Creating the shape and size of your garden can be simple (“a perfect square!”) or not (“curves, circles, loops, oh my!”). When planning the size, you need to consider how much work you will put into maintaining the garden (large gardens can be a large amount of work) and how you will access the center of the garden. When planning the shape, keep in mind if a lawn mower needs to move alongside it and if it can make those turns. Before you start digging up the sod or planting your plants, it’s good to try out several different shapes and sizes using this simple method to see what you like best.
2. Can you reach into the center of the garden? Can a lawn mower move around the edges easily? (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2: Make sure a lawn mower can handle your garden’s curves.
3. Move the hose around, creating different shapes and sizes until you are satisfied. If desired, use the spray paint to mark the size and shape of the garden. (Fig. 3)
4. Place the shovel against the outside edge of the hose and press it into the ground. If you are removing grass, push the shovel down at least 4" (10 cm). Continue this around the entire perimeter of your garden. (Fig. 4)