Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables
acetylcholine 40
acupoints 50
and meridians 18–21
primary Neuropuncture see Neuropuncture acupoints, primary
CNS mechanism 58–60
De Qi sensation, obtaining locally 50–1
endogenous opioid circuit (EOC) mechanism 56–8
focal point of needle 48–50
local healing potential of specific TCM points 53
local mechanisms 48–53
motor point (MP) 141
neuromuscular mechanism 61
neurophysiological mechanisms 48–61
orthopedic application, spinal segmental mechanism 55
spinal segmental mechanism 53–5
visceral application, spinal segmental mechanism 55
see also Electro-Acupuncture
A-delta fibers 30, 33, 40, 49, 50, 51
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 40, 41
adrenal glands 30
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 59
afferent nerve fibers 19, 33, 51
afferent neurophysiology 22–4
all or none theory 31
allodynia 44
amino acids 49
anterior cingulate cortex 41
anterior tibialis motor Neuropuncture point (ATNP) 55, 140
antioxidant theory 70
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) 40, 41
auricular acupuncture 29
auricular Electro-Acupuncture (EA) 47, 59
auricular posterior Neuropuncture point (APNP) 141
autonomic reflexes, dysfunctional 55
axons 31
basal ganglia 41
beta-endorphins 19, 30, 32, 56, 59, 60
see also endorphins
bi-phasic wave patterns 65
blood brain barrier (BBB) 73
brachial branch 19
anatomical components, organization 26
composition 27
hypothalamus 19, 26, 28–9, 56, 59
limbic area 28
neuroanatomy 25–36, 37
primitive 28
subcortex 59
tumors of 73
burns 48
calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) 34, 40–1, 49, 60
cancer, electrochemotherapy for 72–4
carpal tunnel release Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 106, 107
central nervous system (CNS) 26, 27, 41
chemical dependency 58–9
depression 60
Electro-Acupuncture (EA) as physical therapy for 63
endocrinology 59–60
immunology 58
mechanism 58–60
nausea and vomiting 60
oxytocin 60
stimulating via millicurrent/microcurrent 71–2
central pain 44
cervical column 55
cervical plexus 30
CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) 34, 40–1, 49, 60
chemical dependency 58–9
China 59
cholesterol, brain 27
chronic pain 46–7
CNS see central nervous system (CNS)
common peroneal Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 112, 113
cortex, brain 25, 27–8, 29, 41, 59
current, Electro-Acupuncture 63–4
De Qi sensation 22, 24, 33, 77
comfortable 51, 52, 74, 134, 135, 136
Electro-Acupuncture (EA) 142
obtaining locally 50–1
deep cranial Electro-Acupuncture (DCEA) 71
deep median Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 102, 103
deep peroneal Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 118, 119
deep radial acupoint/nerves 98, 99
delta fibers 19
dendrites 31
depolarization, nerves 31
depression 60
dermatomes 36
diffuse intrinsic pontine plioma (DIPG) 73
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) molecules 32
dorsal horn 41, 53, 54, 55, 57, 72
Dunn, James 69
Duong Ha (Dr.) 70
EA see Electro-Acupuncture (EA)
efferent nerve fibers 33
Electro-Neuropuncture (EN) 136–8
protocols 142–3
Electro-Acupuncture (EA) 27–8, 41, 62–74
all or none theory 31
auricular Electro-Acupuncture (EA) 47, 59
bi-phasic wave patterns 65
clinical settings 67–8
contraindications 74
current 63–4
Kelly Protocol 75, 76
neural synapse 66
pain treatment 67–8
as physical therapy for CNS 63
theories 68–72
treatment protocols 141
see also acupuncture
electrochemotherapy 72–4
electromagnetic field theory 71
electromagnetism 71
emotional processing 29
endocrinology 59–60
endogenous endorphin system 72
endogenous opioid circuit (EOC) 56–8, 67
see also beta-endorphins
enterochromaffin cells, gut 32
EOC (endogenous opioid circuit) mechanism 56
exteroceptors 26
fallopian tube blood circulation 72
fatty acids, brain 27
femoral nerve 33
fibromyalgia 133
flow, electric charge 63
“frequency window,” stem cells’ cellular wall 69, 73
frequency-specific concept 71–2
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 27
ganglia 27
gate theory of pain 41
Golianu, Brenda 73
gonadotropin pulse regulator 59
Great Wall, EA machine 65
greater auricular Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 33, 82, 83
greater occipital Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 90, 91
He Gu (L14 acupuncture point) 18–20, 23
hippocampus 41
Hua Tuo (Chinese medicine doctor) 63
Hunag Di Nei Jing 21
5-hydroxytryptophan 60
hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis 28, 59
hypothalamus 19, 26, 28–9, 56, 59
IAREA (International Association for Research of Electro-Acupuncture) 68, 73
immune system 73
immunology 58
inflammation 44
inflammatory mediators 40–1
infraorbital Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 84, 85
insula 41
International Association for Research of Electro-Acupuncture (IAREA) 68, 73
interoceptors 26
Jing Luo 39
Kelly Protocol, Electro-Acupuncture 70, 75, 76
killer cells 73
knee joint 55
Korea 48
Large Intestine meridian 19
lateral antebrachial acupoint/nerves 96, 97
lateral dorsal horn 41
lesser occipital Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 92, 93
limbic area 28
lumbar plexus 30
