
Individuals are briefly identified, except the most famous people and authors in this book, whose biographies appear at the start of their chapters and at 635.


Acquittals. See also Rule 98bis Decision on the Motion to Acquit (2004)

on command responsibility indictments, 289

of Gotovina and Markač, 211

of Krajišnik, 340

of Krstić, 476

of Milutinović, 343, 469

of Perišić, 72, 341, 343, 362, 468, 476477, 482

Actus reus for JCE, 485486

Adjudicated facts, 143

Ad litem judges, 40

Adžić, Blagoje (JNA commander), 207, 361

Agani, Fehmi (aide to Rugova), 222, 223

Ahmeti, Sevdije (cofounder Kosovar Center for Protection of Women and Children), 246

Ahtisaari, Martti (Finnish President), 29

Albania, refugees from Kosovo in, 8182

Albanians, formation of ethno-national community, 45. See also Kosovar Albanians

Albright, Madeleine (US Sec’y State), 9596, 102

Amici curiae. See also specific individuals

appointment of, 57, 146, 172

defense phase role of, 6768

funding for, 170

joinder and, 122, 124, 125

Milošević’s resistance to, 178

Rule 98bis procedure and, 139, 332

self-representation and, 162, 177

Anonymous witnesses, 245246

Anoya, Evelyn, 154, 158, 174179

Anti-bureaucratic revolutions, 15, 50

Appeals Chamber (ICTY)

acquittals of Gotovina and Markač, 211

on “common purpose” doctrine, 138

in ICTY structure, 40

on JCE charges, 37

on joinder of Milošević indictments, 107, 115116, 118119, 124, 126, 131, 134, 138, 154

on Rule 98bis standard of review, 327

on self-representation, 161, 177

Appeals Division (Office of Prosecutor), 41

ARBiH (Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina), 185, 471

Arbour, Louise (ICTY Chief Prosecutor)

appointment of, 41

indictment drafting and, 8990, 383

Kosovo investigation and, 54, 78, 79, 81, 85, 102103, 108

NATO investigation requested by, 26

Arendt, Hannah, 215, 317, 445

Argentina, truth commission in, 253

Arkan (Željko Ražnjatović) (Serb paramilitary leader, ICTY indictee), 365, 375

Arkan’s Tigers, 23, 365, 375, 471

Armatta, Judith, 280, 314, 437

Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine (ARBiH, Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina), 185, 471

Army of Republika Srpska (Vojska Republike Srpske, VRS)

Milošević’s control over, 23, 84, 360

Perišić trial and, 479

Rule 98bis Decision on, 336

Sarajevo siege and, 20

Srebrenica genocide and, 463, 475

Army of the Serbian Krajina (Srpska Vojska Krajine, SVK), 18, 84, 209, 475, 479

Army of Yugoslavia (Vojska Jugoslavije, VJ)

in Bosnia, 23, 97

JCE charge in indictment and, 108

Milošević’s control over, 51, 63, 83, 86, 342343, 356357

Perišić’s control over, 478

Rule 98bis Decision on, 336

in Serbia, 137

SVK supported by, 341

weapon use controlled by, 361

Arnaut, Damir (Bosniak presidency legal advisor), 197

Ashdown, Paddy (UK politician, High Representative in Bosnia), 240, 266

Askin, Kelly Dawn, 150

Assembly of Serbian People of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19

Assigned Counsel, 168, 170, 172, 177

Association of Defense Counsel Practicing before the ICTY, 42

Austria, Habsburg monarchy, 5

Authoritative narrative theory, 193, 295315, 317

AVNOJ (Antifašističko vijeće narodnog oslobodođenja Jugoslavije, Anti-Fascist Council for the People’s Liberation of Yugoslavia), 11


Babić, Milan (RSK leader, ICTY indictee)

cooperation with Prosecution, 137

in JCE, 338

plea agreement by, 340341, 469

as witness, 151, 208, 212, 336

Bachmann, Klaus, 260, 281282, 284, 285

Badinter Arbitration Commission, 19, 334

Bakalli, Mahmut (Kosovar Albanian leader), 217218, 222223, 230, 235237, 256

Baker, James (US Sec’y State), 95

Balkan Wars (1912 & 1913), 6

Al-Bashir, Omar (President of Sudan), 447

Bassiouni, Cherif, 34, 92, 261, 381

Beara, Ljubiša (Bosnian Serb, ICTY indictee), 193

Behrami, Ajmane (Kosovar trial witness), 218

Bela Crkva (Alb: Bellacerka), 88

Belgrade Center for Human Rights, 393

Bellacerka (Serb: Bela Crkva), 88

Berisha, Hysni (Kosovar trial witness), 218, 232

Bieber, Florian, 127, 187, 194, 218, 272, 349, 419, 436438, 482

Bijeljina, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

Biserko, Sonja (Serb human rights activist), 394, 395, 404, 413

Blaškić, Tihomir (Croatian general, ICTY indictee), 28

Blewitt, Graham (ICTY Deputy Prosecutor), 85

B-92 television station, 394, 402403, 421, 422, 431

Boas, Gideon, 106, 124125, 128, 133, 138, 153, 155, 303, 314, 320, 328, 332, 339

Bogdanovic, Radmilo (Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs), 353

Bonomy, Iain (ICTY judge), 71, 165, 324

Borković, Branko (Croatian commander at Vukovar), 210

Bosanski Novi, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

Bosanskohercegovačka patriotska stranka (Bosnian Patriotic Party), 190

Bosnia. See also Bosnia indictment; Bosnian Genocide case (ICJ)

Commission of Experts investigation in, 97

domestic war crimes prosecutions in, 32

ethnic cleansing in, 22, 363

evidence of JCE in, 358360

history of, 6

investigation in, 137138

JNA actions in, 84

Milošević indicted for crimes in, 56

Milošević’s diplomatic strategy for, 371374

nationalists in, 1617, 184, 196197

political environment in, 186, 196199, 200202

postwar political developments in, 2829

religious tolerance and syncretism in, 7, 9

war in, 1820

Bosnia indictment and trial phase

evidence from other cases introduced in, 72

genocide charge included in, 152

issuance of, 56, 137

JCE members identified in, 338

joinder and, 108, 245

Rule 98bis Decision on, 335337

scope of charges, 61

Bosniak-Croat Federation, 186

Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims)

Bosnia’s independence and, 20

dissolution of Yugoslavia and, 1617

ethnic cleansing campaigns and, 22

formation of ethno-national community of, 4

linguistic identities of, 8

perceptions of Milošević trial, 183202

reaction to Milošević’s death, 190191

as religious identity, 7

Royal Yugoslavia and, 10

transitional justice perspectives of, 185188

war in Bosnia and, 1820

Bosnian Genocide case (ICJ)

Bosniak perceptions of international tribunals and, 184

ICTY as complementary to, 442, 487

judgment, 3132

media coverage of, 287

Milošević trial’s impact on, 197199

Rule 98bis Decision used in, 308310

VSO documents and, 73, 274, 451454, 461462, 480

Bosnian Patriotic Party (Bosanskohercegovačka patriotska stranka), 190

Bota Sot (news periodical) on Rugova’s testimony, 238

Bracanović, Milorad (member of Crvene Beretke), 414

Brammertz, Serge (ICTY Chief Prosecutor), 41, 279

Brčko, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

Brđanin trial, 310, 312, 340

Bulatović, Momir (Montenegrin President), 16, 362, 365, 366, 367, 371

Bulatović, Pavle (FRY Minister of Internal Affairs), 365366

Butković, Davor (Croatian journalist), 208


Canadian Bar Association, 161

Canadian Task Force Reports, 162

Cassese, Antonio (ICTY judge), 101, 247

Catholics, 56, 7

Catić, Hajra (Mothers of Srebrenica), 198

Čelebići trial, 22

Center for the Protection of Women and Children, 246

Ćerim (Alb: Qerim), 88

Cerović, Stojan (Serbian journalist), 395396, 398, 400, 404405, 411, 412

Chartier, Christian (ICTY spokesman), 289

Chetniks, 1011

Chief Prosecutor, 41. See also specific individuals

Chile, truth commission in, 253

Chirac, Jacques, 356

Christopher, Warren (US Sec’y State), 95, 102

CIJ. See Coalition for International Justice

Circumstantial evidence, 285

Clark, Ramsey (Milošević legal associate), 57, 163

Clark, Wesley (US NATO commander), 64, 78, 266, 310, 371

Clinton, Bill, 95, 100

Closed sessions, 284

CMSS (Court Management and Services Section), 165

Coalition for International Justice (CIJ), 277, 286, 287

Coalition for RECOM, 252

Code of Professional Conduct for Counsel appearing before the Tribunal (ICTY), 42, 170

