ABEL, 48
Aeroneutronics, 150
Agena, 191
Air Force Project 438L, 195
Alcoa, 67
American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), 110, 131, 133, 172
Amtorg Trading Corporation, 103, 104, 214, 241, 269
Anderson, Samuel W., 103
Approach to Microminiature Printed Systems, An” (Buck/Shoulders), 184
Arthur D. Little: and Buck, 117–18, 192–93; and computer, cryotron, prototype, 186–87; and computers, commercial, 154; and cryotrons, 117–18, 132, 147; and helium, 117–18; and NSA, 132; and terminology, standardization of, 200
Association for Computer Machinery, 182
Astrahan, Mort, 182–83, 206–7, 210–12
Avco Manufacturing Corporation, 134
Babbage, Charles, 78
Ballistic Research Laboratories, 146, 150
Bandera, Stepan, 240
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 96–98, 102
Batdorf, Sam, 146–48, 192, 193
Beckman Instruments, 134
Bel Geddes, Norman, 59
Bell Laboratories (Bell Telephone Laboratories): and Buck, 87, 95; and Moscow State University, 255; and transistor, 77
Benson, Lou, 145
BESM, 208
BESM II, 208
Bishop, L. G., 226
Bissell, Richard, 203
bit, 76
Black, David, 201
Bletchley Park, 45–46; and bits, 76–77; and Turing, 98
Bodenstein, Nancy, 83, 222, 233, 259
Boker, John R., 53
“Bold Strategy to Beat Shortage, A” (Killian), 136
Bolshaya Elektronnaia Schetnaia Mashina (BESM), 208
Bolster (admiral), 68
Boolean logic, 76
Booth, Andrew Donald, 97
Braun, Wernher von: and Explorer 1, 169; and Popular Science, 256; and prisoners of peace, 143–44; and satellite missiles, 152, 162; and superconductors, 256
Brock, David: on Buck and ABEL, 48; on Buck, death of, 234–35; on Buck and mathematical congress in Darmstadt, 55; on Buck and superconducting, 121; on Buck as pioneer, 89; on Buck, reputation of, 175; on content-addressable memory, 100–1; on the cryotron, 170–71; on NSA and computers, 88; on Project Lightning, 174; on Russian chips, 255; on transistor, 99
Brown, David, 102
Brown, Gordon, 155–56, 185, 195, 231
Buck, David, 202, 220, 228, 231, 260
Buck, Delia, 22–26, 90, 114, 130, 221
Buck, Douglas, 156–57, 194, 260–61
Buck, Dudley H. (uncle), 220
Buck, Dudley: and ABEL, 48; and Air Force Project 438L, 195; and Amtorg, 214; and Arthur D. Little, 117–18; background of, 16; birth of, 21; and Bell, 87; and Bismutron, 107–8; and Boston, 71; and ceramic magnets, 81; and Philip Cheney, 199; and children, 194; and computer memory, 81–82; and consulting contracts, 191–92; and content-addressable memory, 100–1; and cores, 80–81; and Glenn Campbell, 72–74; and Crawford, 123–26; and Cryotron Mark 2, 176; and cryotron, 115–21; and CSA-W, 42; and Cuttyhunk, 219; and Dan’s Radio Den, 19-20; death of, 228–29; and December 1958 conference, 182–83; and deuterium, 92–93; and doctorate thesis, 195; and Joe Eachus, 75; and Eisenhower electronics and data processing panel, 188; and electron beams, 186; and fame, 153–58; and Feliz Radio and Appliance, 28; and ferroelectric memory (FeRAM), 87; and garage number 1, 24; and Golden Gate Bridge, 22; and gravitational waves, 75; and H-bomb, 36–37; and helium, 110–11; and IBM, 131; and KTMS, 29; and KW-26, 95; and lecture, Simmons College, 83; and Life, 139; and light gun, 65; and John G. Linvill, 200; and lithography, 175; and Lockheed, 193; and meteorites, 164–65; and microchips, 186–88; and missile guidance systems, 146; and MIT elite, 185; and NSA, 87; and nuclear induction memory, 93; and Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award, 219; and Philadelphia conference of 1958, 187; and pranks, 25, 35–37, 40, 127–9; and Project Corona, 203–5; and Project Lightning, 188; and Project Nomad, 99; and Project Vanguard, 162; and radar, 38; and radio broadcasts, 