Around this time, in 1978, Jane and I purchased land in Malibu and built the house where she still spends much of the year. I describe it as a beach shack, but it really is one of the great California houses, a compound more than a house, with stables and guest quarters and trails that run across six acres on the Pacific coast, where the land juts out and Catalina Island rises into view. If you leave Beverly Hills at 2:00 P.M., heading north on the Pacific Coast Highway, with the sea on your left and the hills rising steeply on your right, you will arrive before three, finally passing through a gate marked “Blue Heaven.”
In the midseventies, Jane and I threw a lot of parties. She calls it the era of “extreme entertaining.” We had people over most nights, the rooms filled with music and movie types, the windows glittering, laughter spilling onto the beach, where I stand with a bottle of wine knee deep in the surf. In the garage in Malibu, we have posterboard-size pictures taken in those bygone days. Jane with Walter Winchell. Jane with Darryl Zanuck and John Wayne. Jane, at a dinner party, with three different kinds of crystal in front of her, seated between Frank Sinatra and Cary Grant.
By then, my touring company, Concerts West, was booming. But no matter how well I was doing, I was always on the lookout for the new artist, the next big thing. When I think back on those years, it’s me going from club to club, sitting at cocktail tables, meeting artists in cramped dressing rooms, pitching, cajoling, selling. (Breaking a new act is a special high; some agents spend their careers chasing it.) My most noteworthy find of those years was John Denver, who, as far as I am concerned, I cooked from scratch. By examining how I dealt with John Denver you can get a pretty good sense of the task and challenge of the manager, how he finds and builds an act, and how that act will eventually break his heart.
John was a military brat. His childhood was spent moving base to base, New Mexico, Arizona, Alabama, Texas. His real name was John Deutschendorf Jr. His father was an amazing guy, a test pilot and flight instructor who often seemed confused by his kid. The love of music and songwriting, the long hair and pursuit of beauty—where did they come from? John left home as soon as he was of age. He traveled the country with a guitar and a notebook of songs. He was going to write about everything, all of it, the mountains and plains, the continental divide, set it to music. He made a few solo records, which went nowhere, then scored one big success, “Leaving on a Jet Plane,” which went top ten when recorded by Peter, Paul, and Mary, who, by the way, I managed. But his first real break came in the midsixties, when, answering an open audition, he won a spot in the Chad Mitchell Trio, a hot New York folk act.
I first heard about John when he left the Trio and was looking to make it on his own. He had been represented by Irwin Winkler, who was going into the movie business, and needed representation. A friend tipped me: “Jerry, check out this kid. He’s playing a dive in Greenwich Village.” So I went over. No one there. The joint was empty. Just this earnest kid with a pageboy haircut, singing and playing guitar on stage. I sat and listened. He made a connection immediately. That’s how it was with him—his talent. With each song, you felt he had opened his chest and was showing you his beating heart.
Okay, you might think, Jerry Weintraub and John Denver, something does not compute, something is not right. How does a folk singer from New Mexico end up in league with a street kid from the Bronx? But the fact is, we were a lot alike, me and John, had a lot in common, which is why our friendship was so immediate and deep. He, too, had run away from home when he was a kid—he left in his father’s car and turned up weeks later at a cousin’s house in Los Angeles. He, too, wanted to get out into the world, see and experience everything, find his way. I saw all of this that first night in New York. I saw the talent, too. It was one of those rare moments you dream of as a manager—spotting the kid who will become a star, who is a star already, even if the world does not yet know it.
From that moment, I was determined to break John Denver. He would be a test case for all my theories on selling and packaging, for everything I had learned since I left home and before, on the streets in the Bronx and from my father. John Denver would be my Star of Ardaban.
I wanted to start by getting some noise going. Here was this gem, John Denver, playing five nights a week in Greenwich Village, virtually for free—he was making seventy dollars a show when I met him—and no one even knew it. I went all around New York and LA, talking my head off to all the big operators. John Denver. Have you seen this kid? John Denver. He’s amazing. John Denver. I went on like this until my friends said, “All right. We get it! John Denver. Shut up.”
“Shut up about who?”
“John Denver.”
“Yeah, isn’t he great?”
Then I started to embroider, embellish. I would say, “Wow, John Denver, this client of mine, he’s so great, so on fire, that Bob Dylan has been hanging out in this club every night, watching him play.”
Just get them there, that’s what I believed. Just get them there, let them see this kid, they will love him.
Did it work?
Of course it did.
Within a few weeks, the place in the Village was packed, every seat filled, and the patrons three deep at the bar.
“Okay,” I said, “now let us see what we can do about this seventy dollars a night nonsense.”
