The Entity Data Model

The main goal of the Entity Framework (or EF for short) is to make it easier for your code to work with data in the database. C# objects are quite different in nature than the information stored in a relational database, and the process of managing these differences, and transferring data between these two worlds, is called mapping. (So the Entity Framework is a kind of ORM.) As Figure 14-1 illustrates, mapping happens in both directions. As information is fetched from the database, it is loaded into objects. And if your C# code modifies these objects or creates new ones, you can arrange for the database to be correspondingly updated.

The design of a database doesn’t always correspond directly to data structures convenient for our application code. There are many reasons we might want our code to work with a model that looks slightly different from the data. The database may contain information not required by the part of the application we’re writing, so we may need only a subset. Information about a particular entity may have been split across multiple tables for performance reasons. Naming conventions in the database might not suit our code.

So the Entity Framework allows us to control the mapping. We can define a conceptual model that describes the entities as we’d like to work with them from C#, along with mappings that describe how that model maps onto the underlying storage. The EF also requires us to provide a store schema, which is a definition of the structure we expect it to find in the database. This may seem redundant—after all, the database knows its own schema, so why would the EF need a copy? There are a couple of reasons. First, it’s possible to define the model before you create the database—you can generate a database schema from the store schema. Second, you can configure aspects of how the Entity Framework uses the database, such as whether it uses queries or stored procedures to access particular tables. Settings that are associated with the database itself rather than what the EF does with data belong in the store schema rather than the mappings or conceptual schema.

The three parts shown in Figure 14-1—the conceptual model, the storage model, and the mappings between them—are collectively known as the Entity Data Model, or EDM.


There are many constraints on the conceptual model, because the model is useful only if you can construct a successful mapping. There are limits on what mappings are able to do, so your existing database structure will impose some restrictions on the model. Developers who are new to the Entity Framework often find that they have a lot less freedom in the design of the conceptual model than they first presumed. We’ll see what mappings are possible in due course, but for now, do not imagine that the EF is able to take any arbitrary conceptual model and bridge it to any old database structure—there is necessarily a close relationship between the database and the conceptual model.

If you use the EF in the simplest way possible, your conceptual model will be the same as your storage model, and the mapping will be very straightforward. If you use Visual Studio’s wizard for adding EF support to a project, you’ll end up with exactly this sort of direct mapping, with one entity type for each table or view you import. But you can then tweak things to suit your needs. We’ll walk through the wizard now—even though it produces a straightforward mapping where the conceptual model matches the storage model, it still has to generate a complete set of model and mapping definitions, so it’s instructive to look at what it produces.

You can add EF support to any .NET project (except for Silverlight projects). We’ll use a console application for the examples. In the Add New Item dialog, we’ll select Visual C# ItemsData, and then choose the ADO.NET Entity Data Model item template, calling the new file “AdventureWorksModel”.

When you add an Entity Data Model to your project, Visual Studio asks whether you want to start from scratch or base your model on an existing database. We’ll choose that simpler second option. If you’ve previously told Visual Studio about any databases you’re using—either via the Server Explorer toolbar or by using this or other data-related wizards—it will show them in a drop down, but you can provide Visual Studio with new connection details from within the wizard. For this walkthrough, we’re going to connect to the AdventureWorksLT2008 sample database.


The wizard uses the name of your connection for one of the types that it generates. You’ll see the identifier AdventureWorksLT2008Entities cropping up in various examples later. If you happen to give your connection a different name in Visual Studio, you’ll need to use that name in the code.

Once you’ve chosen a database, Visual Studio will show a tree view of all the tables, views, and stored procedures—you can use these as the starting point for your model. For each item you select, it will add corresponding items to the store schema, the conceptual schema, and the mappings. When you complete the wizard, it will generate an .edmx file that defines the generated entity model. Visual Studio opens a graphical view of this file—Figure 14-2 shows the conceptual model that appears if you select the Customer, SalesOrderHeader, and SalesOrderDetail tables in the wizard and then click Finish.