Collective amnesia, 394

Collective memory, 220. See also Narratives

Collective vs. individual responsibility, 3640, 258, 407408

Command responsibility

acquittals for, 289, 477

of civilian leaders, 36

in ICL, 482

ICTY issues with, 3640

ILA Conference report on, 312

indictments for, 44, 103, 475, 477

Milošević indicted under theory of, 56, 456

Commission of crimes, 110, 113, 322, 329, 334, 446

Commission of Experts to Examine and Analyze Information Submitted Pursuant to Resolution 771, 25, 34, 93, 9698, 104

Common law, 3839, 141, 146, 153

“Common purpose” doctrine, 138

Communist Party of Serbia, 49

Completion Strategy (ICTY), 111, 112

Concentration camps, 38. See also specific camps

Conference on Yugoslavia, 24

Confidentiality rules, 66

Conflict of interest

joinder creating, 111

state’s duty to assist international tribunals vs. state responsibility risks, 448

Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies (Scholars’ Initiative), 348

Constitution (Bosnia, 1995), 28

Constitution (FRY, 1992), 460

Constitution (Serbia, 1990), 17, 461

Constitution (SFRY, 1974), 13, 14

Constructivist framework, 187188, 201

Containment camps, 22

Convention against Torture, 446

Coo, Philip (ICTY Prosecution military analyst), 81

Corruption, 427, 434

Ćosić, Dobrica (FRY President), 343, 366, 372

Council for Tolerance and Coexistence in Pristina, 247

Council of Bosniak Intellectuals (Vijeće Kongresa Bošnjačkih Intelektualaca), 190

Counterintelligence Service (Kontraobaveštajna služba, KOS), 469

Court Management and Services Section (CMSS), 165

Crimes against humanity, 3536. See also specific crimes

Crkolez (Alb: Padalishte), 88

Croatia. See also Croatia indictment; Croats

autonomy of under Habsburg Hungary, 6

domestic war crimes prosecutions in, 32

ethnic cleansing in, 22

ICTY access to information in, 45

independence of, 17, 18

investigation in, 137138

JCE evidence in, 469

memorialization of war in, 206207

Milošević indicted for crimes in, 56

Milošević’s diplomatic strategy for, 371374

narratives of Milošević trial in, 203212

nationalists in, 5, 16

postwar political developments in, 28, 378

public opinion of ICTY in, 262

statehood of, 334

war in, 18

Croatia indictment and trial phase

evidence from other cases introduced in, 72

issuance of, 56, 137

JCE charge in, 207209, 338

joinder and, 108, 245

Rule 98bis Decision on, 334

scope of charges, 61

Croatian Army (Hrvatska vojska, HV), 206207

Croatian Democratic Union (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica, HDZ), 16, 28, 206, 428

Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna, 20


in Bosnia, 19

Bosnia’s independence and, 20

formation of ethno-national community of, 4

linguistic identities of, 8

religious identities of, 7

war in Bosnia and, 1819

Cross-examination of witnesses, 65, 66, 145, 147148, 155, 164, 189, 217218, 224225, 236

Crvene Beretke (Red Berets), 23, 417, 424, 470471, 473

Ćurak, Nerzuk (Bosniak political scientist), 193, 195, 196


Dačić, Ivica (Serbian Prime Minister, SPS), 434

Đakovica (Alb: Gjakova), 82, 88, 253, 256

Dardanians, 4

Dayton Accords (1995), 2425, 28, 101, 228, 235, 356, 375, 381

The Death of Yugoslavia (BBC documentary), 353

Decentralization, 12, 13, 14, 30, 58, 427

“Decision on the Strategic Goals of the Serbian People in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (Republika Srprska), 455

Declaration on the Homeland War (Croatia), 205, 211

De-ethnicization of crimes, 394, 397

Defense (ICTY), 4142, 121128, 283

Defense phase of Milošević trial, 6771

Del Ponte on, 318, 430

Milošević’s health and, 7071

self-representation’s impact on, 6770

Delegation of effective control, 479

Del Ponte, Carla

appointment of, 41

critique of, 150157

on Defense phase of trial, 318, 430

on evidence against Milošević, 383

on historical ambitions of Prosecution, 330

on individual responsibility of Milošević, 485

on joinder, 122123, 125, 127

media framing of trial and, 272273

on Milošević trial as ICTY turning point, 390

NATO investigation by, 26

on Rule 98bis Decision on the Motion to Acquit, 308

strategy of, 5759

on termination of trial, 71

on trial participants’ difficulties, 136

VSO documents and, 209, 452

Demaçi, Adem (Kosovar politician), 247248, 251, 257

Democratic Action Party (Stranka demokratske akcije, SDA), 198

Democratic Party (Demokratska stranka, Serbia), 219, 408, 414

Democratization, 16, 188, 201, 400

Demokratska opozicija Srbije (DOS, Democratic Opposition of Serbia), 412, 429

Demokratska stranka (Democratic Party, Serbia), 219, 408, 414


indictment charges of, 89, 235

from Kosovo, 8182, 215

legal definition of, 320

Der Spiegel (news periodical)

on ICTY, 262

trial coverage by, 266

Detention Unit. See United Nations Detention Unit (UNDU)

Deterrence, 47, 380, 445

Dicker, Richard (Human Rights Watch director), 276

Didactic trials, 317318

Đilas, Aleksa (Serb journalist), 412

Đinđić, Zoran (Serbian Prime Minister)

assassination of, 409410

cooperation with ICTY and, 393, 414

as Serbia’s Prime Minister, 30

transfer of Milošević by, 55, 91, 416, 449450, 461

Directive on Assignment of Counsel, 170

Direct responsibility, 3637, 56, 137, 351, 456. See also Commission of crimes; Perpetration

Displaced persons, 29. See also Deportations

Dokmanović trial, 261

Dolus specialis for genocide, 322, 335, 455, 457

Đorđević, Vlastimir (Serbian MUP official, ICTY indictee), 344345

DOS (Demokratska opozicija Srbije, Democratic Opposition of Serbia), 412, 429

Douglas, Lawrence (professor and author), 332

Dragović-Soso, Jasna, 389, 409411, 431

Drašković, Vuk (Serb politician), 423

Drenica (Drenicë) mass expulsions and killings, 241

Drina Plan, 342

Druga Srbija group, 391, 392, 407, 409, 416, 417418. See also Vreme debate

Drumbl, Mark A., 436, 484

Dubrovnik, siege at, 18

Duch trial, 153

Due process

right to fair trial, 120121, 124, 147, 154155, 159, 282284

right to speedy trial, 123, 176

self-representation and, 175177

Đukanović, Milo (Montenegrin President), 30


Eagleburger, Lawrence (US Sec’y State), 93

Eastern Slavonia, 365, 366367

ECCC (Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia), 153, 291

Economic crisis, 14, 48

The Economist (new periodical) on Milošević’s death, 269

Education, access to, 215

Eichmann, Adolf (Nazi official), 215

Elections, 16, 5152, 384

Enslavement as crime against humanity, 36

Epoka e Re (news periodical)

on Bakalli’s testimony, 237

on Rugova’s testimony, 238

Ethnic cleansing, 22, 23, 3435, 215, 339. See also Genocide

Ethno-national identity, 47, 186, 196199

European Convention on Human Rights, 176

European Court of Human Rights, 160

European Union

accession process, 33, 46

Bosnia’s independence and, 1920

Macedonia’s accession to, 31

Slovenia’s accession to, 27

state recognition guidelines for, 24

Evidence. See also Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RPE)

in Bosnia and Croatia indictments, 72

of crime base, 142143

Druga Srbija group supplying, 392

joinder to prevent duplication in presentation of, 111, 125126

Prosecution’s presentation of, 42, 6367

public opinion of ICTY and, 281, 283284

Exhumation of mass graves, 97, 99100

Expert witnesses, 64

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), 153, 291


Fair trial, right to

joinder and, 120121, 124

Milošević’s political defense and, 147

public opinion and, 282284

self-representation and, 147, 154155, 159

Fazli, Hadije (Kosovar trial witness), 241

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)

