I found myself
Lost in the depths
Of darkness and despair,
Blinded by confusion
That was dwelling everywhere.
No matter how many times I tried
I couldn’t find my way.
But when I opened up my eyes
A whole new life awaited.
Through hope and heart and promises,
Integrity and dignity,
My life is now my masterpiece.
I control my destiny.
I am a Phoenix now
From ash I rise above
As I climb, step-by-step
The path to true self love.
It has been six years since we started our show Extreme Weight Loss—six seasons, over 70 incredible transformations on camera, and millions of lives changed in more than 140 countries! So much has happened in that short span of time—our family has expanded, our passion for helping others continues to grow, and our insight into how people can effectively lose weight and get in shape has deepened. But one of the biggest transformations of all is how we finally understand the necessary steps to keeping it off forever.
Since Heidi became even more visible on the show, the response has been overwhelming. People want more of her—on the show and via her blog, HeidiPowell.net. But what many don’t realize is that Heidi and I have worked side by side from day one, helping our people change their lives for the better. As Heidi’s role on the show has increased, I’ve been super excited—but not a bit surprised—to see how our viewers have responded to her amazing spirit, energy, and wisdom. They seem to relate to her emotionally charged, dig-in approach; instead of backing off when things get tough, Heidi helps them through some of the tough inner parts of their struggle to lose weight and hold steady to their transformation journey… and ultimately their lifelong dreams.
It turns out that my strengths as head cheerleader and chief educator dovetail nicely with Heidi’s more emotional approach. Don’t get me wrong: We are both tough, but in different ways, and we came to realize that the most successful of the people we work with need just that: cheerleader, educator, and counselor. They also have relied upon us as trusted friends—and that’s what we want to be to you, friends you can depend on—to be honest with you, and to help guide you to your best life.
Together, we have always felt like a formidable team, but now with so many people responding to us as a couple (and family), we realize that yes, two is better than one… and our differences support our approach. And that’s what we want to give you in this third—our most comprehensive and complete—book: a combination of both our approaches through a 21-day lifestyle shift that will put you on course to change your body and your life, forever.
Since our last book, we have made some influential discoveries—influential on us! Taking in the experience of the hundreds of courageous women and men we have guided through the weight loss journey, we’ve learned so much more about the struggles, and how to overcome them for continued success. We have dug deep with our people over the years, and now deliver to you the fastest, most convenient, most balanced way to achieve profound weight loss. Over the years we have set out to identify the reasons why it is so difficult for many to not just lose the weight, but to continue losing weight over time, and ultimately maintain a lifestyle of success. Why? Why do we lose motivation? Why do we fall off of the wagon time and again? How can we finally lose the weight for good? These are the questions that we have obsessed over for years and have sought tirelessly to find the solutions.
The answer is simple: Most diets are just that—diets. They are simple plans to follow for weight loss. Some even come with an exercise component. But they don’t provide the inner compass, the knowledge, and the realistic expectations of what the journey is really like, to make a diet into what it’s meant to be—a transformation. Before, there was no real guide to transformation. And that’s our promise to you: a complete road map that will lead to long-term success—once and for all.
Our guide to Extreme Transformation is a product of over 14 years of experience on a journey that we’ve taken with hundreds of people. Nearly every individual we have transformed is like family to us. We talk, we laugh, we cry, and we have totally open and authentic communication about their struggles and triumphs—and through this experience we have gleaned so much about the pitfalls and how to prevent them, during both the weight loss journey and maintenance.
The weight loss technique we use for Extreme Transformation is the most complete and powerful nutrition and exercise plan we have ever designed. It is based upon our insight into the people who not only lose the weight, but also keep it off. Within each of the 21 days is a fundamental lesson that we have discovered to have a lasting impact upon every single transformation achieved. This approach leads to true, lasting success—the kind we are all interested in. We give them the tools to not only maximize their weight loss but also stay active and fit. These tools and fundamental lessons make this possible and set them apart from the millions of yo-yo dieters out there. They continue to practice these simple 21 lessons every day.
We have analyzed exactly what makes these most successful people do so well on our program. You’re about to meet many of them, hear their stories, and see their remarkable transformations in their before-and-after photos. When you witness their journeys of success, you will be inspired and motivated to declare your own dream as well—because if they can do it, you can, too—whether you’re trying to lose just 20 pounds, or well over 100.