This view shows only the conceptual model. You can see slightly more of the EDM in the Model Browser, shown in Figure 14-3. This will normally appear by default when you open an EDM, but if you rearrange your windows and lose track of it, you can right-click on the background of the model and choose Model Browser from the context menu. The browser lists both the conceptual schema (under the AdventureWorksLT2008Model node here) and the store schema (under AdventureWorksLT2008Model.Store). The three selected tables are visible in both, and if you were to expand them, you’d see that the properties of each entity in the conceptual model correspond directly to the columns of the tables in the store schema.

Even the Model Browser doesn’t show the complete picture, as the Entity Data Model has three parts: the conceptual schema, the store schema, and the mappings. To see the mappings, you can select either entities or properties of entities. When you do this in either the main .edmx editor view (Figure 14-2) or the Model Browser (Figure 14-3), the Mapping Details window, shown in Figure 14-4, will display the mappings for the selected item. The Mapping Details panel should appear automatically, but if you don’t see it, you can open it with the ViewOther WindowsEntity Data Model Mapping Details menu item.

As Figure 14-4 shows, the generated mapping is pretty simple. On the left you can see each column from the table definition in the store schema, and on the right you can see which entity property it is mapped to. Since the store schema and conceptual model were generated directly from the database schema, there’s nothing complicated going on—the same names appear on either side, and the only difference is that the lefthand side shows data types from the database world such as nvarchar and bit, while the righthand side shows .NET data types such as String and Boolean.

Conceptual model with three entities

Figure 14-2. Conceptual model with three entities

Visual Studio puts the whole Entity Data Model definition in an .edmx file, which is just XML. The wizards and editor windows we’ve seen so far are just convenient views into that XML. If you look directly at the XML in the .edmx, you’ll see it contains sections corresponding to the three parts of the model—storage schema, conceptual schema, and mappings. But the whole point of this exercise was to make it easier to use data from code. So Visual Studio generates code based on the contents of any .edmx files in your project.

For each entity type you define, a corresponding .NET class will be generated. These classes provide normal properties for each property in the entity type’s definition. So when you create and edit entity types, you are in effect defining .NET types that you can use from your C# code.

Visual Studio also generates one extra class representing something called the object context. You use this to obtain entity objects representing data already in the database and it’s also where you go to add new data. And as we’ll see later, this object provides other services for managing the data access operations. This type derives from ObjectContext, and sometimes it’s just referred to as the context. Example 14-3 uses this generated context type to retrieve rows from the SalesOrderHeader table for a particular date.

Notice that this example wraps the context in a using statement—the object context is a disposable resource because it does a lot of work behind the scenes, and it needs to tidy up once you no longer need the state it builds up. So it’s important that you dispose it when you’re done with it.

The object context’s type here is AdventureWorksLT2008Entities. By default, Visual Studio will just append the word Entities to your database connection name. You can change this by selecting the EntityContainer item in the Model Browser—you can see this in the middle of Figure 14-3—and then use the Properties panel to choose its name. But we’ll keep the default name in the examples.

Notice that the LINQ query in Example 14-3 uses the context’s SalesOrderHeaders property as the query source. That’s not quite the same as the table name—the wizard has added an s. By default, the Entity Framework wizard will attempt to pluralize and depluralize words as appropriate—in general, it gives entity types singular names while properties that return collections of entities are plural. (The names in our conceptual model can differ slightly from our storage model thanks to the Entity Data Model’s mapping.) If you don’t like this plural handling, there’s a checkbox to turn it off when you import tables with the wizard.

Example 14-3 also uses the SalesOrderHeader class generated for the entity type of the same name. The order range variable in the LINQ query is of this type, as is the order iteration variable in the loop.

It’s this generated entity class that enables us to refer to database columns using normal C# syntax. The LINQ query’s where clause uses that entity class’s OrderDate property to build a query that uses the OrderDate column of the corresponding database table. Likewise, the loop uses normal C# property syntax to retrieve TotalDue, which represents the column of the same name in the database.

If this seems rather uneventful, well, that’s the idea. Compare this to the much more fiddly code in Example 14-1—by mapping database columns to properties, the Entity Framework reduces the amount of friction involved in writing data access code.