29; reputation of, 175; and RCA microscope, 176–77; and Louis Ridenour, 149; and Santa Barbara, return to, 90; and Santa Barbara Sound Laboratories Unlimited, 27–28; and scouts, 71; and Soviet intelligence, 214–15; and soviet visit, 216–17; and space race, 165; as spy, 52–55; and superconductors, 109, 196; and tantalum pentachloride, 199; and the Browder J. Thompson award, 154; and tree stump remover, 39; and US Navy, discharge letter from, 202–3; and V-12, 33–40; and Val Shannon, 28; wedding, 113; and Whirlwind, 64; work overload, 194; and WS117L, 165
Buck, Edna, 22
Buck, Frank, 22, 25–27, 29, 37, 90, 114
Buck, Jacqueline (Jackie), née Wray, 83–85, 87; after Buck, 259–60; on Buck, death of, 228–29, 232; on Buck, effects of, 231; and Castro, 222; and cryotron, 111; on Cuttyhunk, 219; and Grandma Delia, 114; and Heathkit amplifier, 122; and marriage, 113
Buck, Martin H., 23
Buck, Virginia, 21–26, 29, 43, 58; and Glenn Campbell, 72; and Foreign Service, 85, 115; and Edwin Land, 73; and Georg Schick, 85–86
Burgess, Guy, 43
Burks, Arthur, 46
Burrer, Don, 154
Burrer, Gordon, 134
Burroughs, 59
byte, 76
Campaigne, Howard, 45, 90; and Atlas, 47; on Buck, 48; on Project Nomad, 99–100
Campbell, Bill, 71
Campbell, Glenn, 72–73, 113, 221
Campbell, Herb, 72
Canine, Ralph, 173
Carr, John, 183
Carson, Johnny, 33
Channel Radio Supply, 27
Chase, Pearl, 28
Cheney, Philip, 1990
Chomsky, Noam, 97
Christopher, Warren, 33
Churchill, Winston, 145
Clark, Charles H., 226
Clooney, George, 67
Cole, Nat King, 28
Collier’s magazine, 152
Comick, Tom, 40
Comité Spécial de l’Année Géophysique Internationale, 168
Communications Supplemental Activities—Washington, 189
Computer History Museum. See Brock, David
Computer Research Company, 101
computers, use of, rise in, 159–61
Conference, Eastern Computer, December 1958, 182–84, 197
content-addressable memory, 100–1, 158
Corona lab (National Bureau of Standards), 89, 91–94, 114
Corona spy satellite program. See Project Corona
Crawford, Chuck, 123–29; and academic degrees, 202, 224; on Buck and Life, 153–54; on death of Dudley Buck, 227–28, 232, 235; and electron beams, 186; and electron lithography, 225; and Los Alamos National Laboratory, 242; and microchip, 186; and Parlodion, 188; and RCA microscope, 176–77; on semiconductors, 178; on Ken Shoulders, 130, 175
Crowe, James, 171
cryistor, 111
Cryogenic Computing Complexity program, 256
cryotron, 13, 110–11, 115–17; as Buck patent, 253; and IBM, 171; and military usage, 146; speed of, 174–75
CSA-W. See Seesaw
Cuban Missile Crisis, 145
Cusick, Paul, 252
Cuttyhunk, 219
Dan’s Radio Den, 19
Deltamax, 81
Denmark, 151
Digital Computer Laboratory, 102, 253
Digital Equipment Corporation, 107, 247, 253
Digital Information Storage in Three Dimensions Using Magnetic Cores (Forrester), 74–75
Discoverer, 203
Ditkin, Vitaliy, 208, 212, 217
Dodd, Stuart, 98
Driscoll, Aggie Meyer, 44
Ducrocq, Albert, 158
Dulles, Allen, 103, 104, 214, 242
Dulles, John Foster, 85
Durando (lieutenant), 35
Eachus, Joe, 45; and Atlas, 47; and Glenn Campbell, 72; and MIT, 75; and NSA, 90
Eckert, Presper, 59
Edgerton, Harold “Doc,” 15, 260
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: and Fidel Castro, 221; and missile gap, 144–45; and Open Skies policy, 163; and Project Lightning, 173; and satellite, man-made, 162; and Sputnik, 168–69; and U-2 spy plane, 145; on warfare, future, 144
Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC), 47, 77
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. See ENIAC
Electronics magazine, 154
Ely, Irene, 228
Engineering Research Associates, 95. See also
ERA ENIAC, 46–47; and Rajchman, 246; and valves, 77; and Whirlwind, 82
