Four were defined in API Level 14, while the remaining three were defined in API Level 16. They are (in order of increasing severity):

In particular, TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND (or higher) indicates that your process is now on the list of processes to terminate to free up memory, and so the more memory you can free up, the less likely it is that your process will be terminated. Also, at TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN or higher, your UI is no longer visible to the user, and so this is a fine time to free up UI-related memory that is safe to release, such as perhaps widget hierarchies that you would be rebuilding in onResume() later on anyway.

Note that while the focus tends to be on activities implementing onTrimMemory() to clean up UI-related resources, you are welcome to implement onTrimMemory() in services, content providers, and any custom Application subclass, so that you can free up memory that those may be managing as caches.

In the chapter on system RAM, we will get into why freeing up memory may help keep your process around, as we discuss the relationship between your application heap and available system RAM.

Warning: Contains Graphic Images

However, the most likely culprit for OutOfMemoryError messages are bitmaps. Bitmaps take up a remarkable amount of heap space. Developers often look at the size of a JPEG file and think that “oh, well, that’s only a handful of KB”, without taking into account:

  1. the fact that most image formats, like JPEG and PNG, are compressed, and Android needs the uncompressed image to know what to draw
  2. the fact that each pixel may take up several bytes (2 bytes per pixel for RGB_565, 3 bytes per pixel for RGB_888)
  3. what matters is the resolution of the bitmap in its original form, as much (if not more) than the size in which it will be rendered – an 800x480 image displayed in an 80x48 ImageView still consumes 800x480 worth of pixel data
  4. there are an awful lot of pixels in an image — 800 times 480 is 384,000

Android can make some optimizations, such as only loading in one copy of a Drawable resource no matter how many times you render it. However, in general, each bitmap you load takes a decent sized chunk of your heap, and too many bitmaps means not enough heap. It is not unheard of for an application to have more than half of its heap space tied up in various bitmap images.

Compounding this problem is that bitmap memory, before Android 3.0, was difficult to measure. In the actual Dalvik heap, a Bitmap would need ~80 bytes or so, regardless of image size. The actual pixel data was held in “native heap”, the space that a C/C++ program would obtain via calls to malloc(). While this space was still subtracted from the available heap space, many diagnostic programs — such as MAT, to be examined in the next chapter — will not know about it. Android 3.0 moved the pixel data into the Dalvik heap, which will improve our ability to find and deal with memory leaks or overuse of bitmaps.

Bitmap Caching

Many Android libraries, like Picasso, offer bitmap caching. Using an existing caching implementation is a lot easier than is rolling your own.


Bitmap Sizing

Sometimes, you do not need a full-size image. For example, if you are showing thumbnails of images in a ListView, but only expect to show the full-size image for a few (e.g., rows that the user clicks upon), it is wasteful to load the full-size image for everything in the list.

BitmapFactory.Options offers inSampleSize, which tells the framework to sample the image as it is loaded, to result in a smaller image. inSampleSize of 2 will result in an image that is half the width and half the height; inSampleSize of 4 will result in an image that is a quarter the width and a quarter the height; etc. Note that inSampleSize is limited to powers of 2 and will round as needed.

If you know ahead of time the size of the image, you can calculate an appropriate inSampleSize to use. Otherwise, for local content, you can use BitmapFactory twice:

This approach does not work well for images being downloaded directly from the Internet, as you do not want to download the image twice, once just to figure out how big it is. Instead, download the image without using BitmapFactory to a local file, then use BitmapFactory to load in the image. If you are electing to use a two-level cache (memory plus disk), you might download the image to the disk cache, for example.

For example, let’s look at the Bitmaps/InSampleSize sample project, which demonstrates the memory impact (and visual impact) of loading bitmaps at varying sample sizes.

In the assets/ directory, we have a ~70KB JPEG file of a flower (courtesy of the Wikimedia Project) and a ~50KB PNG of the CommonsWare logo. Both images are 672 pixels square, which makes them relatively large images. These are in assets to ensure that Android will not attempt any sort of density-based conversion of the images, if they were to be in a drawable resource directory.