John had cut a record for RCA. This was part of his long-term contract. He had already made Rhymes and Reasons and Take Me to Tomorrow. This was all before I got there—pre-Jerry. The new record was called Poems, Prayers and Promises. It had one obvious hit: “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” But the challenge was the same as always: get people to hear it, to recognize it as a hit. This mirrors the greater challenge of the talent manager. I did not invent John Denver. I did not write his hits, or create anything that was not there before I arrived. No manager does that. As I tell aspiring agents and managers, remember where the engine lies: with the artist. If the artist makes nothing, I have nothing to sell. It’s as simple as that.
It’s best, when selling something new, to envision the goal—let the entire world hear John Denver—then work your way back. How do we get there? Now and then, it happens by itself. This is a matter of luck, zeitgeist. More often, you have to be creative, crabwalk your way. Once the new record was released, I sent John on a tour of the biggest radio stations in the country. He would turn up by himself, with his song and his guitar, as if he just stumbled out of the mountains.
You have to remember what John looked like back then. He was simple and blond with the bangs and the glasses. This was the early seventies, when everyone was looking for his own Jimmy Carter, a man he could trust. John, with his apple-pie face, was perfectly cast. He came to hate this, but he was lucky. He had just what the market was demanding. It was his trademark, as the blue suede shoes and pompadour trademarked Elvis. It was his thing. You can evolve and grow but you should never resent your thing. If you look at how few artists actually make it, you will recognize that those trademarks, though in some ways limiting, are a gift of providence. John would show up with his pageboy and all-American smile and say, “Hi, I’m John Denver. I would like to play a song for you.” And bang, he was on the air.
At times, I used my other clients to break John. Fame is a private party. You can dazzle your way in with talent, or you can be vouched for. How far this can be carried depends entirely on who is doing the vouching. If it’s Frankie Valli, okay, maybe. But if it’s Sinatra? I arranged for John to cross paths with Elvis on the road. They went to radio stations, or Elvis mentioned one of John’s songs. I had learned something important from the incident of the unsold scarves. A mention by Elvis was the same as a multimillion-dollar ad campaign.
I had Sinatra talk about John, hook up with John, be seen with John. You might think of Sinatra and Denver as a mismatch (like Weintraub and Denver; like martinis and moonshine) but everything blurred in the seventies—this is when Sinatra recorded “(It’s Not Easy) Bein’ Green.” It was an odd moment, and yet another lesson for producers and managers: know your age, sing its songs. If you cross-breed the Elvis audience with the Sinatra audience, you get the great big everyone the Colonel spent his life chasing. We were not interested in niche marketing, or in targeting a selected demographic: We wanted them all.
Soon after its release, “Country Roads” was dominating the charts. You could not turn on your radio without hearing it.
The song, the tour, the public appearances—these were means to an end, which was not merely to have a hit, but to turn John into a star: not a star in prospect, but a star now and yesterday, someone who has already happened, so accomplished it’s no longer up for debate. It’s why I did not present John Denver as an exciting find, or as someone who had recently been playing to an empty house in Greenwich Village, but as talent that had already made it, an accomplished fact. I sold him in the past tense, as someone you’ve known about for years. I was telling the audience to relax and enjoy, as the judgment has already been made. You love him! In this way, we skipped several steps, jumping directly from the early days of struggle to the golden years.
I bought every billboard on Sunset Boulevard from Bel Air to Hollywood. On each, I put a different picture of John, a different posture, a different mood. You could not drive to work without being bombarded. He was all over the place. By the time you heard his song, you already knew him. I met with executives at RCA. They wanted to cut a follow-up to Poems, Prayers and Promises. I convinced them to do a greatest-hits album, which was amazing, considering John only had one hit. This is what I mean by selling John as if he were already a star. They paid us a million dollars for the record—a huge sum in those days. It came out in 1977, went straight to the top of the charts, and stayed there.
We branched out from there, transitioning John to TV. Within a few years, he was almost as well known for his work on the small screen as he was for his songs. He made his first appearance on The Tonight Show in 1972. I was friends with Johnny Carson and hooked them up at a party at my house in Beverly Hills. John became a regular on The Tonight Show, appearing again and again. America was still one market, and Carson stood at the center of it—it’s hard to explain just what a big deal that show was. Then, one summer, when Carson went on vacation, the producer asked John to fill in as guest host. It was a milestone for any entertainer—like the moment the mob takes you into a basement with the wood paneling and makes you swear loyalty over a book. You’re a made man after that, untouchable.
In 1974, I signed a deal with ABC under which John would do five guest spots on various network shows, getting paid $2,500 an appearance. In the end, ABC only used him once, in a Chevy Special, then called and canceled the rest of the contract. In other words, they dropped him. Four weeks later, “Country Roads” hit. A few weeks after that, I signed a new deal with ABC, under which he would be paid $350,000 an appearance. Remember, when I found John, he was playing in the Village for seventy bucks a night. What happened to him, the way he blew up, was amazing.
