LINQ Operators

There are around 50 standard LINQ operators. The rest of this chapter describes the most important operators, broken down by the main areas of functionality. We’ll show how to use them both from a query expression (where possible) and with an explicit method call.


Sometimes it’s useful to call the LINQ query operator methods explicitly, rather than writing a query expression. Some operators offer overloads with advanced features that are not available in a query expression. For example, sorting strings is a locale-dependent operation—there are variations on what constitutes alphabetical ordering in different languages. The query expression syntax for ordering data always uses the current thread’s default culture for ordering. If you need to use a different culture for some reason, or you want a culture-independent order, you’ll need to call an overload of the OrderBy operator explicitly instead of using an orderby clause in a query expression.

There are even some LINQ operators that don’t have an equivalent in a query expression. So understanding how LINQ uses methods is not just a case of looking at implementation details. It’s the only way to access some more advanced LINQ features.

You already saw the main filtering feature of LINQ. We illustrated the where clause and the corresponding Where operator in Example 8-2 and Example 8-3, respectively. Another filter operator worth being aware of is called OfType. It has no query expression equivalent, so you can use it only with a method call. OfType is useful when you have a collection that could contain a mixture of types, and you only want to look at the elements that have a particular type. For example, in a user interface you might want to get hold of control elements (such as buttons), ignoring purely visual elements such as images or drawings. You could write this sort of code:

var controls = myPanel.Children.OfType<Control>();

If myPanel.Children is a collection of objects of some kind, this code will ensure that controls is an enumeration that only returns objects that can be cast to the Control type.

Although OfType has no equivalent in a query expression, that doesn’t stop you from using it in conjunction with a query expression—you can use the result of OfType as the source for a query:

var controlNames = from control in myPanel.Children.OfType<Control>()
                   where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.Name)
                   select control.Name;

This uses the OfType operator to filter the items down to objects of type Control, and then uses a where clause to further filter the items to just those with a nonempty Name property.

Query expressions can contain an orderby clause, indicating the order in which you’d like the items to emerge from the query. In queries with no orderby clause, LINQ does not, in general, make any guarantees about the order in which items emerge. LINQ to Objects happens to return items in the order in which they emerge from the source enumeration if you don’t specify an order, but other LINQ providers will not necessarily define a default order. (In particular, database LINQ providers typically return items in an unpredictable order unless you explicitly specify an order.)

So as to have some data to sort, Example 8-10 brings back the CalendarEvent class from Chapter 7.

When examples in this chapter refer to an events variable, assume that it was initialized with the data shown in Example 8-11.

Example 8-12 shows a LINQ query that orders these events by start time.

By default, the items will be sorted into ascending order. You can be explicit about this if you like:

var eventsByStartTime = from ev in events
                        orderby ev.StartTime ascending
                        select ev;

And, of course, you can sort into descending order too:

var eventsByStartTime = from ev in events
                        orderby ev.StartTime descending
                        select ev;

The expression in the orderby clause does not need to correspond directly to a property of the source object. It can be a more complex expression. For example, we could extract just the time of day to produce the slightly confusing result of events ordered by what time they start, regardless of date:

var eventsByStartTime = from ev in events
                        orderby ev.StartTime.TimeOfDay
                        select ev;

You can specify multiple criteria. Example 8-13 sorts the events: first by date (ignoring the time) and then by duration.

Four LINQ query operator methods correspond to the orderby clause. Most obviously, there’s OrderBy, which takes a single ordering criterion as a lambda:

var eventsByStartTime = events.OrderBy(ev => ev.StartTime);

That code has exactly the same effect as Example 8-12. Of course, like most LINQ operators, you can chain this together with other ones. So we could combine that with the Where operator:

var longEvents = events.OrderBy(ev => ev.StartTime).
                        Where(ev => ev.Duration > TimeSpan.FromHours(2));

This is equivalent to the following query:

var longEvents = from ev in events
                 orderby ev.StartTime
                 where ev.Duration > TimeSpan.FromHours(2)
                 select ev;

