Mapping with Maps V2

One of Google’s most popular services — after search, of course – is Google Maps, where you can find everything from the nearest pizza parlor to directions from New York City to San Francisco (only 2,905 miles!) to street views and satellite imagery.

Android has had mapping capability from the beginning, with an API available to us as developers to bake maps into our apps. However, as we will see shortly, that original API was getting a bit stale.

In December 2012, Google released a long-awaited update to the mapping capabilities available to Android app developers. The original mapping solution, now known as the Maps V1, worked but had serious limitations. The new mapping solution, known as Maps V2, offers greater power and greater ease of handling common situations, though it too has its rough edges.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters, along with the chapter on drawables. Also, one of the samples involves location tracking, and another of the samples involves the use of the animator framework.

One section involves the use of Picasso, covered in the chapter on Internet access.

This chapter also makes the occasional reference back to Maps V1 for comparisons, mostly for the benefit of developers already familiar with Maps V1 and looking to migrate to Maps V2. However, prior experience with Maps V1 is not necessary to understand this chapter.

A Brief History of Mapping on Android

Back in the dawn of Android, we were given the Maps SDK add-on. This would allow us to load a firmware-hosted mapping library into our applications, then embed maps into our activities, by means of a MapView widget.

And it worked.

More importantly, from the standpoint of users, the results from our apps were visually indistinguishable from the built-in Maps application available on devices that had the Maps SDK add-on.

This was the case through most of 2009. Eventually, though, the Google Maps team wanted to update the Maps application… but, for whatever reason, the decision was made to not update the Maps SDK add-on as well. At this point, the Google Maps team effectively forked the Maps SDK add-on, causing the Maps application to diverge from what other Android app developers could deliver. Over time, this feature gap became quite pronounced.

The release of Android 3.0 in early 2011 compounded the problems. Now, we needed to consider using fragments to help manage our code and deliver solutions to all screen sizes. Alas, while we could add maps to our fragments, we could only do so on API Level 11 or higher — the fragments backport from the Android Support package did not work with the Maps SDK add-on.

The release of Maps V2 helped all of this significantly. Now we have proper map support for native and backported versions of the fragment framework. We also have a look and feel that is closer to what the Maps application itself supports. While we still cannot reach feature parity with the Maps application, our SDK apps can at least look like they belong on the same device as the Maps application.

More importantly, as of the time of this writing, Maps V1 is no longer an option for new developers. Those who already have Maps V1 API keys can use Maps V1, but no new Maps V1 API keys are being offered. That leaves you with either using Maps V2 or some alternative mapping solution.

Where You Can Use Maps V2

Many devices will be able to use Maps V2… but not all. Notably:

Later in this chapter, we will look at other mapping libraries that you could use instead of either of Google’s mapping solutions.

Licensing Terms for Maps V2

As with the original Maps SDK add-on, to use Maps V2, you must agree to a terms of service agreement to be authorized to embed Google Maps within your application. If you intend to use Maps V2, you should review these terms closely, as they place many restrictions on developers. The most notorious of these is that you cannot use Maps V2 to create an application that offers “real time navigation or route guidance, including but not limited to turn-by-turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user’s sensor-enabled device.”

If you find these terms to be an issue for your application, you may need to consider alternative mapping solutions.

What You Need to Start

If you wish to use Maps V2 in one or more of your Android applications, this section will outline what you need to get started.

Your Signing Key Fingerprint(s)

As with the legacy Maps SDK add-on, you will need fingerprints of your app signing keys, to tie your apps to your Google account and the API keys you will be generating. However, unlike the legacy Maps SDK add-on, the fingerprints you will be using will be created using the SHA-1 hash algorithm, rather than MD5.

First, you will need to know where the keystore is for your signing key. For a production keystore that you created yourself for your production apps, you should know where it is located already. For the debug keystore, used by default during development, the location is dependent upon operating system:

(where $USER is your Windows user name)

You will then need to run the keytool command, to dump information related to this keystore. The keytool command is in your Java SDK, not the Android SDK. You will need to run this from a command line (e.g., Command Prompt in Windows). The specific command to run is:

keytool -list -v -keystore ... -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

where the ... is replaced by the path to your debug keystore, enclosed in quotation marks if the path contains spaces. For your production keystore, you would supply your own alias and passwords.

This should emit output akin to:

Alias name: androiddebugkey
Creation date: Aug 7, 2011
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
Issuer: CN=Android Debug, O=Android, C=US
Serial number: 4e3f2684
Valid from: Sun Aug 07 19:57:56 EDT 2011 until: Tue Jul 30 19:57:56 EDT 2041
Certificate fingerprints:
   MD5:  98:84:0E:36:F0:B3:48:9C:CD:13:EB:C6:D8:7F:F3:B1
   SHA1: E6:C5:81:EB:8A:F4:35:B0:04:84:3E:6E:C3:88:BD:B2:66:52:E7:09
   Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
   Version: 3

You will need to make note of the SHA1 entry (see third line from the bottom of the above sample).

Your Google Account

To sign up for an API key, you need a Google account. Ideally, this account would be the same one you intend to use for submitting apps to the Play Store (if, indeed, you intend to do so).

Your API Key

Given that you are logged into the aforementioned Google account, you can visit the Google Cloud Console to request access to the Maps V2 API. They have a tendency to keep changing this set of pages, but these instructions were good as of late February 2014:

This will give you an “API key” that you will need for your application.

If you wish to have more than one app use Maps V2, you can click “Edit allowed Android applications” for a key, to return to the dialog where you can paste in another SHA1 fingerprint and package name, separated by a semicolon. Or, if you prefer, you can create new keys for each application.

For apps that are in (or going to) production, you will need to supply both the debug and production SHA1 fingerprints with your package name. By doing this on the same key, you will use the same API key string for both debug and production builds, which simplifies things a fair bit over the separate API keys you would have used with the legacy Maps SDK add-on.

Also note that a single API key seems to only support a few fingerprint/package pairs. If you try adding a new pair, and the form ignores you, you will need to set up a separate API key for additional pairs.

The Play Services Library

You also need to set up the Google Play Services library for use with your app.

While this used to be published via a separate “Google Repository” that you had to download to your development machine, nowadays, it is part of Google’s overall public Maven repository, the one that google() points to in your build.gradle files. Most likely, your project is already set up to use this repository.

If so, all you need to do is add a dependency on for some likely version (e.g., to your dependencies closure.

Note, though, that starting with version 10.x, the minSdkVersion imposed by the Play Services libraries is 14. If your desired minSdkVersion is lower than that, you will need to remain on older versions of the Play Services libraries.

The Book Samples… And You!

If you wish to try to run the book samples outlined in this chapter, you will need to replace the Maps V2 API key in the manifest with your own.

Setting Up a Basic Map

With that preparation work completed, now you can start working on projects that use the Maps V2 API. In this section, we will review the MapsV2/Basic sample project, which simply brings up a Maps V2 map of the world.

The Dependency

Android Studio users need an entry in their top-level dependencies closure to pull in the Play Services SDK artifact:

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
(from MapsV2/Basic/app/build.gradle)

The Project Setup and the Manifest

This project uses Maps V2, and so it has a reference to that library project.

Our manifest file is fairly traditional, though there are a number of elements in it that are required by Maps V2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest package=""

    android:maxSdkVersion="22" />

    android:required="false" />

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

      android:value="AIzaSyC4iyT46cB00IdKGcy5EmAxK5uCOQX2Oy8" />

      android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />


(from MapsV2/Basic/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)


We also should include a <uses-feature> element for OpenGL ES 2.0. If your app absolutely must be able to run Maps V2, have android:required="true" (or drop the android:required attribute entirely, as true is the default), which will force devices to have OpenGL ES 2.0 to run your app. If your app will gracefully degrade for devices incapable of running Maps V2, use android:required="false", as is shown in the sample.

Beyond those items, everything else in this project is based on what the app needs, more so than what Maps V2 needs. Note, though, that the Play Services SDK library project will add additional items to our manifest, notably requests for a few other permissions, like INTERNET. Also note that we used to need to define and use a custom permission, based upon our app’s package name and ending in MAPS_RECEIVE. This is not required as of Play Services 3.1.59 and the “rev 8” release of the Play Services SDK.

The Play Services Detection

In the fullness of time, all devices that are capable of using Maps V2 will already have the on-device portion of this logic, known as the “Google Play services” app.

However, it is entirely possible, in the short term, that you will encounter devices that are capable of using Maps V2 (e.g., they have OpenGL ES 2.0 or higher), but do not have the “Google Play services” app from the Play Store, and therefore you cannot actually use Maps V2 in your app.

This is a departure from the Maps V1 approach, where either the device shipped with maps capability, or it did not, and nothing (legally) could be done to change that state.

To determine whether or not the Maps V2 API is available to you, the best option is to call the isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() static method on the GooglePlayServicesUtil utility class supplied by the Play Services library. This will return an int, with a value of ConnectionResult.SUCCESS if Maps V2 can be used right away.

Actually assisting the user to get Maps V2 set up all the way is conceivable but is also bug-riddled and annoying. The MapsV2/Basic sample app has an AbstractMapActivity base class that is designed to hide most of this annoyance from you. If you wish to know the details of how this works, we will cover it later in this chapter.

The Fragment and Activity

Our main activity — MainActivity — extends from the aforementioned AbstractMapActivity and simply overrides onCreate(), as most activities do:


import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends AbstractMapActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (readyToGo()) {
(from MapsV2/Basic/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/basic/

We call setContentView() to load up the activity_main layout resource:

<fragment xmlns:android=""
(from MapsV2/Basic/app/src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml)

That resource, in turn, has a <fragment> element pointing to a class supplied by the Play Services library. This is a fragment that knows how to display a Maps V2 map. There is a corresponding class based on the native Fragment class.

You will notice, though, that we only call setContentView() if a readyToGo() method returns true. The readyToGo() method is supplied by the AbstractMapActivity class and returns true if we are safe to go ahead and use Maps V2, false otherwise. In the false case, AbstractMapActivity will be taking care of trying to get Maps V2 going, and we need do nothing further.

The Result

When you run the app, assuming that Maps V2 is ready for use, you will get a basic map showing a good-sized chunk of the planet:

Maps V2 Map, as Initially Viewed
Figure 560: Maps V2 Map, as Initially Viewed

If your Maps V2 API key is incorrect, or you do not have this app’s package name set up for that key in the Google APIs Console, you will get an “Authorization failure” error message in Logcat, and you will get a blank map, akin to the behavior seen in Maps V1 when you had an invalid android:apiKey attribute on the MapView.

Playing with the Map

Showing a map of a good-sized chunk of the planet is nice, and it is entirely possible that is precisely what you wanted to show the user. If, on the other hand, you wanted to show the user something else — another location, a closer look, etc. — you will need to further configure your map, via a GoogleMap object.

To see how this is done, take a look at the MapsV2/NooYawk sample application. This is a clone of MapsV2/Basic that adds in logic to center and zoom the map over a portion of New York City.

The onCreate() method of the revised MapActivity is now a bit more involved:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (readyToGo()) {

      SupportMapFragment mapFrag=

      if (savedInstanceState == null) {
(from MapsV2/NooYawk/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/nooyawk/

After calling setContentView(), we can retrieve our SupportMapFragment via findFragmentById(), no different than any other static fragment.

Then, if savedInstanceState is null — meaning that the activity is not being recreated, but instead is being created from scratch — we call getMapAsync() on the SupportMapFragment. This triggers some asynchronous work to set up a GoogleMap object. getMapAsync() takes an implementation of OnMapReadyCallback as a parameter. In this case, OnMapReadyCallback is implemented on the activity itself.

That GoogleMap object will then be delivered to us in onMapReady(). Most of our work in configuring the map will be accomplished by calling methods on this GoogleMap object:

  public void onMapReady(GoogleMap map) {
    CameraUpdate center=
        CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(40.76793169992044,
    CameraUpdate zoom=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15);

(from MapsV2/NooYawk/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/nooyawk/

To change where the map is centered, we can create a CameraUpdate object from the CameraUpdateFactory (“camera” in this case referring to the position of the user’s virtual eyes with respect to the surface of the Earth). The newLatLng() factory method on CameraUpdateFactory will give us a CameraUpdate object that can re-center the map over a supplied latitude and longitude. Those coordinates are encapsulated in a LatLng object and are maintained as decimal degrees as Java float or double values (as opposed to the Maps V1 GeoPoint, which used integer microdegrees).

To change the zoom level of the map, we need another CameraUpdate object, this time from the zoomTo() factory method on CameraUpdateFactory. As with Maps V1, the zoom levels start at 1 and zoom in by powers of two. As you will see, a value of 15 gives you a nice block-level view of a city like New York City.

To actually apply these changes to the map, we have two methods on GoogleMap:

  1. moveCamera() will perform a “smash cut” and immediately change the map based upon the supplied CameraUpdate
  2. animateCamera() will smoothly animate the map from its original state to the new state supplied by the CameraUpdate

In our case, we immediately shift to the proper position, but then zoom in from the default zoom level to 15, giving us a map centered over Columbus Circle, in the southwest corner of Central Park in Manhattan:

Maps V2 Centered Over Columbus Circle, New York City
Figure 561: Maps V2 Centered Over Columbus Circle, New York City

Note that you might want to do both actions simultaneously, rather than have one be animated and one not as in this sample. In that case, you can manually create a CameraPosition object that describes the desired center, zoom, etc., then use the newCameraPosition() method on CameraUpdateFactory to get a CameraUpdate instance that will apply all of those changes.

Map Tiles

The map, by default, shows the normal tile set. setMapType() on the GoogleMap allows you to switch to satellite, hybrid (satellite view plus place labels), or terrain tile sets.

Placing Simple Markers

For markers — push-pins and the like — you simply hand markers to the GoogleMap for display, as is illustrated in the MapsV2/Markers sample application. This is a clone of MapsV2/NooYawk, with four markers for four landmarks within Manhattan.

Our onCreate() method on MainActivity now always invokes getMapAsync(), not just when the activity is first created. However, we still check savedInstanceState and set a new needsInit boolean data member to true if savedInstanceState is null:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (readyToGo()) {

      SupportMapFragment mapFrag=

      if (savedInstanceState == null) {

(from MapsV2/Markers/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/markers/

Our onMapReady() method performs the camera adjustments if needsInit is true. It also has four additional statements – calls to a private addMarker() method to define the four landmarks:

  public void onMapReady(GoogleMap map) {
    if (needsInit) {
      CameraUpdate center=
          CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(40.76793169992044,
      CameraUpdate zoom=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15);


    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
              R.string.un, R.string.united_nations);
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
        R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
        R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);
(from MapsV2/Markers/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/markers/

The addMarker() method on our MainActivity adds markers by creating a MarkerOptions object and passing it to the addMarker() on GoogleMap. MarkerOptions offers a so-called “fluent” interface, with a series of methods to affect one aspect of the MarkerOptions, each of which returns the MarkerOptions object itself. That way, configuring a MarkerOptions is a chained series of method calls:

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet) {
    map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))
(from MapsV2/Markers/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/markers/

Here, we:

We will see other methods available on MarkerOptions in upcoming sections of this chapter.

addMarker() on GoogleMap returns an actual Marker object, which we could hold onto to change certain aspects of it later on (e.g., its title). In the case of this sample, we ignore this.

Now, you may be wondering why we set up the markers on every onMapReady() invocation, not just in the needsInit block. That is because while a SupportMapFragment retains its camera information (center, zoom, etc.) on a configuration change, it does not retain its markers. Hence, we need to re-establish the markers in all calls to onCreate(), not just the very first one.

With no other changes, we get a version of the map that shows markers at our designated locations:

Maps V2 with Two Markers
Figure 562: Maps V2 with Two Markers

Initially, we only see two markers, as the other two are outside the current center position and zoom level of the map. If the user changes the center or zoom, markers will come and go as needed:

Maps V2 with All Four Markers
Figure 563: Maps V2 with All Four Markers

We do not need to worry about managing the markers ourselves, so long as the GoogleMap performance is adequate. It is likely that dumping 10,000 markers into a GoogleMap will still result in sluggish responses, though, so you may need to add and remove markers yourself based upon what portion of the world the user happens to be examining in the map at the moment.

Seeing All the Markers

When you add markers to a map, there is no guarantee that the markers will be visible given the map’s current center position and zoom level. In fact, it is entirely possible that you add a bunch of markers and none are visible, so the user may not realize that the markers were added.

There is a way that you can center and zoom the map to show some set of markers, based on their positions. You get to choose the markers: all of them, the four nearest markers, etc.

We can see how this works in the MapsV2/Bounds sample application. This is a clone of MapsV2/Markers from the previous section, with reworked code to show all four markers when the map is first displayed.

The key to making this work is a LatLngBounds object. This represents a bounding box that contains all LatLng locations handed to the LatLngBounds. To build up a LatLngBounds, you can use the LatLngBounds.Builder class. So, our revised MainActivity has a LatLngBounds.Builder private data member:

  private LatLngBounds.Builder builder=new LatLngBounds.Builder();
(from MapsV2/Bounds/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/markers/

Our revised addMarker() method adds the LatLng values from our markers as they are added to the map:

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet) {
    Marker marker=
        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))

(from MapsV2/Bounds/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/markers/

Finally, the revised onMapReady() moves the CameraUpdateFactory work until after all four of the addMarker() calls and changes it a bit:

  public void onMapReady(final GoogleMap map) {
    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
              R.string.un, R.string.united_nations);
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
              R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
              R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);

    if (needsInit) {
      findViewById( Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          CameraUpdate allTheThings=
              CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(, 32);

(from MapsV2/Bounds/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/markers/

Specifically, we:

All of this is done in a Runnable which we post() to a View (here, the FrameLayout of our activity supplied by Android as GoogleMap cannot ensure that all of our markers are visible until it knows how big the map is, and that is not known until the map is rendered to the screen. post() will add our work to the end of the main application thread’s work queue. The Runnable will not be run until after the map is on the screen, at which time the CameraUpdate can work.

Flattening and Rotating Markers

Markers, by default, appear to be “push pins” pressed into the surface of the map. This is not necessarily obvious with the default top-down perspective of the map camera. But, if you use a two-finger vertical swiping gesture, you can change the camera tilt, and that will illustrate the “push pin” effect a bit better:

Maps V2 with Markers, Viewed on a Tilt
Figure 564: Maps V2 with Markers, Viewed on a Tilt

However, you have options for flat markers and rotated markers.

A flat marker is one that is flat on the map. In other words, rather than theoretically rising out of the Z axis of the map, the marker is kept on the X-Y plane:

Maps V2 with Markers, One Normal, One Flat
Figure 565: Maps V2 with Markers, One Normal, One Flat

It is also possible to rotate a marker. The flat marker in the previous screenshot is rotated 90 degrees from its normal “bulb on the north side” orientation. The following screenshot shows another flat marker, rotated 270 degrees from normal:

Maps V2 with Markers, Flat and Rotated
Figure 566: Maps V2 with Markers, Flat and Rotated

These features can be handy for providing pointers in a particular direction, such as indicating not only the location to make a turn, but what direction to turn at that location.

These capabilities are courtesy of flat() and rotation() methods on MarkerOptions, plus corresponding getters and setters on Marker itself. To see how this works, let’s examine the MapsV2/FlatMarkers sample application. This is a clone of MapsV2/Markers, with markers applied using different values for flat() and rotation().

Specifically, our own addMarker() helper method now takes and applies a boolean parameter for flat (true means it is flat, false means normal behavior), as well as a float parameter for rotation (a value between 0 and 360 for the rotation off the default in degrees):

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet, boolean flat,
                         float rotation) {
    map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))
(from MapsV2/FlatMarkers/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/flatmarkers/

When we call addMarker(), we supply corresponding values:

    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
              R.string.un, R.string.united_nations, false, 180);
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
              R.string.lincoln_center_snippet, false, 0);
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
              R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3, true, 90);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
              R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy, true,
(from MapsV2/FlatMarkers/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/flatmarkers/

Sprucing Up Your “Info Windows”

If the user taps on one of the markers from the preceding sample, Android will automatically display a popup, known as an “info window”:

Maps V2 with Default Info Window
Figure 567: Maps V2 with Default Info Window

You can tailor that “info window” if desired, either replacing just the interior portion (leaving the bounding border with its caret intact) or replacing the entire window. However, in the interests of memory conservation, you do not hand new View widgets to the MarkerOptions object. Instead, you can provide an adapter that will be called when info windows (or their contents) are required.

To see how this works, we can examine the MapsV2/Popups sample application. This is a clone of MapsV2/Markers, where we are using our own layout file for the contents of the info windows, from the popup.xml layout resource:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""





(from MapsV2/Popups/app/src/main/res/layout/popup.xml)

Here, we will show the title and snippet in our own chosen font size and weight, plus show the launcher icon on the left.

To use this layout, we must create an InfoWindowAdapter implementation — in the case of this sample project, that is found in the PopupAdapter class:


import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;

class PopupAdapter implements InfoWindowAdapter {
  private View popup=null;
  private LayoutInflater inflater=null;

  PopupAdapter(LayoutInflater inflater) {

  public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {

  public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
    if (popup == null) {
      popup=inflater.inflate(R.layout.popup, null);

    TextView tv=(TextView)popup.findViewById(;


(from MapsV2/Popups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/popups/

When an info window is to be displayed, Android will first call getInfoWindow() on our InfoWindowAdapter, passing in the Marker whose info window is needed. If we return a View here, that will be used for the entire info window. If, instead, we return null, Android will call getInfoContents(), passing in the same Marker object. If we return a View here, Android will use that as the “body” of the info window, with Android supplying the border. If we return null, the default info window is displayed. This way, we can conditionally do any of the three possibilities (replace the window, replace the contents, or accept the default).

In our case, getInfoContents() will inflate the popup.xml layout and populate the two TextView widgets with the title and snippet from the Marker. However, we cache the inflated layout and reuse it on the second and subsequent calls to getInfoContents(). Despite the “adapter” name conjuring up visions of ListAdapter and having multiple outstanding views, InfoWindowAdapter will only ever use one View at a time. Hence, rather than inflate our layout each time we need to show the info window, we can safely reuse the previously-used View.

Then, we just need to tell the GoogleMap to use our InfoWindowAdapter, via a call to setInfoWindowAdapter(), such as this statement from onMapReady() of our new edition of MainActivity:

    map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new PopupAdapter(getLayoutInflater()));
(from MapsV2/Popups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/popups/

Now, when the user taps on a marker, they will get our customized info window:

Maps V2 with Customized Info Window
Figure 568: Maps V2 with Customized Info Window

We can also call setOnInfoWindowClickListener() on our GoogleMap, passing in an implementation of the OnInfoWindowClickListener interface, to find out when the user taps on the info window. In the case of MainActivity, we set up the activity itself to implement that interface and be the listener:

(from MapsV2/Popups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/popups/

This requires us to implement an onInfoWindowClick() method, where we are passed the Marker representing the tapped-upon info window:

  public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {
    Toast.makeText(this, marker.getTitle(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from MapsV2/Popups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/popups/

Here, we just display a Toast with the title of the Marker when the user taps an info window:

Maps V2 with Toast Triggered by Tap on Info Window
Figure 569: Maps V2 with Toast Triggered by Tap on Info Window

Note that, according to the documentation, you can only find out about taps on the entire info window. Indeed, if you try setting up click listeners on the widgets in your custom layout, you will find that they are not called. This is because the View you return for the info window is converted into a Bitmap, which is then displayed. Presumably, this is to steer developers in the direction of making larger tap targets, rather than expecting users to tap tiny elements within an info window. On the other hand, if your design calls for a large info window containing several navigation options, you will need to either re-think your design or avoid the info window system. We will see how to find out about taps on markers more directly later in this chapter.

Images and Your Info Window

The Bitmap approach that Maps V2 uses for the info window introduces an additional challenge: updating the info window itself. Normally, we would just update the individual widgets in the info window, the way we might update widgets in an already-visible row in a ListView. However, that is not an option here, as our widgets are discarded almost immediately.

One particular occurrence of this problem comes when you want to show an image in the info window. If the image is a resource, or is already in memory, showing it is not a big problem, as you can just populate your ImageView in your info window with it. However, if the image is a file (or, worse, needs to be downloaded), you want to load the image asynchronously. However, if you kick off some background thread, like an AsyncTask, to retrieve the image, you will return from your InfoWindowAdapter method long before the task is complete. Your info window will show whatever placeholder image you used; the image you loaded will never be seen, even if you update your original ImageView.

There are two solutions to this problem.

The best solution, by far, is to have the images before you need them, wherever possible. For example, if you are showing a map with 25 markers, for which you need 25 thumbnail images, start downloading those images while you are showing the map. With luck, at the point in time when the user taps on a marker to show the info window, you will have your image already.

However, this approach will not work well if:

The workaround is to make note of the Marker the user tapped upon to open its info window, then call showInfoWindow() on that Marker to cause the info window to be redisplayed once you have your image, triggering calls to your InfoWindowAdapter. There, you can see that your image cache includes the image that you need, and you can apply it to the info window.

The problem here is that it is possible that the user tapped on another marker, after the first one, while you were busily fetching and loading the image. Hence, rather than blindly calling showInfoWindow() on the Marker, you should call isInfoWindowShown() first, and only call showInfoWindow() to force the refresh if isInfoWindowShown() returns true. Otherwise, some other marker’s info window is shown. The user is not expecting this earlier info window to somehow magically reappear.

All of this is a pain. It can be made a bit less of a pain by use of an image fetching-and-caching library like Picasso. We can see how this can be applied by looking at the MapsV2/ImagePopups sample application. This is a clone of MapsV2/Popups, with some additions to handle lazy-populating an info window based upon a downloaded image.

First, since we are going to be generating some thumbnails based on downloaded imagery, it helps to establish a fixed-size ImageView for our icon. So, this project has a pair of dimension resources, for the image height and width:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <dimen name="icon_width">96dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="icon_height">64dp</dimen>
(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/res/values/dimens.xml)

Those are then used in a revised version of the popup layout resource:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""





(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/res/layout/popup.xml)

We need some way of keeping track of what images should be used for each marker. This is somewhat annoying to implement, as we cannot subclass Marker, since it is marked as final and cannot be extended. However, we can use getId() on a Marker to obtain a unique ID, and we can use that as the key to additional model data. We will examine variations on this technique later in this chapter. For now, this sample gets away with a simple HashMap, mapping the string ID of a Marker to a Uri representing an image to be shown for that Marker’s info window:

  private HashMap<String, Uri> images=new HashMap<String, Uri>();
(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/imagepopups/

Our private addMarker() method now takes a String name of an image, and it adds a Uri pointing to that image to the HashMap, keyed by the ID of the generated Marker:

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet, String image) {
    Marker marker=
        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))

    if (image != null) {
                     + image));
(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/imagepopups/

For three of our markers, we pass in actual filenames; for a fourth, null is used, indicating that there is no suitable image for use:

    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
              R.string.un, R.string.united_nations, "UN_HQ.jpg");
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
              R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3,
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
              R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy, null);
(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/imagepopups/

Note that the three images being used in this chapter come from Wikipedia. One is public domain, the others are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 license. Those two are a picture of Avery Fisher Hall, part of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (courtesy of Geographer) and the other is a picture of the United Nations building (courtesy of WorldIslandInfo).

The PopupAdapter needs access to these images. It will also need access to a Context, for use with Picasso. So, PopupAdapter now has data members for these, which are passed into a revised version of its constructor by MainActivity. That constructor not only holds onto the new objects, but it retrieves the values of the dimension resources for our images, converted by Android into pixels for the screen density of the device that we are running on:

  PopupAdapter(Context ctxt, LayoutInflater inflater,
               HashMap<String, Uri> images) {

(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/imagepopups/

The revised getInfoContents() method is significantly more complicated than was its predecessor:

  public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
    if (popup == null) {
      popup=inflater.inflate(R.layout.popup, null);

    if (lastMarker == null
        || !lastMarker.getId().equals(marker.getId())) {

      TextView tv=(TextView)popup.findViewById(;


      Uri image=images.get(marker.getId());
      ImageView icon=(ImageView)popup.findViewById(;

      if (image == null) {
      else {
        Picasso.with(ctxt).load(image).resize(iconWidth, iconHeight)
               .into(icon, new MarkerCallback(marker));

(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/imagepopups/

We track the last Marker that we have processed in a lastMarker data member. Initially, of course, that will be null. If it is, or if the Marker passed into getInfoContents() is a different one (based on the getId() value), then we populate the popup View. This includes fetching the Uri from the HashMap of Uri values (given the Marker ID). If there is no Uri, getInfoContents() marks the ImageView as GONE, so it will not take up space in the popup. If, however, there is an image Uri, getInfoContents() asks Picasso to “do its thing”:

MarkerCallback, as an implementation of Picasso’s Callback interface, needs onError() and onSuccess() methods. onError() just dumps a message to Logcat, while onSuccess() refreshes the info window, via a call to showInfoWindow() on the Marker, if that info window is still showing:

  static class MarkerCallback implements Callback {
    Marker marker=null;

    MarkerCallback(Marker marker) {

    public void onError() {
      Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Error loading thumbnail!");

    public void onSuccess() {
      if (marker != null && marker.isInfoWindowShown()) {
(from MapsV2/ImagePopups/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/imagepopups/

If you run this sample app, you will see the popup with a placeholder image at first, quickly being replaced by the thumbnail supplied by Picasso:

Maps V2 with Popup and Thumbnail
Figure 570: Maps V2 with Popup and Thumbnail

Setting the Marker Icon

Maps V2 includes a stock marker icon that looks a lot like the standard Google Maps marker. You have three major choices for what to use for your own markers:

  1. Stick with the stock icon, which is the default behavior
  2. Change the stock icon to a different hue
  3. Replace the stock icon with your own from an asset, resource, file, or in-memory Bitmap

To indicate that you want a different icon than the stock one, use the icon() method on the MarkerOptions fluent interface. This takes a BitmapDescriptor, which you get from one of a series of static methods on the BitmapDescriptorFactory class.

For example, you might have a revised version of the addMarker() method of MainActivity that took a hue — a value from 0 to 360 representing different colors along a color wheel. 0 represents red, 120 represents green, and 240 represents blue, with different shades in between. There is a series of HUE_ constants defined on BitmapDescriptorFactory, plus a defaultMarker() method that takes a hue as a parameter and returns a BitmapDescriptor that will use the stock icon, colored to the specified hue:

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet, int hue) {
    map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))
(from MapsV2/Taps/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/taps/

This could then be used to give you different colors per marker, or by category of marker, etc.:

Maps V2 with Alternate Marker Hues
Figure 571: Maps V2 with Alternate Marker Hues

Note that you can modify the icon at runtime via the setIcon() method on the Marker returned by addMarker() method on GoogleMap.

However, you cannot draw the marker directly yourself, the way you might have with Maps V1. What you can do is draw to a Bitmap-backed Canvas object, then use the resulting Bitmap with BitmapFactoryDescriptor and its fromBitmap() factory method.

Responding to Taps

Perhaps we would like to find out when a user taps on one of our markers, instead of displaying an info window. Maybe we want to have some other UI response to that tap in our app.

To do that, simply create an implementation of the OnMarkerClickListener interface and attach it to the GoogleMap via setOnMarkerClickListener(). You will then be called with onMarkerClick() when the user taps on a marker, and you are passed the Marker object in question. If you return true, you are indicating that you are handling the event; returning false means that default handling (the info window) should be done.

You can see this, plus the multi-colored markers, in the MapsV2/Taps sample application. This takes MapsV2/Popups and adds a Toast when the user taps a marker, in addition to displaying the info window:

  public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker) {
    Toast.makeText(this, marker.getTitle(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

(from MapsV2/Taps/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/taps/

Maps V2 with Toast and Info Window
Figure 572: Maps V2 with Toast and Info Window

Our call to setOnMarkerClickListener() is up in the onMapReady() method of MainActivity:

(from MapsV2/Taps/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/taps/

Dragging Markers

By default, markers are not draggable. But, if you call draggable(true) on your MarkerOptions when creating the marker — or call setDraggable(true) on the Marker later on — Android will automatically support drag-and-drop. The user can tap-and-hold on the marker to enable drag mode, then slide the marker around the map.

Note that at the present time, this functionality is a little odd. When you tap-and-hold the marker, with drag mode enabled, the marker initially jumps away from its original position. The user can reposition the marker to any desired location, and the marker will seem to “drop” where the user requests. Why the marker makes the sudden shift at the outset, using the default marker settings, is unclear.

Of course, your code may need to know about drag-and-drop events, such as to update your own data model to reflect the newly-chosen location. You can register an OnMarkerDragListener that will be notified of the start of the drag, where the marker slides during the drag, and where the marker is dropped at the end of the drag.

You can see all of this in the MapsV2/Drag sample application, which is a clone of MapsV2/Popup with drag-and-drop enabled.

To enable drag-and-drop, we just chain draggable(true) onto the series of calls on our MarkerOptions when creating the markers:

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet) {
    map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))
(from MapsV2/Drag/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/drag/

We also register MainActivity as being the drag listener, up in onMapReady():

(from MapsV2/Drag/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/drag/

That requires MainActivity to implement OnMarkerDragListener, which in turn requires three methods to be defined: onMarkerDragStart(), onMarkerDrag(), and onMarkerDragEnd():

  public void onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker) {
    LatLng position=marker.getPosition();

    Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), String.format("Drag from %f:%f",

  public void onMarkerDrag(Marker marker) {
    LatLng position=marker.getPosition();

          String.format("Dragging to %f:%f", position.latitude,

  public void onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker) {
    LatLng position=marker.getPosition();

    Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), String.format("Dragged to %f:%f",
(from MapsV2/Drag/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/drag/

Here, we just dump the information about the new marker position in Logcat.

So, if you run this app and drag-and-drop a marker, you will see output in Logcat akin to:

12-19 13:10:36.442: D/MainActivity(22510): Drag from 40.770876:-73.982499
12-19 13:10:36.892: D/MainActivity(22510): Dragging to 40.770876:-73.981593
12-19 13:10:36.912: D/MainActivity(22510): Dragging to 40.770795:-73.981352
12-19 13:10:36.932: D/MainActivity(22510): Dragging to 40.770754:-73.981141
12-19 13:10:38.292: D/MainActivity(22510): Dragging to 40.769596:-73.983615
12-19 13:10:38.372: D/MainActivity(22510): Dragged to 40.769596:-73.983615

The actual list of events was much longer, as onMarkerDrag() is called a lot, so the ... in the Logcat entries above reflect another 50 or so lines for a drag-and-drop that took a couple of seconds.

Also, up in onCreate(), we retain our SupportMapFragment across configuration changes via setRetainInstance(true):

(from MapsV2/Drag/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/drag/

Retaining the fragment instance causes the fragment to keep our markers in their moved positions, rather than resetting them to their original positions.

The “Final” Limitations

In Maps V2, not only do you not create Marker objects directly yourself, but Marker is marked as final and cannot be extended. Hence, you cannot use a Marker directly to hold model data.

However, Marker does have getId(), an immutable identifier for the Marker. We can use that as a key for a HashMap that allows us to get at additional model data associated with the Marker.

You can see this approach in the MapsV2/Models sample application, which is a clone of MapsV2/Popup where we use the ID in just this fashion.

Our simplified model is merely the data we poured into our Marker objects in the original MapsV2/Popup project:


import android.content.Context;

public class Model {
  String title;
  String snippet;
  double lat;
  double lon;

  Model(Context ctxt, double lat, double lon, int title,
        int snippet) {

  String getTitle() {

  String getSnippet() {

  double getLatitude() {

  double getLongitude() {
(from MapsV2/Models/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/model/

Our activity holds onto a HashMap of these Model objects, with the map keyed by the Marker ID (a String):

  private HashMap<String, Model> models=new HashMap<String, Model>();
(from MapsV2/Models/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/model/

Of course, a real application would have a much more elaborate setup than this.

We then arrange to populate our map with Marker objects created from our Model objects, moving the add-the-markers-to-the-map logic to an addMarkers() method:

  private void addMarkers(GoogleMap map) {
    Model model=
        new Model(this, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
                  R.string.un, R.string.united_nations);

    models.put(addMarkerForModel(map, model).getId(), model);

        new Model(this, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
    models.put(addMarkerForModel(map, model).getId(), model);

        new Model(this, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
                  R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    models.put(addMarkerForModel(map, model).getId(), model);

        new Model(this, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
                  R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);
    models.put(addMarkerForModel(map, model).getId(), model);

  private Marker addMarkerForModel(GoogleMap map, Model model) {
    LatLng position=
        new LatLng(model.getLatitude(), model.getLongitude());

    return(map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(position)

(from MapsV2/Models/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/model/

Notice that addMarkerForModel() returns the Marker, and we use getId() on that Marker as the key when adding a Model to the HashMap.

Our PopupAdapter gets the data for the info window from the Model (though, in truth, in this case, it could have gotten the data from the Marker itself, since we did not add more information to the info window):


import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.HashMap;

class PopupAdapter implements InfoWindowAdapter {
  LayoutInflater inflater=null;
  HashMap<String, Model> models=null;

  PopupAdapter(LayoutInflater inflater, HashMap<String, Model> models) {

  public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {

  public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
    View popup=inflater.inflate(R.layout.popup, null);

    TextView tv=(TextView)popup.findViewById(;


(from MapsV2/Models/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/model/

Visually, this is indistinguishable from the original MapsV2/Popups project. Of course, a real app would have more complex models, perhaps containing more discrete information for a more complex info window.

A Bit More About IPC

IPC is not only a problem in terms of disappearing Marker objects.

If you run a Maps V2 app under Traceview, to see what methods get called and how much time everything takes, you will see that many, many operations with GoogleMap do little in your process, but instead make synchronous calls to a Play Services process to do the real work. You need to avoid manipulating your GoogleMap in time-sensitive portions of your code.

Finding the User

It is often useful to help point out to the user their current location. That is a matter of adding a suitable location permission (e.g., ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) and calling setMyLocationEnabled(true) on your GoogleMap. This activates a layer that will highlight their location, with the user having an option of having the “camera” (i.e., their perspective on the map) reposition itself to their location and move as they move. This latter capability is activated by a small icon in the upper right of the map.

There does not appear to be a way to force camera tracking of the user’s position — you are reliant upon the user tapping that icon. You also have no control over the nature of the location provider that is used.

However, there is a workaround for this, proposed in a Stack Overflow answer – provide your own location data and update the camera yourself, by means of setLocationSource(). setLocationSource() lets you push locations to the GoogleMap, making other adjustments (e.g., camera position) along the way.

You can see this in operation in the MapsV2/Location sample application, which is based on MapsV2/Popup but with a variety of changes to deal with location tracking. A lot of that has to do with the runtime permissions system on Android 6.0+, as we need permission from the user to be able to work with the device location.

Dealing with the Runtime Permission

onCreate() of MainActivity now looks radically different:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle state) {

    if (state==null) {
    else {
      isInPermission=state.getBoolean(STATE_IN_PERMISSION, false);
      autoFollow=state.getBoolean(STATE_AUTO_FOLLOW, true);

(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

Most of the original business logic from onCreate() has been moved into onCreateForRealz(). That method takes a boolean parameter, indicating whether or not we have permission to access the user’s location. Here, we get that from a canGetLocation() method that, in turn, uses ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission() to see if we hold ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:

  private boolean canGetLocation() {
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

If we can work with locations, onCreateForRealz() will do what onCreate() used to do: call readyToGo() and, if we are ready to go, bring up the map:

  private void onCreateForRealz(boolean canGetLocation) {
    if (canGetLocation) {
      if (readyToGo()) {

        SupportMapFragment mapFrag=

    else if (!isInPermission) {

        new String[] {Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION},
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

If we do not have access to the user’s location, this particular sample app is not that interesting, so we will ask the user for permission, via a call to ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(). This will eventually trigger a call to onRequestPermissionsResult():

  public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,
                                         String[] permissions,
                                         int[] grantResults) {

    if (requestCode==REQUEST_PERMS) {
      if (canGetLocation()) {
      else {
        finish(); // denied permission, so we're done
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

Here, if we can now get the location, we go ahead and run through onCreateForRealz() again, to initialize the map. If, however, the user denied us the right to access the location, we finish() and exit the activity outright.

Throughout this code, you have seen references to an isInPermission field. This tracks whether or not we are in the middle of requesting a permission:

  protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

    outState.putBoolean(STATE_IN_PERMISSION, isInPermission);
    outState.putBoolean(STATE_AUTO_FOLLOW, autoFollow  );
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

(where STATE_IN_PERMISSION is a static final String to use as a key for the Bundle value)

This allows us to check whether or not we are in the middle of requesting permissions already in onCreateForRealz() and avoid popping up the permission-request dialog twice if the user rotates the screen while the first dialog is up, then denies the permission.

Tracking If We Should Follow the User

The UI has a checkable overflow item in the action bar, named follow. When checked, we will use LocationManager to move the map camera ourselves to the user’s location. When unchecked, we will show the my-location layer, and the user can manually jump to their current location via the button supplied by that layer.

So, we need to keep track of whether we should be automatically following the user or not.

To that end, we have an autoFollow field, initially set to true, as the action item checkbox initially is checked. We toggle that field as the user checks and unchecks the item:

  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

    return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    if (item.getItemId() {

      return true;

    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

We also call a follow() method to update the UI based on the user’s choice — we will see that method shortly.

We also hold onto that autoFollow value in the saved instance state Bundle and restore it when the activity is recreated.

Showing the My-Location Layer

Part of what we do in onMapReady() is call setMyLocationEnabled(true) on the map, which puts a blue dot at the user’s location:

  public void onMapReady(final GoogleMap map) {;

    if (needsInit) {
      CameraUpdate center=
          CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(40.76793169992044,
      CameraUpdate zoom=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15);


    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
              R.string.un, R.string.united_nations);
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
              R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
              R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);

    map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new PopupAdapter(getLayoutInflater()));

(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

Part of what follow() does is call setMyLocationButtonEnabled(), with a suitable boolean value, to toggle whether the “jump to my location” button is shown:

  private void follow() {
    if (map!=null && locMgr!=null) {
      if (autoFollow) {
        locMgr.requestLocationUpdates(0L, 0.0f, crit, this, null);
      else {
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

Supplying Location Data

The rest of follow() either starts up or stops our request for location data using LocationManager, plus setting up our activity as being the source of location data, using setLocationSource().

setLocationSource() takes a LocationSource implementation, and we implement that interface on the activity itself. It therefore needs activate() and deactivate() methods, where we can track a supplied OnLocationChangedListener for us to use:

  public void activate(OnLocationChangedListener listener) {

  public void deactivate() {
(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

LocationManager will supply our location data to onLocationChanged(). There, we do two things:

  1. Forward the location along to the OnLocationChangedListener supplied to our LocationSource, and
  2. Update the camera to point at the user’s location

  public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    if (mapLocationListener != null) {

      LatLng latlng=
          new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
      CameraUpdate cu=CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(latlng);

(from MapsV2/Location/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/location/

The result is that while autoFollow is true, we will find the user’s location and use that to update the map. When autoFollow is false, we let the map itself handle that role, including showing that “jump to my location” button.

Drawing Lines and Areas

If you wanted to draw on a map in the Maps V1 framework, you created an Overlay and drew upon it. This forced you to handle low-level drawing work yourself, as you were handed a Canvas object and had to handle all the lines, fills, and so forth yourself.

Maps V2 offers a different approach. Free-form drawing is still conceivable, though it appears to have to be handled in the form of tile overlays instead of map overlays. However, for the simpler cases of drawing lines and areas, Maps V2 has built-in polyline, polygon, and circle support. You tell the GoogleMap what needs to be drawn, and it handles drawing it, both initially and as the map is zoomed or panned. A polyline is a line connecting a series of points; a polygon is a region defined by a series of corners. A circle, from the standpoint of Maps V2, is defined by a center coordinate and a radius.

We can see polylines and polygons on a GoogleMap in the MapsV2/Poly sample application, which is a clone of MapsV2/Popup with two additions:

To draw those, we simply add a few lines to onMapReady() of MainActivity:

    PolylineOptions line=
        new PolylineOptions().add(new LatLng(40.70686417491799,
                                  new LatLng(40.76866299974387,
                                  new LatLng(40.765136435316755,
                                  new LatLng(40.748963847316034,


    PolygonOptions area=
        new PolygonOptions().add(new LatLng(40.748429, -73.984573),
                                 new LatLng(40.753393, -73.996311),
                                 new LatLng(40.758393, -73.992705),
                                 new LatLng(40.753484, -73.980882))

(from MapsV2/Poly/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/poly/

The API for adding polylines and polygons is reminiscent of the API for adding markers: define an ...Options object with the characteristics of the item to be drawn, then call an add...() method on GoogleMap to add the item.

So, to add a polyline, we create a PolylineOptions object. Using its fluent interface, we add() a series of LatLng objects, representing the points to be connected by the line. We also specify the line width in pixels via width() and the color of the line via color(). If we had several lines that might overlap, we could specify the zIndex(), where higher indexes indicate lines to be drawn over the top of lines with lower indexes. We add the polyline to the map by passing our PolylineOptions to addPolyline() on GoogleMap.

This gives us a line connecting the four markers, with GoogleMap handling the details of where the line should be drawn on the screen given the current map center and zoom levels:

Maps V2 with Polyline
Figure 573: Maps V2 with Polyline

Note that the polyline is drawn using a flat Mercator projection by default. For most maps, that is perfectly fine. If your map will be showing countries and continents, rather than city blocks, you might want to call geodesic(true) on the PolylineOptions, to have the line drawn on a geodesic curve, reflecting the spherical nature of the Earth (dissenting opinions on that notwithstanding).

Similarly, we create a PolygonOptions object, configure it, and pass it to addPolygon for our Garment District box. The add() method on PolygonOptions will take the corners of our polygon, automatically enclosing that region. We also specify the strokeColor(). We could have specified a fillColor() (default is transparent), strokeWidth() (default is 10 pixels), zIndex(), and geodesic().

If we run the app and pan the map down to the south a bit, we see our polygon:

Maps V2 with Polyline and Polygon
Figure 574: Maps V2 with Polyline and Polygon

As with the polyline, Android automatically handles drawing what is needed based on map center and zoom levels.

Note that, as with markers, we need to re-add the polylines and polygons after a configuration change, as the GoogleMap does not retain that information.

Gestures and Controls

By default, standard gestures and controls are enabled on your map:

You can obtain a UiSettings object from your GoogleMap via getUiSettings() to disable these features, if desired:

There is also setAllGesturesEnabled() to toggle on or off all gesture-based map control. This is roughly analogous to the android:clickable attribute on the Maps V1 edition of MapView.

There is also setCompassEnabled(), to indicate if a compass should be shown if the user changes the map orientation via a rotate gesture.

Tracking Camera Changes

If you have gestures enabled, the user can change the perspective of the map, referred to as changing the camera position. You may need to know about these changes, to perform various operations in your app based upon what is presently visible on the screen.

Originally, to find out when the camera position changes, you could call setOnCameraChangeListener() on the GoogleMap, supplying an implementation of OnCameraChangeListener, which would be called with onCameraChange() as the user pans, zooms, or tilts the map. This approach was deprecated and replaced with a series of listeners:

To see how this works, we can take a quick peek at the MapsV2/Camera sample application, which is a clone of MapsV2/Popup with camera position tracking enabled.

Late in onMapReady() of MainActivity, we call a series of setter methods on the GoogleMap to associate MainActivity itself as the listener for these events:

(from MapsV2/Camera/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/camera/

This requires MainActivity to implement all four of those listener interfaces:

public class MainActivity extends AbstractMapActivity implements
    OnMapReadyCallback, OnInfoWindowClickListener,
  OnCameraIdleListener {
(from MapsV2/Camera/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/camera/

And, this requires MainActivity to implement the callback method for each of those listeners:

Listener Interface Event Method
OnCameraMoveStartedListener onCameraMoveStarted(int i)
OnCameraMoveListener onCameraMove()
OnCameraIdleListener onCameraIdle()
OnCameraMoveCanceledListener onCameraMoveCanceled()

  public void onCameraIdle() {
    CameraPosition position=map.getCameraPosition();

      String.format("lat: %f, lon: %f, zoom: %f, tilt: %f",,, position.zoom,

  public void onCameraMoveCanceled() {
    CameraPosition position=map.getCameraPosition();

      String.format("lat: %f, lon: %f, zoom: %f, tilt: %f",,, position.zoom,

  public void onCameraMove() {
    CameraPosition position=map.getCameraPosition();

      String.format("lat: %f, lon: %f, zoom: %f, tilt: %f",,, position.zoom,

  public void onCameraMoveStarted(int i) {
    CameraPosition position=map.getCameraPosition();

      String.format("lat: %f, lon: %f, zoom: %f, tilt: %f",,, position.zoom,
(from MapsV2/Camera/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/camera/

Here, we just log a message to Logcat on each camera position change, logging:

As a result, if you run this app and play around with the various gestures, you get a series of Logcat messages with the results:

10-08 12:13:54.449 28718-28718/ D/onCameraMoveStarted: lat: 40.771664, lon: -73.986067, zoom: 15.000000, tilt: 0.000000
10-08 12:13:54.453 28718-28718/ D/onCameraMove: lat: 40.771773, lon: -73.985717, zoom: 15.000000, tilt: 0.000000
10-08 12:13:54.483 28718-28718/ D/onCameraMove: lat: 40.771805, lon: -73.985701, zoom: 15.000000, tilt: 0.000000
10-08 12:13:54.500 28718-28718/ D/onCameraMove: lat: 40.771843, lon: -73.985669, zoom: 15.000000, tilt: 0.000000
10-08 12:13:57.001 28718-28718/ D/onCameraIdle: lat: 40.774540, lon: -73.985632, zoom: 15.000000, tilt: 0.000000

Note that onCameraMoveStarted() will be invoked for three reasons:

  1. The user started panning, tilting, or rotating the map, or used a pinch-to-zoom gesture
  2. The user did something else that triggered a camera change, such as tapping the “my location” button to move the camera to their current location
  3. You did something programmatically to change the camera position

The parameter passed into onCameraMoveStarted() will contain a reason code (e.g., REASON_GESTURE) to help you distinguish these cases, if that level of detail is needed by your app.

Maps in Fragments and Pagers

One key limitation of Maps V1 was that you could only have one MapView instance per process. Presumably, the proprietary code at the heart of the Maps SDK add-on used static data members for some state management, ones that would get messed up if there were two or more MapView widgets in active use.

Fortunately, Maps V2 gets rid of this restriction. You are welcome to have multiple SupportMapFragment objects if that makes sense. Maps are relatively memory-intensive, so you should not be planning on having dozens or hundreds of them in use at a time, but you can have more than one.

To showcase this, the MapsV2/Pager sample application hosts 10 SupportMapFragment instances as pages in a ViewPager. The bulk of the application is a clone of one of the ViewPager samples from the chapter on ViewPager.

Having maps in a ViewPager presents a bit of a problem, in terms of interpreting horizontal swipe events. Normally, ViewPager handles those itself. However, that would mean that the user cannot pan the map horizontally, which makes using the map somewhat challenging. In this sample, we will augment the ViewPager with logic to allow horizontal swiping on the maps and on the tab strip.

Our activity inflates a layout that contains our ViewPager along with a PagerTabStrip:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""


(from MapsV2/Pager/app/src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml)

However, you will note that this is not ViewPager, but rather MapAwarePager, a custom subclass of ViewPager that we will examine shortly.

MainActivity then populates the MapAwarePager with an instance of a MapPageAdapter:


import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends AbstractMapActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (readyToGo()) {

      ViewPager pager=findViewById(;


  private PagerAdapter buildAdapter() {
    return(new MapPageAdapter(this, getSupportFragmentManager()));
(from MapsV2/Pager/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/pager/

MapPageAdapter is a FragmentStatePagerAdapter, not a FragmentPagerAdapter. This means that as the user swipes through our ViewPager, the adapter has the right to discard old fragments when it creates new ones. This helps reduce the overall memory footprint of our activity.


import android.content.Context;

public class MapPageAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
  Context ctxt=null;

  public MapPageAdapter(Context ctxt, FragmentManager mgr) {

  public int getCount() {

  public Fragment getItem(int position) {
    return(new PageMapFragment());

  public String getPageTitle(int position) {
    return(ctxt.getString(R.string.map_page_title) + String.valueOf(position + 1));
(from MapsV2/Pager/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/pager/

MapPageAdapter declares that there should be ten pages (in getCount()) and returns an instance of PageMapFragment for each page. PageMapFragment is a subclass of SupportMapFragment, and so is responsible for displaying our map:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

public class PageMapFragment extends SupportMapFragment implements OnMapReadyCallback {
  private boolean needsInit=false;

  public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

    if (savedInstanceState == null) {


  public void onMapReady(final GoogleMap map) {
    if (needsInit) {
      CameraUpdate center=
          CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(40.76793169992044,
      CameraUpdate zoom=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15);


    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104, R.string.un,
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417,
              R.string.lincoln_center, R.string.lincoln_center_snippet);
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
              R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
              R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);

  private void addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                         int title, int snippet) {
    map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat, lon))
(from MapsV2/Pager/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/pager/

If we simply wanted to display an unconfigured map, we could just have MapPageAdapter create and return instances of SupportMapFragment directly. If we want to configure our map, though, we need to get control when the GoogleMap object is ready for use. One way to do that is to extend SupportMapFragment and override onViewCreated() and call getMapAsync() there to begin the whole get-the-GoogleMap-loaded process. In onMapReady(), we can then go ahead and configure the map much as we have done in previous examples, just from within the fragment itself rather than from the hosting activity.

MapAwarePager overrides one key method of ViewPager: canScroll():


import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.View;

public class MapAwarePager extends ViewPager {
  public MapAwarePager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

  protected boolean canScroll(View v, boolean checkV, int dx, int x,
                              int y) {
    if (v instanceof SurfaceView || v instanceof PagerTabStrip) {
    return(super.canScroll(v, checkV, dx, x, y));
(from MapsV2/Pager/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/pager/

canScroll() should return true if the View (and specifically the supplied X and Y coordinates within that View) can be scrolled horizontally, false otherwise. In our case, we want to say that the map and the tab strip are each scrollable horizontally. As it turns out, the passed-in View for our SupportMapFragment will be the map if it is a subclass of SurfaceView (determined by trial and error on the author’s part, with hopes for a more authoritative solution in a future edition of the Maps V2 API). So, if the passed-in View is either a SurfaceView or a PagerTabStrip, we return true, otherwise we default to normal logic.

The result is a series of independent maps, one per page:

Multiple Maps V2 Maps in a ViewPager
Figure 575: Multiple Maps V2 Maps in a ViewPager

Each map is independent: if the user pans or zooms one map, that has no impact on any of the other pages. Panning the maps horizontally works; to move between pages, use the tab strip.

Animating Marker Movement

Markers, by default, are static, unless you make them be draggable, and then only the user can drag them.

However, you are welcome to update the position of a Marker at any point, by calling setPosition() and supplying a new LatLng. The Marker then will jump to that position.

But what if you want to animate the movement of a Marker from its current position to a new one? Maps V2 does not offer anything “out of the box” for implementing this, but Google demonstrated approaches for this in a “DevBytes” video and related bit of code in a GitHub Gist. This section will cover the technique appropriate for API Level 14+, including a full working sample (the Gist shows code but not its usage).

Problem #1: Animating a LatLng

The position of a Marker is a LatLng, as we have seen previously. LatLng is not a simple number, and so the animator framework needs our assistance to animate them. Specifically, we need a TypeEvaluator for LatLng, with our evaluate() method taking the initial and end positions and computing another LatLng representing the fraction position between those other positions. This concept was introduced back in the chapter on the animator framework.

