Day 159

We must all appear before the judgment seat of God.—Romans 14:10

Brainy Tip: Choice is an important responsibility.

As image-bearers of God, with a responsibility to steward creation, we are so much more than the firing of our neurons. And creation incorporates all of humanity, with our spirits, minds, and bodies, and this incredible earth, with all its vegetation and animals. We have been tasked with caring for all of creation so that God may be glorified.

What we choose is reflected in the activity of our brains—our brains are responding to our minds. What we choose cannot be reduced to the activity of our brains. As Oxford professor and philosopher Richard Swinburne notes, “our mental lives cannot be captured in purely physical terms.”1 Neuroscience can further bits of information, such as the mechanism by which a lack of food kindles the desire to eat, yet neuroscience has never shown, nor will show, the choice of a person to act on his or her desires, or to choose whether to do good or evil.

The Bible, from Adam and Eve in Genesis to the book of Revelation, constantly emphasizes the fact that our choices are powerful and can lead to life or death. Being human means accepting this responsibility to take our thoughts captive and constantly reflect the image of a loving God into creation, because we will be held accountable for the impact of our choices.

We love the freedom of choice, but do we love its consequences?


1. Richard Swinburne, Mind, Brain and Free Will (London: Oxford University Press, 2013).