
My heartfelt thanks go out to so many; this book would not be here without you! To my dear husband and partner in everything, Bernardo, for being my rock. Patrick, my beautiful son, thank you for being an endless source of inspiration for me. To my parents, Joni and George, for their unconditional love and support.

To my literary agent, Lisa Gallagher, for believing in me when my “office” was the size of a closet in Union Square, NYC, and every step of the way since.

To Joshua Lisec for all of your wonderful coaching and ongoing support.

To everyone at BenBella (Adrienne Lang, Sarah Avinger, Alicia Kania, Susan Welte, Lindsay Marshall, Monica Lowry, and the many others who worked on this book behind the scenes!) for all of your hard work and for making this book series a reality. Special thanks to Glenn Yeffeth for welcoming me into the BenBella family and to Vy Tran for countless hours of editing and support!

To all of our Grace Space Hypnosis team members, clients, customers, students, and friends for your ongoing love and support and for being committed to making the world a better place through your own subconscious healing.

To our backstage pass members who provided such wonderful questions, feedback, and support throughout the writing of this manuscript, thank you! Backstage pass members: Marise C., Lisa S., Lauren M., Nancy F, Ginni G., Kira P., Kristine A., Karen B., Julie K., Wendy S., Tony O., Julian M., Amie R., Dena D., Paul K., Wendy D., Trish M., Jourdan R., Jenna B., Jacqueline M., Kathy B., Marianne K., Stephanie D., Holly C., Renee B., Linda M., Darlene M., Riki S., Tracy C., Aida R., Angel W., Anna K., Wendy C., Joselyn A. V., Elizabeth E., Sarah K., Kelly H., Valerie B., Anjanette F., Elizabeth R., Barbara P., Catherine G., Catherine K., Vicki P., Art R., Angela P., Maria R., Shannon M., Dina U., Stephanie R., Colleen R. D., Laura H., Jean L., Annette L., Eva A., Kristin R., Jamie H., Carol R., Brooke B., Leesa S., Denise R., Julie E., Meegan S., Lisa M. H., Sandra W., Teresa K., Adrian A., Lexi T., Meike H., Helene A., Trish G., Beth H., Angela M., Santa L., Amy C., Claire M., Margi H., Christian A., Betty S., Joan F., Tammy A., Laura C., Nadine E., Ta H., Katherine G., David H., Lindsay V. N., Alexis D., Linda S., Christina I., Alicia A., Maritza D., Susanne H., Kristin M., Stefanie L., Joy B., Carly V., Angela T., Lewis C., Danie M., KK M., Megan F., Anu R., Gretchen B.

It takes a massive village to publish a book. I’m infinitely grateful to everyone mentioned, as well as all of my dear friends and family who helped me navigate the highs and lows of authorship so this book could become a reality. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

With love,
