Support for user-mode debugging is split into three different modules. The first one is located in the executive itself and has the prefix Dbgk, which stands for Debugging Framework. It provides the necessary internal functions for registering and listening for debug events, managing the debug object, and packaging the information for consumption by its user-mode counterpart. The user-mode component that talks directly to Dbgk is located in the native system library, Ntdll.dll, under a set of APIs that begin with the prefix DbgUi. These APIs are responsible for wrapping the underlying debug object implementation (which is opaque), and they allow all subsystem applications to use debugging by wrapping their own APIs around the DbgUi implementation. Finally, the third component in user-mode debugging belongs to the subsystem DLLs. It is the exposed, documented API (located in KernelBase.dll for the Windows subsystem) that each subsystem supports for performing debugging of other applications.
The kernel supports user-mode debugging through an object mentioned earlier, the debug object. It provides a series of system calls, most of which map directly to the Windows debugging API, typically accessed through the DbgUi layer first. The debug object itself is a simple construct, composed of a series of flags that determine state, an event to notify any waiters that debugger events are present, a doubly linked list of debug events waiting to be processed, and a fast mutex used for locking the object. This is all the information that the kernel requires for successfully receiving and sending debugger events, and each debugged process has a debug port member in its structure pointing to this debug object.
Once a process has an associated debug port, the events described in Table 3-23 can cause a debug event to be inserted into the list of events.
Table 3-23. Kernel-Mode Debugging Events
Event Identifier | Meaning | Triggered By |
DbgKmExceptionApi | An exception has occurred. | KiDispatchException during an exception that occurred in user mode |
DbgKmCreateThreadApi | A new thread has been created. | Startup of a user-mode thread |
DbgKmCreateProcessApi | A new process has been created. | Startup of a user-mode thread that is the first thread in the process |
DbgKmExitThreadApi | A thread has exited. | Death of a user-mode thread |
DbgKmExitProcessApi | A process has exited. | Death of a user-mode thread that was the last thread in the process |
DbgKmLoadDllApi | A DLL was loaded. | NtMapViewOfSection when the section is an image file (could be an EXE as well) |
DbgKmUnloadDllApi | A DLL was unloaded. | NtUnmapViewOfSection when the section is an image file (could be an EXE as well) |
DbgKmErrorReportApi | An exception needs to be forwarded to Windows Error Reporting (WER). | KiDispatchException during an exception that occurred in user mode, after the debugger was unable to handle it |
Apart from the causes mentioned in the table, there are a couple of special triggering cases outside the regular scenarios that occur at the time a debugger object first becomes associated with a process. The first create process and create thread messages will be manually sent when the debugger is attached, first for the process itself and its main thread and followed by create thread messages for all the other threads in the process. Finally, load dll events for the executable being debugged (Ntdll.dll) and then all the current DLLs loaded in the debugged process will be sent.
Once a debugger object has been associated with a process, all the threads in the process are suspended. At this point, it is the debugger’s responsibility to start requesting that debug events be sent through. Debuggers request that debug events be sent back to user mode by performing a wait on the debug object. This call loops the list of debug events. As each request is removed from the list, its contents are converted from the internal dbgk structure to the native structure that the next layer up understands. As you’ll see, this structure is different from the Win32 structure as well, and another layer of conversion has to occur. Even after all pending debug messages have been processed by the debugger, the kernel does not automatically resume the process. It is the debugger’s responsibility to call the ContinueDebugEvent function to resume execution.
Apart from some more complex handling of certain multithreading issues, the basic model for the framework is a simple matter of producers—code in the kernel that generates the debug events in the previous table—and consumers—the debugger waiting on these events and acknowledging their receipt.
Although the basic protocol for user-mode debugging is quite simple, it’s not directly usable by Windows applications—instead, it’s wrapped by the DbgUi functions in Ntdll.dll. This abstraction is required to allow native applications, as well as different subsystems, to use these routines (because code inside Ntdll.dll has no dependencies). The functions that this component provides are mostly analogous to the Windows API functions and related system calls. Internally, the code also provides the functionality required to create a debug object associated with the thread. The handle to a debug object that is created is never exposed. It is saved instead in the thread environment block (TEB) of the debugger thread that performs the attachment. (For more information on the TEB, see Chapter 5.) This value is saved in DbgSsReserved[1].
When a debugger attaches to a process, it expects the process to be broken into—that is, an int 3 (breakpoint) operation should have happened, generated by a thread injected into the process. If this didn’t happen, the debugger would never actually be able to take control of the process and would merely see debug events flying by. Ntdll.dll is responsible for creating and injecting that thread into the target process.
Finally, Ntdll.dll also provides APIs to convert the native structure for debug events into the structure that the Windows API understands.
As you can see, the native DbgUi interface doesn’t do much work to support the framework except for this abstraction. The most complicated task it does is the conversion between native and Win32 debugger structures. This involves several additional changes to the structures.
The final component responsible for allowing debuggers such as Microsoft Visual Studio or WinDbg to debug user-mode applications is in Kernel32.dll. It provides the documented Windows APIs. Apart from this trivial conversion of one function name to another, there is one important management job that this side of the debugging infrastructure is responsible for: managing the duplicated file and thread handles.
Recall that each time a load DLL event is sent, a handle to the image file is duplicated by the kernel and handed off in the event structure, as is the case with the handle to the process executable during the create process event. During each wait call, Kernel32.dll checks whether this is an event that results in new duplicated process and/or thread handles from the kernel (the two create events). If so, it allocates a structure in which it stores the process ID, thread ID, and the thread and/or process handle associated with the event. This structure is linked into the first DbgSsReserved array index in the TEB, where we mentioned the debug object handle is stored. Likewise, Kernel32.dll also checks for exit events. When it detects such an event, it “marks” the handles in the data structure.
Once the debugger is finished using the handles and performs the continue call, Kernel32.dll parses these structures, looks for any handles whose threads have exited, and closes the handles for the debugger. Otherwise, those threads and processes would actually never exit, because there would always be open handles to them as long as the debugger was running.