Week 12—Learning to Love Yourself for the Long Run

Woohoo! You’ve reached the final week of our twelve-week program together. As you know, it’s only the beginning of your lifelong journey to fall in love with your beautiful, magnificent body.

We started off with a brief discussion of self-love and are ending with it now. When you love your miraculous body right now, in this present moment, your choices will reflect the fact that you care about yourself.

Let’s take a few moments to revel in the miracle that is your body.

Take a look at your nails. Look at how they grow. Isn’t that incredible? Think about it.

Take a look at your knee. Look at how it bends and supports weight. Isn’t that miraculous?

Move your toes around. Feel tremendous gratitude for how they move, how they help you balance, how wonderful those nubby little guys are. Say, “I love you, toes! Thank you for helping me walk.”

Place your hands on your stomach and tell your tummy how sorry you are. “Stomach, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. Thank you for digesting all my food, for being the place where my core strength emanates from, for putting up with all the negative things I’ve said to you and about you through the years. You are amazing. I’d be lost without you.”

Look at your belly button, where you received nourishment in the womb. Think of how you were connected to your mother for nine months before you came into this world . . . Have you ever thanked your belly button for being a reminder of how freaking magical it is that you are alive?! Thank you, belly button!

Thank your ears for hearing the majesty that is music and children laughing.

Thank your head for growing hair.

Thank your eyes for seeing works of art, flowers, the ocean.

Thank your hands for typing and holding and creating.

Thank your lips for kissing.

Thank your spine and every single vertebra for helping you stand tall.

Thank your stretch marks for your gorgeous babies.

Thank your cellulite! Think of it like the rings of a tree that indicate its age, a new ring for every year. A beautiful marker for the passing of time. Of lived experience. Of wisdom.

Dimples? You are so cute! Wherever you are!

Thank your body. It’s your only home.

Love your body. It loves you.

Cherish your body. It will notice.

Be kind to yourself.

Keep going.

You are worthy.

In this week’s hypnosis recording and self-hypnosis practices, you will steep your subconscious in self-love and deep appreciation for your miraculous body.


A.Practice self-hypnosis three times a day, every day this week (right before breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Turn to page 20 for a reminder of how to do self-hypnosis or head to to follow along with a tutorial video.

Week 12 Hypno-affirmations—Self-Love

I love you, heart. Thank you for beating.

I love you, arms. Thank you for hugs.

I love you, brain. Thank you for thinking.

I love you, ears. Thank you for hearing.

I love you, stomach. Thank you for turning helpful food into helpful fuel.

I love myself, exactly as I am. I am perfect.

B.Listen to the “Week 12—Self-Love” hypnosis recording every day for the next week here:

C.Use your journal pages daily to stay motivated, log your progress, and determine which pick-me-up hypno-affirmations you’ll benefit from most.