You can customize the comparison mechanism used to sort the items by using an overload that accepts a comparison object—it must implement IComparer<TKey>[18] where TKey is the type returned by the ordering expression. So in these examples, it would need to be an IComparer<DateTimeOffset>, since that’s the type of the StartTime property we’re using to order the data. There’s not a lot of scope for discussion about what order dates come in, so this is not a useful example for plugging in an alternate comparison. However, string comparisons do vary a lot—different languages have different ideas about what order letters come in, particularly when it comes to letters with accents. The .NET Framework class library offers a StringComparer class that can provide an IComparer<string> implementation for any language and culture supported in .NET. The following example uses this in conjunction with an overload of the OrderBy operator to sort the events by their title, using a string sorting order appropriate for the French-speaking Canadian culture, and configured for case insensitivity:

CultureInfo cult = new CultureInfo("fr-CA");
// 2nd argument is true for case insensitivity
StringComparer comp = StringComparer.Create(cult, true);
var eventsByTitle = events.OrderBy(ev => ev.Title, comp);

There is no equivalent query expression—if you want to use anything other than the default comparison for a type, you must use this overload of the OrderBy operator.

The OrderBy operator method always sorts in ascending order. To sort in descending order, there’s an OrderByDescending operator.

If you want to use multiple sort criteria, as in Example 8-13, a different operator comes into play: you need to use either ThenBy or ThenByDescending. This is because the OrderBy and OrderByDescending operators discard the order of incoming elements and impose the specified order from scratch—that’s the whole point of those operators. Refining an ordering by adding further sort criteria is a different kind of operation, hence the different operators. So the method-based equivalent of Example 8-13 would look like this:

var eventsByStartTime = events.OrderBy(ev => ev.StartTime).
                               ThenBy(ev => ev.Duration);

Ordering will cause LINQ to Objects to iterate through the whole source collection before returning any elements—it can only sort items once it has seen all of the items.

Sometimes you’ll end up wanting to combine two sequences of values into one. LINQ provides a very straightforward operator for this: Concat. There is no equivalent in the query expression syntax. If you wanted to combine two lists of events into one, you would use the code in Example 8-14.

Note that this does not modify the inputs. This builds a new enumeration object that returns all the elements from existingEvents, followed by all the elements from newEvents. So this can be safer than the List<T>.AddRange method shown in Chapter 7, because this doesn’t modify anything. (Conversely, if you were expecting Example 8-14 to modify existingEvents, you will be disappointed.)

As with most LINQ operators, concatenation uses deferred evaluation—it doesn’t start asking its source enumerations for elements in advance. Only when you start to iterate through the contents of allEvents will this start retrieving items from existingEvents. (And it won’t start asking for anything from newEvents until it has retrieved all the elements from existingEvents.)

LINQ provides the ability to take flat lists of data and group them. As Example 8-15 shows, we could use this to write a LINQ-based alternative to the GetEventsByDay method shown in Chapter 7.

This will arrange the objects in the events source into one group for each day.

The eventsByDay variable here ends up with a slightly different type than anything we’ve seen before. It’s an IEnumerable<IGrouping<DateTimeOffset, CalendarEvent>>. So eventsByDay is an enumeration, and it returns an item for each group found by the group clause. Example 8-16 shows one way of using this. It iterates through the collection of groupings, and for each grouping it displays the Key property—the value by which the items have been grouped—and then iterates through the items in the group.

This produces the following output:

Events for 7/11/2009 12:00:00 AM
Swing Dancing at the South Bank
Saturday Night Swing
Events for 7/12/2009 12:00:00 AM
Formula 1 German Grand Prix
Swing Dance Picnic
Events for 7/13/2009 12:00:00 AM
Stompin' at the 100 Club

This illustrates that the query in Example 8-15 has successfully grouped the events by day, but let’s look at what returned in a little more detail. Each group is represented as an IGrouping<TKey, TElement>, where TKey is the type of the expression used to group the data—a DateTimeOffset in this case—and TElement is the type of the elements making up the groups—CalendarEvent in this example. IGrouping<TKey, TElement> derives from IEnumerable<TElement>, so you can enumerate through the contents of a group like you would any other enumeration. (In fact, the only thing IGrouping<TKey, TElement> adds is the Key property, which is the grouping value.) So the query in Example 8-15 returns a sequence of sequences—one for each group (see Figure 8-1).

