Burnout. In a world with so many options and an increasingly fast pace, it’s a phenomenon with which we’re all intimately familiar. Jam-packed calendars, activities every night of the week, and a never-ending stream of commitments have the potential to create the perfect cocktail of stress and exhaustion that leaves us not caring about much of anything. I’ve been there more than once—it’s not fun and it takes a long time to recover. For many, including myself, the pursuit of simple living is an antidote for burnout, but I’ve discovered that if I’m not careful, it can creep into an old-fashioned lifestyle too.
Outwardly, the small farm routine looks romantic. There are chirping yellow chicks, vibrant spreads of homegrown vegetables, and newborn calves with velvety noses. And I would argue that it is romantic. At times. There are plenty of days where I’m overcome by the quaint magnificence of our little homestead. But behind the colorful vegetables and fuzzy farm animals, there’s a whole lot of work. Plain, dirty, gritty, unromantic, and sometimes monotonous work.
Homesteading can be a backbreaking journey requiring the blood, sweat, and tears of anyone who dares to pull on their muck boots and venture into the world of home food production. Animals don’t take vacations or observe holidays, which means sometimes we don’t get to either. The ice on the water tank must be chopped and hay must be fed to hungry mouths, regardless of whether you are sick in bed or it’s Christmas Day and you have a houseful of guests waiting for the ham to come out of the oven.
Spring brings with it a level of hustle my city-dwelling friends can barely fathom. New calves hit the ground precisely at the same time you bring home the irresistible yellow chicks from the feed store, and the garden somehow transforms from completely dormant to urgently requiring prepping and planting overnight. It’s sheer insanity.
Summer starts, and with it comes the slightest lull. For a while you get to settle comfortably into a routine of weeding, watering, and tending the growing babies. But then harvest season hits you in the face and you find yourself lugging basket upon basket of produce into the house with barely enough time to deal with one day’s harvest before the next finds its way to your countertops.
It may surprise you, but ten years into this homesteading gig, I have yet to wish away the workload. Do I get tired? Most definitely—exhausted might even be a more accurate description during certain times. But I still crave the rhythm of the seasons and the work that comes with it.
That said, homestead burnout is very real. One of the ways I have learned to combat it is with intentional self-care, which is something that looks different for everyone. For some, it equates to bubble baths and pedicures, while for others, it might be a stroll down a country road at dusk, or taking a moment to pause, breathe, and enjoy a cold glass of mint iced tea. Practicing self-care and maintaining intentional rest periods has made all the difference in my personal battle against burnout, both as a homesteader, and as a mom and business owner. I know if I have a good book and a cup of chai waiting for me at the end of a frigid day of chopping ice and chipping frozen cow patties from the barn, I stay more motivated. Or I punctuate a long day raking, hoeing, and pushing seeds into fresh garden soil with a midday pause and a frosty glass of Honey Lemonade in my hand. As you craft your own routine of self-care, I hope the drinks in this chapter fill your cup (both literally and figuratively), no matter what sort of pressure your daily schedule may bring. Drink up, my friends.