404 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 216–17; Report by William Robertson, “Operations on Barbara J,” May 4, 1961 and Report by Grayston Lynch, “After Action Report on Operation [redaction],” May 4, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1997), 238, 250; Prados, Secret Wars of the CIA, 260; Szulc, Fidel, 549–51; Coltman, Real Fidel Castro, 181.

405 Szulc, Fidel, 549–53; Anderson, Che, 508; Luis Aguilar, editor, Operation Zapata: The ‘Ultrasensitive’ Report and Testimony of the Board of Inquiry on the Bay of Pigs (Frederick, MD: University Publications of America, 1981), 21–26; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 220, 235.

406 Telegram from CIA to Agency Personnel in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, April 18, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 273; Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 25–27, 33; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 235–36, 278; Howard Jones, The Bay of Pigs (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 119.

407 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 270–271; Quirk, Fidel Castro, 372–73; Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 318; Kenneth O’Donnell, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye” (Boston: Little, Brown, 1972), 272; Pierre Salinger, With Kennedy (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1966), 148–49; W. W. Rostow, The Diffusion of Power: An Essay in Recent History (New York: Macmillan, 1972), 209–10; Hugh Sidey, John F. Kennedy, President (New York: Atheneum, 1964), 131–32, 134; Robert Dallek, An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 (Boston: Little, Brown, 2003), 365; Richard Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior: From Yalta to the Bay of Pigs (New Haven: Yale University, 1996), 189; Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam (N.Y.; Oxford University Press, 2000), 143; James Srodes, Allen Dulles: Master of Spies (Washington: Regnery, 1999), 530; Blight and Kornbluh, Politics of Illusion, 96–97.

408 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 21–24; Dallek, Unfinished Life, 365; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 235–36, 248, 282, 285–86, 303n.

409 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 272–74, 285–86; John Prados, Presidents’ Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations Since World War II (New York: Morrow, 1986), 206.

410 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 303; Szulc, Fidel, 554; Telegram from CIA Personnel in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua to CIA, April 19, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 298.

411 “Challenge by Castro,” New York Times, April 17, 1961; Szulc, Fidel Castro, 547; Coltman, Real Fidel Castro, 180; Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War, 241–42; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble,” 102.

412 Szulc, Fidel, 555–56; Fidel Castro and Ignacio Ramonet, Fidel Castro: My Life (New York: Scribner, 2009), 15,7 269.

413 Theodore C. Sorensen, Kennedy (New York: Smithmark, 1995), 309; Sidey John F. Kennedy, 135–36.

414 Richard Reeves, President Kennedy: Profile of Power (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993), 101.

415 Dallek, Unfinished Life, 370.

416 Sidey, John F. Kennedy, 141; Kai Bird, The Color of Truth: McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy: Brothers in Arms (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998), 199.

417 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 196, 199–200; Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 20–21, 221–22; Dean Rusk, As I Saw It: A Secretary of State’s Memoir (New York: I. B. Tauris, 1991), 183-84; Richard Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 184; Charles P. Cabell, Memoirs of War, Peace, and the CIA (Colorado Springs: Improvide Publications, 1997), 368–72.

418 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 205–06.

419 Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 190, 203–204; Peter Grose, Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994), 526; Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 185.

420 Memorandum from DDCI Cabell to General Maxwell Taylor, “Cuba Operation,” May 9, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 235–237; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 198–99, 205–206; Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 186; Rusk, As I Saw It, 181–82; Cabell, Memoirs of War, Peace, and the CIA, 374–75.

421 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 38, 222; Thomas, Very Best Men, 258–59.

422 Jack Pfeiffer, “Adlai Stevenson and the Bay of Pigs,” Studies in Intelligence, JFKAC, CIA, Box 8, Folder 99; Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 222; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 174–76, 198–99; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 229; Reeves, President Kennedy, 90; Thomas, Very Best Men, 256–57; Herbert S. Parmet, JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy (New York: Dial Press, 1983), 167; Prados, Presidents’ Secret Wars, 202.

423 Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 183; Thomas, Very Best Men, 255; Telegram from the Mission to the United Nations from Adlai Stevenson, April 16, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 230; Pfeiffer, “Adlai Stevenson and the Bay of Pigs,” 47; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 197.

424 Letter from Chairman Nikita Khrushchev to President John Kennedy, April 18, 1961 and Letter from President John Kennedy to Chairman Nikita Khrushchev, April 18, 1961 are in Mark J. White, editor, The Kennedys and Cuba: The Declassified Documentary History (Chicago: Ivan Dee, 1999), 32–35; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 88.

425 Schlesinger, Thousand Days, 233–34, 237–38; Memorandum for the Record by Orville Bathe, AC/WH/COG, “Manuel Artime,” July 25, 1973, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 87, Folder Manuel Artime; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 292; Sorensen, Kennedy, 307; Reeves, President Kennedy, 96–98; Sidey, John F. Kennedy, 133; “Analysis of the Cuban Operation” by Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell, January 18, 1962 in Kornbluh, Bay of Pigs Declassified, 222; Jordan A. Schwarz, Liberal: Adoph A. Berle and the Vision of an American Era (New York: Free Press, 1987), 333.

426 Richard Nixon, RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon (New York: Touchstone, 1990), 232–35; Christopher Matthews, Kennedy and Nixon: The Rivalry that Shaped Postwar America (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996), 198–200.

427 Notes by General Eisenhower on Meeting with President Kennedy, April 22, 1961, DDEL, Eisenhower Papers, Post-Presidential, Box 1, Folder Cuba (2); Memorandum of Conference with the President, May 11, 1961, DDEL, Eisenhower Papers, Post-Presidential, Box 2, Folder Memoranda of Conversations; Stephen Ambrose, Eisenhower: Soldier and President (New York: Touchstone, 1990), 114, 127, 141, 313–14, 553–54; Sidey, John F. Kennedy, 143–44; Maxwell Taylor, Uncertain Trumpet (New York: Harper & Row, 1959).

428 Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 180–81; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 446.

429 Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 184; Footnote, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 318; Reeves, President Kennedy, 180.

430 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 18, 41–42, 182, 219; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 214–16; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 443–44; Piero Gleijeses, “Ships in the Night: The CIA, the White House and the Bay of Pigs,” Journal of Latin American Studies, February 1995), 36.

431 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 317; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 105–07; Szulc, Fidel, 501; Quirk, Fidel Castro, 106, 370; Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars, 136.

432 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 334.

433 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 253.

434 Richard Bissell, “Analysis of the Cuban Operation,” January 18, 1962, in Kornbluh, Bay of Pigs Declassified, 173; CBS Reports, “The Hot and Cold Wars of Allen Dulles,” April 26, 1962, Allen Dulles Papers, Box 101, Folder CIA 1962.

435 “Cuba Operation,” April 12, 1961 in Kornbluh, Bay of Pigs Declassified, 131.

436 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 59, 111.

437 Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 191.

438 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 37–38.

439 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 41–42, 107; Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 189, 191; Theodore L. Gatchel, At the Water’s Edge: Defending against the Modern Amphibious Assault (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996), 7, 207; Joseph H. Alexander and Merrill L. Bartlett, Sea Soldiers in the Cold War: Amphibious Warfare, 1945–1991 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1995), 3–4; Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars, 135.

440 Aguilar, Operation Zapata, 40; FBI Report, “Arthur James Balletti et al,” May 22, 1961, JFKAC, Pike Committee, Box 1.

441 Lyman Kirkpatrick, “Survey of the Cuban Operation,” October 1961 in Kornbluh, Bay of Pigs Declassified, 99–100.

442 Wayne G. Jackson, “Allen Dulles as Director of Central Intelligence, February 26, 1953-November 29, 1961,” Vol. III: Covert Activities,” 122 and Memorandum for Special Study from Wayne G. Jackson, “CIA Relations to Operations Coordinating Board, Doolittle and Hoover Investigations,” CIA, Box 1.

443 Lucien S. Vandenbroucke, “The ‘Confessions’ of Allen Dulles:” New Evidence on the Bay of Pigs,” Diplomatic History, Fall 1984, 366; Allen Dulles notes on the Bay of Pigs, Allen Dulles Papers, Princeton University, Box 244; Lucien S. Vandenbroucke, Perilous Options: Special Operations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), 32–33; Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 191.

444 Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 172–73.

445 Jones, Bay of Pigs, 21–29, 91, 136–38; Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 157.

446 Vandenbroucke, “The ‘Confessions’ of Allen Dulles” 374.

447 Kornbluh, Bay of Pigs Declassified, 258, 264–65; Blight and Kornbluh, Politics of Illusion, 85–86.

448 Memorandum for the Record by J. S. Earman, “Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” May 23, 1967, 3, 33, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 4, Folder 23JFK1.

449 Michael Beschloss, The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960–1963 (New York: HarperCollins, 1991), 139; George Smathers, Oral History, 6B-8B, JFKL; Alleged Assassination Plots Against Foreign Leaders, 123–24.

450 Alleged Assassination Plots, 117, 314–15; Thomas Powers, The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms and the CIA (New York: Knopf, 1979), 164.

451 Blight and Kornbluh, Politics of Illusion, 86–87; CIA Memorandum for G. Harvey Summ, Office of Cuban Affairs, Miami, October 8, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 1, Folder Manuel Artime.

452 Memorandum for Record, no author, “Claim of a Former Cuban Agent,” June 30, 1975, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 75, Folder Felix Rodriguez.

453 Memorandum to File from Bob Kelley, “Interview with John Henry Stephens,” May 30, 1975, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 1.

454 Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 584; Kenneth O’Donnell, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye” (Boston: Little, Brown, 1972), 278.

455 Memorandum from Attorney General Kennedy to President Kennedy, April 19, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 302–04.

456 Memorandum from Secretary of Defense McNamara to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lemnitzer, April 20, 1961; Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McNamara, April 26, 1961; Memorandum from Secretary of Defense McNamara to Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Cuban Contingency Plans,” May 1, 1961; Memorandum from President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Bundy to President Kennedy, “Action at NSC Meeting,” May 5, 1961 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 306, 375, 405, 476.

457 Paper prepared for the NSC by an Interagency Task Force on Cuba, “Cuban and Communism in the Hemisphere,” May 14, 1961, FRUS, 1961–63, Vol. X, Cuba, 463, 466; Goodwin, Remembering America, 187.

458 Notes of NSC Meeting by Howard Burris, May 5, 1961 and NSC Meeting Minutes, May 5, 1961 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 479, 482.

459 CIA Paper, “Program of Covert Action Aimed at Weakening the Castro Regime,” FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 555.

460 FBI Report, “Arthur James Balletti, et al,” May 22, 1961, JFKAC, Pike Committee, Box 1.

461 Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, 126–27; Memorandum from J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General Ramsey Clark, “CIA’s Intentions to Send Hoodlums to Cuba to Assassinate Castro,” March 6, 1967, JFKAC, Church Committee, FBI HQ, Box 18.

462 Evan Thomas, Robert Kennedy: His Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000), 115, 155–56; Mark Riebling, Wedge: The Secret War Between the FBI and CIA (New York: Knopf, 1994), 163–64; James W. Hilty, Robert Kennedy: Brother Protector (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997), 61, 124–25, 197, 202, 205–07; Ronald Goldfarb, Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes: Robert Kennedy’s War on Organized Crime (New York: Random House, 1995), 3, 5, 177, 265, 305–06; Edwin O. Guthman and Jeffrey Shulman, editors, Robert Kennedy in His Own Words (New York: Bantam Books, 1988), 291.

463 CIA Memorandum Detailing 201 File on Norman Rothman, April 25, 1975 and Army Intelligence Report, “Present Political Situation in Cuba,” September 10, 1954 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 76, Folder Security of Mafia Plotting and Box 11, Folder S.

464 Memorandum from FBI Director to Attorney General, “Norman Rothman,” May 18, 1961 and FBI Report by Richard G. Douce, “Norman Rothman,” February 23, 1960 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Joseph Merola, Box 1 and Box 4; Memorandum by Catherine LeMaistre, “Norman Rothman,” July 10, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 43, Folder Rothman.

465 FBI Report by Stephen Labadie, “Santo Trafficante, Jr.,” June 30, 1961 and FBI Report by Wendell W. Hall, Jr., “Santo Trafficante, Jr.,” November 27, 1967 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 3 and Box 10.

466 CIA Memorandum, “Meeting with Norman Rothman and David McConnell,” June 30, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 43, Folder Rothman; Memorandum for the Record, “Norman Rothman,” April 25, 1975, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 122, Folder Sturgis; HSCA Interrogatory, HSCA Numbered Files, Box 138, Folder 007235; Goldfarb, Perfect Villains, 8, 273.

467 Philip Nash, “Bear Any Burden? John F. Kennedy and Nuclear Weapons,” in John Lewis Gaddis, Philip H. Gordon, Ernest R. May, and Jonathan Rosenberg, editors, Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb Since 1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 123; Desmond Ball, Politics and Force Levels: The Strategic Missile Program of the Kennedy Administration (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980), 108–09, 181–84; Dallek, Unfinished Life, 347; Ernest R. May, John D. Steinbrunner, and Thomas Wolfe, History of the Strategic Arms Competition, 1945–1972 (Office of the Secretary of Defense, March 1981), 512–13, National Security Archive.

468 Alexander Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”: Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958–1964 (New York: Norton, 1999), 109–14, 119–20; Frederick Kempe, Berlin 1961: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth (New York: Putnam, 2011), 19–22, 131–36, 185, 193, 200.

469 Anatoly Dobrynin, In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to America’s Six Cold War Presidents, 1962–1986 (New York: Times Books, 1995), 43–44.

470 Memorandum of Conversation, “Vienna Meeting between the President and Chairman Khrushchev, June 3, 1961, 12:45 p.m., FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. V, Soviet Union (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1998), 172–78; Kempe, Berlin 1961, 227.

471 Memorandum of Conversation, “Vienna Meeting between the President and Chairman Khrushchev, June 3, 1961, 3 p.m. session, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. V, Soviet Union, 183–97; Kempe, Berlin 1961, 230–32.