While a LINQ query expression is allowed to end with a group clause, as Example 8-15 does, it doesn’t have to finish there. If you would like to do further processing, you can add an into keyword on the end, followed by an identifier. The continuation of the query after a group ... into clause will iterate over the groups, and the identifier effectively becomes a new range variable. Example 8-17 uses this to convert each group into an array. (Calling ToArray on an IGrouping effectively discards the Key, and leaves you with just an array containing that group’s contents. So this query ends up producing an IEnumerable<CalendarEvent[]>—a collection of arrays.)

Like the ordering operators, grouping will cause LINQ to Objects to evaluate the whole source sequence before returning any results.

The select clause’s job is to define how each item should look when it comes out of the query. The official (if somewhat stuffy) term for this is projection. The simplest possible kind of projection just leaves the items as they are, as shown in Example 8-18.

Earlier, you saw this kind of trivial select clause collapsing away to nothing. However, that doesn’t happen here, because this is what’s called a degenerate query—it contains nothing but a trivial projection. (Example 8-2 was different, because it contained a where clause in addition to the trivial select.) LINQ never reduces a query down to nothing at all, so when faced with a degenerate query, it leaves the trivial select in place, even though it appears to have nothing to do. So Example 8-18 becomes a call to the Select LINQ operator method:

var projected = events.Select(ev => ev);

But projections often have work to do. For example, if we want to pick out event titles, we can write this:

var projected = from ev in events
                select ev.Title;

Again, this becomes a call to the Select LINQ operator method, with a slightly more interesting projection lambda:

var projected = events.Select(ev => ev.Title);

We can also calculate new values in the select clause. This calculates the end time of the events:

var projected = from ev in events
                select ev.StartTime + ev.Duration;

You can use any expression you like in the select clause. In fact, there’s not even any obligation to use the range variable, although it’s likely to be a bit of a waste of time to construct a query against a data source if you ultimately don’t use any data from that source. But C# doesn’t care—any expression is allowed. The following slightly silly code generates one random number for each event, in a way that is entirely unrelated to the event in question:

Random r = new Random();
var projected = from ev in events
                select r.Next();

You can, of course, construct a new object in the select clause. There’s one interesting variation on this that often crops up in LINQ queries, which occurs when you want the query to return multiple pieces of information for each item. For example, we might want to display calendar events in a format where we show both the start and the end times. This is slightly different from how the CalendarEvent class represents things—it stores the duration rather than the end time. We could easily write a query that calculates the end time, but it wouldn’t be very useful to have just that time. We’d want all the details—the title, the start time, and the end time.

In other words, we’d be transforming the data slightly. We’d be taking a stream of objects where each item contains Title, StartTime, and Duration properties, and producing one where each item contains a Title, StartTime, and EndTime. Example 8-19 does exactly this.

This constructs a new object for each item. But while the new keyword is there, notice that we’ve not specified the name of a type. All we have is the object initialization syntax to populate various properties—the list of values in braces after the new keyword. We haven’t even defined a type anywhere in these examples that has a Title, a StartTime, and an EndTime property. And yet this compiles. And we can go on to use the results as shown in Example 8-20.

These two examples are using the anonymous type feature added in C# 3.0.

If we want to define a type to represent some information in our application, we would normally use the class or struct keyword as described in Chapter 3. Typically, the type definition would live in its own source file, and in a real project we would want to devise unit tests to ensure that it works as expected. This might be enough to put you off the idea of defining a type for use in a very narrow context, such as having a convenient container for the information coming out of a query. But it’s often useful for the select clause of a query just to pick out a few properties from the source items, possibly transforming the data in some way to get it into a convenient representation.


Extracting just the properties you need can become important when using LINQ with a database—database providers are typically able to transform the projection into an equivalent SQL SELECT statement. But if your LINQ query just fetches the whole row, it will end up fetching every column whether you need it or not, placing an unnecessary extra load on the database and network.

There’s a trade-off here. Is the effort of creating a type worth the benefits if you’re only going to use it to hold the results of a query? If your code immediately does further processing of the data, the type will be useful to only a handful of lines of code. But if you don’t create the type, you have to deal with a compromise—you might not be able to structure the information coming out of your query in exactly the way you want.