Let’s change things a bit, so the mapping has something to do. Most of the column names in this example database happen to fit the usual .NET conventions for property names, but there’s an exception: the rowguid column in SalesOrderHeader is not capitalized in the usual way. (This column exists to support SQL Server replication, so it’s fairly unusual to want to use it from code, but in this example it’s the only column with a funny-looking name.) If you change this name to RowGuid in the designer (either by double-clicking on the property or by using the Properties panel) Visual Studio will update the mapping, and the Mapping Details panel will show that the rowguid column in the table is mapped to the RowGuid property of the entity. (If you’d prefer a less subtle change, you could rename the Customer entity’s ModifiedDate to, say, LastChanged. The mapping lets you use any names you like.)

Changing the names of a few columns isn’t very exciting. (And with this particular example database it’s not even very useful, although if you’re dealing with more idiosyncratic naming schemes, renaming becomes more important.) So let’s look at one of the more interesting mapping features: the way in which the EF handles relationships between entities.

Databases usually have relationships between tables. In the Adventure Works example, the Customer table has a foreign key relationship with the SalesOrderHeader table. Both tables have a CustomerID column. This is the primary key of the Customer table, and the database schema includes a constraint enforcing that the CustomerID column in the SalesOrderHeader can contain only a value for which a corresponding Customer row exists. Or to put it more simply, each SalesOrderHeader row must be related to a specific Customer row.

Visual Studio’s EDM wizard looks for foreign key constraints in the database schema to discover the relationships between tables. In the EDM, it turns these into associations. (The distinction between a relationship and an association is somewhat subtle. An association is a named item in the Entity Data Model representing a particular relationship. The main reason this distinction exists is that relationships are a slightly more general concept—associations are capable of modeling only certain kinds of relationships.) Just as tables added with the wizard end up appearing in all three parts of the EDM—a table will appear in the store schema, a corresponding entity will be added to the conceptual schema, and there will be a mapping between the two—a similar process occurs for associations. If a foreign key constraint indicates that there’s a relationship between two database tables added through the wizard, Visual Studio will add an association to the EDM’s store schema and also to the conceptual schema, and it will set up a suitable mapping between these two associations. And on top of this, it will add navigation properties to the related entities in the conceptual model.

Associations represent relationships between entities, and the most natural way to present them in the world of objects is through properties. For example, you’d expect an object representing a sales order to provide a property that refers to the related customer. That’s exactly what the EF does, and it also works in reverse: the customer object provides a property that holds a collection of references to all the customer’s orders. Example 14-4 shows a LINQ query that gets the number of SalesOrderHeader rows associated with each customer. It fetches one property from the Customer entity class that maps to a column in the database (CustomerID) and also uses a property called SalesOrderHeader, which represents the customer’s orders.

The database table that the Customer entity class represents does not have a column called SalesOrderHeader. The Entity Framework wizard added this property to represent the relationship between the Customer and SalesOrderHeader tables. This is not an ordinary property—in Figure 14-2 you can see that it appears separately, under Navigation Properties.

From C# code, a navigation property looks like a collection. Example 14-4 just retrieves the Count property, but we could do more advanced things. The query in Example 14-5 has a nested query for each customer that looks for all shipped orders (those with a Status of 5), and for each one it reads the total due for that order and a count of all the SalesOrderDetails rows associated with that order. So this uses two navigation properties—the one representing the relationship between customers and orders, and the one representing the relationship between orders and order details.

There’s a reason we’ve used LINQ in these last two examples—it happens to avoid an issue with navigation properties. How does the EF decide how many entities to load for us, and when? In Example 14-4, the LINQ query just retrieves two pieces of information for each customer—the CustomerID and the order count—and while Example 14-5 is more complex, it’s still circumscribed, so the EF can inspect the query to work out exactly what it needs to retrieve. But when we’re not using LINQ, how does the EF know what to do? For instance, consider the code in Example 14-6.

This fetches the entity for a specific customer, and then tries to get the number of SalesOrderHeader entities to which this item is related. Prior to .NET 4, this did not work—it would print out 0, even though the example database has one related order for this customer. In .NET 3.5 SP1, the Entity Framework would initialize navigation properties such as the Customer object’s SalesOrderHeaders property with an empty collection, and would load the related objects only if we ask it to, using the Load method shown in Example 14-7.