472 Memoranda of Conversations, “Vienna Meetings between the President and Chairman Khrushchev,” June 4, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. V, Soviet Union, 216–25, 229–30; Kempe, Berlin 1961, 241–45;Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, Khrushchev’s Cold War: The Inside Story of an American Adversary (New York: Norton, 2006), 356–58, 362–64; Vladislav Zubok, “The Case of Divided Germany, 1953–1964” and Oleg Troyanovsky, “The Making of Soviet Foreign Policy” are in William Taubman, Sergei Khrushchev, Abbott Gleason, editors, Nikita Khrushchev (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000), 231, 287, 295–300; William Burr, “Avoiding the Slippery Slope: The Eisenhower Administration and the Berlin Crisis, November 1958 – January 1959,” Diplomatic History, Spring 1994, 177–82; William Taubman, Khrushchev: The Man and His Era (New York: Norton, 2003), 396–99, 403; Zubok and Pleshakov, Kremlin’s Cold War, 190.

473 David Halberstam, The Best and the Brightest (New York: Ballantine, 1992), 76; Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy (New York: Smithmark, 1995), 592–93; Reeves, President Kennedy, 201; Dallek, Unfinished Life, 423–24; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 256–57.

474 Reeves, President Kennedy, 175.

475 Fred Kaplan, Wizards of Armageddon (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983), 225–26.

476 Taylor, Swords and Ploughshares, 206; Reeves, President Kennedy, 201.

477 Dobrynin, In Confidence, 45.

478 Zubok and Pleshakov, Kremlin’s Cold War, 188–90, 193, 205–08; Oleg Troyanovsky, “The Making of Soviet Foreign Policy” in Taubman, Nikita Khrushchev, 209–10, 212, 215; Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb, 336, 330–40, 343–46; Sergei N. Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), pp, 92–93; Tompson, Khrushchev, 159–60; Alvin Z. Rubinstein, Moscow’s Third World Strategy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990), 18–20, 85; Nikita Khrushchev, Speech to the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, October 27, 1961 in Thomas P. Whitney, editor, Khrushchev Speaks: Selected Speeches, Articles, and Press Conferences, 1949–1961 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1963), 428–29, 450–51; Nikita Khrushchev, Speech, January 6, 1961, Analysis of the Khrushchev Speech of January 6, 1961, Hearing, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security, 87th Congress, 1st Session (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1961), 55, 66, 69; Zubok, Failed Empire, 107, 127, 129, 131, 143, 175, 177–78, 338; National Intelligence Estimate 11-9-62, “Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy,” May 2, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. V, Soviet Union (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1998), 415, 421; Odd Arne Westad, The Global Cold War (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 40, 71; James A. Noren, “CIA Analysis of the Soviet Economy and Douglas F. Garthoff, “Analyzing Soviet Politics and Foreign Policy” in Gerald K. Haines and Robert E. Leggett, editors, Watching the Bear: Essays in CIA Analysis of the Soviet Union (Washington, D.C.: CIA, 2001), 27, 69.

479 James Chace, Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998), 385–86, 391; Sorensen, Kennedy, p, 593; Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars: Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam (New York: Oxford University Press, 72–73, 76; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 278; Zubok, “The Case of Divided Germany” in Taubman et al, Nikita Khrushchev, 295–98. See also Burr, “Avoiding the Slippery Slope,” Diplomatic History, Spring 1994, 194, 199–200.

480 Oleg Troyanovsky, “The Making of Soviet Foreign Policy” in Taubman, Nikita Khrushchev, 232–33; Taubman, Khrushchev, 506; Marc Trachtenberg, A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945–1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999), 323–24.

481 Kempe, Berlin 1961, 247, 379–81, 489.

482 Zubok and Harrison, “Nuclear Education of Nikita Khrushchev” in Gaddis, editor, Cold War Statesmen, 156–57; Viktor Adamsky and Yuri Smirnov, “Moscow’s Biggest Bomb: The 50-Megaton Test of October 1961,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Fall 1994, 3, 19–20; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 466–67; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 132; Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars, 80–81; Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, Khrushchev’s Cold War: The Inside Story of an American Adversary (New York: Norton, 2006), 350.

483 Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. V, Soviet Union, 284; Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars, 80.

484 Reeves, President Kennedy, pp 246–47; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 329; Appendix to Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis, December 1963, 44–46, CIA, Cuban Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder 15.

485 John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), 218; Deborah Shapley, Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara (Boston: Little, Brown, 1993), 97–98; Gregg Herken, Councils of War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), 148–55; McGeorge Bundy, Danger and Survival: Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years (New York: Random House, 1988), 350, 352, 554; Ball, Politics and Force Levels, 17–18.

486 Donald Steury, editor, Intentions and Capabilities: Estimates on Soviet Strategic Forces, 1950–1983 (Washington: CIA, 1996), 57; Shapley, Promise and Power, 625–26; Kaplan, Wizards of Armageddon, 286–90.

487 May, Steinbrunner, and Wolfe, History of the Strategic Arms Competition, 511; Nash, “Bear Any Burden? John F. Kennedy and Nuclear Weapons,” 124–25.

488 Statement by Secretary Dillon in Punta del Este, Department of State Bulletin, August 28, 1961, 356–60; Stephen Rabe, The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999), 30–32; Anderson, Che, 511; Goodwin, Remembering America, 191, 193; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 636–37; Chace, Acheson, 382.

489 Jorge G. Castaneda, Compañero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara (New York: Knopf, 1997), 203–04; Ernesto Che Guevara, “Cuba and the ‘Kennedy Plan,’” World Marxist Review, February 1962, 33–35; Anderson, Che, 511–12, 517–18; Rabe, Most Dangerous Area, 31–32.

490 Goodwin, Remembering America, 195–96; Richard Goodwin, “Cigars & Che & JFK” and “A Conversation with Fidel Castro” are in Cigar Aficionado, October 1996 and Summer 1994.

491 Memorandum from Richard Goodwin to President Kennedy, “Conversation with Comandante Ernesto Guevara of Cuba,” August 22, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 642–45; Goodwin, Remembering America, 197–202; Goodwin, “Cigars & Che & JFK.”

492 Memorandum from Richard Goodwin to President Kennedy, August 22, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 640–41; Goodwin, “Cigars & Che & JFK.”

493 Grose, Gentleman Spy, 529, 534, 538.

494 Bissell, Reflections of a Cold Warrior, 191–92, 203–04, 225–26; Weber, Spymasters, 122; James Srode, Allen Dulles: Master of Spies (Washington: Regnery, 1999), 508; Blight and Kornbluh, Politics of Illusion: The Bay of Pigs Invasion Reexamined (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1998), 45.

495 Srode, Allen Dulles, 542.

496 Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 125, 129, 137; Currey, Edward Lansdale, 11–15; Biography of George McManus, 1976, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 46, Folder 4; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 148; Foreword by William E. Colby, in Currey, Edward Lansdale, x.

497 Memorandum from Richard Helms to John McCone, “Meeting with the Attorney General Concerning Cuba,” January 19, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1997), 719–20; Cecil B. Currey, Edward Lansdale: The Unquiet American (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988), xiii, 68–69, 102–05; Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Robert Kennedy and His Times (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978), 461, 466, 476; John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (New York: Touchstone, 1987), 216, 224–26, 419; Edward Lansdale, In the Midst of Wars: An American’s Mission to Southeast Asia (New York: Harper & Row, 1972), 159; Memorandum for J. S. Earman, October 17, 1955, DDEL, White House Office, Office of Staff Secretary, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 7, Folder - CIA; W. W. Rostow, The Diffusion of Power: An Essay in Recent History (New York: Macmillan, 1972), 118–19; Grose, Gentleman Spy, 410, 451; David C. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors (New York: Ballantine, 1980), 137.

498 Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 147; Memorandum from Edward Lansdale, December 7, 1961 and “Program Review” by Edward Lansdale, “The Cuba Project,” January 18, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 693, 710–18.

499 “Program Review” by Edward Lansdale, January 18, 1962 and “Program Review” by Edward Lansdale, February 20, 1962 and “Guidelines for Mongoose,” March 14, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 710–18, 746, 771–72.

500 Walter Elder, “John A. McCone: The Sixth Director of Central Intelligence,” (1987), 36–38, 41, JFKAC, CIA, Miscellaneous Files, Box 1; Special National Intelligence Estimate 85–61, November 28, 1961, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 32, Folder 6; CIA Paper, “Program of Covert Action Aimed at Weakening the Castro Regime,” May 19, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 555; FBI Report, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” July 31, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Manuel Ray Rivero.

501 Memorandum for the File by John McCone, “Discussion with Attorney General Robert Kennedy,” December 27, 1961 and Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, January 12, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 700–03; CIA Update by Western Hemisphere Division, November 8, 1961, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 38, Folder S; “Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook,” July 1964, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook.

502 Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, November 30, 1961; Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, “Discussion with Attorney General,” November 29, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 686–87; Alleged Assassination Plots, 140; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 148–49.

503 Alleged Assassination Plots, 140–41; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 667; Richard Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder: A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency (New York: Random House, 2003), 196–97, 202; Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 132; Don Bohning, The Castro Obsession: U.S. Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959–1965 (Washington: Potomac Books, 2005), 80–81; Reeves, President Kennedy, 183; Ted Shackley, Spymaster: My Life in the CIA (Washington: Potomac Books, 2006), 50–51, 55; “Excerpt from Interview of William Harvey,” Church Committee, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder 4.

504 Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to General Maxwell Taylor et al, “Cuba,” December 7, 1961 and Memorandum for the Record by DCI John McCone, December 14, 1961 and Program Review by Edward Lansdale, January 18, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 692, 697, 714, 718; Currey, Edward Lansdale, 241.

505 “Guidelines for Operation Mongoose,” March 14, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 771–72.

506 Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to Mr. Hurwitch and General Craig, January 26, 1962 and Program Review by Edward Lansdale, February 20, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 731, 747; Michael Desch, When the Third World Matters: Latin American and U.S. Grand Strategy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), 102.

507 Memorandum from Brig. General William H. Craig to Chief of Operations, Cuba Project, “Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba,” March 13, 1962, JFKAC, Califano Papers, Box 1, Folder 4; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Decision on JCS, 1969/321, “A Note by the Secretaries on Northwoods” and “Justification of US Military Intervention in Cuba,” March 14, 1962, JFKAC, JCS Central Files, 1962–63, Box 1, Folder RG 218 JCS; Footnote, FRUS, 1961–1962, Vol. X, Cuba, 721.

508 Memorandum from Robert Hurwitch to U. Alexis Johnson, “Cuba Project,” February 26, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 759; Minutes of Special Group (Augmented), March 5, 1962, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 25, Folder 3; Minutes of Special Group (Augmented), April 11, 1962, Church Committee, Box 38, Folder 5; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 157.

509 Memorandum from William Harvey to John McCone, “Operation Mongoose,” April 10, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 786–90.

510 Memorandum from General Lyman Lemnitzer to Robert McNamara, April 10, 1962 in Mark J. White, editor, The Kennedys and Cuba: The Declassified Documentary History (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1999), 118–19.

511 Memorandum from Sherman Kent to John McCone, “The Possible Reaction to a U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba,” April 10, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 785.

512 Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to Special Group (Augmented), April 26, 1962, National Security Archive, 1962/04/26, (00207); Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to Special Group (Augmented), May 3, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 803. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 135–36; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 480.

513 Memorandum for the Record by John A. McCone, “Special Group – Mongoose Project,” April 5, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 779–80.

514 Tad Szulc interview in Reeves, President Kennedy, 264–65; Tad Szulc, “Cuba on Our Mind,” Esquire, February 1974; Szulc Testimony, Alleged Assassination Plots, 138–39; Richard Goodwin, Remembering America: A Voice from the Sixties (Boston: Little, Brown, 1988), 141; Memorandum from Joseph DiGenova to F.A.O. Schwartz, “Richard Goodwin Materials and Summary,” July 17, 1975, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 39, Folder 3.

515 Seymour M. Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot (Boston: Little, Brown, 1997), 281; Reeves, President Kennedy, 266; Robert Hurwitch, Most of Myself, Part 2 (Santo Domingo: Corripio, 1990), 130; Memorandum from Richard Goodwin for the President and Attorney General, November 2, 1961 and Eyes Only Memorandum, no author, November 4, 1961 are in JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 18, Folder 4.

516 Szulc, born in Poland, arrived in the United States in October 1947 “under the sponsorship of U.S. Ambassador John C. Wiley, husband of his mother’s sister,” a CIA document stated. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen as the result of a “special Congressional bill.” See AMTRUNK Operation, Working Draft, February 14, 1977, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 82, Folder AMTRUNK; Memorandum for the Record by S. D. Breckinridge, “Meeting with Robert Blakey,” December 7, 1974, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 78, Folder HSCA Vol. 3.

517 Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 157; Reeves, President Kennedy, 289–90.

518 Memorandum from C/WH/4 to Chief, WH/4, “What Would Happen If Castro Died?” October 6, 1961, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 4, Folder WF05-F1; Memorandum from Sherman Kent to Allen Dulles, November 3, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 668–72; Memorandum from Wymberley Coerr to Mr. Ball, “Meeting with the President on Cuba, November 3, 1961,” Department of State, Bureau of Interamerican Affairs, Subject Files of Assistant Secretary, Box 3, Folder Cuba 1961.

519 Bayard Stockton, Flawed Patriot: The Rise and Fall of CIA Legend Bill Harvey (Washington: Potomac Books, 2006), 143–45; Peter Wright, Spy Catcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Official (New York: Viking, 1987), 147, 154–62.

520 “Excerpt of Interview with William Harvey,” 1976 and William Harvey Testimony, Church Committee, June 25, 1975, 39–40, 45 are in JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder 4 and Box 36, Folder 1; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 158; Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 138; Powers, Man Who Kept the Secrets, 169–70; Alleged Assassination Plots, 83.