C# 3.0 shifts the balance in favor of creating a type in this scenario, by removing most of the effort required, thanks to anonymous types. This is another language feature added mainly for the benefit of LINQ, although you can use it in other scenarios if you find it useful. An anonymous type is one that the C# compiler writes for you, based on the properties in the object initializer list. So when the compiler sees this expression from Example 8-19:

    Title = ev.Title,
    StartTime = ev.StartTime,
    EndTime = ev.StartTime + ev.Duration

it knows that it needs to supply a type, because we’ve not specified a type name after the new keyword. It will create a new class definition, and will define properties for each entry in the initializer. It will work out what types the properties should have from the types of the expressions in the initializer. For example, the ev.Title expression evaluates to a string, so it will add a property called Title of type string.

The nice thing about this is that when we come to use the items in a collection based on an anonymous type (such as in Example 8-20) IntelliSense and compile-time checking work exactly as they always do—it’s just like working with a normal type, but we didn’t have to write it.

From the point of view of the .NET Framework, the type generated by the C# compiler is a perfectly ordinary type like any other. It neither knows nor cares that the compiler wrote the class for us. It’s anonymous only from the point of view of our C# code—the generated type does in fact have a name, it’s just a slightly odd-looking one. It’ll be something like this:


The C# compiler deliberately picks a name for the type that would be illegal as a C# class name (but which is still legal as far as .NET is concerned) in order to stop us from trying to use the class by its name—that would be a bad thing to do, because the compiler doesn’t guarantee to keep the name the same from one compilation to the next.

The anonymity of the type name means that anonymous types are only any use within a single method. Suppose you wanted to return an anonymous type (or an IEnumerable<SomeAnonymousType>) from a method—what would you write as the return type if the type in question has no name? You could use Object, but the properties of the anonymous type won’t be visible. The best you could do is use dynamic, which we describe in Chapter 18. This would make it possible to access the properties, but without the aid of compile-time type checking or IntelliSense. So the main purpose of anonymous types is simply to provide a convenient way to get information from a query to code later in the same method that does something with that information.

Anonymous types would not be very useful without the var keyword, another feature introduced in C# 3.0. As we saw earlier, when you declare a local variable with the var keyword, the compiler works out the type from the expression you use to initialize the variable. To see why we need this for anonymous types to be useful, look at Example 8-19—how would you declare the projected local variable if we weren’t using var? It’s going to be some sort of IEnumerable<T>, but what’s T here? It’s an anonymous type, so by definition we can’t write down its name. It’s interesting to see how Visual Studio reacts if we ask it to show us the type by hovering our mouse pointer over the variable—Figure 8-2 shows the resultant data tip.

Visual Studio chooses to denote anonymous types with names such as 'a, 'b, and so forth. These are not legal names—they’re just placeholders, and the data tip pop up goes on to show the structure of the anonymous types they represent.

Whether or not you’re using anonymous types in your projections, there’s an alternative form of projection that you will sometimes find useful when dealing with multiple sources.

Earlier, Example 8-15 used a groupby clause to add some structure to a list of events—the result was a list containing one group per day, with each group itself containing a list of events. Sometimes it can be useful to go in the opposite direction—you may have structured information that you would like to flatten into a single list. You can do this in a query expression by writing multiple from clauses, as Example 8-21 shows.

You can think of this as having roughly the same effect as the following code:

List<CalendarEvent> items = new List<CalendarEvent>();
foreach (IGrouping<DateTime, CalendarEvent> day in eventsByDay)
    foreach (CalendarEvent item in day)

That’s not exactly how it works, because the LINQ query will use deferred execution—it won’t start iterating through the source items until you start trying to iterate through the query. The foreach loops, on the other hand, are eager—they build the entire flattened list as soon as they run. But lazy versus eager aside, the set of items produced is the same—for each item in the first source, every item in the second source will be processed.


Notice that this is very different from the concatenation operator shown earlier. That also works with two sources, but it simply returns all the items in the first source, followed by all the items in the second source. But Example 8-21 will iterate through the source of the second from clause once for every item in the source of the first from clause. (So concatenation and flattening are as different as addition and multiplication.) Moreover, the second from clause’s source expression typically evaluates to a different result each time around.

