The bibliography of the original edition of this book included many semipopular books in French. Here I list those English translations that exist, but I have kept the references to the French language editions for the others. For some of the books, I do not give the most recent edition but rather the one that I consulted. In general, and always where I give specific page references, I indicate the date of that edition (for most older works not the date of the original publication). I have added references to many publications that have appeared since the French edition of this work, as well as some semipopular books on topics covered in the French books in the list that have not been translated into English. I also have given a much more complete list of publications, some of them technical, on specific points. References are listed alphabetically by author’s last name (not considering the French particle de), and in some cases by organization or acronym. The numbers in the text and tables of this book on water stocks, fluxes, and use come from the much more complete (but sometimes mutually inconsistent) tables found in Baumgartner and Reichel (1975), Berkoff (1994), Berner and Berner (1987), Cohen (1995), FAO (1997), Herschy and Fairbridge (1998), Issar (1990), and UNESCO (1978). Historical remarks in the text and notes are based on various sources, including in particular but not only Ben-Sasson (1976), Bensaude-Vincent and Stengers (1993), Bynum, Browne, and Porter (1983), Crombie (1959), Frisinger (1983), Hillairet (1963), Kutzbach (1979), McEvedy and Jones (1978), Salem (1990), and the (French) Encyclopaedia Universalis.
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Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette and Isabelle Stengers. 1993. Histoire de la Chimie. Paris: La Découverte.
Berkoff, Jeremy. 1994. A strategy for managing water in the Middle East and North Africa. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Dubos, René. 1970. Reason Awake: Science for Man. New York: Columbia University Press.
——. 1980. The Wooing of Earth. New York: Scribner’s.
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Ehrlich, Paul R., Anne H. Ehrlich, and John P. Holdren. 1977. Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.
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