If you, your client, your family member, or your loved one wants Extreme Transformation and wants to change life forever, this is your guide. We are ready to give full transparency to our whole approach, and give you real-life expectations of what is to come. Woven into these 21 days are rules, tips, tricks, and shortcuts that we will share with you—from tactics that can accelerate your weight loss, to shifting the way you think about yourself and about weight loss forever.
This same method that we use to take 50 to 200 pounds off our participants in less than a year is the same one we’ve effectively used for hundreds of other clients who want to lose just 10 to 15 pounds! Not only does it help them achieve their weight loss goals, but it also sets them up for lifelong success. Early on, we’ll help you see and understand the hidden path of transformation, which usually coincides with a big “a-ha” moment, and once you “get it,” you will never see life or the weight loss journey the same way again. Whether it’s the final 20 pounds or more than 200 that you want to lose, just follow the program, apply the lessons, and the results will be phenomenal. Best of all, along the way we’ll show you how to control the throttle, so you can drop weight at a slower, more comfortable pace, or accelerate to get to your goal in record time.
We applied the science behind behavior and habits, alongside our own personal experience, with our participants: what is necessary to break a bad habit and how we can lay down new, positive habits. We found what worked and didn’t work in their real-life situations, and have filtered it down to the most effective, tangible steps toward lifelong change.
You may have heard that it takes 21 days to change a habit, and while many of us can change a habit in 21 days, recent research by such behavioral scientists as Ann M. Graybiel has shown that, for some of us, it can take longer. We’re not telling you this to worry you but instead to educate you and give realistic expectations of the journey ahead. The good news is that we have planned around this. We have structured our nutrition and exercise method in 21-day phases so that you learn how to change the bad habits that led to your weight gain and replace them with new, empowering habits that help you lose weight and feel much better. You can repeat the 21-day phase until you’ve reached your goal weight and replaced those destructive habits with new routines to “anchor in” your new body and mind-set.
As you can see, this is the guide to total transformation. These are all of our secrets. This transformation you are about to embark upon will lead to a whole new you. It is a kind of change that is deep and life altering. It is not superficial. It is not just physical change; it is an emotional, mental, social, and even spiritual change. It’s the kind of change that takes all of you—your thoughts and your feelings, your body and your brain. All of you.
Now, we aren’t just going to sit here, telling everyone else to follow these 21 lessons. No, we actually practice and follow them ourselves. We are so passionate about this process because these steps have enriched and changed our lives! Yes. We live Extreme Transformation on a daily basis. So when we teach you the lessons of transformation, we are sharing with you not just as your coaches, but also as your equals—your teammates on this journey. These steps are lessons that we’ll never master—but to live our best life, we must continually practice them! We’re all in this together. While you are living Extreme Transformation, know that we, and hundreds of thousands of other people are, too!
We’ve also included tips—some from Heidi, and some from me. You’ll know who’s talking to you by these clever little icons that tag them:
When you follow the 21 days of the Extreme Carb Cycle (our nutrition plan) and Metabolic Missions (our exercise plan), you will see and feel your body change rapidly. But when you learn and apply the lessons within the 21 Days to Transformation, you will feel a whole new sense of control over your life and your destiny. Finally, after years of feeling lost, depressed, or frustrated, you will come to a place where you feel hopeful and optimistic. You will see your life and your future with clarity. You will wake up in the morning with enthusiasm. You will go through your day confident and self-assured. You will turn out the light at night feeling successful, satisfied, and in control.
The 21 Days to Transformation fall into three weeks, each week covering one of the three components to create your own Extreme Transformation. Your days begin with good ol’ delicious nutrition and a workout challenge, followed by one transformation lesson and activity that creates a deeper understanding of who you are and how you can unlock your true potential.
Week One: Days 1–7 help you Learn It
Week Two: Days 8–14 help you Love It
Week Three: Days 15–21 help you Live It for the rest of your life!
This is our promise to you: We will show you how to lose weight, get fit, and discover a part of you that you never knew existed. You will feel confident and energetic—able to take on life’s challenges with vigor. You will feel happier and more in control than ever before. You will love yourself. That’s what Extreme Transformation can do for you.
Let the journey begin…