Lab 30: Make a Desert Terrarium

Most of us are not blessed with weather that allows us to garden outside year-round. But you can still get your plant fix by gardening indoors. Use a container that has a wide opening so you don’t have to cut the top to get all of your materials inside. Make sure you’ve cleaned the container well with soap and water before starting.



1. Roll the paper into a funnel shape and use it to pour the gravel into the bottom of your terrarium. Gently shake bottle to spread the gravel evenly. (Fig. 1)


Fig. 1 (left): Pour in the gravel.

2. Pour charcoal onto the gravel, using a chopstick to spread it evenly on top. Pour the soil in the same way. (Fig. 2)


Fig. 2: Pour in the charcoal and soil.

3. Decide how you want your plants arranged. Dip the stem of each plant cutting into the rooting powder. Follow directions and precautions listed on the rooting powder container. (Fig. 3)


Fig. 3: Dip the cuttings.

4. Lower each plant into its location. (Fig. 4)


Fig. 4: Lower each plant into the bottle.

5. Press plants firmly into the soil, using your chopsticks. Spray water all over the inside of the bottle and put the lid back on your terrarium. (Fig. 5)


Fig. 5: Use the chopsticks to move the plants into location.