The MainActivity of the project simply loads up a ViewPager and attaches it to a SampleAdapter:


import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ViewPager pager=findViewById(;


  private PagerAdapter buildAdapter() {
    return(new SampleAdapter(this, getSupportFragmentManager()));
(from Bitmaps/InSampleSize/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/bitmap/iss/

SampleAdapter, in turn, populates the ViewPager with four instances of a BitmaFragment, where we supply the newInstance() factory method of BitmapFragment with a value of 1, 2, 4, or 8 (1 << position), indicating the inSampleSize value we want to use for that fragment instance:


import android.content.Context;

public class SampleAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
  Context ctxt=null;

  public SampleAdapter(Context ctxt, FragmentManager mgr) {

  public int getCount() {

  public Fragment getItem(int position) {
    return(BitmapFragment.newInstance(1 << position));

  public String getPageTitle(int position) {
    return(BitmapFragment.getTitle(ctxt, 1 << position));
(from Bitmaps/InSampleSize/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/bitmap/iss/

BitmapFragment then:

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""







(from Bitmaps/InSampleSize/app/src/main/res/layout/sample.xml)


import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class BitmapFragment extends Fragment {
  private static final String KEY_SAMPLE_SIZE="inSampleSize";
  private AssetManager assets=null;

  static BitmapFragment newInstance(int inSampleSize) {
    BitmapFragment frag=new BitmapFragment();
    Bundle args=new Bundle();

    args.putInt(KEY_SAMPLE_SIZE, inSampleSize);


  static String getTitle(Context ctxt, int inSampleSize) {
    return(String.format(ctxt.getString(R.string.title), inSampleSize));

  public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
                           ViewGroup container,
                           Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View result=inflater.inflate(R.layout.sample, container, false);
    int inSampleSize=getArguments().getInt(KEY_SAMPLE_SIZE, 1);

    try {
      Bitmap flower=
          load("Tibouchina_urvilleana_flower_ja.jpg", inSampleSize);
      Bitmap logo=load("square.png", inSampleSize);

      ImageView iv=(ImageView)result.findViewById(;


      TextView tv=(TextView)result.findViewById(;

    catch (IOException e) {
      Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception loading bitmap", e);


  private Bitmap load(String path, int inSampleSize) throws IOException {
    BitmapFactory.Options opts=new BitmapFactory.Options();


    return(BitmapFactory.decodeStream(assets().open(path), null, opts));

  private AssetManager assets() {
    if (assets == null) {


  private int byteCount(Bitmap b) {

(from Bitmaps/InSampleSize/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/bitmap/iss/

If you run this on a device, you will see the images at the various sample sizes, one sample size per page of the ViewPager. While the quality of the loaded images decreases as inSampleSize increases, the smaller ImageView widgets are still usable for the flower JPEG, though the line-art PNG suffers.

NOTE: The following screenshots will themselves be modified as part of the publishing process of the book and are here only for illustration purposes. You will want to run the demo and see the results first-hand.

InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 1, Flower JPEG, Full Size
Figure 984: InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 1, Flower JPEG, Full Size

InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 1, CW Logo PNG (Full Size) and Smaller Sizes
Figure 985: InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 1, CW Logo PNG (Full Size) and Smaller Sizes

InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 8, Flower JPEG, Full Size
Figure 986: InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 8, Flower JPEG, Full Size

InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 8, CW Logo PNG (Full Size) and Smaller Sizes
Figure 987: InSampleSize Demo, on an LG Pad 8.3, inSampleSize = 8, CW Logo PNG (Full Size) and Smaller Sizes

The key, though, is the reduced memory footprint. The images loaded without sampling (inSampleSize of 1) take up 1,806,336 bytes of heap space (672 x 672 x 4 bytes per pixel). The inSampleSize of 8, by contrast, take up 28,244 bytes of heap space, less than 2% of the original.