Bosnian Genocide case and, 450

Drina Plan and, 342

history of, 1418

ICJ and, 32

investigation challenges in, 137

Milošević elected president of, 51, 54, 83, 86

VRS salaries paid by, 361

VSO documents and, 452

withdrawal of forces from Kosovo, 91

Feral Tribune on post-Milošević Serbia, 393394

Foča, Kazneno-Popravni Dom (KP Dom) detention camp in, 110

Foča trial, 36, 44

Forcible transfers, 320. See also Deportations

Forensic examinations by Commission of Experts, 97

Fourth Regional Forum for Transitional Justice (2008), 254


Commission of Experts and, 94

geostrategic interests in region, 95

FRY. See Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Furundžija case, 44


Galić, Stanislav (Bosnian Serb general, ICTY indictee), 363

Gazimestan speech by Milošević (1989), 217, 233

General Assembly (UN), 40

Geneva Conventions, 35, 36, 446


denial of, 200

dolus specialis for, 322, 335, 455, 457

historical context as element of case for, 3

ICTY jurisdiction over, 35

indictment charge for, 89, 138139, 152

as joint criminal enterprise, 38

Krajišnik acquitted of, 340

mens rea for, 312, 321322, 337

Rule 98bis Decision on charge of, 335337

in Srebrenica, 24

Genocide Convention, 31, 446, 462, 463


Commission of Experts and, 95

World War II occupation of Yugoslavia, 10

Ginzberg, Carlo (historian), 355

Gjakova (Serb: Đakovica), 82, 88, 253, 256

Glenny, Misha (journalist and author), 262

Goldstone, Richard (ICTY Chief Prosecutor), 37, 41, 99, 330, 381, 382

Golubovic, Dragan (Sarajevo Media Center), 192

Gotovina, Ante (Croatian general, ICTY indictee), 28, 210

Gotovina trial, 210211, 482

Gow, James (professor and ICTY witness), 3, 346

Granić, Mate (Croatian Foreign Minister, 209

Greater Serbia

evidence for, 351

JCE indictment charges tied to, 19, 108110, 138

joinder of indictments based on, 113114, 116, 123

in Martić trial, 341

narrative of, 21, 23, 297298

in Tadić trial, 339

Greenawalt, Alexander K.A., 377

Groome, Dermot (ICTY trial attorney for Bosnia phase), 57, 311, 470

Grubač, Momčilo. (FRY Minister of Justice), 460


Habermas, Jürgen (German philosopher), 317, 325

Hadžić, Goran (RSK President, ICTY indictee), 45, 46, 338

Hadžović, Eldin (Bosniak journalist), 192

Halilović, Sefer (ARBiH commander, ICTY indictee), 190

Hanson, Dolly (ICTY Prosecution analyst and expert witness), 81

Haradinaj, Ramush (KLA commander, Kosovo Prime Minister, ICTY indictee), 229

Harmon, Mark (ICTY Prosecutor for Perišić), 479

Hartmann, Florence, 156, 272275, 283, 340, 348, 422, 465, 485488

HDZ (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica, Croatian Democratic Union), 16, 28, 206, 428

Helfant-Budding, Audrey (historian, expert witness), 350

Higgins, Gillian (Milošević assigned counsel), 57, 69


evidence’s value for, 352354

ICL and, 328332, 390

Milošević in other ICTY judgments, 338345

Rule 98bis Decision on the Motion to Acquit and, 332337

verdict’s value for, 349352

Hitler, Adolf, 347, 352

Holbrooke, Richard (US diplomat), 53, 100, 222, 299, 381382

Holocaust, 351352

Holthuis, Hans (ICTY Registrar), 165, 283

Homeland War (Croatia), 28, 203212

Hostile witnesses, 145146, 154

Hotić, Kada (Srebrenica survivor), 193, 194

Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ, Croatian Democratic Union), 16, 28, 206, 428

Hrvatska vojska (HV, Croatian Army), 206207

Human Rights Watch, 276277, 291, 313314, 323, 333

Hungarians, 5

Hunt, David (ICTY judge), 40, 90, 112

Husejnović, Merima (Bosniak journalist), 193

Hussein, Saddam, 72

HV (Hrvatska vojska, Croatian Army), 206207

Hyperinflation, 14


ICC. See International Criminal Court

ICJ. See International Court of Justice

ICL. See International criminal law

ICRC Official Commentary to Common Article 3, 311

ICTR. See International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

ICTY. See International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Idrizi, Valdete (member of RECOM coordination council), 254

ILA (International Law Association), 311312

Illyrians, 4, 6

IMF (International Monetary Fund), 14

Implementation Force (IFOR), 25

Indictment, 7791. See also Joinder

Bosnia indictment, 108, 137. See also Bosnia indictment and trial phase

Croatia indictment, 108, 137. See also Croatia indictment and trial phase

drafting of, 5455, 8791

expansion of, 56, 137

Kosovo indictment, 107, 136, 383. See also Kosovo indictment and trial phase

length as challenge for Prosecution, 143

politics of, 92105

Individual vs. collective responsibility, 3640, 446448, 462464

Insider witnesses, 104, 145146, 151

Institute of War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), 277, 286, 287

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milošević, 275276, 283

International Court of Justice (ICJ). See also Bosnian Genocide case

jurisdiction of, 3132, 443

media coverage of, 287

Milošević trial’s value for, 209211, 454457

Rule 98bis Decision used by, 308310

standards of proof in, 457

VSO documents and, 200201, 274

International Criminal Court (ICC), xvi, 289, 290291, 329

International criminal law (ICL)

historiography and, 328332

ICTY legacy for, 36, 4647

joinder and, 128132

Milošević trial’s legacies for, 489490

Realpolitik and, 104

Rule 98bis Decision’s impact on, 315

same transaction test and, 133135

self-representation and, 159160

social impact of, xvi, 406

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), 40, 46, 330

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

Appeals Chamber, 40

Bosniak perspectives on, 185188

completion strategy, 45

Defense, 4142

founding and purpose of, 25, 3440

history of, 3447

on individual vs. collective responsibility, 3640

innovations for ICL by, 346

joinder use by, 110113

jurisdiction, 3536

jurisprudence patterns of, 4344

Kosovar Albanian opinion of, 231

legacy for law and reconciliation, 4647

legality of, 3536

Milošević trial used in other cases, 338345

peace prioritized over justice by, 99, 127, 375, 377, 384386

political nature of, 3435

Prosecution, 4041

public image of, 261263, 391, 393

Registry, 41

self-representation right in, 160. See also Self-representation

Serbia’s cooperation with, 414

state interactions with, 4546

structure of, 4042

Trial Chambers, 40

trial process, 4245

International Law Association (ILA), 311312

International Military Tribunal. See Nuremberg trial

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 14

International witnesses, 64

Islami, Alireza (ICTY Albanian interpreter), 243

Ivković, Branislav (SPS official, formed own party), 428

IWPR. See Institute of War and Peace Reporting

Izbica (Izbicë) massacre, 230, 241242, 245

Izetbegović, Alija (Bosnian President), 16, 24, 25, 364


Jackson, Robert H. (US Supreme Court Justice, Nuremberg prosecutor), 329, 380, 385

Jahjaga, Atifete (Kosovar President), 256257

Januzi, Sadik, 241, 242244, 245, 247

Jasenovac concentration camp, 11

Jashari family massacre (1998), 224

Jaspers, Karl, 397

JCE. See Joint criminal enterprise

Jedinica za specijalne operacije (JSO, Special Operations Unit), 23, 30, 344

Jelisić, Goran (Bosnian Serb camp guard, ICTY indictee, 46

Jelisić trial, 300, 310, 333

JNA. See Jugoslovenska narodna armija (Yugoslav Peoples’ Army)

Joinder, 106135

Appeals Chamber decision on, 115116, 118119

Bosnia and Croatia indictments, 108

of charges and accused, 110111

fair trial rights and, 120121

Greater Serbia as JCE’s purpose and, 108110

ICTY use of, 110113

Kosovo indictment, 107

of Milošević indictments, 6263, 111116, 138

Prosecution’s application for, 56, 113114, 121128, 153154, 245

severance and, 112113, 117118

single transaction test for, 115116, 126, 128135

Trial Chamber’s decision on, 113114

Joint criminal enterprise (JCE)