.NET 4 adds an alternative way to do this, called lazy loading. Rather than having to call Load explicitly, the EF can automatically load related objects at the point at which you access them. The context has a property to control this:

dbContext.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

This is true by default; setting it to false reverts to the pre-.NET 4 behavior. With this option switched on, Example 14-6 is equivalent to Example 14-7, because the EF will call Load for us when we first try to use the navigation property. (The collection ignores calls to Load if the entities are already loaded, so requesting multiple loads is not a problem.)

In either case, the EF has to make an extra trip to the database. The call to Single will fetch the customer from the database before returning, which means that a second request is required when we later ask it (either explicitly or implicitly) to fetch the related rows, because the EF didn’t know we were going to use these items until we asked for them. This might not be a problem, but in general, the more trips you make to the database, the slower things go.

To get consistent results you’d want to make sure the initial query and subsequent lazy loads happen as part of a transaction (as shown later), but to ensure scalability in a busy system you want to minimize the number of requests made in any single transaction. So you can tell the EF that you want certain related entities to be fetched at the same time as the main result. You do this with the Include method shown in Example 14-8, which is available on any of the entity sets provided by the context.

This call to Include asks to load related entities available through the Customer entity’s SalesOrderHeaders property. (These will be loaded regardless of the lazy loading setting.) It also says that for each of those related entities, the EF should load any related entities visible through the SalesOrderDetails property. In other words, this tells the EF that we would like it to fetch all of the orders for this customer and all of the details for those orders. It will generate a single query that fetches all of the necessary information in one request.

So far we have seen only so-called one-to-many relationships—one customer can be related to many orders, one order can be related to many order details. But there are other kinds of relationships.

The multiplicity of a relationship refers to the number of participants at either end of the association. In the Entity Framework, an association’s multiplicity determines the nature of the navigation properties that represent the relationship.

For each end of a relationship, you can specify a multiplicity of either 1, 0..1, or *. The first, 1, means what it says—there is always one item at that end of the association. The last, *, means any number—there can be zero, one, or several items at that end. A multiplicity of 0..1 means zero or one—this indicates that the association is optional, but where present, there is just one entity at this end.

In a one-to-many relationship, the two ends have a multiplicity of 1 and *, respectively. You can see this in Figure 14-2—the lines between entities represent associations, and the multiplicity appears at each end of the line. So an item at the first end can be related to any number of items at the second end; an item at the second end is always related to exactly one item at the first. In C#, the entity at the 1 end would have a navigation property that offers a collection, in order to provide access to the many end. The entity at the * end would provide a simpler noncollection property to get back to the one entity it is related to.

A variation on this theme has 0..1 instead of 1 at the first end, and * at the second end as before. This is similar to a one-to-many relationship, except items at the many end don’t necessarily have to be related to an item at the other end. For example, you might want to represent the relationship between managers and their reports. But if you go far enough up the corporate hierarchy, you will find someone who has no manager—the navigation property would return null. So a simple one-to-many relationship doesn’t work here—you would need 0..1 instead of 1 at the manager end of the association.

Sometimes one-to-one relationships crop up—each item at one end is always related to exactly one item at the other end. This is an unusual kind of relationship because it implies that entities are inextricably and exclusively linked. Relationships that sound like they might be one-to-one are often not. Here’s an illustration from popular culture, describing a relationship between a master and an apprentice expressed as: “Always two, there are. No more, no less. A master, and an apprentice.”[35] A master always has an apprentice, an apprentice always has a master, so isn’t that a one-to-one relationship? In fact, this might need to be a one-to-many relationship because on the death of an apprentice, the master takes a new apprentice. (The apprentice has just one master, as the only career paths are promotion to master or untimely death. So we can at least be sure that this is not a many-to-many relationship.) The constraint expressed here is merely that the master has a one-at-a-time approach to relationships, much like serial monogamy. (For example, both Darth Maul and Darth Vader were apprentices of Darth Sidious.) So if the database needs to reflect the full history rather than just the current state, a one-to-one relationship won’t be sufficient. (Although if you only need the database to store the current state, one-to-one might be fine here.) In databases, one-to-one relationships often exist because information about a single entity has been split across multiple tables, perhaps for performance reasons. (The EF lets you map this back to a single entity in the conceptual model, so such relationships are likely to be more common in the store schema than the conceptual schema.)

