The word pollinator refers to any creature that transfers pollen from the flower of one plant to another. Pollinators may be insects, birds, spiders, bats, even people. For this Lab, we are going to focus just on the pollinators with six or more legs. The ideal location for this structure is a spot that gets some sun and some shade, is away from a lot of activity, and is near some plants.
1. In the selected location, lay two bricks down on their sides and lay one piece of pegboard on top of them. Continue with the rest of the bricks and pegboard, ending with a piece of pegboard on top for the roof. (Fig. 1)
2. Place larger branches in-between the bricks and then add small sticks, twigs, branches, and bamboo into the spaces between the larger branches. Fit everything tightly together so nothing moves around. (Fig. 2)
3. Finish the roof of the palace to prevent too much water from running through: Install more branches on top or get as creative as you want by adding drain tile, roofing shingles, bricks, or more branches. Sit back and wait for your pollinators to take up residence! (Fig. 3)