ERA, 47, 48. See also Engineering Research Associates
Fairchild Semiconductor, 178, 202
FeRAM, 87
Feynman, Richard, 176
Field, Lester M., 90
Finland, Max, 229
Fletcher, Ewan, 201, 231, 233, 244
Foote, Dan, 19
Forecast for Military Systems Using Electronic Digital Computers (Forrester), 61
Forrester, Jay,60; and air traffic control system, 61; and Digital Information Storage in Three Dimensions Using Magnetic Cores, 74–75; and early warning system, 62; and electromagnets, 79–81; and Forecast for Military Systems Using Electronic Digital Computers, 61; and MIT, 254; and patent, 246–48, 252; and See It Now, 66–68; and Whirlwind, 60–62
Frazer, Arthur, 104
Fremde Heere Ost (FHO), 53
Friedman, William F., 131
General Electric, 116, 158, 226
General Electronic Laboratories, 110
Geophysics Research Directorate, 163
Gerovitch, Slava, 209
Girodyne Convertiplane, 175
Glenn L. Martin Corporation, 133, 164
Glushkov, Viktor, 209, 211, 212, 217, 238
Good Night, and Good Luck (Clooney), 67
Goodenough, John B., 109
gravitational waves, 75
Hamill, Jim, 143
Harrison, M. G., 205
heavy water. See deuterium
helium, 14,; and Arthur D. Little, 117–18; dangers of, and traveling, 187; evaporation of, 197; and Institute of Radio Engineers, paper for, 135; recycling of, 196, 215; and Soviet visit, 17, 215; and superconductors, 109–11; supplies of, 117–18, 174, 215
Hemmingway, Ernest, 135
“High Resolution Etching of Evaporated metal Films, K. R. Shoulders, D. A. Buck,” 186
Hippel, Arthur Von, 156
Hoerni, Jean, 202
Hoover, J. Edgar, 71
Hs 293 bombs, 56
Huff, Lynn, 33
Hybrid Technology Multi-Threaded project, 255
IBM: and Bar-Hillel conference, 97; and computer demand, 161; and cryotrons, 131, 158, 171, 173, 243; and Dudley Buck, 131–32; and Eastern Computer Conference, 183; and electron gun, 15; and Harvard Mark I, 59; and Josephson junction, 254, 255; and magnetic core memories, 245, 248, 249; and MIT, 250–53; and Project Lightning, 173, 174; and SAGE, 172; and Soviet visit, 206–18; and superconductor, 254; and Thomas Watson, 59; and Zuse, 57
IBM 700 machine, 161
IBM 705 machine, 212
Ice Station Zebra (MacLean), 204
Industrial Home School, 71
Institute of Radio Engineers, 135, 154, 182, 193, 234
“insulating oxide,” 244
Intel Corporation, 178
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Acitvity (IARPA), 121, 256
International Conference on Machine Translation, 96
International Telemeter, 149
Jell-O, 94
Jennings, James, 39
Johnson, Lyndon B., and space race, 169
Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, 57
Josephson junction, 121, 254–57
Kalugin, Oleg, 242
Kennedy, John F., 145, 222, 238, 240
Kennedy, Robert F., 33
KGB: and assassinations, 238–39, 241; and Buck, 16; and cryotron, 214; and missile program, 141; and spies, 242
Khrushchev, Nikita, 141; and BESM, 209; and computing institute, 208; and coup, 242; and intellectual thaw, 181, 182, 208; and Kapustin Yar, 144; and KGB, 239, 242; and missile technology, 141, 142, 144–45, 214; and Sputnik, 168
Khrushchev, The Man and His Era (Taubman), 142
Kilburn, Tom, 78
Killian, James: and Doug Buck, 260–61; and education, 136–38; and Eisenhower, 169–70; and Life magazine, 136–38; and NASA, 169–70; and Surprise Attack Panel, 145, 165; and time capsule, 15
Korkegaard, Bert, 167
Korolyov, Sergei, 142
Kullback, Solomon, 45, 95; and Buck, 161; and cryotron, 116, 172; and Project Lightning, panel on, 188
KW-26, 95
Laika, 168
Lebedev, Sergey: background of, 11–12; and Buck, death of, 238; and computing institute, 207–8; and Soviet visit, 11–13, 16–17, 183, 207–17
Lemmon, Jack, 33
light gun, 65