You should consider experimenting with inSampleSize and determine an appropriate sampling level for the types of images you will receive (photos work better than line art) and the sizes you intend to use them in.

Bitmap Color Space

BitmapFactory will load images as ARGB_8888 by default. That means that each pixel takes up four bytes, one each for the red, green, and blue color channels, plus a byte for the alpha channel (transparency).

However, particularly for thumbnails of photographs, where transparency probably does not exist and the image is small when viewed by the user, four bytes per pixel may be overkill.

Instead, you can set inPreferredConfig of the BitmapFactory.Options to RGB_565, which uses only two bytes (five bits for red, six bits for green, five bits for blue, and no transparency). This will cut your memory consumption for the bitmap in half, with no loss of resolution (as you get with inSampleSize).

Bitmap Reuse

If you will be doing a lot of work with bitmaps, particularly bitmaps of the same size, an object pool can be of tremendous help to minimize heap fragmentation. You can reuse the same Bitmap over and over again, by supplying it via inBitmap in the BitmapFactory.Options object. If the Bitmap is compatible with what you are looking to decode, it will be reused, rather than have a new Bitmap (backed by a new hunk of heap space) be created.

Here, “compatible” means:

Releasing SQLite Memory

SQLite maintains a “page cache” of loaded pages from your database files. Curiously, it does so on a static basis, not on a per-SQLiteDatabase basis. Hence, even after you have closed your databases, you might still be consuming more memory than you need to, due to this cache.

From onTrimMemory(), you can call the static releaseMemory() method on SQLite, to try to free up some of this memory. This should not cause any database errors, but it may slow down the next few database accesses, as the necessary pages may no longer be cached and may have to be loaded again from disk.


All your efforts at improving memory management may be merely “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic”. Certain scenarios simply require a lot of system RAM, such as complex image manipulations.

android:largeHeap="true" is one example of “cheating”: working around the heap limits. However, as noted above, you may or may not get a particularly “large” heap, depending upon device capabilities.

The NDK is another option for cheating. The heap limits are for the Dalvik and ART runtime engines. Anything you do in native C/C++ code does not count against that heap limit. Hence, you might consider migrating complex logic into NDK code not only to get a possible boost in execution speed but also to avoid impacting your heap limit.

However, even with the NDK, you may not have enough RAM, because the system may not have enough RAM. Android One and similar low-spec devices might have as little as 512MB for the entire device, and your app would only be able to use a fraction of that, even from native code. Note that Android devices do not use “swap space” or similar memory paging techniques, and so once system RAM is exhausted, the device is likely to crash.

You can use isLowRamDevice() on ActivityManager to determine whether the device that your app is running on is considered to have low RAM. Nowadays, that means 512MB or lower of system RAM with a low screen resolution (e.g., 800x480). Before trying to use the NDK to cheat, check whether the device is a low-RAM device. If it is, you may need to disable certain features, rather than potentially crash the system by consuming all available system RAM.

The 1MB IPC Transaction Limit

Sometimes, even cheating cannot help you.

One example of this is a FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION error message, sans stack trace, that may show up in Logcat associated with a subsequent crash of yours. Alternatively, it sometimes appears as a TransactionTooLargeException. This message arises because there is a 1MB limit on the amount of memory used in IPC transactions. This includes:

Worse, this is not a per-transaction limit, but rather a per-process limit. Usually, you will only have one IPC request going at a time, but that is not always the case (e.g., you try starting an activity at the same time that you happen to be receiving a broadcast). Hence, coming anywhere close to the 1MB limit is risky, lest your transaction combine with others to have you exceed the 1MB limit.

This limit is baked into the operating system and cannot be altered by developers.

Worse, you do not actually know if the transaction totally failed (it could not be sent) or partially failed (the transaction was sent, but the response failed).

Overall, try to keep your transaction sizes low: