The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers.—Psalm 24:1–2
Brainy Tip: We live in an entangled world that has love as its basic reality.
It certainly is nice to think that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God. At every conference I go to, at least one person sings about “the children of God” and “sons and daughters of the King.” But what does it actually mean to be God’s children? How does it change the way we live our lives?
Everything was created by God—it all belongs to him. As his children, his high priests, we are called to reflect the Father’s glory into the world by taking care of what is his. We are called to sum up the praises of creation in him.1 Yet if our thinking is toxic, we cannot reflect God’s love into the world. If we do not renew our minds, we cannot change our lives or the lives of anyone around us. We cannot truly be children of God unless we love what God loves.
1. Mike Bird, “N. T. Wright: The Church Continues the Revolution Jesus Started,” Christianity Today, October 2016,