The recommendations in this book are not intended to replace or conflict with the advice given to you by your physician or other health professionals. All matters regarding your health should be discussed with your doctor. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this book. Following these dietary suggestions may impact the effect of certain types of medication. Any changes in your dosage should be made only in cooperation with your prescribing physician. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability directly or indirectly from the use of the material in this book by any person.
This program is not recommended to women who are pregnant or nursing. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability directly or indirectly from the use of the material in this book by any person.
Copyright © 2015 by Powell Lane Enterprises, LLC
Cover design by Rebecca Lown
Jacket copyright © 2015 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Image credits: Fitness photos: Allison Tyler Jones. Food photos: Erika Peterson and David Rushing. Before and After photos: Chris Powell and Heidi Powell.
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Hachette Books
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First ebook edition: December 2015
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ISBN 978-0-316-33951-3