521 Stockton, Flawed Patriot, 145, 170; Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder, 196; Alleged Assassination Plots, 99–100, 148–53; Richard Helms Testimony, Church Committee, July 17, 1975, 73, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 25, Folder 3. See also Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (New York: Doubleday, 2007), 187.

522 Richard Bissell, “Analysis of the Cuban Operation” in Peter Kornbluh, editor, Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba (New York: New Press, 1998), 220–21; CIA Paper, “Status of Efforts to form a Provisional Government of Cuba,” March 10, 1961 and Memorandum from Tracy Barnes to Allen Dulles, March 21, 1961 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 115–17, 163–65; Memorandum for the Record by CIA Case Officer, “Meeting with Dr. Miró,” November 7, 1961 and “Briefing Dr. Miro as to Campaign of Covert Sabotage Operations in Cuba,” November 14, 1961 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 35, Folder K; Memorandum for the Record by CIA Case Officer, “Meeting with Dr. Miro, Capt. Despaigne,” November 7, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 38, Folder H; Arboleya, Cuban Counterrevolution, 68–69; Letter, November 19, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 39, Folder E.

523 FBI Report by William Mayo Drew, Jr., “30th of November Revolutionary Movement,” March 30, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Carlos Rodriguez Quesada, Box 1; FBI Report by Stephen Labadie, “Santo Trafficante,” September 27, 1960, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 3; FBI Report by Arthur V. Hart, “Meeting of Hoodlums, Apalachin, N.Y.,” HSCA Subject: Sebastian John La Rocca, Box 4.

524 FBI Report, “Changed Revolutionary Council,” March 15, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Carlos Rodriguez Quesada, Box 1.

525 CIA Memorandum, “Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil,” no date, and HSCA Staff Memorandum, “DRE,” December 11, 1978 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 102, Folder DRE and Box 24, Folder 45.

526 CIA Memorandum by [redaction] AC/WH/COG, “Prosecution of Cubans in Miami,” May 2, 1967; HSCA Memorandum, “Movimiento Insurreccional de Recuperación Revolucionario,” November 16, 1978, and CIA “Counterrevolutionary Handbook,” July 1964 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 83, Folder Orlando Bosch and Box 24, Folder 48 and Box 55, Folder 64.

527 Memorandum for the Record by Jacob Esterline, “Meeting with Arthur Schlesinger and Dr. Miro Cardona,” October 24, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 34, Folder K.

528 Dispatch from Chief of Station, JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W, “Station Asset Report,” March 23, 1962 and Cable from JMWAVE to Director, September 5, 1962 and Memorandum for the Record No. 107, “Dr. Miro,” December 12, 1961 and Memorandum for the Record No. 26, November 13, 1961 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 34, Folder H, Box 35, Folder H, Box 38, Folder I, and Box 38, Folder H; Memorandum for the Record by General Groves B. Erskine to Assistant Secretary of Defense, January 10, 1961 and FBI Report, “Frente Revolucionario Democratico,” January 9, 1961 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Antonio Varona Box 1 and Box 2.

529 Memorandum for the Record by Jacob Esterline, “Meeting with Arthur Schlesinger and Dr. Miro Cardona,” October 24, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 34, Folder K.

530 Memorandum from Robert Woodward to Mr. Ball, “Dr. Miro,” November 13, 1961, Department of State, Bureau of Interamerican Affairs, Subject Files of Assistant Secretary, Box 3, Folder Cuba 1961; Memorandum for the Record No. 6, “Meeting with Dr. Miro, November 3, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 38, Folder I; Bohning, Castro Obsession, 143–44.

531 “OAS Exclusion of Cuba Praised by the President,” New York Times, February 1, 1962.

532 “President Orders total Embargo on Cuban Imports,” New York Times, February 4, 1962; Pierre Salinger, “Kennedy, Cuba and Cigars” and Richard Goodwin, “Cigars & Che & JFK,” in Cigar Aficionado, November–December 2002 and September–October 1996 respectively.

533 National Intelligence Estimate 85–62, “Situation and Prospects in Cuba,” March 21, 1962, LBJL, National Security File, Country File, Cuba, Intelligence Reports, Vol. 2, Box 37; Szulc, Fidel, 574–75; Quirk, Fidel Castro, 400–01.

534 William Harvey Interview, Church Committee, 1976, 20, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder 4; Alleged Assassination Plots, 83–84; Memorandum for the Record By J. S. Earman, “Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” May 23, 1967, 25, 41, 46–50, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 4, Folder 23 JFK-1; “Chronology of Castro Assassination Plots,” 1976, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 37, Folder 3; Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 139; Rappleye and Becker, All-American Mafioso, 220–21; Richard Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder: A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency (New York: Random House, 2003), 152; HSCA Notes from Varona’s CIA Security File, March 7, 1978, p, 4, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 19, Folder 25–31; Santo Trafficante Testimony, HSCA, November 14, 1977, JFKAC, Executive Session Hearings, Box 3, Folder Santo Trafficante; Ted Shackley, Spymaster: My Life in the CIA (Washington: Potomac Books, 2006), 56–57; Stockton, Flawed Patriot, 128–29.

535 Earman, “Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 48–52; CIA Analysis, no date, 12, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 21, Folder Box 29-Folder 43.

536 Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 39–60, 77–91, 128; Riebling, Wedge, 105–06, 153; Weiner, Legacy of Ash, 110–12; [Rockefeller Commission] Memorandum to File by David Belin, “Interview with William King Harvey,” April 10, 1975 and “Excerpt of Interview with William Harvey,” 1976, are in JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 37, Folder 1 and Box 33, Folder 4.

537 Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 115, 155; Ronald Goldfarb, Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes: Robert Kennedy’s War on Organized Crime (New York: Random House, 1995), xvii, xix–xx; James Hilty, Robert Kennedy: Brother Protector (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997), 197, 211; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 262–64; Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J, Edgar Hoover (New York: Putnam, 1993), 12–13, 55, 225, 227, 229, 242–43, 258; Richard Mahoney, Sons and Brothers: The Days of Jack and Robert Kennedy (New York: Arcade, 1999), 96–98, 99–102, 126, 193, 195–96; Tim Weiner, Enemies: A History of the FBI (New York: Random House, 2012), 211–12; Selwyn Raab, Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America’s Most Powerful Mafia Empires (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005), 87–89, 120.

538 FBI Report, Los Angeles Office to U.S. Attorney, Los Angeles, “John Rosselli,” May 10, 1962, FBI Reading Room.

539 Riebling, Wedge, 113, 166–67; Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 29, 40–1.

540 Alleged A ssassination Plots, 129–30; Reeves, President Kennedy, 66–67, 110, 289, 679n; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 159,166–68, 173; Summers, Official and Confidential, 255, 280, 285–86, 290, 301; Mahoney, Sons and Brothers, 156.

541 Alleged Assassination Plots, 77, 131; Reeves, President Kennedy, 289–90; Maheu, Next to Hughes, 121–22; Mahoney, Sons and Brothers, 129.

542 Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to General Taylor, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Gilpatric, Mr. McCone, “Cuba,” December 7, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 693; Alleged Assassination Plots, 132–34; Earman, “Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 41, 43–44, 62a, 64–65; Memorandum by J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Tolson, May 10, 1962, JFKAC, Gerald R. Ford Library Records, Wilderotter Files, Box 1, Folder Assassination (3); Rappleye and Becker, All-American Mafioso, 220–21.

543 FBI Memorandum from Sterling B. Donahoe, to A. H. Belmont, “Cuban Situation,” December 19, 1961 and FBI Memorandum from A. H. Belmont, “Cuban Situation,” date redacted, are in JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder 3; Alleged Assassination Plots, 166–67. For Lansdale’s collaboration with the Binh Xugen in South Vietnam in the mid-1950s, see Edward Geary Lansdale, In the Midst of Wars: An American’s Mission to Southeast Asia (New York: Harper & Row, 1972), 147–48, 177, 269–70.

544 In April 1961, McNamara made a comment to White House aide Richard Goodwin about the assassination of Castro. “The only thing to do is eliminate Castro,” McNamara told Goodwin at the end of a meeting on the Bay of Pigs. “You mean Executive Action?” the CIA representative asked. “I mean it Dick, it’s the only way.” Goodwin, Remembering America, 189. According to Bissell, the CIA-Mafia assassination operation “never went to the Special Group.” See notes of Jack Pfeiffer’s “Interview of Richard Bissell on Castro Assassination Planning,” October 17, 1975, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 4, Folder WF05-F4.

545 Alleged Assassination Plots, 105, 107, 153–54, 166; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1997), 924; Helms Testimony, Church Committee, July 17, 1975, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 25, Folder 3; Reeves, President Kennedy, 162, 235–37.

546 Alleged Assassination Plots, 153–54, 159, 161–66; Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 138; Handwritten notes on ZRRIFLE, no date, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder 2.

547 Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 137; CIA Biography of [George] McManus, 1976, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder - 4; Alleged Assassination Plots, 144–45.

548 Taylor Branch and George Crile, “The Kennedy Vendetta,” Harper’s, August 1975; Grayston Lynch, Decision for Disaster: Betrayal at the Bay of Pigs (Washington: Brassey, 1998), 170; Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder, 202, 210.

549 Branch and Crile, “Kennedy Vendetta”; Lynch, Decision for Disaster, 170–71; Warren Hinckle and William Turner, Deadly Secrets: The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro and the Assassination of JFK (New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1992), 128; Michael Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War (New York: Knopf, 2008), 23–24; U. Alexis Johnson, The Right Hand of Power (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1984), 329, 345.

550 The KGB report is cited in Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 150–51, 159, 166; Sergei Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), 482; James G. Hershberg, “Before ‘The Missiles of October’: Did Kennedy Plan a Military Strike Against Cuba?” Diplomatic History, Spring 1990, 181.

551 Telegram from CINCLANT to Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet, February 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 749–56; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 149–50; Michael Desch, When the Third World Matters: Latin America and U.S. Grand Strategy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), 105–06, 108, 110.

552 Hershberg, “Before ‘The Missiles of October’”, 181.

553 “Castro Tells Cubans He’s Communist,” Washington Post, December 3, 1961; Tad Szulc, Fidel: A Critical Portrait (New York: Morrow, 1986), 568–69; NIE 85–62, 8–9, 16; James G. Blight, Bruce J. Allyn, and David Welch, editors, Cuba on the Brink: Castro, the Missile Crisis, and the Soviet Collapse (New York: Pantheon, 1993), 197.

554 National Intelligence Estimate 85–62, “The Situation and Prospects in Cuba,” March 21, 1962, LBJL, National Security File, Country File, Cuba, Intelligence Reports, Vol. 2; Oleg Troyanovsky, “The Making of Soviet Foreign Policy” in Taubman, editor, Nikita Khrushchev, 234; Dmitri Volkogonov, Autopsy for Empire: The Seven Leaders Who Built the Soviet Regime (New York: Free Press, 1998), 170; Douglas Garthoff, “Analyzing Soviet Politics and Foreign Policy” in Gerald K. Haines and Robert E. Legett, editors, Watching the Bear: Essays on CIA’s Analysis of the Soviet Union (Washington: CIA, 2000), 60.

555 Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 150–51, 161.

556 Memorandum by John McCone, “Discussion with Attorney General,” July 18, 1962 in White, The Kennedys and Cuba, 122; “Program Review” by Edward Lansdale, February 20, 1962 and Memorandum by Edward Lansdale to the Special Group (Augmented), “Review of Operation Mongoose,” July 25, 1962, Memorandum from Robert Hurwitch to Edwin Martin, July 18, 1962, and Memorandum from Hurwitch to Martin, July 26, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 746, 846–47, 882–84, 885; Helms, Look Over My Shoulder, 209.

557 Memorandum from Maxwell Taylor to President Kennedy, August 17, 1962, Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to the Special Group (Augmented), “Stepped Up Course B,” August 8, 1962 and Attachment, August 7, 1962, and Memorandum from Edward Lansdale to the Special Group (Augmented), “Alternative Course B,” August 14, 1962, and Memorandum of Meeting by John McCone, August 16, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 899–901, 928–35, 940–41, 944–45; Alleged Assassination Plots, 147; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 534.

558 “U.S. Studies Raid of Cuban Exiles” and “Exile Describes Cuba Shelling,” New York Times, August 27, 1962; “Havana Area Is Shelled,” and “Student Exiles Boast” by Associated Press are in Washington Post, August 26, 1962; CIA Dispatch from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, WHD, “Press Relations of AMBUD-1,” February 7, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 124, Folder CRC; CIA Memorandum for the Record, “Proposal of Lem Jones,” January 3, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 133, Folder Miro Cardona; CIA Dispatch from JMWAVE to Chief, Task Force W, “Press Coverage of Shelling of Havana,” August 27, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 70, Folder 6; Jefferson Morley, Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2008), 130–31; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 117, 146, 206; Taylor Branch and George Crile, “The Kennedy Vendetta: How the CIA Waged a Silent War against Cuba,” Harper’s, August 1975.

559 Cable from JMWAVE to Director, “AMSPELL Mission,” August 25, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 70, Folder 3; “Havana Suburb Is Shelled in Sea Raid by Exile Group,” New York Times, August 26, 1962.

560 Memorandum, “Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil,” August 29, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 70 Folder 6; HSCA Notes from DRE CIA Files, August 10, 1978, JFKAC, JFK Task Force, Box 14, Folder 23-Folder 25; Memorandum for the Record by Richard Helms, “Conversation with DRE,” are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 69, Folder 27; Morley, Our Man, 121, 128, 130–32, 156, 163.

561 CIA Memorandum, “Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 102, Folder DRE; Memorandum from the Director, FBI to Assistant Attorney General J. Walter Yeagley, “DRE,” April 23, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: George Nobregas, Box 1.

562 Memorandum from Director, FBI to Attorney General, “Students Revolutionary Directory,” August 28, 1962 and FBI Report by Leman L. Stafford, Jr., “Agrupacion Montecristi,” May 3, 1962 and FBI Report by Leman L. Stafford, Jr.,“Agrupacion Montecristi,” January 16, 1963 and FBI Report by Francis J. O’Brien, “Agrupacion Montecristi,” July 13, 1963 and FBI Teletype from SAC, Miami to Director and SAC, Savannah, March 30, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Agrupacion Montecristi, Box 1; FBI Report, “DRE,” April 5, 1963, HSCA Subject: George Nobregas, Box 1.