In Example 8-21, the second from clause uses the range variable from the first from clause as its source. This is a common technique—it’s what enables this style of query to flatten a grouped structure. But it’s not mandatory—you can use any LINQ-capable source you like; for example, any IEnumerable<T>. Example 8-22 uses the same source array for both from clauses.

The source contains five numbers, so the resultant multiplied sequence contains 25 elements—the second from clause counts through all five numbers for each time around the first from clause.

The LINQ operator method for flattening multiple sources is called SelectMany. The equivalent of Example 8-22 looks like this:

var multiplied = numbers.SelectMany(
    x => numbers,
    (x, y) => x * y);

The first lambda is expected to return the collection over which the nested iteration will be performed—the collection for the second from clause in the LINQ query. The second lambda is the projection from the select clause in the query. In queries with a trivial final projection, a simpler form is used, so the equivalent of Example 8-21 is:

var items = days.SelectMany(day => day);

Whether you’re using a multisource SelectMany or a simple single-source projection, there’s a useful variant that lets your projection know each item’s position, by passing a number into the projection.

The Select and SelectMany LINQ operators both offer overloads that make it easy to number items. Example 8-23 uses this to build a list of numbered event names.

If we iterate over this, printing out each item:

foreach (string item in numberedEvents)

the results look like this:

1: Swing Dancing at the South Bank
2: Formula 1 German Grand Prix
3: Swing Dance Picnic
4: Saturday Night Swing
5: Stompin' at the 100 Club

This illustrates how LINQ often makes for much more concise code than was possible before C# 3.0. Remember that in Chapter 7, we wrote a function that takes an array of strings and adds a number in a similar fashion. That required a loop with several lines of code, and it worked only if we already happened to have a collection of strings. Here we’ve turned a collection of CalendarEvents into a collection of numbered event titles with just a single method call.

As you get to learn LINQ, you’ll find this happens quite a lot—situations in which you might have written a loop, or a series of loops, can often turn into fairly simple LINQ queries.

The Zip operator is useful when you have two related sequences, where each element in one sequence is somehow connected with the element at the same position in the other sequence. You can unite the two sequences by zipping them back into one. Obviously, the name has nothing to do with the popular ZIP compression format. This operator is named after zippers of the kind used in clothing.

This might be useful with a race car telemetry application of the kind we discussed in Chapter 2. You might end up with two distinct series of data produced by two different measurement sources. For example, fuel level readings and lap time readings could be two separate sequences, since such readings would likely be produced by different instruments. But if you’re getting one reading per lap in each sequence, it might be useful to combine these into a single sequence with one element per lap, as Example 8-24 shows.

You invoke the Zip operator on one of the input streams, passing in the second stream as the first argument. The second argument is a projection function—it’s similar to the projections used with the Select operator, except it is passed two arguments, one for each stream. So the lapInfo sequence produced by Example 8-24 will contain one item per lap, where the items are of an anonymous type, containing both the LapTime and the FuelLevel in a single item.

Since the two sequences are of equal length here—the number of laps completed—it’s clear how long the output sequence will be, but what if the input lengths differ? The Zip operator stops as soon as either one of the input sequences stops, so the shorter of the two determines the length. Any spare elements in the longer stream will not be used.

Sometimes you won’t want to work with an entire collection. For example, in an application with limited screen space, you might want to show just the next three events on the user’s calendar. While there is no way to do this directly in a query expression, LINQ defines a Take operator for this purpose. As Example 8-25 shows, you can still use the query syntax for most of the query, using the Take operator as the final stage.

LINQ also defines a Skip operator which does the opposite of Take—it drops the first three items (or however many you ask it to drop) and then returns all the rest.

If you’re interested in only the very first item, you may find the First operator more convenient. If you were to call Take(1), the method would still return a collection of items. So this code would not compile:

CalendarEvent nextEvent = eventsByStart.Take(1);

You’d get the following compiler error:

CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<
 CalendarEvent>' to CalendarEvent'. An explicit conversion exists (are you
 missing a cast?)

