absolute zero 1

actinedes 1, 2, 3, 4

actinium 1

alkali metals 1, 2, 3, 4

alkaline earth metals 1, 2, 3

allotropes 1

alloy 1

alpha particle 1, 2

alpha process 1, 2

alumina 1

aluminium 1, 2

oxide 1

amalgam 1

amphoteric 1

anapole moment 1

anhydrous 1

antimony 1

sulphide 1

argon 1, 2

fluorohydride 1

arsenic 1

oxide 1

poisoning 1

astatine 1, 2

atom 1

atomic number 1


bauxite 1, 2

Becquerel, Henri 1

biocide 1

de Boisbaudran, Paul Émile Lecoq 1, 2, 3, 4

bombs and nuclear energy 1, 2, 3

borax 1, 2

boron 1, 2

brevium 1

bronze 1, 2

buckminsterfullerene 1

buckyball 1, 2


calcium 1, 2

carbonate 1

phosphate 1, 2, 3

sulfate 1

carbon 1

dioxide 1

chlorine 1

chrome 1

chromium 1

oxide 1

sulphate 1

copernicium 1

copper 1, 2, 3, 4

carbonate 1

oxide 1

Coster, Dirk 1

Crookes, William 1, 2, 3

crystal 1

Curie, Marie 1, 2, 3, 4

Curie, Pierre 1, 2, 3


daughter isotope 1

Davy, Humphry 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Demarçay, Eugene-Anatole 1

diatomic molecule 1

dioxygen 1

dolomite 1

dopant 1, 2

doping 1

ductile 1

dysprosium 1


eka-aluminium 1

eka-tantalum 1

electrolysis 1, 2, 3

electronegativity 1

electron hole 1

electron shells 1

electroplating 1

element 1, ununseptium 2

emission spectrum 1

europium 1, 2


Fajans, Kazimierz 1

ferromagnetism 1, 2

flame spectroscopy 1, 2

flerovium 1

fluorescent properties 1

fluorinate 1

fluorine 1

fluorite 1

flux 1

francium 1, 2

fungicide 1


gadolinium 1

gallium 1, 2

arsenide 1

nitride 1

salts 1

sulphide 1

gases see noble gases

germanium 1

gold 1, 2

graphite 1, 2

Gurney, Goldsworthy 1


hafnium 1

Hahn, Otto 1, 2

half-life 1

halogens 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

heavy metal 1, 2

helium 1, 2, 3

Hevesy, George de 1

hydride 1

hydrogen 1, 2, 3, 4

fluoride 1

hydrogen atom 1

hydrogen bond 1, 2, 3

hydrous 1

hydrous sodium carbonate 1


inert 1, 2, 3

indium 1

tin oxide 1

infrared light 1

insulator 1

iodine 1

ion exchange chromatography 1, 2

ions 1

iron 1, 2, 3

iron pyrite 1

irradiation 1

island of stability 1, 2

isomers 1

isotopes 1, 2

daughter 1

parent 1


Kelvin 1

krypton 1


Lamy, Claude-Auguste 1

lanthanides 1, 2, 3

Lavoisier, Antoine 1, 2

lead 1

acetate 1, 2

sulphate 1

limestone 1

liquid metal 1

Lockyer, Norman 1


magic numbers 1, 2, 3

magnesite 1

magnesium 1, 2, 3

carbonate 1

nitride 1, 2

malleable 1

Manhattan Project 1, 2

mantle 1

mass number 1

mercury 1, 2

sulphide 1

oxide 1

Meitner, Lise 1, 2

Mendeleev, Dmitri 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

metalloids 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

metastable state 1

molecule 1


neon 1, 2

nitrogen 1, 2, 3

dioxide 1

oxide 1

noble gases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Noddack, Walter and Ida 1, 2

non-ferrous metal 1

non-metal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

n-type material 1, 2

nuclear energy and bombs 1, 2, 3

nuclear fission 1, 2, 3, 4

nuclear fusion 1, 2

nuclear isomer 1, 2

nuclear medicine 1

nucleon 1


ore 1

organolead compounds 1

organotin compounds 1

‘other metals’ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

oxidation 1, 2

oxidation number 1

oxidation state 1, 2

oxide 1

oxygen 1

ozone 1


paramagnetic 1, 2

parent isotope 1

Perey, Marguerite 1

periodic table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Perrier, Carlo 1, 2

pewter 1

phosphors 1, 2, 3

phosphorus 1

photon 1

pitchblende 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

polonium 1

plutonium 1, 2

polymer 1

poor metals 1

potash 1

potassium 1, 2

aluminium sulfate 1

benzoate 1

carbonate 1

chloride 1

fluoride 1

hydrogen sulphite 1

sodium tartrate 1

superoxide 1

plutonium 1, 2, 3

polonium 1, 2

promethium 1

protactinium 1

p-type material 1, 2

Pyykkö, Pekka 1


quadruple bond 1, 2

quantum chemistry 1


radiation 1, 2

radioactive isotopes 1

radioactivity 1, 2

radium, 1, 2

radon 1

Ramsay, William 1, 2, 3

rare earths 1 2, 3, 4

reaction 1

reactivity 1

redox reaction 1

reduction 1

reflectance 1, 2

rhenium 1

dibromide 1

disulphide 1

rubber 1


salt 1

salts 1, 2

saltpetre 1

samarium 1

Scheele, Carl Wilhelm 1

Seaborg, Glenn T, 1, 2, 3

Segrè, Emilio 1, 2, 3

semiconductor 1

semimetal 1, 2

silicate ions 1

silicon 1, 2

silicone 1

silver 1, 2

chloride 1

nitrate 1

sulphide 1

soda 1

sodium 1, 2, 3

carbonate 1

chloride 1, 2

solder 1

spectral lines 1

spectroscopy 1

stainless steel 1, 2

steel 1

stibnite 1

sublimation 1

substitution reaction 1

sulphur 1

sulphuric acid 1

superheavy element 1

sylvite 1


technetium 1, 2

tellurium 1

bismuth telluride 1

cadmium telluride 1

tetraethyl lead 1

thallium 1

sulphate 1

tin 1

grey tin 1

transition metals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

transuranic element 1, 2, 3, 4

triatomic molecule 1

trivalent ion 1


ununseptium 1

uranium 1, 2, 3, 4

depleted 1

Urbain, Georges 1


valency 1

van Helmont, Jan Baptista 1

vulcanization 1, 2


Winkler, Clemens 1


xenon 1, 2

X-rays 1


zirconium 1