563 FBI Report by William A. Wightman, “Cubana Airlines,” September 23, 1960, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Manuel Ray Rivero, Box 4; FBI Report by Wendell W. Hall, Jr., “Santo Trafficante Jr.,” January 26, 1968, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 10; FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, “Agrupacion Montecristi,” April 5, 1963, HSCA Subject: Agrupacion Montecristi, Box 1.

564 Morley, Our Man, 125, 129, 174, 219, 230; CIA IG Officer, “Interview with Ross Crozier,” May 25, 1961, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 4, Folder WF05-F2.

565 P. L. Thyraud de Vosjolie, Lamia (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970), 134, 213, 232, 287–88, 294–96; Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Catcher (New York, Touchstone, 1992), 119, 125; Walter Elder, John A. McCone: The Sixth Director of Central Intelligence (1987), 41–43, JFKAC, CIA Records, Miscellaneous Files, Box 1; Current Intelligence Memorandum, “Recent Soviet Military Aid to Cuba,” August 22, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 923; CIA Inspector General J. S. Earman, “Handling of Intelligence Information During the Cuban Arms Buildup: August to Mid-October 1962,” November 12, 1962, 16, CIA Records Research Tool (CREST), 3/17/2006; “Russians Step Up Flow of Arms to Castro Regime,” New York Times, August 25, 1962; Helms. Look Over My Shoulder, 210.

566 Dino Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball: The Inside Story of the Cuban Missile Crisis (New York: Random House, 1991), xi, 97, 104–05; Max Holland, “The ‘Photo Gap’ that Delayed the Discovery of Missiles in Cuba,” Studies in Intelligence, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2005, www.CIA/Center. for the Study of Intelligence; President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), Chronology of Cuban Missile Crisis, September 13, 1962, 29, NSA, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 1052–53; Earman, “Handling of Intelligence Information During the Cuban Arms Buildup,” 33–36; Helms, Look Over My Shoulder, 191, 195, 211; Stephen E. Ambrose, Eisenhower: Soldier and President (New York: Touchstone, 1990), 47–71, 505; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 416; McGeorge Bundy, Danger and Survival: Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years (New York: Random House, 1988), 420; Elder, John A. McCone, 43–44; Philip Nash, The Other Missiles of October: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the Jupiters, 1957–1963 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997), 1, 13, 79, 99, 103.

567 Memorandum by William Harvey and Abbot Smith to Edward Lansdale, “Operation Mongoose — the Soviet Stake in Cuba,” August 17, 1962 and Editorial Note and SNIE 85-3-62, “The Military Buildup in Cuba,” September 19, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 942–43, 1052–53, 1070–80; Office of National Estimates, “Cuba as a Military Threat,” January 8, 1962, 5–6, CREST, 11/29/2005; Excerpts from the Carter-McCone Cables in Memorandum by John McCone, “Soviet MRBMs in Cuba,” JFKAC, Gerald Ford Library Records, Rockefeller Commission, Box 3.

568 Gregory W. Pedlow and Donald E. Welzenbach, The CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954–1974 (Washington: CIA, 1998), 200–01; PFIAB Chronology of Cuban Missile Crisis, September 10, 1962, 27–28, NSA, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 968; Earman, “Handling of Intelligence During the Cuban Arms Buildup,” 11, 41; Timothy Naftali and Philip Zelikow, editors, The Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy: The Great Crises, Vol. II (New York: Norton. 2001), 4–16; Holland, “‘Photo Gap’”; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 132–37; Reeves, President Kennedy, 351–52.

569 In a meeting between DDP Richard Helms and DRE leaders, Helms referred to Keating’s speeches and the monthly DRE publication “The Cuban Report.” A CIA memorandum on the meeting stated, “To satisfy his own curiosity, Mr. Helms asked if Senator Keating’s figures were based on ‘The Cuban Report.’ [Luis Fernandez] Rocha answered in the affirmative.” Memorandum for the Record, “Conversation with DRE,” November 15, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 69, Folder 27.

570 “Kennedy Rules Out Invasion,” “Boats Off Cuba Fire at U.S. Navy Planes,” “Cuba and Doctrine,” “A Modern Cuban Army Held Cuba’s Goal,” and “Kennedy Says U.S. Will Act on Cuba” are in New York Times, September 1, 1962, September 3, 1962, and September 5, 1962 respectively; Helms, Look Over My Shoulder, 210; Max Holland, “A Luce Connection: Senator Keating, William Pawley, and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall 1989, 141, 153; Thomas G. Paterson, “The Historian as Detective: Senator Kenneth Keating, the Missiles in Cuba, and His Mysterious Sources,” Diplomatic History, Winter 1987, 67–70.

571 Reeves, President Kennedy, 347; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 1038, 1065.

572 “Kennedy Rules Out Invasion” and “Transcript of President’s News Conference” in New York Times, September 1, 1962 and September 14, 1962 respectively.

573 Memorandum by McGeorge Bundy to President Kennedy, “Cuba,” Tab A, August 31, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 1005–06.

574 Oleg Troyanovsky recalls, “We received an enormous amount of information [in 1962] on the intention of the United States to launch a second attack on Cuba.”

Troyanovsky continues, “There is no doubt that the defense of Cuba was one of the major reasons why nuclear missiles were deployed on the island.… Khrushchev constantly feared that the USA and its allies would make the USSR retreat in some region of the world… [H]e believed he would be made a scapegoat for that.… [H]e often recalled the words of Stalin not long before his demise: ‘When I’m not around they will strangle you like kittens.’… [T]hat feeling had grown under the impact of the unremitting sallies of Beijing which accused the Soviet leader of cringing to imperialism. That is why his worry for Cuba’s destiny was rather justified.” Oleg Troyanovsky, “The Caribbean Crisis: A View from the Kremlin,” International Affairs (Moscow), April-May 1992, 148; James G. Blight, Bruce J. Allyn, and David A. Welch, editors, Cuba on the Brink: Castro, the Missile Crisis, and the Soviet Collapse (New York: Pantheon, 1993), 71–72, 379–89.

See also Sergei N. Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), 482–84; Strobe Talbott, editor, Khrushchev Remembers (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970), 492–93.

575 Fedor Burlatsky, Khrushchev and the First Russian Spring: The Era of Khrushchev Through the Eyes of His Advisor (New York: Scribner’s, 1988), 171; Dmitri Volkogonov, Autopsy for an Empire: The Seven Who Built the Soviet Regime (New York: Free Press, 1988), 236; Raymond L. Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis (Washington: Brookings, 1989), 12; Nash, The Other Missiles of October, 1, 13, 79, 99, 103; Anatoly Dobrynin, In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to America’s Six Cold War Presidents (New York: Times Books, 1995), 73; Steven J. Zaloga, The Kremlin’s Nuclear Sword: The Rise and Fall of Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Forces, 1945–2000 (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002), 76–78, 80–82.

576 Fedor Burlatsky, Anatoly Dobrynin, General Anatoli Gribkov, Anastas Mikoyan’s son Sergo, and Oleg Troyanovsky have noted the strategic element of Khrushchev’s Cuban missile plan. They differ over whether the strategic element or the defense of Cuba was the primary factor in Khrushchev’s decision to deploy missiles to Cuba. But they agree that Khrushchev was passionately committed to the defense of the Cuban revolution. See Burlatsky, Khrushchev and the First Russian Spring, 172–74; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 72–73; Anatoly Dobrynin, “The Caribbean Crisis: An Eyewitness Account,” International Affairs (Moscow), August 1992, 47–48; Anatoli Gribkov and William Y. Smith, Operation Anadyr: U.S. and Soviet Generals Recount the Cuban Missile Crisis (Chicago: Edition Q, 1994), 166–68; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 493; Bernd Grener, “The Cuban Missile Crisis Reconsidered: An Interview with Sergo Mikoyan,” Diplomatic History, Spring 1990, 207, 209–10; Troyanovsky, “The Caribbean Crisis,” International Affairs, 148.

577 Volkogonov, Autopsy for an Empire, 236–37, 252; Bruce J. Allyn, James G. Blight, and David A. Welch, editors, Back to the Brink: Proceedings of the Moscow Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis, January 27–28, 1989 (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1992), 7, 12; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 487; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 73; Roy Medvedev, All Stalin’s Men (New York: Anchor Press, 1984), 28.

578 Volkogonov, Autopsy for an Empire, 248; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 487; Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 13–14, 25; CIA Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis (December 1963), 35–37, CIA, Box 1, Folder 14.

579 Allyn, Blight, and Welch, Back to the Brink, 12–13, 150 and Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 77–78; Anderson, Che, 524–26. See also S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 484, 492; CIA Office of National Estimates, Revised Draft, “Trends in the World Situation,” February 12, 1964, 5–6, CIA Records Search Tool (CREST), 11/01/2006; Dobrynin, “Caribbean Crisis,” International Affairs, August 1992, 47; Szulc, Fidel, 579. For the difficulty the USSR faced in defending Cuba by conventional military means, see Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis (December 1963), 2, CIA, Cuban Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder 14.

580 Allyn, Blight, and Welch, Back to the Brink, 151; Anderson, Che, 525–27; Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 81–82,197–202; Telegram from Anastas Mikoyan to Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, November 6, 1962, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis/40th Anniversary; Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis (December 1963), 41, 59, CIA, Box 1, Folder 14; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 72–73; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 493; Szulc, Fidel, 579; Alexandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”: Khrushchev, Castro and Kennedy, 1958–1964 (New York: Norton, 1997), 182, 196; Timothy Naftali and Philip Zelikow, editors, The Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy: The Great Crisis, Volume II (New York: Norton, 2001), 191–93.

581 Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 198–99; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 489; Talbott, Khrushchev Remembers, 494. See also Raymond Garthoff, A Journey Through the Cold War: A memoir of Containment and Coexistence (Washington: Brookings, 2001), 170, 175, 177, 183, 186–87.

582 Allyn, Blight, and Welch, Back to the Brink, 51–52; Anderson, Che, 527–29; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 20–21; Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 83–85; Philip Brenner, “Cuba and the Missile Crisis,” Journal of Latin American Studies, February 1990, 127–28; Note from Conversation with Fidel Castro by Georgy K. Shakhnazov, November 5, 1987, Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 88.

583 Sixteen launchers for IRBMs with nuclear warheads left the Soviet Union but turned back at the last minute before reaching Cuba. Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 57–59, 67; Volkogonov, Autopsy for an Empire, 238–39; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 44–45; J. S. Earman, “Handling of Intelligence Information During the Cuban Arms Buildup: August to Mid-October 1962,” November 12, 1962, Annex, Memorandum for [Redacted], “Soviet Ships in Mariel Harbor on September 19 and 23, 1962, and Memorandum for [Redacted], “Ballistic Missile Shipments to Cuba,” November 16, 1962, CIA, CREST, 03/17/2006; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 502–03, 535, 539–40, 511, 570; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 73; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 14–15, 40; Fursenko and Naftali, Khrushchev’s Cold War, 444, 461.

584 Memorandum, “Probable Soviet MRBM Sites in Cuba,” October 16, 1962, CIA, Cuban Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder - 46; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 184, 198–99; President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), Chronology of Cuban Missile Crisis, October 15, 1962, 46, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies. See also Paul Nitze, From Hiroshima to Glasnost: At the Center of Decision (New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1989), 214.

585 Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 189, 207, 213–15, 220, 223, 232; Robert F. Kennedy, Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis (New York: Norton, 1969), 23–26; Sorensen, Kennedy, 667–68; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 210.

586 Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 189, 225, 229–32; Pedro and Welzenbach, CIA and the U-2 Program, 209–10; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 397–402. See also Dino Brugioni Collection, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Photographs.

587 Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, ix, xi, 173, 217; Bundy, Danger and Survival, 395–96; Sheldon M. Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’: John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis Meetings (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003), 96; Ernest R. May and Philip Zelikow, editors, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997), 45–53; 122; Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 29; Michael Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War (New York: Knopf, 2008), 58–59, 246–47.

588 Helms, A Look Over My Shoulder, 216–21; Jerrold L. Schecter and Peter S. Deriabin, Spy Who Saved the World: How a Soviet Colonel Changed the Course of the Cold War (New York: Scribner, 1992), 333–34; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 281–82; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 505–08, 558, 681; Alistair Horne, Macmillan: 1957–1986 (London: Macmillan, 1989), 369–70; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 395.

589 Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis (December 1963), 73–74, CIA, Box 1, Folder 14; Gregory W. Pedloe and Donald E. Welzenbach, The CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954–1974 (Washington: CIA, 1998), 200–01; Max Holland, “The ‘Photo Gap’ that Delayed Discovery of Missiles in Cuba,” Studies in Intelligence, Fall 2005; Justin F. Gleichauf, “A Listening Post in Miami: Keeping Up on Cuba,” Studies in Intelligence, Spring 2001, www.cia.gov/csi/studies.html; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 164–65; Don Bohning, The Castro Obsession: U.S. Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959–1965 (Washington: Potomac, 2005), 119–20, 122.

590 Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 406; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure,’ 98.

591 Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, October 17, 1962 in Mary S. McAuliffe, editor, Cuban Missile Crisis: CIA Documents (Washington: CIA, 1992), 145–47; Sorensen, Kennedy, 683–84; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 239–40.

592 May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 57, 60, 86–87; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure, 69, 86–87; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 407, 437.

593 Handwritten Note from Douglas Dillon to Ted Sorensen, October 18, 1962, JFKL, Sorensen Papers, Classified Subject Files, Box 48, Folder Cuba; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 449; Bird, The Color of Truth, 230; Bundy, Danger and Survival, 393–94.

594 Sorensen, Kennedy, 680; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 507; Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 268; Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 226, 270; Kenneth O’Donnell, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye”, 307, 311–12, 316, 320; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 214; Roswell Gilpatric, Oral History, 54, JFKL.