A simple approach to computing the fractional LatLng would be to apply the fraction to the latitude and the longitude as Java double values:

LatLng interpolate(float fraction, LatLng initial, LatLng end) {
  double lat = (end.latitude - initial.latitude) * fraction + initial.latitude;
  double lng = (end.longitude - initial.longitude) * fraction + initial.longitude;

  return(new LatLng(lat, lng));

That would work reasonably well for fairly close points, such as animating a marker within a city. However, animating markers across longer distances means that we have to take into account some geographic realities that a simple calculation will miss.

Problem #2: The Earth Is Not Flat (Really!)

One bit of reality is that the Earth is round. The above calculation assumes that the Earth is flat. Calculating “great circle” positions requires a fair bit of spherical trigonometry, known to cause loss of hair in software developers.

Hence, ideally, we will use somebody’s existing debugged algorithm for that.

Problem #3: 180 Equals –180, At Least For Longitude

The other problem is that longitudes wrap around, as 180 degrees longitude is equivalent to –180 degrees longitude, and longitudinal values are considered to be between 180 and –180. In cases where we would not cross 180 degrees longitude, this is not an issue. However, a simple calculation might miss this and wind up having our animation “take the long way” (e.g., animating from –175 degrees longitude to 175 degrees longitude by going 350 degrees around the Earth, rather than just 10 degrees and crossing the International Date Line).

Introducing Some Googly Assistance

Google themselves have released a utility library for Maps V2. It offers polyline and polygon decoding, primarily for interoperability with other location-related Google services like the Google Directions API. The SphericalUtil class handles all of the nasty math for computing distances along the surface of the Earth and related calculations. It also offers BubbleIconFactory, which makes it easy to create marker icons that look a bit like info windows (complete with border and caret) wrapping around a bit of text or an icon.

In our case, we can use SphericalUtil to handle Problem #2 and Problem #3, interpolating the location between two LatLng values, taking the curvature of the Earth and longitude idiosyncrasies into account.

Seeing This in Action

The MapsV2/Animator sample project is a modified version of the MapsV2/Markers project, adding in the notion of animating a marker from its original position (Lincoln Center) to a new position (Penn Station) within Manhattan.

Since we want to use the Google map utility library, we need to add it as a dependency. Android Studio users can simply add implementation '' (or a higher version) to the dependencies closure.

We need to know where our starting and ending position for the animation will be, in terms of LatLng objects. Since those have no dependencies upon a Context or anything, we can simply declare them as static final values:

  private static final LatLng PENN_STATION=new LatLng(40.749972,
  private static final LatLng LINCOLN_CENTER=
      new LatLng(40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417);
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

We will also need the actual Marker object created when we add our starting position (LINCOLN_CENTER) to the map. So far, we have ignored the Marker returned by addMarker() on GoogleMap, but now we need that. So, our own addMarker() method now returns this value:

  private Marker addMarker(GoogleMap map, double lat, double lon,
                           int title, int snippet) {
    return(map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(lat,
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

We also now have a markerToAnimate data member of the activity, for our Marker, which we populate from our modified addMarker() method:

    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104,
              R.string.un, R.string.united_nations);
        addMarker(map, LINCOLN_CENTER.latitude,
                  LINCOLN_CENTER.longitude, R.string.lincoln_center,
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868,
              R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765,
              R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

To make the sample work repeatedly, it would be nice to support bi-directional animation, starting with animating from Lincoln Center to Penn Station, then reversing the animation to go back to Lincoln Center. That means that we need to know, for any particular animation, where the end position should be. So, we track a LatLng for the next end position, surprisingly named nextAnimationEnd, initializing it to be PENN_STATION (since we are starting at the outset at LINCOLN_CENTER):

  private LatLng nextAnimationEnd=PENN_STATION;
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

Next, we need to give the user a means of actually requesting the animation to run. To do that, we define a new menu XML resource for an animate menu item (using the directions icon for lack of a better handy icon):

<menu xmlns:android="">


(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/res/menu/animate.xml)

We then load that menu resource in an overridden onCreateOptionsMenu() and direct the click event to an animateMarker() method in onOptionsItemSelected():

  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);


  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    if (item.getItemId() == {


(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

In animateMarker(), we need to do two things:

  1. Actually run the animation
  2. Ensure that the camera position is such that the animation will actually be visible, as it is pointless to animate a marker between two points if the currently-viewed portion of the map does not show those points

To handle the camera position, we need to use moveCamera() with a CameraUpdate from CameraUpdateFactory, as we used to set the initial camera position and zoom level. To handle the case where we want one or more points to be visible, we can use the newLatLngBounds() method on CameraUpdateFactory. This takes a LatLngBounds describing the area that needs to be visible, plus a padding amount in pixels for where that area should be inset within the map.

Of course, this implies that we have a LatLngBounds.

Since LatLngBounds also does not depend upon a Context or much of anything, we can define one of those as a static final data member, using a LatLngBounds.Builder instance:

  private static final LatLngBounds bounds=
      new LatLngBounds.Builder().include(LINCOLN_CENTER)
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

A LatLngBounds.Builder takes one or more LatLng objects — passed in via include() – then constructs a LatLngBounds that encompasses all of those points via build().

Our animateMarker() method then starts off by using moveCamera() to reset the camera to show that defined region:

  private void animateMarker() {
    map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, 48));

    Property<Marker, LatLng> property=
        Property.of(Marker.class, LatLng.class, "position");
    ObjectAnimator animator=
        ObjectAnimator.ofObject(markerToAnimate, property,
                                new LatLngEvaluator(), nextAnimationEnd);

    if (nextAnimationEnd == LINCOLN_CENTER) {
    else {
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

Then, we need to set up the animation. To do this, we will use the object animator framework, specifically an ObjectAnimator. We know the Marker that we want to animate (markerToAnimate) and we know where we want to animate it to (nextAnimationEnd). What we need is to indicate the property to animate on this object, plus provide help to actually animate a LatLng.

To specify the property, we could just pass in the name of the property ("position"). However, in animateMarker(), we set up a Property object via the static of() factory method. This makes our use of ofObject() more type-safe, as Property will help enforce that we are animating a Marker using LatLng values.

To animate LatLng values, we need a TypeEvaluator for LatLng, here defined as a static inner class named LatLngEvaluator:

  private static class LatLngEvaluator implements TypeEvaluator<LatLng> {
    public LatLng evaluate(float fraction, LatLng startValue,
                           LatLng endValue) {
      return(SphericalUtil.interpolate(startValue, endValue, fraction));
(from MapsV2/Animator/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/animator/

Our evaluate() method turns around and calls the static interpolate() method on SphericalUtil, supplied by Google’s map utility library. interpolate() handles all the nasty spherical trigonometry and stuff, so we do not have to.

We then set the duration of the animation to be two seconds, and start the animation.

Finally, to reverse the animation for the next request, animateMarker() resets the value of nextAnimationEnd to be PENN_STATION or LINCOLN_CENTER, wherever we will animate to next.

Honoring Traffic Rules, Like “Drive Only On Streets”

You will notice that our animation ignores other aspects of reality, such as buildings that might be in the way. Sometimes, that is appropriate, such as animating the movement of:

Sometimes, though, we need to take into account those obstacles, such as animating the movement of:

However, to do this implies that we know where the obstacles are. Or, more accurately, we would need to animate the marker along known good waypoints, such as streets.

The animation would not be especially difficult, as ofObject() can take a series of waypoints. However, we would need to find those waypoints, and there is nothing in Maps V2 itself that supplies this data.

Maps, of the Indoor Variety

The good news is that Maps V2 supports Google’s indoor maps, for those venues for which Google has indoor map data.

The bad news is that for some reason, only one map at a time supports indoor maps. The default will be that the first map you create will support indoor maps, and others will not.

To see if a given map offers indoor map capability, you can call isIndoorEnabled() on GoogleMap. To toggle this capability, call setIndoorEnabled().

Taking a Snapshot of a Map

Once a map is drawn, you can take a snapshot of it, converting the viewed map into a Bitmap object. This is designed to take an image of the map and use it in places where a SupportMapFragment, or even a MapView, cannot go, such as:

The GoogleMap object has two flavors of a snapshot() method. Both take a SnapshotReadyCallback object. You will need to supply an instance of something implementing the SnapshotReadyCallback interface, overriding onSnapshotReady(), where you will receive your Bitmap.

One flavor of snapshot() takes just the SnapshotReadyCallback; the other also takes a Bitmap of the proper dimensions, such as a previous snapshot Bitmap that you want to recycle. Using the latter snapshot() is recommended where possible, so you do not need to allocate new Bitmap objects on each snapshot() call.

Note that snapshot() will only work once the map is actually rendered. So, for example, calling snapshot() from onCreate() of your activity will fail, because the map has not been rendered yet. snapshot() is designed to be called based upon user input, either to manually capture a snapshot or based on navigation (e.g., tapping on a ListView item triggers saving a snapshot of the current map as a thumbnail before changing the map contents).

Also, the documentation for snapshot() contains the following:

Note: Images of the map must not be transmitted to your servers, or otherwise used outside of the application. If you need to send a map to another application or user, send data that allows them to reconstruct the map for the new user instead of a snapshot.

As this statement may be tied to the terms and conditions of your use of Maps V2, you should talk with qualified legal counsel before:

or similar operations.

SupportMapFragment vs. MapView

So far, all the examples shown in this chapter use SupportMapFragment. In most cases, this is the right thing to use.

