- x64 architecture, x64 Interrupt Controllers, Software Interrupt Request Levels (IRQLs), Software Interrupt Request Levels (IRQLs), System Service Dispatching
- interrupt controllers, x64 Interrupt Controllers
- interrupt dispatch, Software Interrupt Request Levels (IRQLs)
- interrupt request levels, Software Interrupt Request Levels (IRQLs)
- system service dispatching, System Service Dispatching
- x64 processors, Kernel Mode vs. User Mode, Architecture Overview, Hardware Abstraction Layer
- HAL image, Hardware Abstraction Layer
- system code and data protection, Kernel Mode vs. User Mode
- x86 architecture, Kernel Mode vs. User Mode, Hardware Support, Hardware Interrupt Processing, IA64 Interrupt Controllers, Exception Dispatching, Windows Error Reporting
- exceptions and interrupt numbers, Exception Dispatching
- HALs, Hardware Support
- interrupt controllers, Hardware Interrupt Processing
- interrupt request levels, IA64 Interrupt Controllers
- system code and data protection, Kernel Mode vs. User Mode
- system service dispatching, Windows Error Reporting
- x86 interfaces, Hardware Support
- Xperf Viewer, viewing DPC and ISR activity
with, Dispatch or Deferred Procedure Call (DPC)