In other words, Take always returns an IEnumerable<CalendarEvent>, even if we ask for only one object. But this works:

CalendarEvent nextEvent = eventsByStart.First();

First gets the first element from the enumeration and returns that. (It then abandons the enumerator—it doesn’t iterate all the way to the end of the sequence.)

You may run into situations where the list might be empty. For example, suppose you want to show the user’s next appointment for today—it’s possible that there are no more appointments. If you call First in this scenario, it will throw an exception. So there’s also a FirstOrDefault operator, which returns the default value when there are no elements (e.g., null, if you’re dealing with a reference type). The Last and LastOrDefault operators are similar, except they return the very last element in the sequence, or the default value in the case of an empty sequence.

A yet more specialized case is where you are expecting a sequence to contain no more than one element. For example, suppose you modify the CalendarEvent class to add an ID property intended to be used as a unique identifier for the event. (Most real calendar systems have a concept of a unique ID to provide an unambiguous way of referring to a particular calendar entry.) You might write this sort of query to find an item by ID:

var matchingItem = from ev in events
                   where ev.ID == theItemWeWant
                   select ev;

If the ID property is meant to be unique, we would hope that this query returns no more than one item. The presence of two or more items would point to a problem. If you use either the First or the FirstOrDefault operator, you’d never notice the problem—these would pick the first item and silently ignore any more. As a general rule, you don’t want to ignore signs of trouble. In this case, it would be better to use either Single or SingleOrDefault. Single would be the right choice in cases where failure to find a match would be an error, while SingleOrDefault would be appropriate if you do not necessarily expect to find a match. Either will throw an InvalidOperationException if the sequence contains more than one item. So given the previous query, you could use the following:

CalendarEvent item = matchingItem.SingleOrDefault();

If a programming error causes multiple different calendar events to end up with the same ID, this code will detect that problem. (And if your code contains no such problem, this will work in exactly the same way as FirstOrDefault.)

You may need to discover at runtime whether certain characteristics are true about any or every element in a collection. For example, if the user is adding a new event to the calendar, you might want to warn him if the event overlaps with any existing items. First, we’ll write a helper function to do the date overlap test:

static bool TimesOverlap(DateTimeOffset startTime1, TimeSpan duration1,
    DateTimeOffset startTime2, TimeSpan duration2)
    DateTimeOffset end1 = startTime1 + duration1;
    DateTimeOffset end2 = startTime2 + duration2;

    return (startTime1 < startTime2) ?
        (end1 > startTime2) :
        (startTime1 < end2);

Then we can use this to see if any events overlap with the proposed time for a new entry:

DateTimeOffset newEventStart = new DateTimeOffset(2009, 7, 20, 19, 45, 00,
TimeSpan newEventDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(5);
bool overlaps = events.Any(
         ev => TimesOverlap(ev.StartTime, ev.Duration,
                            newEventStart, newEventDuration));

The Any operator looks to see if there is at least one item for which the condition is true, and it returns true if it finds one and false if it gets to the end of the collection without having found a single item that meets the condition. So if overlaps ends up false here, we know that events didn’t contain any items whose time overlapped with the proposed new event time.

There’s also an All operator that returns true only if all of the items meet the condition. We could also have used this for our overlap test—we’d just need to invert the sense of the test:

bool noOverlaps = events.All(
         ev => !TimesOverlap(ev.StartTime, ev.Duration,
                             newEventStart, newEventDuration));


The All operator returns true if you apply it to an empty sequence. This surprises some people, but it’s difficult to say what the right behavior is—what does it mean to ask if some fact is true about all the elements if there are no elements? This operator’s definition takes the view that it returns false if and only if at least one element does not meet the condition. And while there is some logic to that, you would probably feel misled if a company told you “All our customers think our widgets are the best they’ve ever seen” but neglected to mention that it has no customers.

There’s an overload of the Any operator that doesn’t take a condition. You can use this to ask the question: is there anything in this sequence? For example:

bool doIHaveToGetOutOfBedToday = eventsForToday.Any();

Quantifiers are special cases of a more general operation called aggregationaggregation operators perform calculations across all the elements in a set. The quantifiers are singled out as special cases because they have the useful property that the calculation can often terminate early: if you’re testing to see whether something is true about all the elements in the set, and you find an element for which it’s not true, you can stop right there. But for most whole-set operations that’s not true, so there are some more general-purpose aggregation operators.

