Lab 08: Soil Percolation

Before you go all hog-wild digging, planting, and gardening, it’s important to know how well your soil drains. Most plants prefer well-draining soil, but some can be planted in claylike soils, and some do well in sandier soils. This simple activity will help you learn what’s going on under your feet.



1. Dig a hole 1’ (30 cm) deep and 6" (15 cm) wide. (Fig. 1)


Fig. 1: Dig a hole.

2. Fill the hole with water and let it completely drain out. (Fig. 2)


Fig. 2: Fill hole with water and let it drain.

3. Place the ruler in the hole. Fill the hole again, note the measurement on the ruler and begin timing. Write down the water level every minute. (Fig. 3)


Fig. 3: Place the ruler in the hole.

4. Once the hole is completely drained, note how long it took.

• 0 to 10 minutes: You have fast draining soil. This may be a good place to plant herbs if it gets a lot of sun.

• 11 to 60 minutes: You have well-draining soil. This is ideal for the widest range of plant growth.

• 60+ minutes: You have slow draining soil, which may contain a lot of clay. You may need to amend the soil with compost and/or sand.