Lockheed: and Buck, 165, 192; and cryotron, 194; and Electronics and Avionics Division, 236–37; and Project Lightning, 15, 199; and Surprise Attack Panel, 145
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 147
Lockheed Missile Systems: and Buck, 165, 191, 193; and Project Corona, 203; and Project Lighting, 15; and “Revolt of the Doctors,” 150
Lowthian, Ken, 34
MacLean, Alistar, 204
Maclean, Donald, 43
magnetic cores, 75, 82, 91, 248–57
magnetic resonance imaging, 93
magnetic tape, 64, 78, 80–81, 212
Malaia Elektronnaia Schetnaia Mashina, 207
Manchester, University of, 78
Manheimer, Marc, 256
Mann, Horace, 243
Mauchly, John, 59
Maxfield, Otis, 113
McCarthy, Joseph, 67
McGraw Hill, 185
McPherson, John C., 131
Meadows, Lee, 19, 21, 27–28, 33
Memory Test Computer, 81
Mergelyan, Sergey, 209, 213, 214, 215, 217
Micky, 149
microchip, 77; and Buck-Shoulders design, 135; and Buck-Shoulders paper, 184, 186, 188; and cryotron, 13–14; and electron gun, 175, 186; and IBM, 254; and Kilby and Noyce, 179, 186, 244; and Mann patent, 243; and Moore’s law, 254; and Rosenblatt, 195; and silicon, 171, 175; and tantalum pentachloride, 199
Midas, 203
MIT, 60; and Buck, and MIT elite, 185, 201; and Buck, death of, 228, 231, 233; and Buck, professorship of, 155; and Building 10, 115; and cryotron, press release on, 132–33; foreign students at, 126; and IBM, 212, 245, 250–52; and Life, 136, 138; and magnetic core memories, 246; and patents, 108, 191, 201, 212, 244, 245, 248–53; and Rajchman, 246–47; and RCA, 245, 248, 249; and Research Corporation, 132; slogan of, 127; and Soviet visit, 214–16; and Whirlwind, 82
Möllenstedt, Gottfried, 175
Moore’s Law, 254
Moss, George, 228
MRI, 93
Nanoscale, 176
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 170; and Agena, 191; and cryotron, 256; and Josephson junction, 256; and Pioneer, 243; and pulse-position modulation, 54; and super-conductors, 256; and Vanguard 1, 165
National Bureau of Standards (Corona lab), 90–92, 114, 216
National Joint Computer Committee, 17, 182
National Security Agency. See NSA
National Security Council Paper 68, 55
New Look defense, 144
Newman, Paul, 33
Newspeak to Cyberspeak (Gerovitch), 209
Nielsen, John L., 43
Nijenhuis, W., 157
niobium, 110, 116, 117, 193, 255
“noiseless gas pistol,” 240
No Such Agency, 88
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), 66
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 51, 95
Northrop Grumman, 256
Noyce, Robert, 178–79, 186, 202, 244
NSA, 88–89; and Buck, 91, 94–98, 121, 191; and computers, 170; and MIT, 253; and Nomad, 99–100; and Project Lightning, 15, 173–74, 223; and supercomputer, 121; and transistors, 99; and translation machines, 96-99; and Working Group on Ultra High-Speed Computer Circuits, 94, 101
nuclear induction memory, 93–94
Office for Naval Research (ONR), 93
Olsen, Ken, 107–8, 247, 249, 252–53
Onnes, H. Kamerlingh, 109
Operation Paperclip, 57
Operation Rusty. See 7821 Composite Group
Operation Venona, 43
Organization, The. See 7821 Composite Group
Parlodion, 188
Patent and Idea Applications and Negotiation, 54
Pearson, J. B., 80
Peckinpah, Sam, 33
Peterson, Burt, 24
Peterson, Dean, 25
Peterson, Doris, 25
Peterson, Ed, 25
Pettit, Joseph M., 90
Phillips, Cecil, 145
piezoelectricity, 164
Pilot Lights of the Apocalypse (Ridenour), 151
Pogoda, 213
Polaris, 191
President’s Science Advisory Committee, 170
Project Corona, 16, 191, 203–5, 223, 231
Project Galathea, 94
Project Kiddy Car, 61
Project Lighting, 15, 173–74, 199, 254; advisory panel, Eisenhower, 223; and IBM, 243; seminar for, 188
Project Vanguard, 162–65, 168–69, 271
pulse-position modulation, 54
punch cards, 78
Purple (Japanese Navy’s code), 45
“Quest for Quality Scientists, A,” 136