Aggregation operators perform calculations that involve every single element in a collection, producing a single value as the result. This can be as simple as counting the number of elements—this involves all the elements in the sense that you need to know how many elements exist to get the correct count. And if you’re dealing with an IEnumerable<T>, it is usually necessary to iterate through the whole collection because in general, enumerable sources don’t know how many items they contain in advance. So the Count operator iterates through the entire collection, and returns the number of elements it found.

LINQ defines some specialized aggregation operators for numeric values. The Sum operator returns the sum of the values of a given expression for all items in a collection. For example, if you want to find out how many hours of meetings you have in a collection of events, you could do this:

double totalHours = events.Sum(ev => ev.Duration.TotalHours);

Average calculates the same sum, but then divides the result by the number of items, returning the mean value. Min and Max return the lowest and highest of the values calculated by the expression.

There’s also a general-purpose aggregation operator called Aggregate. This lets you perform any operation that builds up some value by performing some calculation on each item in turn. In fact, Aggregate is all you really need—the other aggregation operators are simply more convenient.[19] For instance, Example 8-26 shows how to implement Count using Aggregate.

The first argument here is a seed value—it’s the starting point for the value that will be built up as the aggregation runs. In this case, we’re building up a count, so we start at 0. You can use any value of any type here—Aggregate is a generic method that lets you use whatever type you like.

The second argument is a delegate that will be invoked once for each item. It will be passed the current aggregated value (initially the seed value) and the current item. And then whatever this delegate returns becomes the new aggregated value, and will be passed in as the first argument when that delegate is called for the next item, and so on. So in this example, the aggregated value starts off at 0, and then we add 1 each time around. The final result is therefore the number of items.

Example 8-26 doesn’t look at the individual items—it just counts them. If we wanted to implement Sum, we’d need to add a value from the source item to the running total instead of just adding 1:

double hours = events.Aggregate(0.0,
                                (total, ev) => total + ev.Duration.TotalHours);

Calculating an average is a little more involved—we need to maintain both a running total and the count of the number of elements we’ve seen, which we can do by using an anonymous type as the aggregation value. And then we can use an overload of Aggregate that lets us provide a separate delegate to be used to determine the final value—that gives us the opportunity to divide the total by the count:

double averageHours = events.Aggregate(
    new { TotalHours = 0.0, Count = 0 },
    (agg, ev) => new
                     TotalHours = agg.TotalHours + ev.Duration.TotalHours,
                     Count = agg.Count + 1
    (agg) => agg.TotalHours / agg.Count);

Obviously, it’s easier to use the specialized Count, Sum, and Average operators, but this illustrates the flexibility of Aggregate.


While LINQ calls this mechanism Aggregate, it is often known by other names. In functional programming languages, it’s sometimes called fold or reduce. The latter name in particular has become slightly better known in recent years thanks to Google’s much-publicized use of a programming system called map/reduce. (LINQ’s name for map is Select, incidentally.) LINQ’s names weren’t chosen to be different for the sake of it—they are more consistent with these concepts’ names in database query languages. Most professional developers are currently likely to have rather more experience with SQL than, say, Haskell or LISP.

LINQ provides operators for some common set-based operations. If you have two collections, and you want to discover all the elements that are present in both collections, you can use the Intersect operator:

var inBoth = set1.Intersect(set2);

It also offers a Union operator, which provides all the elements from both input sets, but when it comes to the second set it will skip any elements that were already returned because they were also in the first set. So you could think of this as being like Concat, except it detects and removes duplicates. In a similar vein, there’s the Distinct operator—this works on a single collection, rather than a pair of collections. Distinct ensures that it returns any given element only once, so if your input collection happens to contain duplicate entries, Distinct will skip over those.

Finally, the Except operator returns only those elements from the first set that do not also appear in the second set.