Bosnia indictment and, 108

evidence for, 358360, 484488

genocide indictment and, 336, 337

Greater Serbia as goal for, 298

indictment charge of, 103, 118

individual responsibility and, 3739

joinder and, 111113, 130

Kosovo indictment and, 107

Milošević-Tuđman meetings and, 19

Rule 98bis Decision on, 300301, 321323, 336

types of, 38

war aims and, 21

Josipović, Ivo (Croatian President), 206

Journalists, 266267, 268, 286. See also Media

Jović, Borisav (SFRY Presidency President, Milošević ally), 207

JSO (Jedinica za specijalne operacije, Special Operations Unit), 23, 30, 344

Judges. See also specific individuals

election of, 40

experience in international trials, 140, 152

historical context of crimes needed by, 329

language of, 227

presiding over Milošević trial, 57

Rule 98bis Decision and, 320321

Jugoslovenska narodna armija (JNA, Yugoslav Peoples’ Army)

in Bosnia, 1920, 97

conflict role of, 23

Croatia indictment and, 18, 207208

JCE charge in indictment and, 108

Milošević’s control of, 13, 16, 8384

in Slovenia, 17, 18

SVK supported by, 341

Juridical conservatism, 36

Jurisdiction, 3536, 80, 379380, 443

Jus ad bellum, 205206, 208, 210211, 444

Jus in bello, 211


Kadijević, Veljko (JNA commander), 207

Kalshoven, Frits (Commission of Experts chairman), 34

Kandić, Nataša (Serb human rights activist), 395, 402

Karadžić, Radovan (Republika Srpska President)

arrest of, 30, 46, 169, 262

indictment of, 54, 101, 103104, 381, 382

in JCE, 338, 359, 469

Milošević’s support to, 139, 357

peace negotiations and, 24, 362, 372

Perišić trial and, 480

Sarajevo siege charges against, 363

as Serb leader in Bosnia, 16, 19

Vance-Owen peace plan rejected by, 362, 372

Karadžić case, 41, 70, 169, 170, 288289, 347, 382

Karađorđevo Agreement, 19

Karlowitz Treaty (1699), 5

Kavran, Olga (ICTY Prosecution spokesman), 279

Kay, Steven (Milošević Amicus Curiae and Appointed Counsel), 57, 69

Kazimir, Velimir Ćurguz (Serb writer), 401

Kazneno-Popravni Dom detention camp (KP Dom), 110

Kempner, Robert (US Nuremberg prosecutor), 330

KFOR (Kosovo Force), 26

Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Royal Yugoslavia), 1011

Kinkel, Klaus (German Foreign Minister), 94

KLA. See Kosovo Liberation Army

Klarin, Mirko (journalist, founder of SENSE agency), 285, 287

Ključ, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

Knindže (Kninjas, Serb paramilitary), 145, 471

Koha Ditore (news periodical)

on Bakalli’s testimony, 236

on Milošević trial, 232

on Rugova’s testimony, 238

Koha Jonë (news periodical) on Milošević trial, 233

Kontić, Radoje (FRY Primer Minister), 361

Kontraobaveštajna služba (KOS, Counterintelligence Service), 469

Kordić & Čerkez trial, 36

Kosor, Jadranka (Croatian Primer Minister), 206, 211

Kosova. See Kosovo

Kosovar Albanians

displacement of, 29, 215

dissolution of Yugoslavia and, 15

linguistic identities of, 8

NATO bombing campaign and, 401

perspectives on Milošević trial, 213221, 229248

radicalization of, 25

Rambouillet negotiations and, 344

religious identities of, 7

as witnesses, 226227

Kosova Sot (news periodical)

on Bakalli’s testimony, 236

on Rugova’s testimony, 238

Kosovo (Kosova). See also Kosovar Albanians; Kosovo indictment

Albanians as majority in, 5, 1415

autonomy of, 215, 256

Constitution (1974) and, 14

domestic war crimes prosecutions in, 32

ICTY investigation in, 7982

independence of, 6, 29, 256, 378, 420

investigation in, 137138

Milošević indicted for crimes in, 5455

Milošević’s control over, 15

name, xxiii–xxiv

postwar political developments in, 29, 378

public perception of Milošević trial in, 213221

restorative justice in, 251255

Serbian forces withdrawn from, 91, 228

transitional justice in, 219220, 249259

war in, 2526

Kosovo Force (KFOR), 26

Kosovo indictment and trial phase

issuance of, 5455, 136, 383

JCE members identified in, 338

joinder and, 107, 245

Kosovar Albanian perspectives on, 229248

Milošević’s focus on, 69

prioritization of, 63, 142, 245

public opinion of ICTY and, 391

Rule 98bis Decision on, 333334

scope of charges, 6061

time limit on trial phase for, 240

Kosovo Liberation Army (Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës, UÇK)

conflict role of, 25, 26

ICTY prosecution of leaders of, 245

Milošević’s crackdown on, 101102, 215

Rule 98bis Decision and, 334

Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), 25, 78, 80

Kostovicova, Denisa, 249

Koštunica, Vojislav (FRY President, Serbian Prime Minister)

on cooperation with ICTY, 393

electoral victory over Milošević, 30, 5152, 384

on transfer of Milošević, 55, 410, 415, 417, 420, 449451

Kotor Varoš, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

Krajišnik, Momčilo (Republika Srpska and SDS official, ICTY indictee), 338, 340

Krajišnik trial, 169, 170, 177, 309, 333, 340

Krasniqi, Vjollca, 213, 233, 253

Krnojelac, Milorad (Bosnian Serb commander, ICTY indictee), 110

Krnojelac trial, 310

Krstić, Radislav (Bosnian Serb commander, ICTY indictee), 261, 476

Krstić trial, 197, 476

Krusha e Vogel (Serb: Mala Kruša), 88

Kučan, Milan (Slovenian President), 16

Kuci, Osman (Kosovar trial witness), 241, 242

Kula video, 471

Kumanovo Agreement (1999), 55, 91

Kunarac trial, 36

Kurir (news periodical) on Milošević’s death, 433

KVM (Kosovo Verification Mission), 25, 78, 80

Kwon, O-Gon (ICTY judge) as judge for Milošević trial, 57

on limiting indictments, 319

on mens rea for genocide, 371

on Rule 98bis Decision on the Motion to Acquit, 307, 322, 337


Labour Party (UK), 102

Labus, Miroljub (Serb DOS politician, Deputy Primer Minister), 423424

Lamont, Christopher K., 203

Landale, Jim (ICTY spokesman), 275


Albanian language banned in Kosovo, 215

of ICTY trials, 43, 226227

Milošević’s use of Serbian, 431, 436437

Serbian place names used in trial transcripts, 246

witness statement translations, 43, 242244

in Yugoslavia, 810

Latin America, truth commissions in, 253

Latinica, 8

Lazarević, Zoran (VJ commander, ICTY indictee), 232

LCY (League of Communists of Yugoslavia, Savez komunista Jugoslavije), 12, 16, 17

Leadership Research Team (ICTY), 41

League of Communists of Serbia, 49, 50

League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY, Savez komunista Jugoslavije), 12, 16, 17

Lebanon, Special Tribunal for, 172

Legal Aid unit (ICTY), 41, 170

Legal Associates, 57, 164, 167, 169, 170, 174

Legal certainty principle, 36

Legal Liaison Officer, 165169

Legija. See Ulemek Luković, Milorad

Le Monde on Milošević trial, 266

Liability, direct vs. command responsibility, 36. See also State responsibility; Individual vs. collective responsibility

Lilić, Zoran (FRY President), 343, 428

Little, Alan (BBC Belgrade correspondent and author), 269

Livingston, John (Milošević legal associate), 57, 163

Log revolution (1990), 17

Lubanga Dyilo, Thomas (Congolese military commander, ICC indictee), 291

Luka Camp, 309

Lukić, Milan (Serb paramilitary commander, ICTY indictee), 232

Luković, Petar (Serb political satirist), 393394, 395, 413

Lupis, Ivan (ICTY Prosecution analyst), 81



formation of ethno-national community in, 4

independence of, 6

Kosovar Albanian support for Albanians in, 231

linguistic identities in, 8

postwar political developments in, 3031

refugees from Kosovo in, 8182

religious identities in, 7

Royal Yugoslavia and, 10

war in, 2627

Mala Kruša (Alb: Krusha e Vogel), 88

Manjača Camp, 309310

Markač, Mladen (Croatian general, ICTY indictee), 211, 482

Markale incident, 304

Marković, Ante (SFRY Prime Minister), 17

Marković, Mirjana (Serb politician, wife of Milošević), 17, 4849

Marković, Radomir (FRY SDB chief), 144, 145, 288

Martić, Milan (RSK President, ICTY indictee), 338, 340, 341, 369, 469

Martić trial, 126, 338, 340341, 469

Mass graves, 97, 99100

Matić, Veran (B92 director), 394

May, Richard (ICTY judge)

death of, 40

experience of, 152

on Milošević’s courtroom conduct, 141, 318

as presiding judge for Milošević trial, 57

resignation of, 71

on self-representation, 162, 163, 168, 172

on written testimony, 242

McCormack, Timothy (Milošević Amicus Curiae), 57

Media. See also specific publications

anti-ICL, 263, 270272

Bosniak perspectives on ICTY influenced by, 187, 190

on crimes of violence in Kosovo, 81

on detention camps, 94

external actors’ influence on, 275277

framing of Milošević trial, 260279

on Gotovina verdict, 211

ICTY’s role in framing trial for, 272275

on indictment, 90

influences on, 266272

interest in trial waning over time, 265266

Kosovar Albanians’ perception of trial influenced by, 215217, 239244

on Kosovo indictment phase of trial, 230

Milošević allies in, 50

on Milošević’s death, 269

Milošević’s popularity and, 420422

Milošević trial and, 56, 232235

NATO bombing campaign coverage, 402403

pro-ICL, 263, 264265, 266272

public opinion influenced by, 284286

specialized reporting agencies, 286287

SPS access to, 423

Vreme debate and, 395397

Media Office (ICTY), 284

Mégret, Frédéric, 120, 138

Meierhenrich, Jens, 127, 316

Memory, role of, 391, 394

Mens rea for genocide, 312, 321322, 337

The Mercury (news periodical) on Milošević’s death, 269

Merovci, Adnan (Rugova’s chief of staff), 8687

Mesić, Stjepan “Stipe,” (last SFRY Presidency President, Croatian President) 209, 463