595 Memorandum by John McCone, “Mongoose Meeting,” October 4, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1996), 12.

596 Memorandum for the Record by Richard Helms, “Mongoose Meeting with the Attorney General,” October 16, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 45–46; Jefferson Morley, Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA (Lawrence: University of Kansas, 2008), 110, 125, 159, 164–65; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 77–78, 102–03; Memorandum for McGeorge Bundy from Marshall Carter, “CIA Action in Response to NSAM 181,” August 27, 1962 and Memorandum for Special Group (Augmented) from Marshall Carter, “Operation Mongoose/Sabotage Proposals,” October 16, 1962 and Memorandum for the Special Group (Augmented) from Thomas Parrott, “General Carter’s October 16, 1962 Memorandum to the Special Group (Augmented),” October 17, 1962 and Memorandum for E. G. Lansdale from William Harvey, “Operation Mongoose - Sabotage Actions,” October 11, 1962 are in JFKAC, Gerald Ford Library, Rockefeller Commission, Box 3; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 8.

597 Notes of Joint Chiefs of Staff meetings on the Cuban missile crisis, October - November 1962, 3–6, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 436, 448; Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 265, 267–69.

598 Memorandum of Meeting by John McCone, October 17, 1962 and Memorandum for the File by John McCone, October 17, 1962 and Memorandum for Discussion, “The Cuban Situation,” October 17, 1962 and Memorandum by DCI McCone, October 17, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 94–100, 103–06.

599 Robert Kennedy borrowed his reference to Pearl Harbor from Under Secretary of State George Ball, a liberal Democrat aligned with Adlai Stevenson. At an earlier ExCom meeting, Ball asserted that U.S. air strikes without a 24-hour warning would “alienate much of the civilized world,” much “like Pearl Harbor.” Ball advocated a “naval blockade” because it would have more “color of legitimacy.” See May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 121, 143, 149; George W. Ball, The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs (New York: Norton, 1982), 291; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 542.

600 May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 120, 168, 171–72; Dean Acheson testimony, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Hearings, The Crisis in NATO, 89th Congress, 2nd Session (Washington: GPO, 1966), 188; JCS meeting notes on missile crisis, October – November 1962, 11, 14, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; Douglas Brinkley, Dean Acheson: The Cold War Years, 1953–71 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992), 158–59; O’Donnell, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye”, 317; James Chace, Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998), 398–99; Kennedy, Thirteen Days, 37–39.

601 Roswell Gilpatric, Oral History, 55, JFKL; Brinkley, Dean Acheson, 163–64; Sorensen, Kennedy, 691–92; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 145; Bird, Color of Truth, 232–33; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 216; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 41–42, 73, 102, 104, 108; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 542.

602 Memorandum by Robert Kennedy, October 16, 1962 is quoted in Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 213–215; Memorandum for the File by John McCone, August 21, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 947–49; Memorandum by Brig. General William H. Craig, “Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba,” March 13, 1962, JFKAC, Califano Papers, Box 1, Folder 4.

603 May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 122; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 276–78; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 516–17, 521; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 67–68, 85, 94–100.

604 Andrei Gromyko, Memoirs (New York: Double Day, 1989), 176–79; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 76–77; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 168–69; PFIAB Chronology, October 18, 1962, 47, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; Dean Rusk, As I Saw It (New York: I. B. Taurus, 1991), 205; Kennedy, Thirteen Days, 39–41; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 547; Beschloss, The Crisis Years, 455–58.

605 Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Vol. II, 581–86; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 121, 125, 127.

606 Special National Intelligence Estimate 11-18-62, “Soviet Reactions to Certain U.S. Courses of Action on Cuba,” October 19, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 123–25.

607 Minutes of NSC [ExCom] Meeting, October 20, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 115, 134; JCS notes on meetings, October - November 1962, 13, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; “Joint Evaluation of Soviet Missile Threat in Cuba,” October 18, 1962, CIA, Cuban Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder 61; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 58, 174, 356.

608 Notes on Meeting with President Kennedy by Robert McNamara, October 21, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 138–40; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 95, 204–05; Bundy, Danger and Survival, 400–01.

609 Minutes of NSC Meeting, October 20, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 121, 131.

610 Sorensen, Kennedy, 692–93, 698–700; Minutes of NSC Meeting, October 21, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 143; CIA Paper, “Cuba,” February 17, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuba, 101; Rusk, As I Saw It, 205–06; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 145–46; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 136; Nitze, From Hiroshima to Glasnost, 224.

611 Minutes of NSC Meeting, October 21, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath, 141–49; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 317–18; Bundy, Danger and Survival, 393–94; Sorensen, Kennedy, 695–96; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 674–75; Reeves, President Kennedy, 389.

612 Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, editors, The Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy: The Great Crises, Vol. III (New York: Norton, 2001), 91–97.

613 “Naval Quarantine of Cuba, 1962,” Naval Historical Center, Chief of Naval Operations, Operational Archives Branch, Post 46 Command File, Box 10; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 371; “CINCLANT Historical Account of Cuban Crisis,” April 29, 1963, 104, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis.

614 Scott D. Sagan, The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993), 63–67; Thomas S. Power, Design for Survival (New York: Coward-McCann, 1965), 20–23; Scott D. Sagan, “Nuclear Alerts and Crisis Management,” International Security, Spring 1985, 99–101, 108–09; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 95–96; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 347.

615 Memorandum for the File by John McCone, October 24, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 159; Briefing of Congressional Leaders, October 22, 1962 in May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 263.

616 Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 171; “Latins Act Quickly on Plea by Rusk” and Rusk’s Speech and OAS Resolution in New York Times, October 24, 1962.

617 Chief of Naval Operations, “Naval Quarantine of Cuba, 1962”; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 380; “Canada Bans Cuba-Bound Soviet Planes,” Toronto Globe and Mail, October 23, 1962; Nelson D. Lankford, The Last American Aristocrat: The Biography of Ambassador David K. E. Bruce (Boston: Little, Brown, 1996), 308; Alistair Horne, Macmillan: 1957–1986 (London: Macmillan, 1989), 364–65.

618 Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to John Kennedy, October 23, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1996), 170–71; Oleg Troyanovsky, “The Making of Soviet Foreign Policy” in Taubman, editor, Nikita Khrushchev, 236; Strobe Talbott, editor, Khrushchev Remembers (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970), 496; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 559, 564; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 176–77.

619 Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 247, 254–55, 388; Fursenko and Naftali, Khrushchev’s Cold War, 468, 473; Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky’s Instructions to General Issa Plyiev, October 22, 1962, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Documents.

620 Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 248; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 177; “Castro Calls U.S. Blockade ‘A Pirate Act’,” Washington Post, October 24, 1962; “Castro Is Defiant,” New York Times, October 24, 1962; Quirk, Fidel Castro, 434–35; James G. Blight and Philip Brenner, Sad and Luminous Days: Cuba’s Struggle with the Superpowers after the Missile Crisis (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), 23.

621 Telegram from Secretary of State Dean Rusk to Embassy in the USSR, October 23, 1962 and Memorandum for the Files by John McCone, “Executive Committee Meeting,” October 23, 1962 and Memorandum from Abbot Smith to John McCone, October 23, 1962 and Letter from John Kennedy to Nikita Khrushchev, October 23, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 173–75, 177–79.

622 Dobrynin, In Confidence, 55, 68–69, 74, 81–83; Memorandum from Attorney General Kennedy to President Kennedy, October 24, 1962, Cuban Missile Crisis, 175–77; Telegram from Ambassador Dobrynin to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 24, 1962, Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 71–73; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 395; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 556.

623 Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, 280; Deborah Shapley, Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara (Boston: Little, Brown, 1993), 176.

624 Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 211, 236, 238, 243–44, 250–51, 259, 325; Ernest May and Philip Zelikow, editors, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997), 439–40, 445; Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, editors, The Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy: The Great Crises, Vol. III (New York: Norton, 2001), 244–56, 269–70, 284, 291–92; Sorensen, Kennedy, 710; Nitze, From Hiroshima to Glasnost, 230–31; U.S. Navy charts, deck-logs, after action reports, and officer reports on antisubmarine operations against the Soviet submarine B-59 on October 27, 1962 and Recollections of Vadim Orlov (Submarine B-59): We Will Sink Them All, But We Will Not Disgrace Our Navy, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Documents. For the significance of the U.S. antisubmarine operations, see Bernd Greiner, “The Cuban Missile Crisis Reconsidered: An Interview with Sergo Mikoyan,” Diplomatic History, Spring 1990, 215.

625 May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 206, 216, 251; Raymond L. Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis (Washington: Brookings, 1989), 66–67.

626 S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 572; Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis (December 1963), 129, CIA, Cuban Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder 14; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 139; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 348, 395, 441–42, 472; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 208, 252, 254, 256–57, 259–60, 279–80, 290; Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, Vol. III, 281–84, 330; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 234–35; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 63–64, 151–52, 238–39, 286–88.

627 Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, Vol. III, 323–24, 327, 329; Blight, Allyn, and Welsh, Cuba on the Brink, 61; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 4–7, 27–28, 140; President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) Chronology on the Cuban missile crisis, 47, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 121, 138, 145–46.

628 Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to John Kennedy, October 26, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 235–41; William Taubman, Nikita Khrushchev: The Man and His Era (New York: Norton, 2003), 48–51, 149–50; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 485.

629 Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, Vol. III, 363–64; Ball, Past Has Another Pattern, 303–04; Sorensen, Kennedy, 712; Nash, The Other Missiles of October, 2, 53–54, 70, 81, 83, 172–73; Robert Divine, The Sputnik Challenge: Eisenhower’s Response to the Soviet Satellite (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), 193.

630 Meeting on Berlin - NATO Subcommittee on ExCom, October 27, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. X, Cuban Missile Crisis, 261–62; Cable from Ambassador Raymond Hare to Department of State, October 27, 1962, Laurence Chang and Peter Kornbluh, editors, The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 (New York: New Press, 1992), 221–22; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 497.

631 Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, Vol. III, 377, 380–81, 386.

632 Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to John Kennedy, October 27, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 257–60.

633 Cables from Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky to Nikita Khrushchev and General Issa Pliyev, October 27, 1962, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis/40th Anniversary; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 211–12, 242–43, 271–73.

634 Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 448; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 517; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 337–38; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 148.

635 Sorensen, Kennedy, 713; Nitze, From Hiroshima to Glasnost, 233; Minutes of ExCom Meeting, October 23, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 168–69; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, xiii, 230–31, 236–37; Brugioni, Eyeball to Eyeball, 462, 464; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 344–46, 373–74; Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, Vol. III, 445–51, 457–58, 481; Notes of Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) meetings on Cuban missile crisis, October–November 1962, 16, 22–23, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies; CIA Cable, “Background of October 1962 Cuban Destruction of a U-2,” March 28, 1963, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 2, Folder WF02-F8.

636 Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 254–55, 258–61, 265, 268–71, 276, 329–30.

637 Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, xiv, 124–27, 178–79, 351–52.

638 Letter from John Kennedy to Nikita Khrushchev, October 27, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 268–69.

639 R. F. Kennedy, Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis (New York: Signet, 1969), 107–09; USSR, Cable from Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin on his meeting with Robert Kennedy, October 27, 1962, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Documents; Sorensen, Kennedy, 714–15; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 86–91; Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’, 364, 368–69; May and Zelikow, Kennedy Tapes, 603–08; Bundy, Danger and Survival, 432–33; Jim Hershberg, “Anatomy of a Controversy: Anatoly Dobrynin’s Meeting with Robert Kennedy, October 27, 1962,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 75, 77–80.

At an international conference on the missile crisis, Theodore Sorensen admitted that he kept secret one of the chief elements of the Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement: Kennedy’s offer to remove the U.S. Jupiter missiles from Turkey. As editor of Robert Kennedy’s posthumously published Thirteen Days, Sorensen omitted mention of the removal of the Jupiter missiles from Turkey.

“[H]is diary was very explicit that the [Cuba-Turkey missile tradeoff] was part of the deal,” Sorensen acknowledged to the conferees. “[B]ut at that time it was still secret even on the American side, except for the six of us who had been present at the meeting. So I took it upon myself to edit that out of his diary.” See Bruce J. Allyn, James G. Blight, and David Welch, editors, Back to the Brink: Proceedings of the Moscow Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis, January 27–28, 1989 (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1992), 81–82.

640 Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 127–28, 148; JCS meeting notes, October-November 1962, 9, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Chronologies.

641 S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 608; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 269; Notes from a Conversation with Fidel Castro by Georgy K. Shakhnazarov [of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union], November 5, 1987 and Fursenko and Naftali, “Using KGB Documents: The Scali - Feklisov Channel in the Cuban Missile Crisis” are in Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 61, 87–88; Fidel Castro in Cuba on the Brink, 106–07; Bernd Greiner, “The Cuban Missile Crisis Reconsidered: An Interview with Sergo Mikoyan,” Diplomatic History, Spring 1990, 208.

642 Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 59, 65, 67–69; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 609; General Gregory Titov and Forward by Jorge I. Dominguez in Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, xi, 119–20; Cable from Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky to General Issa Pliyev, October 27, 1962, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis/40th Anniversary.

643 S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 621–22, 625; Cable from Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin to Foreign Ministry, October 27, 1962, Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 79–80; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 86–88; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”. 285.

644 Letter from Castro to Khrushchev, October 26, 1962, Letter from Khrushchev to Castro, October 28, 1962, and Letter from Castro to Khrushchev, October 28, 1962 are in Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 73, 251–52, 360–64, 478, 481–84; Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight, 190–92, 203–05; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 610; Gribkov and Smith, Operation Anadyr, 67, 169; Fedor Burlatsky, Khrushchev and the First Russian Spring: The Era of Khrushchev Through the Eyes of His Advisor (New York: Scribner’s, 1988), 173–74; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 89; Vladislav Zubok, A Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007), 146–49; Letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy, October 28, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 279–83; “Notes from a Conversation with Fidel Castro” by Georgy K. Shakhnazarov, 88; Telegram from Anatoly Dobrynin to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 28, 1962 is in Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 76.