John understood all this, and appreciated it. He paid me a fortune. There were many years in which I made ten, twelve million with John. But for me, the money was a by-product of what was a labor of love. I had many clients, some of them bigger than John—Elvis and Frank, Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan—but John and I were very close. Because I broke him, because I understood him, because he understood me, because I loved him. We started as friends but became brothers. He made me the executor of his estate, he was executor of mine. Jane and I were to take care of his children if, God forbid, anything were to happen to him and his wife, Annie.
Yet there was something troubled about John. Success and money, rather than making these things easier to deal with, often bring them to the surface. He had an overwhelming need to impress and be accepted. It probably came from his father and the fact that John never seemed to win his approval, even when he made it big. He was in search of a father, really, someone who could stand in the old man’s place and say, “Yes, John, I love you. Yes.” And though he wanted a father and wanted approval, he resented the fact that he wanted those things. He needed you to love him, and hated you for making him feel that need. This sowed dangerous seeds in our relationship. After all, who was I? The man in the suit who paid the bills and made the schedule. In other words, I was the father. As he became more successful, he began to resent me. He needed me, but hated me for that need. I understood this only later.
John was beloved by fans but never accepted by critics, and it drove him crazy. No matter how many records he sold, no matter how much adulation was showered on him, he needed to win and be loved by the people who had already made up their minds, who thought he was lightweight and silly. I would say, “Hey, John, who gives a crap?” Or: “You know what? Screw ’em.” If you want to survive, if you want a long life and career, if you want to go wire to wire and have a decent time doing it, you need to have a deep strain of “Screw ’em.” I would say, “Believe me, John, you’re better with the people than with the critics. That counts if you’re an actor, a producer, a politician, or a singer.”
But he could not let it go. The criticism drove him wild. He was troubled, as I said. He had no identity. He didn’t know what he wanted because he did not know who he was. He wanted to ditch his glasses for contact lenses. “But the glasses are part of the shtick,” I told him. “The glasses are great!” I mean, if you’re getting hitters out with screwballs, keep throwing the screwballs. That’s the sportsman’s way.
The first danger sign came in 1979, when John was on tour in Europe. I got a call from one of my assistants on the road. “John is unhappy,” he said. “He’s talking about firing you.”
I got on a plane, went over. I stood with John outside the Inn on the Park in London. He had his head down and paced, the way he did whenever faced with an onerous task or crisis. He stammered. He said, “Look, Jerry. You know how I feel about our relationship, but I think I am going to have to let you go.”
“Let me go? Why?”
“Well, it’s this tour. I mean, nothing is right. The hotels stink, and the food is no good, and the venues are just awful, and the sound systems are terrible, too. The band is furious. Nothing is right.”
I said, “Look, I just got off a flight from LA. Let me get some rest. Then let’s talk it over in four hours.”
“What’s going to happen in four hours?” he asked.
“Well, maybe I can fix these problems,” I said. “Think of all we’ve been through. You can give me four hours.”
“All right,” he said, “four hours, but I am deadly serious, Jerry.”
“I know you are, John.”
That night, we went out to dinner after his show.
I said, “Look, John. Before we eat, I want you to know I’ve taken care of the problem. Things will be different from here.”
“You took care of them? How?”
“I fired Ferguson.”
“You fired Ferguson? Who’s Ferguson?”
“There has been trouble with the hotels, with the food, with the venues, with the sound systems? Well, Ferguson was in charge of all of that. He’s been fired.”
“Really? You fired Ferguson.”
“I did. And I think you will notice the difference right away.”
We started eating, talking, being brothers again. I was brooding, looking down.
“What’s the matter, Jerry?”
“Well, I’ll tell you, John. I’m feeling bad about Ferguson. Sure, he screwed up, but he’s not a terrible guy. And now he’s been fired, and he won’t have his salary and he won’t have his bonus and it’s right before Christmas. For godsakes, John, Ferguson has a family!”
We sat in silence, eating. Finally, John threw down his napkin and said, “Darn it, I feel bad about Ferguson, too!”
Some time went by. I was eating, drinking, looking around. It was one of those stolid British restaurants, with brass on everything and waiters coming and going with pints of ale.
I said, “Look, I have an idea. Let’s say, instead of firing Ferguson, I just move him into another part of the business. Away from people.”
“Hide him, you mean?”
“Yeah, hide him. In the business, just not out front, definitely not working with artists.”
“Yeah, that’s a great idea,” said John. “I would feel a lot better about that, it being so close to Christmas and all.”
“Good,” I said. “I will call LA tomorrow and take care of it. Ferguson’s wife is going to be so relieved.”
There really was nothing wrong with the hotels, food, venues, or the rest. John had just gotten himself in a tangle and needed to stand up for himself. Which was why we fired Ferguson. I also knew that John was very compassionate and would eventually blame himself for what happened to Ferguson, which was why we hired him back.
The next night, on the way back from the show, I asked John, “So how was the venue, how was the sound?”
“Oh, much better,” he said. “I could tell the difference right away. I’m glad we could fix it without firing Ferguson.”
Of course, there was no Ferguson.