1 Diagrams showing the evolution of the pyramids
2 Giza pyramids showing offset
3 Stars of Orion’s Belt showing offset
4 Orion’s Belt superimposed onto the Giza pyramids
8 Thornborough henges circa 3500 BC
9 Thornborough henges with Orion’s Belt superimposed
10 Stars rising on an undulating horizon
11 Earth precession of the equinoxes
12 Orion’s Belt lining up towards Sirius
14 The relationship between the Megalithic Yard and the Egyptian remen
18 The Pentagon, Washington DC
19 Dimensions of the Pentagon, Washington DC
20 The Scottish Rite Masonic Camp with pentagon and triangle
21 The Pentagon with an equilateral triangle
22 Masonic symbol for the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
23 Masonic regalia from the 13th degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
25 Braced wooden frame for tracking planets or stars
26 Horizontal method apparatus