At Veldwezelt for example a lieutenant of 6.Comp/2.Carabinier-Regt was forced to run ahead of a German armoured column on the road to Eigenbilsen. Other soldiers captured in trenches near the bridge were used as human shields when the Germans attacked the Belgian second defensive line. In this respect Veldwezelt was definitely one of the most problematical areas. In the heat of battle Belgian soldiers who had surrendered were shot in the leg. That led to so much ill-feeling amongst the paratroopers that those responsible were denounced4.

At Vroenhoven “the prisoners were brought to the eastern side of the Canal and assembled around bunker M. Later they were forced to form two ranks, one either side of the bridge, while the German infantry crossed it. Many of our people fell to friendly fire coming from Kesselt5.” At Kanne too, several Belgian soldiers were abused as human shields on the east bank of the Canal. Kneeling near the bank with bowed heads they were used by the paratroopers’ relief as “breast plates”. Various eyewitnesses6 even allege that these men were shot dead as soon as they had served their “purpose”. In the final assault on the last Belgian bulwarks at Opkanne and Eben, Belgian troops of 2nd Lt Thomas, mainly from strongpoints A and J, were used as human shields behind whom the paratroops of Group Eisen pushed forward7. Pirenne, who led the team which blew up the bridge, recalled seeing “just before six, on the road leading to the bridge, two Germans following behind Belgian prisoners. They wanted to place a swastika flag on the bridge”8.