Mihov, Deyan (ICTY liaison in Belgrade), 7980

Milenov, Alexandra (ICTY Prosecution analyst, 81

Military Analysis Team (ICTY), 41

Military Technical Agreement (1999), 26

Milner, Dennis (ICTY Prosecution Kosovo investigation team leader), 81

Milošević, Dragomir (Bosnian Serb general, ICTY indictee), 363

Milošević, Slobodan. See also Milošević trial

arrest of, 52, 384, 416

biographical background, xvii, 4852

cross-examination of witnesses by, 65, 66, 145, 147148, 155, 217218, 224225, 236

death of, 52, 7173

diplomatic strategy of, 371374, 381383

fall from political power, 8387, 419435

Greater Serbia and, 19, 21, 23, 108110, 109, 113114, 116, 123, 138, 297298, 351

health of, 52, 69, 7071, 148, 155156

joinder of indictments and, 122

Legal Associates distrusted by, 167168

media coverage of, 286

Milutinović’s meeting with, 344

Mladić’s meetings with, 362, 368371

nationalists and, 15

opening statement of, 5960

peace negotiations and, 2425, 51, 381383

political defense presented by, 3, 146147

popularity of, 218219, 272, 390, 420424

as president, 17, 5152

pretrial activities of, 56

Rugova’s meetings with, 8687, 222224, 237

self-representation by, 42, 52, 57, 6770, 145146, 158179

Serbian language used at trial by, 431, 436437

transfer to ICTY, 55, 91, 393, 414, 416417, 448451, 460461

Tuđman’s meetings with, 19

VRS forces and, 23

war aims and, 21

Milošević, Stanislava Resanović (Milošević’s mother), 49

Milošević Constitution (Constitution of Serbia, 1990), 17, 461

Milošević trial, 5373. See also Indictment; Witnesses; specific individuals

Bosnia indictment and trial phase. See Bosnia indictment and trial phase

Croatia indictment and trial phase. See Croatia indictment and trial phase

defense phase, 6771

difficulties facing participants, 139148

historiography derived from, 7273, 326348

indictment, 5455

individual responsibility in, 448457

Kosovar Albanians’ perspectives on, 213221, 229248

Kosovo indictment and trial phase. See Kosovo

indictment and trial phase legacies of, xvii, 7273, 489490

opening moves, 5660

path to trial, 5356

pretrial activities, 56

Prosecution phase, 6067

termination of, xvii, 7173

Milutinović, Milan (FRY President, Foreign Minister, ICTY indictee), 55, 8788, 232, 338, 343, 344, 469

Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova (MUP, Ministry of Internal Affairs), 23, 108

Minority returns, 29

Mišetić, Luka (Gotovina defense attorney), 211

Mladić, Ratko (Bosnian Serb general, ICTY indictee) arrest of, 30, 45, 46

indictment of, 101, 103104, 357, 381, 382

in JCE, 338, 469

Milošević’s meetings with, 362, 368371

Milošević’s support to, 97, 139, 356357, 359

Perišić trial and, 480

Sarajevo siege charges against, 363

Srebrenica and, 24, 336, 370371

Mladić case, 41, 70, 289, 324, 347, 382


autonomy as independent kingdom, 6

formation of ethno-national community in, 4

linguistic identities in, 8

Milošević’s control over, 15

postwar political developments in, 30

religious identities in, 7

Royal Yugoslavia and, 10

territorial expansion after Balkan Wars (1912 & 1913), 6

VJ in, 362

MOS trial, 44, 244, 323, 343345, 468470

Mothers of Enclaves of Srebrenica and Žepa, 187, 190, 198

Movement for the Power of Serbia (Pokret snaga Srbije, PSS), 427428

Mrkšić, Mile (JNA officer, ICTY indictee), 207, 210, 367

Mrkšić trial, 204, 206

Mujkić, Asim (University of Sarajevo), 196

Multiparty elections, 16

MUP (Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, Ministry of Internal Affairs), 23, 108

Murtagh, Annette (ICTY Prosecution investigator), 243

Muslims, 56, 7. See also Bosniaks

Musliu, Fahri (Kosovar Belgrade correspondent), 236



authoritative narrative theory, 193, 295315, 317

Bosniak perceptions of trial and, 193194, 199200

in Croatia, 203212

framing of Milošević trial and, 264

international media and, 260279

Prosecution strategies and, 480

in Vreme debate, 392408


Bosnian, 196

Croatian, 5

ethno-linguistic communities and, 9

founding of Yugoslavia and, 4

Vreme debate and, 390, 391, 400, 406

National Liberation Army (Ushtria Çlirimtare Kombëtare, UÇK, in Macedonia), 26


apprehension of ICTY indictees by, 4546

bombing campaign by, 2426, 80, 86, 100, 215, 383

in Bosnia, 356, 382

FRY claims against, 32

ICTY prosecution and, 59

indictment and, 90

Kosovar Albanian opinion of, 231

Kosovo intervention by, 2426, 91, 102

Serbian victimhood based on bombing by, 395

UNMIK and, 91

Vreme debate on Kosovo intervention by, 400405, 411412

New York Times on Milošević trial, 281

Nice, Geoffrey (ICTY Senior Trial Attorney for Milošević), 57, 5859, 166, 209, 330331, 350351

Nielsen, Christian Axboe, 139, 157, 194, 326, 349350, 351, 354, 456, 473, 488

Nikolić, Tomislav (Serbian President), 429

Nikolić trial, 310

Nizich, Ivana (ICTY Prosecution analyst), 81

Novaković, Mile (SVK commander), 367

Nunca Mas (Brazil), 253

Nuremberg trial, 36, 129, 130, 329330, 332, 346, 385, 441, 444

Nushi, Pajazit (Kosovar head of Council for Defense, 223


Obradović, Saša (Serb lawyer, agent in Bosnian Genocide case), 451452

Office of the High Representative (OHR, Bosnia), 28

Ognjanović, Dragoslav (Milošević legal associate), 57, 164

Ohrid Agreement (Macedonia), 3031

Ojdanić, Dragoljub (VJ chief of general staff, ICTY indictee), 55, 88, 232, 338, 468

Open Society Justice Initiative, 291

Operation Flash (1995), 368

Operation Oluja (Storm), 206207

Operation Sablja (Sword), 423

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 78

Orie, Alphons (ICTY judge), 211

Orthodox Church, 7, 219, 427

Osijek, siege at, 18

Ottoman Empire, 5, 6, 7

Outreach Section (ICTY)

in Bosnia, 291

establishment of, 41, 229, 284

framing of trial for media and, 272

Kosovar Albanian perceptions of ICTY and, 245

Ovčara farm massacre (1991), 204205, 206207

Owen, Lord David (UK Foreign Sec’y, Conference on Yugoslavia co-chair), 94, 99100, 104


Padalishte (Serb: Crkolez), 88

Panić, Života (VJ chief of general staff), 362

Parachutists (special envoys), 266267

Paramilitary units, 22, 23, 84, 364368. See also specific units

Parker, Kevin (ICTY judge), 72

Partisans, 1011, 1213, 49

Passarowitz Treaty (1718), 5

Paterson, Nancy (ICTY Prosecution attorney for Kosovo indictment), 81, 87, 8990

Pavković, Nebojša (VJ Third Army commander, chief of general staff, ICTY indictee), 232, 415, 468

Peer effect on journalists, 270271

Perišić, Momčilo (VJ chief of general staff, ICTY indictee), 72, 341343, 361, 474480

Perišić trial, 44, 72, 341343, 362, 468, 474480, 482

Permanent correspondents, 266267, 268, 286. See also Media

Perović, Latinka (Serb historian and politician), 395

Perpetration, 36, 38, 61, 103, 467

Peščanik (radio program), 410, 411, 412

Pešić, Vesna, 393, 409, 431

Plavšić, Biljana (RS President, ICTY indictee), 261, 338

Plea agreements, 42, 137, 151, 340341

Pocar, Fausto (ICTY judge), 72

Pokret snaga Srbije (PSS, Movement for the Power of Serbia), 427428

Political parties, 10. See also specific parties

Popaj, Sabri (Kosovar interviewed), 218

Popović, Srđa (Serb lawyer and founder of Vreme), 395, 397, 398, 401, 403, 411, 412, 413