645 Kai Bird, The Chairman: John J. McCloy: The Making of the American Establishment (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992), 18, 391, 393, 527–32; Telegrams from Adlai Stevenson to the Department of State, October 29 and October 31, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 301, 336–37; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 646.

646 Carlos Lechuga, Eye of the Storm: Castro, Khrushchev, and Kennedy and the Missile Crisis (Melbourne, Australia: Ocean Press, 1995), 123–26, 130–31; Maurice Halperin, The Rise and Decline of Fidel Castro: An Essay in Contemporary History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972), 193; Castro’s Five-Point Plan and “Castro Refuses Any Inspections” are in New York Times, October 29, 1962 and November 2, 1962; Blight and Brenner, Sad and Luminous Days, 15; Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 74–75, 243.

647 “Moscow’s Businessman: Anastas I. Mikoyan,” New York Times, November 1, 1962; Quirk, Fidel Castro, 445; “Mikoyan’s Mission to Havana: Cuban-Soviet Negotiations, November 1962,” USSR Transcript of Mikoyan’s Talks with the Cuban Leadership, Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 93–95; Blight and Brenner, Sad and Luminous Days, 13, 25, 74, 77, 80, 85; Blight, Cuba on the Brink, 244; Halperin, Rise and Decline of Fidel Castro, 192–93; Yuri Pavlov, Soviet-Cuban Alliance, 1959–1991 (Miami: University of Miami North-South Center Press, 1996), 7–8; Philip Brenner, “Thirteen Months: Cuba’s Perspective on the Missile Crisis” in James A. Nathan, editor, The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited (New York: St. Martin’s, 1992), 204; Greiner, “Interview with Sergo Mikoyan,” 216.

648 “Mikoyan’s Mission to Havana,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, 96–99, 100; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 294–95; “Moscow’s Businessman: Anastas I. Mikoyan,” New York Times, November 1, 1962; Vladislav Zubok, “Dismayed by the Actions of the Soviet Union: Mikoyan’s Talks with Fidel Castro and the Cuban Leadership,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995, 89; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 649–51; Roy Medvedev, All Stalin’s Men (New York: Anchor/Doubleday, 1984), 28, 51–53. See also Letter from Khrushchev to Castro, October 30, 1962, Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 485–86; Grenier, “Interview with Sergo Mikoyan,” 220.

649 “Mikoyan’s Mission to Havana,” 108–09; Zubok, “Dismayed by the Actions of the Soviet Union,” 90–91; Blight and Brenner, Sad and Luminous Days, 22, 81, 83; Telegram from Hungarian Ambassador Jaños Beck, “Soviet-Cuban Differences,” December 1, 1962, NSA, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962/Documents.

650 “Transcript of the President’s News Conference,” New York Times, November 21, 1962; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 652; Blight and Brenner, Sad and Luminous Days, 27; Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to John Kennedy, November 20, 1962 and Summary of Executive Committee Meeting, November 21, 1962 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 495–501, 509; Nitze, From Hiroshima to Glasnost, 236.

651 “‘We Want Cuba Free’ — JFK” and photographic coverage of the Orange Bowl event, Miami Herald, December 30, 1962; Haynes Johnson, The Bay of Pigs: The Leaders’ Story of Brigade 2506 (New York: Norton, 1964), 343–44; “President to Hold Flag of Invasion for Free Havana,” Washington Post, December 30, 1962; “The Brigade’s Brave Men,” Newsweek, January 7, 1963; William D. Siuru and Andrea Stewart, Presidential Cars and Transportation (Iola, Wisconsin: Krauwse Publications, 1995), 87, 96, 99. Film footage of the limousine at the Orange bowl is at JFKL, TNC:119jj.

652 O’Donnell, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye”, 276–77; Johnson, The Bay of Pigs, 328; “Ransomed Captives Vow Return to Topple Castro,” New York Times, December 26, 1962.

653 Johnson, Bay of Pigs, 304–05, 321–24; “Administration Helped Generous Volunteers in Arranging Freedom,” New York Times, December 25, 1962; Richard Goodwin, Remembering America: A Voice from the Sixties (Boston: Little, Brown, 1988), 185–86; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 470, 535; Circulation Telegram to All Latin American Posts from Department of State, December 22, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1996), 635; Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 303; Sorensen, Kennedy, 308n; Robert Hurwitch, Most of Myself, Part II (Santo Domingo: Editoria Corripio, 1990), 120–28, 140–42.

654 Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 176–78, 238–39; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 469; Johnson, Bay of Pigs, 273–75; “Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook,” JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook; HSCA, 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979) 67; Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House 1973), 220–21.

655 Laurence Chang and Peter Kornbluh, editors, The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 (New York: New Press, 1992), 383; Memorandum by George McManus, November 5, 1962, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 26, Folder 1; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 235.

656 Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, pp 168–70; Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot (Boston: Little, Brown, 1997), 378–79; Thomas, Very Best, 298; Thomas, Robert Kennedy, 177–78.

657 Memorandum for the Record by CIA Inspector General J. S. Earman, “Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” May 23, 1967, 52–53, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 4, Folder 23JFK1; Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, 84; Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, 145; Thomas, Very Best, 291.

658 David Corn, Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA’s Crusades (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), 94–95; Mario Lazo, Dagger in the Heart: American Policy Failures in Cuba (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1968), ix, 378; Don Bohning, The Castro Obsession: U.S. Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959–1965 (Washington: Potomac Books, 2005), 125; Memorandum, “The Crisis: USSR/Cuba,” October 30, 1962, CIA Records, Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder 10; Weekly Intelligence Report 44–62 (Part I), Headquarters Antilles Command, October 31, 1962, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Antonio Veciana.

659 “Ten Cuban Exiles and Weapons Seized,” New York Times, November 1, 1962.

660 UPI, “13 Uniformed Men Seized in Florida,” Washington Post, December 5, 1962; “US Nabs Anti-Castro Fighters-Why?” Miami Herald, December 5, 1962; FBI Memorandum on Interpen, July 11, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Interpen, Box 1.

661 CIA Message to Department of the Army, “Current Plans of Alpha 66,” September 25, 1962, Memorandum, “Veciana, Antonio,” October 25, 1962, and CIA Cable to DIA, “Alpha 66,” November 12, 1963 are in JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Veciana; FBI Report, “SNFE,” May 28, 1964 and FBI Report, “Lee Harvey Oswald - SNFE,” May 28, 1964 are in JFKAC, Related Subject: Cuban Group Operations/Alpha 66; “Exiles Describe 2 New Cuba Raids,” New York Times, March 20, 1963.

662 “Raiders Torpedo Red Ship Near Cuba,” Miami Herald, March 28, 1963; FBI Teletype from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “Comandos L,” March 30, 1963, CIA Information Reports on Raid at Caibarien, March 28 and March 31, 1963, FBI Report by George E. Davis, Jr., “Comandos L: Antonio Cuesta del Valle,” April 13, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: John Thomas Dunkin, Box 2; “The Tension Is Already Gnawing at All of Us,” story and photographs by Andrew St. George, Life, April 12, 1963.

663 CIA Memorandum for the Record by Latin America Division, “Antonio Veciana,” March 1, 1977 and CIA Cable from Director to Havana Station, “Julio Lobo Personal Opinion of Veciana,” December 13, 1960 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 46, Folder Veciana; John Paul Rathbone, The Sugar King of Havana: The Rise and Fall of Julio Lobo (New York: Penguine, 2010), 2; “Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook,” JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook; Gaeton Fonzi, “Antonio Veciana Blanch” in HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979), 39; Memorandum for the Record by Chris Hopkins, “Antonio Carlos Veciana Blanch,” May 1977 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 11, Folder P; CIA Message to DIA, “Alpha 66,” November 12, 1962 and Summary of Information, “Activities of Alpha 66,” September 14, 1962 are in JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Veciana; “‘Sugar King’ a Many-Sided Man,” New York Times, July 20, 1958; Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation (New York: Thunder’s Mouth, 1993), 121; FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “Operation Alpha 66,” November 30, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: John Thomas Dunkin, Box 2; CIA Summaries on Antonio Veciana, 9/8/62, OUT 74313 and 12/1/62 DBA 28528 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 30, Folder 55–1.

664 Enrique Cirules, The Mafia in Cuba: A Caribbean Mob Story (Melbourne, Australia: Ocean Press, 2004), 149–50, 153–54, 158–64; Schwartz, Pleasure Island, 163; Thomas, Cuba, 1149.

665 CIA Cable from E. H. Knoch, September 11, 1962, Mary S. McAuliffe, ed., Cuban Missile Crisis: CIA Documents (Washington: CIA. 1992), 63; Army Intelligence Report 42–62 (Part I), “Alpha 66 Holds Fund-Raising Rally,” October 17, 1962, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Veciana; Lester A. Sobol, ed., Cuba, the U.S., and Russia, 1960–63 (New York: Facts on File, 1964), 107; Memorandum for the Record by Chris Hopkins, “Antonio Carlos Veciana Blanch,” May 1977 and CIA Letter, plus attachments, from Seymour Bolton to Church Committee, May 18, 1976 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 11, Folder P and Box 77, Folder Veciana; “Castro Foes Plan Five Raids Soon,” New York Times, September 14, 1962; CIA Summaries on Antonio Veciana, 9/6/62 OUT 73652 and 9/8/62 OUT 74313 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 30, Folder 55–1; CIA Cross Reference, “Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo,” December 1, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 47, Folder Veciana; Thomas, Cuba, 1299.

666 Fonzi, Last Investigation, 131–32; Gaeton Fonzi, FBI Report, “Alpha 66” August 8, 1962, Army Information Summary, “Alpha 66 Activities,” September 14, 1962, “Current Plans of Alpha 66,” September 25, 1962, Message from Col. Grove C. King, “Antonio Veciana,” January 16, 1962 and Defense Intelligence Report, “Alpha 66 Plans to Resume Attacks on Cuba,” January 23, 1963 and Memorandum for the Record, “Alpha 66,” October 15, 1962 are in JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army) Box 3, Folder Veciana; CIA Letter, plus attachments, by Seymour Bolton to Church Committee, May 18, 1976, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 77, Folder Veciana; FBI Report by William Mayo Drew, Jr., “Second National Front of Escambray,” January 18, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Alpha 66, Box 1.

667 Memorandum, “Veciana, Antonio,” October 25, 1962 and CIA Cable to DIA, “Alpha 66,” November 12, 1963 are in JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Veciana; FBI Report, “Lee Harvey Oswald – SNFE,” May 28, 1964, JFKAC, Related Subject: Cuban Groups – Alpha 66, Box 1; “Exiles Describe 2 New Cuba Raids,” New York Times, March 20, 1963.

668 Telegram from Ambassador Foy Kohler to Secretary of State Rusk, March 27, 1963, Letter from Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy, March 28, 1963 and Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, March 29, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 735–38.

669 Transcript of President Kennedy’s News Conference, New York Times. Message from Maj. J. A. Watlington to ACSI, April 1, 1963, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Antonio Veciana; Church Committee Interview of former FBI Assistant Director W. Raymond Wannall, May 28, 1976, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: W. Raymond Wannall, Box 1; CIA Classified Message, April 1, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 34, Folder G; “Cuban Rebel Boat Is Seized in Miami,” New York Times, April 3, 1963; Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, 176, 227; “Help Fight! Cry the Angry Exiles,” Saturday Evening Post, June 8, 1963.

670 Notes from Meeting on Cuba, April 3, 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 14, Folder 1; Memorandum for the Record by Thomas A. Parrott, “Minutes of Special Group Meeting,” April 11, 1963 and Record of NSC Meeting, March 13, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 682,758; Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, 173.

671 Tab 1, “A Sketch of the Cuban Alternatives” by McGeorge Bundy, April 21, 1963, “Agenda for the April 23 Meeting of the Standing Group” by McGeorge Bundy, and Memorandum from John McCone to President Kennedy, “Donovan Negotiations with Castro,” April 10, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 755–56, 775–78.

672 Record of Standing Group Meeting, April 23, 1963, Draft Memorandum by the Office of National Estimates, “Possible US Action in the Event of Castro’s Death,” May 13, 1963, Standing Group Meeting Minutes, May 28, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 778–81, 813–14, 821.

673 Memorandum from Gordon Chase to McGeorge Bundy, “Cuba - Covert Actions,” April 11, 1963, Memorandum from Army Special Assistant Joseph Califano to Secretary of the Army Cyrus Vance, “Presidential Action… Cuba,” April 9, 1963 and Memorandum from Gordon Chase to McGeorge Bundy, April 3, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 750–51, 754–55, 761–62.

674 Paper prepared by the CIA for the Standing Group, June 8, 1963 and Memorandum for the Record by Thomas A. Parrott, April 25, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 831–33, 783.

675 Record of Standing Group Meeting, May 28, 1963, May Paper prepared by the CIA for Standing Group, “Proposed Covert Policy and Integrated Program of Covert Action towards Cuba,” June 8, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 821–23, 828–29.

676 HSCA Staff Report, “Brigade 2506 - Manuel Artime - MRR,” no date, and HSCA Staff Notes from CIA Files, “MRR and Manuel Artime,” no date, are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 24, Folder 36 and Box 23, Folder 24; Bohning, Castro Obsession, 185–86, 192.

677 Rodriguez, Shadow Warrior, 119–21; Blight and Kornbluh, editors. Politics of Illusion, 122; Memorandum for the Record, “Telephone Conversation,” December 3, 1963 and CIA Dispatch from Chief of Station, JMWAVE, to Special Affairs Staff, “Progress Report,” February 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 1, Folder Q and Box 1, Folder M; Corn, Blond Ghost, 97–98; Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, 220.

678 Memorandum for the Record by Desmond FitzGerald, June 22, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 843; Jesus Arboleya, Cuban Counterrevolution, 95, 129; Memorandum of Conversation by G. H. Summ, “Activities of JURE,” March 1, 1963, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Manuel Ray; FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “JURE,” November 30, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Manuel Ray Rivero, Box 2; HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 77–78, 139–40.