LINQ supports joining of sources, in the sense typically associated with databases—given two sets of items, you can form a new set by combining the items from each set that have the same value for some attribute. This is a feature that tends not to get a lot of use when working with object models—relationships between objects are usually represented with references exposed via properties, so there’s not much need for joins. But joins can become much more important if you’re using LINQ with data from a relational database. (Although the Entity Framework, which we describe in a later chapter, is often able to represent relationships between tables as object references. It’ll use joins at the database level under the covers, but you may not need to use them explicitly in LINQ all that often.)

Even though joins are typically most useful when working with data structured for storage in a relational database, you can still perform joins across objects—it’s possible with LINQ to Objects even if it’s not all that common.

In our hypothetical calendar application, imagine that you want to add a feature where you can reconcile events in the user’s local calendar with events retrieved from his phone’s calendar, and you need to try to work out which of the imported events from the phone correspond to items already in the calendar. You might find that the only way to do this is to look for events with the same name that occur at the same time, in which case you might be able to use a join to build up a list of events from the two sources that are logically the same events:

var pairs = from localEvent in events
            join phoneEvent in phoneEvents
             on new { Title = localEvent.Title, Start = localEvent.StartTime }
             equals new { Title = phoneEvent.Name, Start = phoneEvent.Time }
            select new { Local = localEvent, Phone = phoneEvent };

A LINQ join expects to be able to compare just a single object in order to determine whether two items should be joined. But we want to join items only when both the title and the time match. So this example builds an anonymously typed object to hold both values in order to be able to provide LINQ with the single object it expects. (You can use this technique for the grouping operators too, incidentally.) Note that this example also illustrates how you would deal with the relevant properties having different names. You can imagine that the imported phone events might use different property names because you might need to use some third-party import library, so this example shows how the code would look if it called the relevant properties Name and Time instead of Title and StartTime. We fix this by mapping the properties from the two sources into anonymous types that have the same structure.

Sometimes it’s necessary to convert the results of a LINQ query into a specific collection type. For example, you might have code that expects an array or a List<T>. You can still use LINQ queries when creating these kinds of collections, thanks to the standard ToArray and ToList operators. Example 8-17 used ToArray to convert a grouping into an array of objects. We could extend that further to convert the query into an array of arrays, just like the original example from Chapter 7:

var eventsByDay = from ev in events
                  group ev by ev.StartTime.Date into dayGroup
                  select dayGroup.ToArray();

CalendarEvent[][] arrayOfEventsByDay = eventsByDay.ToArray();

In this example, eventsByDay is of type IEnumerable<CalendarEvent[]>. The final line then turns the enumeration into an array of arrays—a CalendarEvent[][].

Remember that LINQ queries typically use deferred execution—they don’t start doing any work until you start asking them for elements. But by calling ToList or ToArray, you will fully execute the query, because it builds the entire list or array in one go.

As well as providing conversion operators for getting data out of LINQ and into other data types, there are some operators for getting data into LINQ’s world. Sometimes you will come across types that provide only the old .NET 1.x-style nongeneric IEnumerable interface. This is problematic for LINQ because there’s no way for it to know what kinds of objects it will find. You might happen to know that a collection will always contain CalendarEvent objects, but this would be invisible to LINQ if you are working with a library that uses old-style collections. So to work around this, LINQ defines a Cast operator—you can use this to tell LINQ what sort of items you believe are in the collection:

IEnumerable oldEnum = GetCollectionFromSomewhere();
var items = from ev in oldEnum.Cast<CalendarEvent>()
            orderby ev.StartTime
            select ev;

As you would expect, this will throw an InvalidCastException if it discovers any elements in the collection that are not of the type you said. But be aware that like most LINQ operators, Cast uses deferred execution—it casts the elements one at a time as they are requested, so any mismatch will not be discovered at the point at which you call Cast. The exception will be thrown at the point at which you reach the first nonmatching item while enumerating the query.

[18] This is very similar to IComparable<T>, introduced in the preceding chapter. But while objects that implement IComparable<T> can themselves be compared with other objects of type T, an IComparer<T> compares two objects of type T—the objects being compared are separate from the comparer.

[19] That’s true for LINQ to Objects. However, database LINQ providers may implement Sum, Average, and so on using corresponding database query features. They might not be able to do this optimization if you use the general-purpose Aggregate operator.