Popović, Vujadin (Bosnian Serb Drina Corps commander, ICTY indictee), 193

Popović trial, 112, 118, 340

Post-conflict reconciliation, 3233

Prelec, Marko, 134, 351, 356, 377379, 383, 384386, 422, 485487

Press conferences, 272273

Pretrial activities, 56

Prijedor, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

Procedural rules, 4245, 141142, 281. See also Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RPE)

Prosecution (ICTY). See also Indictment; specific individuals

adjudicated facts and, 143

Commission of Experts evidence and, 104

critique of, 150157

delays caused by, 156

difficulties faced during trial, 142145

documentary record produced by, 66

evidence produced by, 352354

Greater Serbia theory presented by, 19, 108110, 113114, 116, 123, 138, 297298, 351

ICTY’s public image and, 262

indictment length as challenge for, 143

investigation of Milošević, 137168

Investigations Section, 85

JCE strategy of, 6162, 466467

joinder application by, 6263, 113114, 121128, 245

media framing of trial and, 272274

Milošević portrayal by, 356376

on Milošević’s relationship to Greater Serbia, 109110, 113114, 116, 123, 138, 297298, 351

of post-Milošević cases, 467480

Realpolitik’s interaction and influence on, 103

Rule 98bis Decision on the Motion to Acquit and, 303305

scope of charges, 6061

self-defense right and, 146

standards of professional conduct for, 282283

strategy of, 58, 6067, 466467

theatrical use international law by, 318319

VSO documents and, 198, 451454

witnesses and, 6367, 142146

Prosecutor v. See name of defendant

Pro Se office (ICTY), 41, 70, 141, 162164, 172174, 177

PSS (Pokret snaga Srbije, Movement for the Power of Serbia), 427428

Public opinion

Bosniak perspectives on ICTY, 185188

demographics of, 425426, 436

fair trial rights and, 282284

of ICTY, 280292, 385

in Kosovo, 219

in Serbia, 218, 219

unrealistic expectations and, 281282


Qerim (Serb: Ćerim), 88


Račak (Alb: Reçak)

KVM access to, 7879

massacre in, xxviii, 25, 7779, 88

media coverage of Milošević trial in, 233

Radić, Miroslav (JNA officer at Vukovar, ICTY indictee), 207, 210

Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), 403, 421, 431

Radović, Nadežda (Serb NGO activist), 403404

Rajić, Ljubiša (Serb university professor), 399

Rakić, Branko (Milošević legal associate), 57, 164

Ralston, John (ICTY Prosecution chief of investigations), 81, 85

Rambouillet negotiations (1999), 25, 80, 344

Ranković, Aleksandar (SFRY Minister of Internal Affairs), 11


closed sessions for testimony on, 284

as crime against humanity, 36, 44

interviews of victims and witnesses, 97

Ravno (Bosnia), 20

Ražnjatović, Željko (Arkan) (Serb paramilitary commander, ICTY indictee), 365, 375

Realist framework, 187

Realpolitik in investigation and indictment of Milošević, 92105

background context, 9294

Commission of Experts and, 9496

ICTY constrained by, 9899

Kosovo investigation and, 101103

Prosecution strategy and, 480483

transfer of Milošević, 383

U.S. entanglement with Milošević, 100101

Reçak (Serb: Račak)

KVM access to, 7879

massacre in, xxiii, 25, 7779, 88

media coverage of Milošević trial in, 233

RECOM. See Regional Commission for Establishing the Facts about All Victims of War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia in the Period from 1991–2001


Bosniak perceptions of trial and, 184, 191194, 201

ICL and, 390

as ICTY goal, 3233, 4647, 482483

in Kosovo, 214, 234, 257

Red Berets (Crvene Beretke), 23, 417, 424, 470471, 473

Redžanović, Enver (ARBiH veteran), 189, 193


Commission of Experts interviews of, 97

from Kosovo, 8182, 215

Regional Commission for Establishing the Facts about All Victims of War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia in the Period from 1991–2001 (RECOM), 33, 204, 212, 252255

Registry (ICTY), 41, 70, 141, 160, 164169

Reid, Bob (ICTY Prosecution deputy chief of investigations), 81, 85

Religious identities, 78

Remuneration Scheme for Persons Assisting Indigent Self-Represented Accused, 170

Reparations, 448, 463

Republika (news periodical)

on Milošević’s conduct in trial, 431

on Serb responsibility for crimes, 398

Republika Srpska (RS)

Bosnian Genocide case and, 455

Bosnian nationalism and, 196

creation of, 228

Dayton Peace Accords and, 28

Drina Plan and, 342

JCE evidence and, 360364

Milošević’s control over, 361

Mladić and, 370

public opinion of ICTY in, 186

reconciliation and, 196197

Vance-Owen peace plan rejected by, 372

Republika Srpska Krajina (RSK, Serbian Republic of Krajina)

Croatia indictment charges and, 207208

Drina Plan and, 342

establishment of, 18

Milošević’s control over, 61, 340, 342, 469

Restorative justice, 251255

Retributive justice, 250251, 482

Right to speedy trial, 123, 176

Robinson, Patrick (ICTY judge)

experience of, 152

on joinder, 112

as presiding judge for Milošević trial, 57

Rule 98bis Decision and, 305306, 320, 324

self-representation and, 165

termination of trial by, 106

Roman Catholics, 56, 7

Rome Statute, 291

Roy, Yves (ICTY Prosecution investigator), 243

Royal Yugoslavia, 1011

RPE. See Rules of Procedure and Evidence

RS. See Republika Srpska

RSK. See Republika Srpska Krajina (Serbian Republic of Krajina)

RTS. See Radio Television of Serbia

Rugova, Ibrahim (Kosovar President)

death of, 239

on Kosovo’s independence, 15, 256

meetings with Milošević, 8687, 222224, 237

as witness, 230, 237239, 266

Rule bis procedure, 323

Rule 92bis statements, 43, 6567

Rule 98bis Decision on the Motion to Acquit (2004), 296325

accuracy of facts in, 331332

Amici Curiae’s interest in, 302303

Del Ponte on, 139, 308

on genocide charge, 473

historical value of, 327, 332337, 354

ICJ’s use of, 454, 456

ILA Conference report and, 311312

on JCE charges, 486

Milošević’s interest in, 301302

nonlegal narratives derived from, 313315

procedural value of, 319324

Prosecution’s interest in, 303305

reconciliation and, 192

redlining of indictments, 303305, 320

scope of trial limited by, 323324

standard of review for, 300301, 327

structural inadequacy of, 312313

in theater of international justice, 318319

Trial Chamber’s interest in, 305307

value of, 307313, 316318, 319324

Rule of law, 187, 286

Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RPE)

common law basis of, 42

critique of, 140

ICTY judges as authors of, 40

self-representation and, 153, 160161, 164, 174

Russia’s support for Serbia, 96

Ryneveld, Dirk (ICTY trial attorney for Kosovo phase), 57, 233, 241, 244


Sadikovic, Ardiana (ICTY interpreter), 243

Šainović, Nikola (Serbian Prime Minister, FRY Deputy Prime Minister), 55, 87, 88, 232, 338, 344, 468

Salom, Ramon Escovar (first ICTY Chief Prosecutor, never assumes office), 98

Sanader, Ivo (Croatian Prime Minister), 209

Sanski Most, genocide evidence in, 335, 336

SANU Memorandum (1986), 15

SAO (Srpska automna oblast, Serbian Autonomous Oblast), 469


Commission of Experts investigation in, 97

evidence and testimony related to, 63, 362364

Mladić and, 359

siege at, 20, 24, 304, 362364

Šarinić, Hrvoje (envoy for Croatian President Tuđman), 363364

Savez komunista Jugoslavije (League of Communists of Yugoslavia, LCY), 12, 16, 17

Savić, Andrija (member of Crvene Beretke), 414

Scharf, Michael (American law professor), 327, 346

Schomburg, Wolfgang (ICTY judge), 262

SDA (Stranka demokratske akcije, Democratic Action Party), 198

SDB (Služba državne bezbednosti, State Security Service), 341, 344, 417, 472

SDG (Srpska dobrovoljačka garda, Serbian Volunteer Guard), 365

SDS (Srpska demokratska stranka, Serbian Democratic Party), 339, 434, 480

Second Yugoslavia. See Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)

Security Council (UN)