radar, and SCR-584, 148
random-access memory. See RAM
rapid single flux quantum, 255
RCA: and Buck, 158, 247; and Life, 137; and magnetic core memories, 246; and microscope, 176–77; and MIT, 245–49, 252; and Project Lightning, 174; and Rajchman, 246
Rebet, Lev, 239
Reedy, George, 169
Research Corporation, 132, 185, 201, 249
“Revolt of the Doctors,” 150
Reynolds, A. C., 98
rhenium, 116
Ridenour, Louis, 148–52; death of, 235–37; and Dudley Buck, 149, 191; and Eisenhower panel, 188, 223; and International Telemeter, 149–50; and Lockheed Missile Systems, 150–51; and missile guidance system, 191; and Pilot Lights of the Apocalypse, 151–52; and private companies, 149; and radar, 148–49; and Soviets, 151, 214; and WS117L, 165, 203
Rodman, Howard, 155
Rosenberg, Ethel, 43
Rosenberg, Julius, 43
Rudman, David, 229
SAGE, 66, 172, 182, 195, 206, 226
Santa Barbara Sound Laboratories Unlimited, 27–28, 33
Schneider. See Gehlen, Reinhard
Schorry. See Schick, Georg
Schupbach, Carol, 126–28, 227–28, 232
Schwartz, Morton, 228
SCR-584 radar, 148
Seares, A. N., 161
See It Now, 66
Seesaw, 41–49, 63, 87. See also Eachus, Joseph and NSA
Selectron, 246
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE), 66, 172, 182, 195, 206, 226
Sentry, 203
Shannon, Val, 27
Shelepin, Alexander, 242
Shockley, William, 134
Shoulders, Ken, 131; on Buck, death of, 232, 234; and Buck-Shoulders paper, 201–2; and cryotron, 186; and electron gun, 175, 186; and meteorites, counting of, 164–65; and microchips, 135, 175, 184, 186; and microminiaturization, 199–200; and reputation of, 175–76; and Stanford, 184–85
Signals Intelligence Service, 95
Simpson, Jim, 224
Six Million Dollar Man, The, 155
Smith, Walter Bedell, 102, 214
Snivelly, 127
Snyder, 254
Somers, Elizabeth, 42
sonar, and fused quartz, 54
sound waves, 77
Soviet visit, 206–218; and Astrahan, 206–7, 210; and Bers, 207; and cars, 217; and Cinerama, 217; and Dudley Buck, 213–15; and golf, 217; and Harvard University, 216; and helium, 215; and IBM, 210, 212–13, 217; members of, 207–10; and MIT, 214–16; and Pogoda, 213; and skyscrapers, 216; and taxi, 211, 217; and UNIVAC, 216; and Wiener, 214–15; and Zaitzeff, 206–7, 216
Space Review, The, 203
space shuttle, 82
Space Technology Laboratories, 243
Spy of the Century, 52
SSEC, 251
Stacken, H., 58
Stalin, Joseph: and Berlin blockade, 42, 51; and brain drain, 51–52; and computer technology, Soviet, 12, 209; and Lebedev, 208
Standards Western Automatic Computer (SWAC), 91
Stein, Lisa, 241
Steinhardt, Lawrence, 48
Stevens, Malcolm, 201
Strauss, Frederick, 104
Strela system, 208
superglue, 128
Supplemental Activities—Washington. See Seesaw
Surprise Attack Panel, 145, 165
SWAC, 91
Symington, Stuart, 144
tantalum: and cryotron, first incarnation of, 117; films of, 223; and helium, 110; and Lockheed, 193; strip of, with holes, 111; and tantalum pentachloride, 199; wire, thickness of, 116
Taylor, Norm, 205
Telstar, 90
There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom (Feynman), 176
Time magazine, 236
Tordella, Lou, 102
traveling wave tube, 90
TRW, 243
tunneling Josephson junctions, 121
Turing Test, 98
U-2 spy plane, 145, 150, 168, 203
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), 159, 189, 216
Ural, 208
US Bureau of Ships, 110
US Census Bureau, 159
V-2, 143
Valley, George, 62
Verzuh, Frank, 214
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 59, 250
Wildroot Creme Oil, 94
Williams, Freddie, 78
Wood, C. W., 219
Working Group on Ultra High-Speed Computer Circuits, 94, 101
Wray, Jackie. See Buck, Jacqueline (Jackie), née Wray
WS117L program, 165, 191, 203–4
X-7 test rockets, 191
XD-1, 249
Yntema, George, 193
Z series (Zuse) computers, 56