Variations on one-to-one where one or the other end is optional can be useful.[36] For example, you might have an entity representing a customer and an entity representing an account. An organization (such as a butcher shop) might choose to have a policy where customers are not required to have accounts, but where accounts are held any single customer can have only one account, and accounts must be held by exactly one customer. (That’s not the only imaginable policy, of course.) The relationship between a customer entity and an account entity would have a multiplicity of 1 at the customer end and 0..1 at the account end.

Finally, there are many-to-many relationships. For example, you might have an entity type to represent a standard part such as an M3 bolt, and an entity to represent a part manufacturer. Many manufacturers are capable of producing M3 bolts, and most manufacturers produce more than one kind of product. To model the relationship of who produces what in the EDM, you could use an association with a multiplicity of * for both ends of the association. And in code, both entities would have navigation properties offering collections of objects.

However, there’s an issue with many-to-many relationships in the EF. In the database, such a relationship is represented as a separate table, where each row contains two foreign keys, one for each end of the relationship. If that’s all the table contains, the EF will happily let you map this table to an association in the conceptual model, and the navigation properties will work as described. However, if the table contains other information, you will end up needing to represent it as an entity in its own right. For example, given the product/manufacturer example earlier, it might turn out to be useful to know what product code a particular supplier uses for a particular standard product. There’s no place for this information to go if you just have navigation properties on the product and manufacturer that point to one another—you would need an extra entity type to hold this property that is specific to a particular product/manufacturer combination.

This can get slightly awkward when there are columns in the relationship table that your application doesn’t particularly care about, but which the EF insists are mapped because they are nonnullable and don’t have default values. Your conceptual model would not be able to represent this table as a simple many-to-many association, because that would leave nowhere to map the relationship property. (The underlying issue here is the same one that prevents you from omitting certain database columns from your entities.)

Finally, we’ll look at one more feature of the Entity Framework’s mapping capabilities: support for inheritance.

Inheritance presents a challenge for an ORM, because the typical object-oriented notions of inheritance don’t have any direct parallel in the relational model. Various solutions exist because there isn’t one really good way to do this. The Entity Framework supports mappings for a couple of the popular approaches for attempting to bridge this chasm.

While there are several approaches to mapping (which we’ll get to shortly), the conceptual model’s handling of inheritance works the same way in all cases, and is very similar to inheritance in C#. Any entity type can optionally specify one other entity type as its base type. Entities with a base type inherit all the properties from that base. An entity cannot specify more than one base type, but you are allowed to derive from an entity that derives from another entity (i.e., you can have an inheritance chain). And the corresponding generated entity classes that you use from C# will represent these inheritance relationships with normal class inheritance.

You will need to define mappings for your base entity type in the usual way. All the derived types will inherit these mappings. The question is: how do we map features unique to individual derived types?

The first mapping approach involves mapping all entity types sharing a particular base entity type to a single table in the database. The entity type the EF chooses to represent a particular row is chosen based on a discriminator column—in the mapping you simply provide a list that says, for example, if the discriminator column contains 1, the entity type is Employee, and if it’s 2, the type is Manager, while if it’s 3, the type is Director, and so on. These derived types will presumably have additional properties distinguishing them from one another, and these would map to nullable columns in the table. They will need to be nullable, because these columns will have values only when you’re using the derived types that support them—non-nullable database columns need to be mapped to properties in the base entity type if you’re using this mapping style.

The second mapping approach uses a separate table for each derived type. Derived types still inherit the base mappings, so in this scenario, derived entity types will be involved with two or more tables: the table unique to the derived type, along with any tables used by the base type. This approach requires all the tables involved to use the same primary key.

None of these mapping features would be much use without some way to retrieve data from the database, so we’ll now look at how to execute queries in the Entity Framework.

[35] Yoda discussing Sith terms of employment, from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

[36] Opinion is divided on whether this variant can still be called one-to-one. Strictly speaking it’s incorrect, but in practice you’ll see one-to-zero-or-one relationships widely described informally as one-to-one.