Commission of Experts established by, 93, 94

ICTY completion strategy and, 45

ICTY established by, 35, 80, 379380

Kosovo and, 29

Prosecutor’s Office of ICTY and, 4041

Self-representation, 6770, 158179

challenge of, 158160

due process and, 175177

fair trial rights and, 151, 154155

legitimacy paradox of, 174179

Pro Se office to assist, 41, 57, 162164

Registry’s role during Defense phase, 164169

representational liaison and, 165171

Rules of Procedure and Evidence and, 160161

sacrifices made by defendant choosing, 159

Self-representation crisis, 6770, 72, 160, 175, 279

SENSE News Agency, 277, 286, 287


as autonomous region under Ottoman Empire, 6

awareness of war crimes in, 432

Bosnian Genocide case and, 31, 198199, 450

cooperation with ICTY, 393, 450

domestic war crimes prosecutions in, 32

ICTY access to information in, 45

investigation challenges in, 137138, 152

media coverage of Milošević trial in, 233, 420422

Milošević as president of, 83

NATO bombing campaign and, 401

paramilitary forces in, 366

postwar political developments in, 30, 378

public opinion of ICTY in, 262

Russia’s support for, 96

statehood of, 434

state responsibility of, 438, 480483

territorial expansion after Balkan Wars, 6

transfer of Milošević to ICTY and, 55

VJ in, 362

Vreme debate in, 389408

Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 15

Serbian Autonomous Oblast (Srpska automna oblast, SAO), 469

Serbian Communist Party, 49

Serbian Democratic Party (Srpska demokratska stranka, SDS), 339, 434, 480

Serbian Orthodox Church, 5

Serbian Radical Party (Srpska radikalna stranka, SRS), 109, 425, 429, 432, 433

Serbian Reform Commission, 50

Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19

Serbian Republic of Krajina (Republika Srpska Krajina, RSK)

Croatia indictment charges and, 207208

Drina Plan and, 342

establishment of, 18

Milošević’s control over, 61, 340, 342, 469

Serbian Social Democratic Party (Srpska socijaldemokratska partija), 428

Serbian Volunteer Guard (Srpska dobrovoljačka garda, SDG), 365

Serb Progressive Party (Srpska napredna stranka, SNS), 434

Serb Royalists, 1011

Serbs. See also specific individuals

in Bosnia, 1819, 51

in Croatia, 51

ethnic cleansing conducted by, 22

ethno-national community of, 4, 6

ICTY indictments against, 44

linguistic identities of, 8

religious identities of, 7

Šešelj, Vojislav (Serb SRS chief, ICTY indictee)

as defense witness for Milošević, 109, 353

in JCE, 338, 353, 469

paramilitary groups and, 365

popularity of, 423

prosecution of, 468

self-representation by, 42, 70

as Serbian presidential candidate, 429

Šešelj trial, 169, 170

Sestan, Samir (Bosniak journalist), 190

Severance, 112113

Sexual violence

closed sessions for testimony on, 284

as crime against humanity, 36, 44

interviews of victims and witnesses, 97

SFRY. See Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Shala, Blerim (Kosovar editor of Zëri), 234235

Shany, Yuval, 174, 438, 441, 460462, 480

Shawcross, Hartley (UK Nuremberg prosecutor), 330

Sierra Leone, Special Court for, 70, 156, 291, 299

Sikirica trial, 310

Silajdžić, Haris (Bosnian Foreign Minister, Prime Minister, Bosniak Presidency member), 196197

Silber, Laura (journalist and author), 353

Simatović, Franko (Serb paramilitary commander, ICTY indictee), 338, 468, 487. See also Stanišić & Simatović trial

Single transaction test for joinder, 115116, 120, 126, 128135

Skeleton trial summaries, 244, 247

Skënderaj (Srbica), 88

Škorpioni paramilitary group, 23, 344345, 432, 471

Škorpioni video, 27, 66, 156, 192, 194, 345, 367, 432, 473

Slapšak, Svetlana (Serb philologist), 395

Šljivančanin, Veselin (JNA officer at Vukovar, ICTY indictee), 207, 210


ethno-national community in, 4

independence of, 6, 17, 18

linguistic identities in, 8

postwar political developments in, 27

religious identities in, 7

war in, 18

Služba državne bezbednosti (SDB, State Security Service), 341, 344, 417, 472

Smajlović, Ljiljana (Serb journalist), 396

SNS (Srpska napredna stranka, Serb Progressive Party), 434

Social communities in Yugoslavia, 47

Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), 1114

Bosnia’s withdrawal from, 1920

instability sources in, 1214

Milošević’s role in, 49

stability sources in, 1112

Socialistička partija Srbije (SPS, Socialist Party of Serbia), 17, 288, 415, 420, 423, 424429, 434

Socialist Republic of Serbia, 17

Socijalistička demokratska partija (Socialist Democratic Party), 428

Socijalistička narodna stranka (Socialist People’s Party), 428

Solak, Seid (13-year-old victim of sniping attack in Sarajevo), 304

South Slavic unification, 6

Special Court for Sierra Leone, 70, 156, 291, 299

Special envoys, 267268

Special Operations Unit (Jedinica za specijalne operacije, JSO), 23, 30, 344

Special Tribunal for Lebanon, 172

Spejar, Zlatko (Croatian Fransiscan monk), 210

Sporazum agreement, 10

SPS. See Socialistička partija Srbije (Socialist Party of Serbia)

Srbica (Alb: Skënderaj), 88

Srebrenica genocide

Bosniak perspectives on transitional justice and, 185

evidence of, 335, 336

Milošević’s links to, 138139, 370371

Mladić and, 24, 103104, 359

Serbian public awareness of, 432

VSO documents linking Milošević to, 285

Srpska automna oblast (SAO, Serbian Autonomous Oblast), 469

Srpska demokratska stranka (SDS, Serbian Democratic Party), 339, 434, 480

Srpska dobrovoljačka garda (SDG, Serbian Volunteer Guard), 365

Srpska napredna stranka (SNS, Serb Progressive Party), 434

Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS, Serbian Radical Party), 109, 425, 429, 432, 433

Srpska socijaldemokratska partija (Serbian Social Democratic Party), 428

Srpska Vojska Krajine (SVK, Army of the Serbian Krajina), 18, 84, 209, 475, 479

Stakić trial, 310, 340

Stambolić, Ivan (President of Socialist Republic of Serbia, Milošević’s kum), 49, 50, 424

Standby judges, 40

Stanišić, Jovica (Serbian SDB chief, ICTY indictee), 338, 366, 367, 468, 469, 487

Stanišić & Simatović trial, 44, 347348, 470474

State responsibility, 441458

conflict of interest with state’s duty to investigate and prosecute, 448

individual responsibility intertwined with, 446448, 462464

nature of, 444446

political context for, 480483

State Security Service. See Služba državne bezbednosti (SDB)

State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, 30, 434

Stefanović, Nenad (Serb journalist in Hague), 396397

Stojanović, Dubravka (Serb historian), 414

Stojanović, Lazar (Serb filmmaker), 395

Stojićić, Radovan ‘Badža’ (Serbian deputy minister of internal affairs, general in Serbian police), 467

Stojiljković, Vlajko (FRY Minister of Internal Affairs, ICTY indictee), 55, 88, 338, 343, 345

Stranka demokratske akcije (SDA, Democratic Action Party), 198

Subašić, Munira (Mother of Srebrenica leader), 187, 188, 189, 190, 195

Sudan, genocide in, 447

Suharekë (Serb: Suva Reka) restaurant killing (1999), 232, 241

Suljagić, Emir (Bosniak journalist), 208

Supreme Defense Council. See Vrhovni savet odbrane (VSO) Surroi, Veton, 218, 222, 234, 236

Suva Reka (Alb: Suharekë) restaurant killing (1999), 232, 241

Svilanović, Goran (FRY Foreign Minister), 421, 462

SVK See Srpska Vojska Krajine (Army of the Serbian Krajina) Swimelar, Safia, 127, 183, 203204

Syncretism, 7, 9

Systems of ill-treatment, 38


Tadić, Boris (Serbian President), 33, 288

Tadić, Dušan (Duško) (Bosnian Serb paramilitary, ICTY indictee), 43, 339

Tadić trial

“common purpose” doctrine in, 37, 138

Geneva Conventions applied in, 36

Greater Serbia JCE in, 339

indictment for, 41

jurisdiction of ICTY established by, 379380

Rule 98bis standards of review established by, 300

Tankosić, Draško (Serb marketing analyst), 422

Tapušković, Branislav (Milošević Amicus Curiae), 57, 132

Taylor, Charles (Liberian President, SCSL indictee), 70, 156, 291, 447

Teritorijalna odbrana (TO, Territorial Defense), 13

Testimony, 6367. See also Witnesses; Written

testimony Tihić, Sulejman (Bosniak politician, Bosniak Presidency member), 198

Time (news periodical) on Milošević trial, 261

Tito, Josip Broz (wartime partisan leader, SFRY president for life), 1011, 12, 13

Titoist Yugoslavia. See Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)

