List of Illustrations

  1. Annual commemoration of Piłsudski’s counteroffensive (Keystone-France/Getty Images)

  2. Troops from the Warsaw garrison after the surrender (Imperial War Museum)

  3. German troops taking down Polish Government symbols (Bundesarchiv)

  4. Soviet troops marching through Wilno (Popperfoto/Getty Images)

  5. A column of Jews guarded by German soldiers is marched through the streets of Warsaw (Imperial War Museum)

  6. Polish POWs doing reconstruction work (Popperfoto/Getty Images)

  7. Sikorski, Zaleski and Raczyński (Keystone-France/Getty Images)

  8. Polish refugees in Rumania (Keystone-France/Getty Images)

  9. Raczyński, Sikorski, Churchill, Zaleski and Attlee signing the agreement between Poland and the United Kingdom (Topic Press Agency/Getty Images)

10. Clementine and Winston Churchill and Sikorski in Fife (Imperial War Museum)

11. Antoni Głowacki with a fellow pilot during the Battle of Britain (Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

12. Polish Army howitzer training exercise (Imperial War Museum)

13. The footbridge connecting the ‘Small Ghetto’ to the ‘Large Ghetto’ in Warsaw (Roger Viollet/Getty Images)

14. Raid on the Warsaw ghetto (Keystone/Getty Images)

15. Polish refugees from the Soviet Union in Iran (Imperial War Museum)

16. General Władysław Anders and Sikorski (Keystone-France/Getty Images)

17. Starving Poles on arrival in Iran (Corbis)

18. Orphaned Polish boys on PE parade in Palestine (Imperial War Museum)

19. The site of the Katyń massacre (Keystone-France/Getty Images)

20. The Warsaw ghetto uprising (STF/AFP/Getty Images)

21. The Warsaw ghetto uprising (Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images)

22. Tanks of the 1st Polish Armoured Division in Normandy (Imperial War Museum)

23. Troops of the 3rd Carpathian Rifles Division at Monte Cassino (Imperial War Museum)

24. Scene at Majdanek after Soviet liberation (Imperial War Museum)

25. General Berling and members of the Polish Committee of National Liberation (Imperial War Museum)

26. Troops of the Armia Krajowa with captured Germans (Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images)

27. Funeral of an AK soldier (Picture Post/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

28. General Tadeusz ‘Bór’ Komorowski (Picture Post/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

29. Soldiers of the 1st Polish Armoured Division after liberating Breda (Horace Abrahams/Keystone Features/Getty Images)

30. Polish and Russian women slave-workers in Germany (Fred Ramage/Keystone/Getty Images)

31. Polish male prisoners at Dachau after liberation (Eric Schwab/AFP/Getty Images)

32. Thousands of Polish troops aboard SS Banfora at Tilbury Docks (Imperial War Museum)