679 Memorandum for the Record, “Meeting with Tad Szulc,” February 6, 1963 and AMTRUNK Operation, Interim Working Draft, February 14, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 82, Folder AMTRUNK; HSCA Staff Notes, “File Review Manuel Ray y Rivero. Vols. 5–8,” May 12, 1973, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 13, Folder 19, Airgram from Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Miami, “Conversation with Leader of JURE,” March 27, 1963, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Manuel Ray.

680 Memorandum from CIA Inspector General John H. Waller to DCI, “Jack Anderson May 6, 1977 Column,” May 10, 1977, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 82, Folder Veciana; Memorandum from Director, FBI to SAC, Miami, “Operation Alpha 66,” December 3, 1962; Message from Lt. Col. Grover C. King to Commanding Officer, USAOSD, “Alpha 66,” October 22, 1962 and Message from Col. J. E. Boyt to Chief [redaction], San Juan, “Alpha 66,” January 29, 1963 are in JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Veciana; CIA Summaries on Antonio Veciana, 1/31/62 OUT 96068, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 30, Folder 551; CIA Cable from JMWAVE, “Request for Approval,” December 29, 1961 and “Provisional POA” are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 47, Folder 16; CIA Memorandum for the Record by Latin America Division, “Antonio Veciana,” March 1, 1977, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 46, Folder Veciana.

681 FBI Memorandum from W. R. Wannal to W. C. Sullivan, “Comandos L,” June 17, 1963, FBI Report, “Comandos L-66,” February 25, 1963 and FBI Memorandum from SAC, San Juan to Director, FBI, “Comandos L-66,” February 25, 1963 and Memorandum from J. Walter Yeagley, Assistant Attorney General, to Director, FBI, April 29, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: John Thomas Dunkin, Box 2.

682 Memorandum from FBI Director Hoover to Attorney General Kennedy, “Operation Alpha 66,” September 17, 1962 and FBI Case Report by Leman L. Stafford, Jr., “Santiago Juan Antonio Alvarez Rodriguez,” August 14, 1961 and FBI Report by Leman L. Stafford, Jr., “Santiago Juan Antonio Alvarez Rodriguez,” August 4, 1961 and FBI Case Report by Gerard C. Carroll, “Santiago Juan Antonio Alvarez Rodriguez,” July 21,1960 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santiago Alvarez Rodriguez, Box 1; CIA letter, with attachments, from Seymour Bolton to Church Committee, May 18, 1976, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 77, Folder Veciana.

683 CIA Cable from JMWAVE to Bell, February 22, 1961 and CIA Trace Request, “Cuesta - Valle, Antonio,” May 23, 1962 and CIA Cable from Director to JMWAVE, June 19, 1962 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 3, Folders G and H; Memorandum from Raymond A. Warren to Review Staff, August 11, 1975, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 76, Folder Agent Messages from Cuba,1961.

684 FBI Airtel from SAC, Newark to Director, FBI, February 4, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, Box 2.

685 CIA Cable from Bell to JMWAVE, January 18, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 6, Folder E; HSCA Staff Notes, “Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 19, Folder Box 28; Letter, plus attachments, from Seymour Bolton to Church Committee, May 18, 1976, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 77, Folder Veciana; Memorandum from Director, FBI to SAC, Miami, “Operation Alpha 66,” December 3, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, Box 2; FBI Airtel from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “Lee Harvey Oswald,” June 3, 1964, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Cuban Groups - SNFE; FBI Memorandum from D. J. Brennan, Jr. to W. C. Sullivan, “Comandos L,” October 8, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: John Thomas Dunkin, Box 3.

686 Fonzi, Last Investigation, 128–30, 135, 149, 168, 297; HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 38, 42–43; Church Committee Staff, “Summary of Veciana Interviews,” March 22, 1976, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 43, Folder Misc. Records.

687 HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 39, 42, 45; HSCA, Report, 135; Fonzi, Last Investigation, 130–31; CIA Summaries on Antonio Veciana, 12/9/60 IN 14488 and 7/11/62 OUT 53489, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 30, Folder 55–1; Fabian Escalante, The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959–62 (Melbourne, Australia: Ocean Press, 1995), 96–99; “Leader Tried to Kill Castro,” New York Times, September 14, 1962; FBI Report, “Operation Alpha 66,” August 8, 1962, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Files (Army), Box 3, Folder Veciana; CIA Cable from Director to San Juan JMWAVE, July 11, 1962 and CIA Cable from Havana to Director, December 9, 1960 and CIA Cable from Director to Havana, December 13, 1960 and CIA Memorandum for the Record by Latin America Division, “Antonio Veciana,” March 1, 1977 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 47, Folder Veciana; CIA Memorandum for the Record, “Antonio Veciana,” May 1977, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 46, Folder Veciana.

688 HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 39; Fonzi, Last Investigation, 128–30, 131–33; Rockefeller Commission, “Questions for Veciana Interview,” March 22, 1976, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 39, Folder 3.

689 HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 43, 51–52; Fonzi, Last Investigation, 408; E. Howard Hunt, American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate and Beyond (New York: Wiley, 2007), 135; Draft Paper by Jack Pfeiffer, “Separate Tracks: Agency Planning - Mafia Plotting,” December 31, 1984, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 4, Folder WF05-F5; HSCA, Report, 135–36; HSCA Memorandum by Fonzi and Gonzales, “Addendum to Memorandum of January 16, 1978 re Crozier Interview,” February 4, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA Numbered Files, Box 105, Folder 005063; CIA Memorandum for the Record, “IG Officer Interview with Ross Crozier,” June 2, 1961, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 4, Folder WF05-F2; CIA Cable from Director to JMASH, “Prop Team Assigned Crypto AMHINT,” November 6, 1960, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 45, Folder Manuel Salvat Roque.

690 Photographs of the spring feast are in S.Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, between 478 and 479 and Strobe Talbott, editor, Khrushchev Remembers (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970) between 500 and 504. See also S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 659–60; Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 325, 400.

691 “Peking Criticizes Russians on Cuba,” New York Times, November 1, 1962; People of the World Unite, for the Complete, Thorough and Resolute Prohibition and Destruction of Nuclear Weapons (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1963), 54–57; John Wilson Lewis and Xue Litai, China Builds the Bomb (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988), 193–94; Sheldon Stern, Averting ‘The Final Failure’: John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis Meetings (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003), 390; James Richter, Khrushchev’s Double Bind: International Pressures and Domestic Coalition Politics (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), 137, 154–55; Roy Medvedev, China and the Superpowers (New York: Blackwell, 1986), 39–40.

692 CIA Memorandum, “Soviet Policy in the Aftermath of the Cuban Crisis,” November 29, 1962, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. V, Soviet Union, 586. See also M. Y. Prozumenschikov, “The Sino-Indian Conflict, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Sino-Soviet Split, October 1962: New Evidence from the Russian Archives,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Winter 1996–97, 8, 12.

693 Letter from Nikita Khrushchev to Fidel Castro, January 31, 1963, Chang and Kornbluh, editors, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, 319–20; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 325–26.

694 Castro later had second thoughts about the unyielding position he took during the missile crisis. “I would have taken a harder line than Khrushchev did. I was furious when he compromised,” Castro told Senator George McGovern in 1975. “But Khrushchev was older and wiser. I realize in retrospect that he reached the proper settlement with Kennedy. If my position had prevailed there might have been a terrible war. I was wrong.”

In October 1962, Castro was a novice when it came to nuclear weapons. He did not know the actual strategic balance of power between the United States and the Soviet Union or have firsthand knowledge of nuclear weapons. He had the impression that the USSR had “several hundred” ICBMs, perhaps “thousands.” But as he learned about the catastrophic destructiveness of nuclear war, he reevaluated the position he took in 1962. See Senate Foreign Relations Committee Report by Senator George McGovern, Cuban Realities, May 1975 (Washington: GPO, 1975), 14; Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 57, 83, 200, 202.

695 James G. Blight, Bruce J. Allyn, and David A. Welch, editors, Cuba on the Brink: Castro, the Missile Crisis, and the Soviet Collapse (New York: Pantheon, 1993), 223, 365.

696 S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, pp, 658, 661–62; Vladislav Zubok, A Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007), 382n; “Cuba,” Facts on File, 1963 (New York: Facts on File, 1964), 161, 199; Robert E. Quirk, Fidel Castro (New York: Norton, 1993), 460, 466.

697 S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 659; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 325, 330, 335; Letter from Khrushchev to Castro, January 31, 1963, Chang and Kornbluh, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, 321–23, 327–28.

698 Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 330–32; “Castro Applauds U.S. Action in Ending Raids,” New York Times, May 11, 1963; Melvyn Leffler, The Soul of Mankind: The United States, the Soviet Union and the Cold War (New York: Wang and Wang, 2007), 178; Editorial Notes 318 and 319, FRUS, Vol. V, Soviet Union (Washington: GPO, 1998), pp. 670–71; Telegram from Department of State to U.S. Embassy in the Soviet Union, April 23, 1963, FRUS, Vol. XXIV, Laos Crisis (Washington: GPO, 1994), pp. 997–98.

699 Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 330; Anderson, Che, 580–81; “Khrushchev Vows Anew to Aid Cuba if US Threatens,” New York Times, May 24, 1963.

700 “Kennedy Asks Break in Cold War” and Kennedy speech text, New York Times, June11, 1963; Rudy Abramson, Spanning the Century: The Life of W. Averell Harriman, 1891 – 1986 (New York: Morrow, 1992), 595; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 618, 622–24; Memorandum of Conversation by Ambassador Foy Kohler, June 14, 1963 and Telegram from the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State, July 27, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961 – 1963, Vol. VII, Arms Control and Disarmament (Washington: GPO, 1995), 719, 858; Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy (New York: Smithmark, 1995), 729.

701 “Kennedy and Khrushchev Call Pact a Step to Peace” and Text of Kennedy’s Speech, New York Times, July 27, 1963; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 632; Robert Dallek, An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917 – 1963 (Boston: Little, Brown, 2003), 622, 628–29; Reeves, President Kennedy, 553, 555–56; Sorensen, Kennedy, 738; Memorandum for the Record by McGeorge Bundy, August 13, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. VII, Arms Control and Disarmament, 880–81; Maxwell D. Taylor, Swords and Plowshares (New York: Norton, 1972), 286–87; Shapely, Promise and Power, 244–46; Bundy, Danger and Survival, 460.

702 Memorandum to the President from Jerome Wiesner, October 6, 1962 and Editorial Note, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. VII, Arms Control and Disarmament, 584, 599–601; S. Khrushchev, Creation of a Superpower, 692, 695.

703 Dispatch to Chief, Special Affairs Staff, from Chief of Station, JMWAVE, “AMBUD-1 Disillusioned and Plans to Resign,” April 3, 1963, Dispatch to Chief, SAS, from Chief of Station JMWAVE, “Transmittal of Several Memoranda,” April 18, 1963, and CIA Memorandum for the Record No. 398, “Report of Conversation between Dr. Aragon and Robert Hurwitch,” April 5, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 34, Folder I, Box 35, Folder J, and Box 39, Folder D; Quirk, Fidel Castro, 67; FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 764n; Gaeton Fonzi and Elizabeth Palmer, “Cuban Revolutionary Council: A Concise History,” HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 55.

704 Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook, July 1964, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook; Jesus Arboleya, The Cuban Counterrevolution (Athens: Ohio University Center for International Studies, 2000), 125.

705 Draft Memorandum, “U.S. Position on Efforts by Cuban Exiles to Achieve Unity,” May 28, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 825; Memorandum by Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Miami, “Planned Referendum to Choose Cuban Exile Leaders,” August 6, 1963, Department of State Records, Central File, Box 3879, Folder Cuba 1963; FBI Report by Robert J. Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” October 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 3; Memorandum from Gordon Chase to McGeorge Bundy, May 23, 1963, LBJL, NSF, Gordon Chase Files, Box 5, Folder Cuban Coordinating Committee; Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, 373.

706 Memorandum from Major Generals H. K. Johnson and W. B. Rosson, “U.S. Position on Efforts by Cuban Exiles to Achieve Unity,” May 29, 1963, JFKAC, JCS Central Files, Box 2, Folder Taylor Papers.

707 CIA Memorandum of Conversation with Luis Somoza by Louis P. Napoli, July 1, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 4, Folder 17; FBI Report, “Carlos Marquez Sterling Discussions with Prío Socarras and Somoza,” September 30, 1963, JFKAC, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 114, Folder Carlos Prío - 21; CIA Cable from Director to JMWAVE, “Please Do Not Use Slug AMWORLD for Any Subject Other than Present KUBARK-AMBIDDY-1 Relationship,” January 8, 1964, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 41, Folder Manuel Ray; CIA Memorandum by Henry Hecksher, “Possible Compromise of the AMWORLD Project,” July 17, 1963, JFKAC, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 4, Folder Artime; FBI Memorandum, “Anti-Castro Activities,” September 5, 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 32, Folder 3.

708 CIA Memorandum for the Record, “AMWORLD Operation,” no date, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 2, Folder WF02-F10; CIA Memorandum of Conversation with former President Louis Somoza by Louis P. Napoli, July 1, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 4, Folder 17; FBI Memorandum, “Anti-Castro Activities,” September 5, 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 23, Folder 3; CIA Extract, “FBI-Artime Busea,” September 5, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 4, Folder Artime; CIA Cable, “Somoza Support for Military Plan of Carlos Prío to Liberate Cuba,” October 31, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 114, Folder 21; CIA Cable to HQ, “Agreement of Cuban Exile Leaders to Join Forces with Carlos Prío,” September 27, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Paulino Sierra, Box 2; CIA Cable from WAVE 8563 (IN 74654), December 6, 1963, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 2, Folder WR02-F10; CIA Cable, Somoza Plan, July 19, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santiago Alvarez, Box 1; FBI Report by Robert J. Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” October 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 3.