TO (Teritorijalna odbrana, Territorial Defense), 13

Todorović, Dragan (Serb lawyer), 403

Tolbert, David (ICTY Registrar), 165

Tolimir trial, 169

Tomanović, Zdenko (Milošević legal associate), 57, 163164

Tomasović, Hrvoje (leader of Croatian Party of Rights), 211

Tomka, Peter (ICJ judge), 442

Topić, Tanja (Republika Srpska political analyst), 197

Torture Convention, 446

Transitional justice

Bosniaks perspectives of, 185188

in Kosovo, 219220, 249259

RECOM and, 253254

victims’ recovery and, 194196

Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), 5

Treaty of Passarowitz (1718), 5

Trial Chambers (ICTY)

closed sessions, 284

deference to Milošević, 141142, 155156

difficulties faced during trial, 140142

on joinder of Milošević indictments, 113114, 117118, 131

organization of, 40

Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RPE) and, 140

self-representation procedures in, 161

Trial process (generally). See also Milošević trial

in ICTY, 4245

indictment stage, 42

investigation stage, 42

language of, 43

trial phase, 4243

Trial Support Unit (ICTY), 41

Tribunal Update (IWPR), 287

Trix, Frances, 127, 187, 220, 229, 250252, 254255, 258

Trnovo killings, 471, 474

“Truth, Responsibility and Reconciliation” (television series), 394

Truth commissions, 33, 220, 253

Tuđman, Franjo (Croatian President), 16, 19, 24, 25, 28, 364, 382

Twilight of Impunity (Armatta), 437


UÇK See Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës, Kosovo Liberation Army

conflict role of, 25, 26

ICTY prosecution of leaders of, 245

Milošević’s crackdown on, 101102, 215

Rule 98bis Decision and, 334

UÇK (Ushtria Çlirimtare Kombëtare, National Liberation Army), 26

Uertz-Retzlaff, Hildegard (ICTY trial attorney for Croatia phase), 57

Ulemek Luković, Milorad “Legija” (member of Crevene Beretke), 414, 416.

UN Fact Finding Committee on Darfur, 447

United Kingdom

Commission of Experts and, 94

geostrategic interests in region, 95

ICTY investigation and, 102

United Nations Detention Unit (UNDU), 41, 43, 164

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 219

United Nations General Assembly, 40

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), 29, 91, 231

United Nations Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP), 26

United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), 18, 24, 26, 95

United Nations Security Council. See Security Council

United Nations Transitional Authority for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium (UNTAES), 25

United States

Commission of Experts and, 94, 95

Dayton Accords strategy of, 24, 25, 381382

investigation of Milošević and, 51, 100101

Kosovar Albanian opinion of, 231

Milošević’s transfer to ICTY and, 415

Serbia pressured to cooperate with ICTY by, 393, 450

University of Belgrade, 49

Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës (UÇK, Kosovo Liberation Army)

conflict role of, 25, 26

ICTY prosecution of leaders of, 245

Milošević’s crackdown on, 101102, 215

Rule 98bis Decision and, 334

Ushtria Çlirimtare Kombëtare (UÇK, National Liberation Army, in Macedonia), 26

Užice Corps, 478


Vance, Cyrus (US Sec’y State, UN Special Envoy to Bosnia), 94

Vance-Owen peace plan, 362, 372

van der Wilt, Harmen, 484

Várady, Tibor, 459

Vasiljković, Dragan (Captain Dragan, paramilitary commander), 469

Vaslijević, Aleksandar (JNA commander), 91, 288, 345, 467469

Večernje novosti (news periodical) on Milošević’s death, 433

Velika Kruša (Alb: Krusha e Madhe), 88

Verfuss, Thomas (journalist for IWPR), 286


Bosniak perceptions of trial, 183202

joinder to lessen trauma for, 113, 125

in Kosovo, 214, 217, 227

length of indictment as value to, 143

marginalization of, 250

participation through legal representatives, 291

Prosecution’s focus on, 59, 142143

of rape, 97

RECOM and, 253

reparations to, 448, 463

restorative justice and, 251255

retributive justice and, 250251

Serbs as, 59, 395, 411

transitional justice and, 194196, 258259

as witnesses, 6465, 154

Victims and Witnesses Support Unit (ICTY), 41, 166167, 168

Victims Identification Commission, 232

Vijeće Kongresa Bošnjačkih Intelektualaca (Council of Bosniak Intellectuals), 190

VJ. See Vojska Jugoslavije (Army of Yugoslavia) Vllasi, Azem (Kosovar SFRY leader), 236

Vojna linija (“the military line”), 37

Vojska Jugoslavije (VJ, Army of Yugoslavia)

in Bosnia, 23, 97

JCE charge in indictment and, 108

Milošević’s control over, 51, 63, 83, 86, 342343, 356357

Perišić’s control over, 478

Rule 98bis Decision on, 336

in Serbia, 137

SVK supported by, 341

weapon use controlled by, 361

Vojska Republike Srpske (VRS, Army of Republika Srpska)

Milošević’s control over, 23, 84, 360

Perišić trial and, 479

Rule 98bis Decision on, 336

Sarajevo siege and, 20

Srebrenica genocide and, 463, 475

Vreme debate, 389418

context of, 392, 393395

on ICTY, 410417

legacy of, 405408

on media coverage of Milošević trial, 395397

on NATO intervention in Kosovo, 400405

on Serb responsibility vs. victimhood, 397400

Vrhovni savet odbrane (VSO, Supreme Defense Council)

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and, 30

Milošević’s control over, 51, 83, 360

Mladić meetings with, 370

Sarajevo discussions by, 363, 364

Srebrenica discussions in, 370

transcripts of, 27, 45, 198, 200201, 209, 274, 285, 451454, 461462, 481

Vance-Owen peace plan and, 372

VRS. See Vojska Republike Srpske (Army of Republika Srpska)

VSO. See Vrhovni savet odbrane (Supreme Defense Council)

Vučelić, Milorad (SPS official, formed new party), 428

Vukovar, siege at, 18, 206207, 432

Vukovar Three, 209211, 212


Wald, Patricia M. (ICTY judge), 290

Walker, William (US diplomat), 78


in Bosnia, 1820

crimes during, 2224

in Croatia, 18

Dayton peace accords and, 2425

goals of, 21

historical context for, 1827

juridical responses to, 3132

in Kosovo, 2526

legacies of, 2733

in Macedonia, 2627

post-conflict reconciliation and, 3233

in Slovenia, 18

Washington Agreement (1994), 24, 372

Washington Post

on Karadžić’s arrest, 262

trial coverage by, 266

Waters, Timothy, 81, 193, 194, 295, 317, 320, 327, 405, 456, 467

Weighing the Evidence (Human Rights Watch), 313314

Williamson, Clint, 77, 101, 102, 130, 150

Witnesses. See also Written testimony; specific individuals

anonymous, 245246

cross-examination of, 65, 66, 145, 147148, 155, 164, 189, 217218, 224225, 236, 239240

Druga Srbija group as, 392

effectiveness of, 142143, 154

expert, 64

hostile, 145146, 154

insider witnesses, 104, 145146, 151

international, 64

joinder’s impact on, 125

Kosovar Albanians, 217, 226227, 231232, 239240

as oral history, 353

public opinion of ICTY and, 391

security of, 273, 283, 284

statements by, 43, 6367

translation of statements by, 246247

Vreme debate on, 396

Wladimiroff, Michail (Milošević Amicus Curiae), 57, 273

World War I (First World War), 10

World War II (Second World War), 1011, 13, 94, 213, 371

Written testimony

media framing of trial and, 283

Prosecution’s use of, 6567, 240242

skeleton trial summaries for, 244, 247

translation issues with, 43, 242244


Yugoslav Code of Criminal Procedure, 460


crisis and dissolution of, 1418

founding of, 410

history of, 427

language identities in, 810

media coverage of Milošević trial in, 270272

postwar history, 2733

religious identities in, 78

Royal Yugoslavia, 1011

social and political communities in, 47

Socialist Yugoslavia, 1114

war in, 1827

Yugoslav Peoples’ Army (Jugoslovenska narodna armija, JNA)

in Bosnia, 1920, 97

conflict role of, 23

Croatia indictment and, 18, 207208

JCE charge in indictment and, 108

Milošević’s control of, 13, 16, 8384

in Slovenia, 17, 18

SVK supported by, 341

YU Info (news channel), 421


Žarković, Dragoljub (Serb journalist, editor-in-chief of Vreme), 394, 395

Zdravković, Snežana (Association of Kidnapped and Killed Persons in Kosovo and Metohija), 253

Žepa enclave, 342, 370, 471

Zëri (news periodical)

on Bakalli’s testimony, 236

on Milošević trial, 232233

on Rugova’s testimony, 238

Živojinović, Velimir “Bata (SPS member and presidential candidate), 429

Zogaj, Shevqet (Kosovar trial witness), 241, 283

Zverzhanovski, Ivan (coordinator SEESAC Belgrade), 346

Zymberi, Besim (Kosovar journalist and author), 244