As with Assault Group Stahl, Beton (German for concrete, the material of which Vroenhoven bridge was built) was reinforced on 8 May by an additional squad. Koch himself would see action at this bridge with his paratroopers. Each squad had the individual tasks as follows:
Squad 1/Walter Koch (3 officers/1 NCO/5 men)
The glider would transport the Staff. The squad would break Belgian resistance at the bridge and then dedicate itself as soon as possible to directing the attack. The glider would land between the second and third house west of the bridge and north of the road. The squad would destroy the three houses in the neighbourhood, secure the area with MGs and set up the command post.
Squad 2/Werner Kempa (1 NCO/8 men)
The glider was to land near the first house south of the road and close to the bridge. This was the pioneer squad which was to concentrate primarily on deactivating the explosive charges at the bridge, and to then destroy the houses nearby suspected to house the ignition system for the charges.
Squad 3/Willi Gahno (1 NCO/8 men)
The glider was to land south of the bridge. The squad would cut the telephone lines. Its mission was also to cut the cabling to the charges at the bridge and clear the storage chambers in the bridge supports of explosives. Squads 2 and 3 would assist Squad 3 with this task.
Squad 4/Theodor Hofmann (3 NCOs/5 men)
The glider was to land north of bunker M. The MG-squad under Oberjäger Theo Schmitt3 would cross the bridge to the eastern bank and destroy the customs house on the Dutch border (500 metres east of the bridge and north along the road)4.
Squad 5/Walter Röhrich (1 NCO/8 men)
The glider would land south of the bridge near casemate A controlling the bridge flank. The squad’s task would be to neutralize the casements. Then the squad would advance to the bridgehead protected by the paratroopers.