Maciocia, Giovanni 18
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 128
Mai 39
medial popliteal Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 116, 117
median nerve 33
medulla 26
membrane potential 31
membrane threshold 31
and acupoints 18–21
location 77–8
Yin meridians 20
microcurrent/microamps 64, 67, 72, 128
millicurrent/milliamps 64, 67, 68, 71–2
mitochondria 72
modified “gate” theory (gating the notion) mechanism 70
motor neurons 33
motor point (MP), acupuncture 141
myelin sheath 31
myofascial pain 44
myotomes 35
Nan Jing 22
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol 47
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) 60
nausea and vomiting 60
De Qi sensation 50
focal point of needle, mechanisms 48–50
Neuropuncture treatment principles (NTPS) 134–6
nerve endings 30
nerve fibers 23
nerves of importance, in Neuropuncture
carpal tunnel release 107
common peroneal 113
deep median 103
deep peroneal 119
deep radial 99
greater auricular 83
greater occipital 91
infraorbital 85
lateral antebrachial 97
lesser occipital 93
medial popliteal 117
paraspinal 123
posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) 121
saphenous 109
spinal accessory 95
superficial radial 101
supraorbital 87
tri-facial 89
ulnar 105
neural synapse 66
neural tracts 23
neurobiology of pain 38–47
transmission of pain 39–42, 43f
neurokinin 41
neuromuscular mechanism, acupuncture 61
neuro-network 23
neuropathic pain 44
acupoints see acupoints
concepts 17
five treatment principles (NTPS) 126–30, 132
theory and clinical application 125–38
theory and development 17–24
Neuropuncture acupoints, primary
carpal tunnel release 106, 107
listed 80
posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) 120, 121
Neuropuncture anxiety protocol 47
Neuropuncture clinical chart 43
Neuropuncture hypertension protocol 47
Neuropuncture treatment principles (NTPS), five 126–30, 132
needle technique 134–6
Neuropuncture acupoint assessment 132–3
passive, initial active and full active phases 133
NTP 1 127–8
NTP 2 128
NTP 3 128
NTP 4 128
NTP 5 128–9
Pain Upon Palpation (PUP) scale, assessment utilizing 130–3
Neuropuncture treatment protocols 139–43
for common conditions 144–58
three extra Neuropuncture points 139
nitric oxide synthase (NOS) 34
nociception fibers 41
peripheral 52
noradrenalin 57
notch signaling mechanism 70
oncology cellular wall permeability research 72–4
opioid peptide metabolism 57
opioid receptors 32
“opium wars” 59
oxytocin 60
PAG (periaqueductal gray) 19, 30, 58
chronic 46–7
classification 44–5
defined 39
Electro-Acupuncture treatment 67–8
gate theory 41
intensity, measuring 45–6
neurobiology 38–47
nociceptive 30
and thalamus 29
pain matrix 41
pain medication, addictive 46, 59
pain neural signature 41
pain neural substrate 41
Pain Upon Palpation (PUP) scale, assessment utilizing 130–3
1–4 scale 131
PANS (primary afferent nociceptive system) 30, 40, 44
parallel vertebral segmental bodies 123
paraspinal Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 122, 123
parasympathetic system 59
Parkinson’s disease 129
periaqueductal gray (PAG) 19, 30, 58
periosteum 49
peripheral nerve stimulation see Electro-Acupuncture
peripheral nervous system (PNS) 26
afferent nerve fibers 51
stimulating via millicurrent/microcurrent 71–2
peripheral pain 44
philtrum Neuropuncture point (PhNP) 140
placebos 125
PNS see peripheral nervous system (PNS)
poly-opioid 56
posterior pituitary 29
posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 120, 121
post-traumatic stress disorder 29
prefrontal cortex 41, 59, 60, 71
primary afferent nociceptive system (PANS) 30, 40, 44
proprioceptors 26
proteins, brain 27
pudendal nerve 128
and afferent neurophysiology 22–4
“Qi grasping” the needle 50
randomized clinical trials (RCTs) 60
rate, electric charge 63
repolarization, nerves 31
resting membrane potential 31
sacral plexus 31
saphenous Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 34, 108, 109
scalp points 71
sciatic nerve 33
sciatica 130
Sebestyen, Elizabeth 73
sensation, Qi 22
sensory neurons 33
sensory receptors 26
Shenmen point 47
somatostatin 41
spinal accessory Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 94, 95
spinal cord 41
spinal cord injury 70
spinal segmental mechanism, acupuncture 53–5
splenius capitis muscle (BL10) 55
subcortex 59
Subjective Unit of Discomfort (SUD) 45
substantia gelatinosa 41
superficial radial Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 100, 101
supraorbital Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 86, 87
sural Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 34, 114, 115
tibial neuroacupuncture acupoint/nerves 34, 110, 111
tissue damage 40
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 18
Tranquilizer point 47
transcranial electromagnetic stimulation 71
trapezius muscle (GB21) 55
tricyclic antidepressants 57
tri-facial Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 88, 89
tumors, brain 73
II and III muscle fibers 33, 49, 51
ulnar Neuropuncture acupoint/nerves 33, 34, 104, 105
vagus nerve 34
vastus medialis 55
vertebrate brain 25
see also brain
visceroceptors 26
viscerotomes 37
Visual Analog Scale 46
voltage 63
Yin meridians 20