However, there may be places where you really want to use a View, rather than a Fragment, for your maps.

The good news is that Maps V2 does have a MapView. SupportMapFragment usually handles creating and managing the MapView for you, but you can, if you wish, avoid SupportMapFragment and manage the MapView yourself.

The biggest limitation is that you need to forward the lifecycle methods from your activity or fragment on to the MapView, calling onCreate(), onResume(), onPause(), onDestroy(), and onSaveInstanceState() on the MapView. Normally, SupportMapFragment would do that for you, saving you the trouble.

Also note that while MapView is a ViewGroup, you are not allowed to add child widgets to it.

About That AbstractMapActivity Class…

Early on, we hand-waved our way past the AbstractMapActivity that all of our MainActivity classes inherit from, and we skirted past the readyToGo() method that we were calling. Also, you may have noticed that our app has an action bar overflow item, that we do not seem to be creating in MainActivity.

Now, it is time to dive into what is going on in our AbstractMapActivity implementations.

The readyToGo() method in AbstractMapActivity is designed to help us determine if Maps V2 is “ready to go” and, if not, to help the user perhaps fix their device such that Maps V2 will work in the future:

  protected boolean readyToGo() {
    GoogleApiAvailability checker=

    int status=checker.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);

    if (status == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
      if (getVersionFromPackageManager(this)>=2) {
      else {
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.no_maps, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    else if (checker.isUserResolvableError(status)) {
    else {
      Toast.makeText(this, R.string.no_maps, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

(from MapsV2/Basic/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/basic/

Determining the availability of Maps V2 — or anything in the Play Services SDK — is handled through an instance of GoogleApiAvailability. You get a singleton instance of this class via its static getInstance() method.

First, we call isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() method on the GoogleApiAvailability singleton. This will return an integer indicating whether Maps V2 is available for our use or not.

If the return value is ConnectionResult.SUCCESS — meaning Maps V2 is indeed available to us – we check to see if OpenGL ES is version 2.0 or higher, as we did not require that in the manifest. There are a few ways in Android to check the OpenGL ES version. This sample uses some code from the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS), examining PackageManager to determine the major level:

  // following from

   * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
   * "License"); you may not use this file except in
   * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
   * the License at
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
   * writing, software distributed under the License is
   * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
   * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
   * the License for the specific language governing
   * permissions and limitations under the License.

  private static int getVersionFromPackageManager(Context context) {
    PackageManager packageManager=context.getPackageManager();
    FeatureInfo[] featureInfos=
    if (featureInfos != null && featureInfos.length > 0) {
      for (FeatureInfo featureInfo : featureInfos) {
        // Null feature name means this feature is the open
        // gl es version feature.
        if ( == null) {
          if (featureInfo.reqGlEsVersion != FeatureInfo.GL_ES_VERSION_UNDEFINED) {
            return getMajorVersion(featureInfo.reqGlEsVersion);
          else {
            return 1; // Lack of property means OpenGL ES
                      // version 1
    return 1;

  /** @see FeatureInfo#getGlEsVersion() */
  private static int getMajorVersion(int glEsVersion) {
    return((glEsVersion & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
(from MapsV2/Basic/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/basic/

If the major version is 2 or higher, we return true from readyToGo(), so MainActivity knows to continue on setting up the map. If the major version is 1, we display a Toast — a production-grade app would do something else to let the user know of the problem, most likely.

But, what if isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() returns something else?

There are two major possibilities here:

  1. The error is something that the user might be able to rectify, such as by downloading the Google Play Services app from the Play Store
  2. The error is something that the user cannot recover from

We can distinguish these two cases by calling isUserResolvableError() on the GoogleApiAvailability singleton, passing in the value we received from isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(). This will return true if the user might be able to fix the problem, false otherwise.

In the false case, the user is just out of luck, so we display a Toast to alert them of this fact, then finish() the activity and return false, so MainActivity skips over the rest of its work.

In the true case, we can display something to the user to prompt them to fix the problem. One way to do that is to use a dialog obtained from Google code, by calling the static getErrorDialog() method on a GoogleApiAvailability singleton. In our case, we wrap that in a DialogFragment named ErrorDialogFragment, implemented as a static inner class of AbstractMapActivity:

  public static class ErrorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
    static final String ARG_ERROR_CODE="errorCode";

    static ErrorDialogFragment newInstance(int errorCode) {
      Bundle args=new Bundle();
      ErrorDialogFragment result=new ErrorDialogFragment();

      args.putInt(ARG_ERROR_CODE, errorCode);


    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      Bundle args=getArguments();
      GoogleApiAvailability checker=

        args.getInt(ARG_ERROR_CODE), 0));

    public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dlg) {
      if (getActivity()!=null) {
(from MapsV2/Basic/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/mapsv2/basic/

While the code and comments around getErrorDialog() suggest that there is some way for us to find out if the user performed actions that fix the problem, this code does not seem to work well in practice. After all, downloading Google Play Services is asynchronous, so even if the user returns to our app, it is entirely likely that Maps V2 is still unavailable. As a result, when the user is done with the dialog, we finish() the activity, forcing the user to start it again if and when they are done downloading Google Play Services.

Testing this code requires an older device, one in which the “Google Play services” app can be uninstalled… if it can be installed at all.

As it turns out, not all Android devices support the Play Store, or the Google Play Services by extension. Notably, if the device lacks the Play Store, isUserRecoverableError() returns true, even though the user cannot recover from this situation (except perhaps via a firmware update).

(An earlier problem where getErrorDialog() could return null even for cases where the error is supposedly user-recoverable has been fixed)

Helper Libraries for Maps V2

Many developers have been busy writing libraries that help in the development of Maps V2 applications, beyond Google’s own utility library mentioned in the section on animating markers.

Perhaps the most expansive of these is the Android Maps Extensions library. The big thing that this library offers is marker clustering, where as the user zooms out, individual markers are replaced by a marker representing a cluster, so you avoid flooding a small area with too many individual markers:

Map with Many Markers (from Android Maps Extensions demo app)
Figure 576: Map with Many Markers (from Android Maps Extensions demo app)

Same Map with Cluster Markers (from Android Maps Extensions demo app)
Figure 577: Same Map with Cluster Markers (from Android Maps Extensions demo app)

Same Map with Zoomed In Cluster Markers (from Android Maps Extensions demo app)
Figure 578: Same Map with Zoomed In Cluster Markers (from Android Maps Extensions demo app)

This library wraps the Maps V2 classes, allowing the library to offer extensions to the standard Maps V2 API, including:

Another library offering marker clustering is clusterkraf, from Two Toasters.

The clusterkraf library can optionally integrate with Cyril Mottier’s Polaris2 library. His original Polaris library aimed to provide more features to Maps V1; Polaris2 fills a similar role for Maps V2. At this time, Polaris2 is a smaller library, simply because Maps V2 handles much of what Polaris provided. Polaris2, like Android Maps Extensions, wraps the Maps V2 API with its own classes, in lieu of subclassing (since most Maps V2 classes are marked final). Of note, Polaris2 offers reset() methods on many of the ...Options classes (e.g., MarkerOptions), and offers constants for the minimum and maximum valid latitude and longitude.

Problems with Maps V2 at Runtime

Portions of the logic that powers your Maps V2 SupportMapFragment are supplied by the Google Play Services app. As a result, many operations with Maps V2, such as manipulating markers, require IPC calls between your app and Google Play Services. If those IPC calls are synchronous, they will add a bit of overhead to your app — enough that you will want to avoid them in time-critical pieces of code, tight loops, and the like.

Problems with Maps V2 Deployment

Of course, the key question is: should you be using Maps V2 at all?

Google thinks so, as they have turned off access to new API keys for Maps V1. That makes ongoing development of Maps V1 solutions a bit risky, as you cannot create new API keys for new signing keys, such as if you need to replace your debug keystore.

However, Maps V2 has some deployment limitations at this time. While 99.8+% of Android devices that have the Play Store have the requisite OpenGL ES 2.0+, some devices that have a suitable OpenGL ES version may not have the Play Store or otherwise be unable to get Google Play Services, required for using Maps V2. The isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() approach advocated by Google can help determine this at runtime, though this approach used to have some bugs, and it still cannot always help you recover from this problem.

And, as the next section illustrates, not every Android device supports Maps V2, because not every device supports Google Play Services.

What Non-Compliant Devices Show

If your app tries to bring up Maps V2 on a device that cannot possibly have the Play Services Framework — such as a Kindle Fire — the user will see an error dialog:

Maps V2 Error on Kindle Fire
Figure 579: Maps V2 Error on Kindle Fire

For those devices, you will need to consider some alternative source of maps.

Mapping Alternatives

Beyond using Maps V2 or Maps V1, you may need to consider other mapping alternatives. The Google mapping APIs are only available on Android devices that have the Maps SDK add-on (Maps V1) or Google Play Services (Maps V2). Not all devices have those. And, the limitations of Maps V2 deployment and the deprecation of Maps V1 may convince you that relying upon Google for maps is not safe at the present time.

The most common native replacement for Google’s mapping is OpenStreetMap, which to some extent is “the Wikipedia of maps”. OSMDroid is a library that provides a Maps V1-ish API for embedding OpenStreetMap-based maps into your application.

Another solution is to integrate Web-based Google maps into your app, the same way that you might embed them into your Web site. An activity hosting a WebView can display a Web-based Google Map, for example.

Certain devices may have access to other native mapping solutions. For example, Amazon has published their own maps API for use with the Kindle Fire.