709 CIA Cable from Director to Station in Caracas, “Prío May Visit Your Area,” September 23, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 114, Folder 21; FBI Memorandum from Director to SAC Miami, “MRR,” November 29, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Paulino Sierra, Box 2; CIA Memorandum, “AMWORLD Meeting: Estimate of Operation Readiness Status,” February 9, 1964, JFKAC, CIA, LA DivisionWork Files, Box 2, Folder WF02-F10.

710 CIA Memorandum, “Paulino Sierra and the JGCE,” November 20, 1963 and HSCA Memorandum, “JGCE,” no date are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 11, Folder I and Box 61, Folder 11; Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook; CIA Information Report, “Gambling Interests of Paulino Sierra,” September 12, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: JGCE, Box 1; FBI Memorandum, “Paulino Sierra,” June 4, 1963 and CIA Cable from JMWAVE to HQ, “Paulino Sierra,” November 14, 1963 and FBI Teletype from Director to SACs, “Paulino Sierra,” May 23, 1963, are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Paulino Sierra, Box 1; Gaeton Fonzi and Patricia Orr, “JGCE,” HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 95th Congress, 2nd Session (Washington: GPO, 1979), 95–100; Ameringer, Cuban Democratic Experience, 112.

711 FBI Report by Robert J. Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” October 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 3; CIA Cable, “Overflights, Raids and Support of MIRR,” September 14, 1963 and FBI Report, “MIRR,” September 3, 1963 and CIA Cable, “Identity of Aircraft Dealer,” September 12, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: MIRR, Box 1; HSCA Memorandum, “MIRR and Orlando Bosch Avila,” November 16, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 24, Folder 48; Gaeton Fonzi and Elizabeth Palmer, “MIRR and Orlando Bosch,” HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 90–91; FBI Report by Stephen Labadie, “Santo Trafficante,” September 22, 1960, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 3; Lacey, Little Man, 306–07.

712 FBI Memorandum, “Re: Alleged Plot to Bomb Shell Oil Refinery,” no date and Memorandum from FBI to Attorney General, “Alleged Plot to Bomb Shell Oil Refinery,” June 18, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Lake Ponchartrain, Box 1; FBI Report by Robert J. Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” October 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 3; CIA Field Office, Philadelphia, “Michael McLaney,” November 22, 1960, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Colletion, Printed Microfilm, Box 31, Folder F; Lacey, Little Man, 291–92, 323; English, Havana Nocturne, 269–70.

713 FBI Report by Robert J. Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” October 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 3; Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, 205–06, 224–25; FBI Memorandum, “DRE,” July 31, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Lake Ponchartrain, Box 1; FBI Memorandum, “Samuel Benton,” January 4, 1967, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Sam Benton, Box 1; Memorandum by Donovan E. Pratt, “Garrison Investigation,” March 7, 1967 and FBI Document, November 14, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 17, Folder G and Box 11, Folder I; CIA Memorandum by Raymond Reardon, “Agency Activities in New Orleans,” February 11, 1977, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 115, Folder Frank Sturgis.

714 FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “ECA,” October 30, 1963, FBI Reading Room, Santo Trafficante Files; FBI Memorandum from W. R. Wannall to W. C. Sullivan, “ECA,” November 1, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 6; Attachment to Eyes Only Cover Sheet, February 7, 1963, AMTRUNK Operation File, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 76, Folder Traces on Santo Trafficante.

715 HSCA Staff Notes from FBI Files on Evelio Duque, no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Numbered Files, Box 224, Folder 012681; FBI Memorandum, “ECA,” June 27, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Dominick Bartone, Box 5; CIA Information File, HQS Traces on Evelio Duque, August 1, 1973, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 10, Folder Box 5/Reel 7.

716 “Cuban Exile Interested in Purchasing” and HSCA Notes from Varona’s CIA Security File are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 19, Folder 25–31 and Box 116, Folder 1.

717 Memorandum for the Record, “Telephone Conversation with OO/C [Domestic Contact Service], Washington, DC with regard to Call from OO/C, Chicago,” September 12, 1963, CIA Process Sheet for OO/C Collections, no date, and CIA Cable from JMWAVE to Director, September 12, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 2 and Folder T, Box 2 and Folder U, and Box 17 and Folder Y; FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “DRE,” April 5, 1963 and FBI Report by James J. O’Connor, “DRE,” December 18, 1964 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: George Nobregas, Box 1; Staff Report, “The Evolution and Implications of CIA-Sponsored Assassination Conspiracies Against Castro,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 59, Folder 10; Bruce W. Watson, Susan M. Watson, and Gerald W. Hopple, United States Intelligence: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland, 1990), 199.

718 President Kennedy noted he would likely need to take action against Cuba prior to the 1964 presidential election in a back-channel discussion with Khrushchev’s son-in-law Aleksei Adzubei. “If I run for reelection and the Cuba issue remains as it is today,” Kennedy told Adzubei in January 1962, “then Cuba will be a major issue in the campaign and we will have to undertake something.” Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, Khrushchev’s Cold War: The Inside Story of an American Adversary (New York: Norton, 2006), 419–420.

719 “Excerpts from Address by Nixon,” New York Times, April 21, 1963; Robert Alan Goldberg, Barry Goldwater (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995), 141, 155–56, 165; Barry Goldwater, Why Not Victory? A Look at American Foreign Policy (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962), 88; Robert Dallek, An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917–1963 (Boston: Little, Brown, 2003), 660–61.

720 Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, June 19, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 837–38; Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (New York: Norton, 1975), 173; CIA Report from George V. Lauder to Inspector General, “Latin America Division Task Force Report of Possible Cuban Complicity in the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” June 30, 1977, JFKAC, CIA, LA Division Work Files, Box 3, Folder WF03-F1.

721 Memorandum from General Maxwell to Robert McNamara, “Sabotage Operations Against Cuba,” February 3, 1964, Department of Defense Support to CIA Covert Activities, July 29, 1963 and CIA Plans Against Cuba, September 23, 1963 are in JFKAC, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Box 2, Folder Taylor Papers and Box 1, Folder 1; Bradley Ayres, The War That Never Was: An Insider’s Account of CIA Operations Against Cuba (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1976), 27–28; Don Bohning, Castro Obsession, 243–44.

722 Bohning, Castro Obsession, 162–65; Ayres, War That Never Was, 52–53; FBI Report by Robert J. Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” October 1963, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 31, Folder 3; Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook; “Refugee Commandos Bare Attack on Mill,” CIA Raids On Own, Say Exiles,” and “Cuban Patrol Boats Hit, Say Exiles” are in Miami Herald, October 12, October 22 and October 24, 1963; Airgram from US Embassy in Switzerland, “Cuban Publicity of ‘Hit and Run’ Raids,” November 19, 1963, Department of State, Central File, Box 3877, Folder POL; Arboleya, Cuban Counterrevolutionaries, 131–32; Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, 154–56; “Alleged CIA Men Talk on Havana TV,” New York Times, November 3, 1963.

723 CIA Dispatch from Chief of Station, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief WH/SA, “Debriefing of Sal Morgan,” July 16, 1964 and CIA Memorandum from Justine F. Gleichauf, to Chief, Contact Division, “Interview with Dominic Bartone,” June 6, 1963 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 76, Folder Santo Trafficante and Box 46, Folder Dominick Bartone.

724 Rabe, The Most Dangerous Area in the World: 2, 148, 156; Assistant Secretary of State Edwin Martin, “U.S. Policy Regarding Military Governments in Latin America,” Department of State Bulletin, November 4, 1963, 698–700; Memorandum from Richard Goodwin to President Kennedy, September 10, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XII, American Republics (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1996), pp.146–48; “U.S. Will Fight to Protect Anyone Reds Threaten, JFK Pledges Here” and Text of Kennedy’s speech are in Miami Herald, November 19, 1963.

725 Theodore Sorensen Testimony to the Church Committee, July 21, 1975, 12–14, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 37, Folder 3; Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy (New York: Smithmark, 1995), 723; William Attwood, The Twilight Struggle: Tales of the Cold War (New York: Harper & Row, 1987), 261–62; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 554.

726 CIA Contact Report, “AMLASH-1,” November 22, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 27, Folder L; “Suggestion for Additional Administration Statements on Cuba to Stimulate Dissident Elements in Cuban Armed Forces,” Attached to Memorandum from Desmond FitzGerald to John McCone, “Considerations for US Policy in Cuba and Latin America,” December 9, 1963 and earlier unredacted version of “Suggestion for Additional Administration Statements to Stimulate Anti-Castro Action on the Part of Dissident Elements in the Cuban Armed Forces” are in LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 29, Folder US Policy.

727 Memorandum for the Record by Gordon Chase, “Mr. Donovan’s Trip to Cuba,” March 4, 1963 and Memorandum from Gordon Chase to Mr. Bundy, “Cuba - Policy,” April 11, 1963 are in LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 21, Folder Contacts with Cuban Leaders; Peter Kornbluh, “JFK & Castro: The Secret Quest for Accommodation,” Cigar Aficionado, October 1999; Paper by Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State, “Future Relations with Castro,” June 20, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol, XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1996), 839.

728 Memorandum for the Record by Paul Eckel, Special Group Meeting, November 5, 1963 and Memorandum from William Attwood to Gordon Chase, November 8, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 878–83; Lisa Howard, “Castro’s Overture,” War/Peace Report, September 1963, JFKL, NSF, Cuba, Box 45, Folder William Attwood; Memorandum of Conversation, “Lisa Howard’s Interview with Castro,” June 25, 1963, Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, 1963, Box 3877, Folder POL 15; Memorandum by William Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, “Lisa Howard’s Interview with Fidel Castro,” May 8, 1963, JFKL, White House Central Files, Box 48, Folder CO55; Attwood, Twilight Struggle, 259–61; Carlos Lechuga, In the Eye of the Storm: Castro, Khrushchev, Kennedy, and the Missile Crisis (Melbourne, Australia, 1995), 197–99.

729 Memorandum for the Record by Paul Eckel, November 5, 1963 and Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, June 24, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 843–44, 878–79; Memorandum from Assistant Secretary of State Edwin Martin to McGeorge Bundy, November 8, 1963, JFKL, NSF, Cuba, Box 45, Folder William Attwood.

730 Memorandum from William Attwood to Gordon Chase, November 22, 1963 and Memorandum for the Record by McGeorge Bundy, November 12, 1963 are in FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 888–89, 892–93; Attwood, Twilight Struggle, 262.

731 CIA Contact Report, “Carlos Tepedino Gonzalez,” June 28, 1965, JFKAC, HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 52, Folder AMWHIP; HSCA Interview with Rolando Cubela, August 28, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA, Numbered Files, Box 289, Folder 015059; CIA Background Report, “Rolando Cubela Secades,” no date and CIA Cable from JMWAVE to Director, CIA, “AMCONCERT - Reports,” June 18, 1962 and CIA Cable from MEXI to Director, CIA, “Carlos Tepedino,” August 14, 1961 are in JFKAC, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 101, Folder Rolando Cubela; CIA Biographical Sheet, “Carlos Tepedino,” June 17, 1962 and Background Data on Carlos Tepedino, July 17, 1962 and Memorandum for the Record, “AMWHIP Meeting, New York,” July 24, 1963 are in JFKAC, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 51, Folder AMWHIP; Inspector General J. S. Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” May 23, 1967, 78–80, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 4, Folder 23-JFK-1; Memorandum by Deputy Director for Plans to Director of Office of Security, “Rolando Cubela,” November 15, 1960, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 12, Folder Rolando Cubela (5); Thomas, Cuba, 889–90, 1033, 1069–70; Bonachea and San Martin, Cuban Insurrection, 321, 325–26, 329.

732 CIA Memorandum, “Rolando Cubela Former Protege of Raul Castro,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 12, Folder Rolando Cubela (5); CIA Contact Report, “Carlos Tepedino,” June 28, 1965 and CIA Background Report, “Rolando Cubela Secades,” no date, are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 52, Folder AMWHIP and Box 101, Folder Rolando Cubela; Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 80, 83–84.

733 Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 86; Memorandum from COS, JMWAVE to Chief, SAS, “Project AMTRUNK Operational Review,” April 5, 1963 and CIA Interim Working Draft, “AMTRUNK Operation,” February 14, 1977 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfim, Box 26, Folder LL.

734 Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 87–94; SAS Memorandum, “AMWHIP/1 Meeting, New York,” November 14, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 51, Folder AMWHIP; Thomas, Very Best, 302–03; Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (New York: Norton, 1975), 174–76; Robert Dallek, Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 48.

735 William Taubman, Nikita Khrushchev: The Man and His Era (New York: Norton, 2003), 604; Lyndon B. Johnson, The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency, 1963–1969 (New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1971), 24; Memorandum of Conversation, “Call by Mr. Mikoyan on the President,” November 26, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 894–95.

736 Memorandum for the Record by John McCone, November 29, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis, 896; Memorandum for the President by Gordon Chase, “Meeting on Cuba-December 19, 1963,” December 15, 1963, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 24, Folder Cuba Meetings.

737 Memorandum of Meeting with President Johnson by Gordon Chase, “Cuba,” December 19, 1963, FRUS, Cuban Missile Crisis, 904–09.

738 Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy from Gordon Chase, November 25, 1963 and December 2, 1963, FRUS, 1961–1963, Vol. XI, Cuba Missile Crisis, 890–91, 897.

739 Memorandum from Prime Minister Fidel Castro to President Lyndon Johnson, “Verbal Message Given to Lisa Howard,” February 12, 1964, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 21, Folder Contacts with Cuban Leaders; Peter Kornbluh, “JFK & Castro: Secret Quest for Accommodation,” Cigar Aficionado, October 1999.

740 Memorandum for the President by Gordon Chase, “Meeting on Cuba - December 19, 1963,” December 15, 1963, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 24, Folder Cuba Meetings; Memorandum of Meeting with President Johnson by Gordon Chase, “Cuba,” December 19, 1963, Cuban Missile Crisis, 904–08; Dispatch from Chief of Station, JMWAVE to Chief, SAS, “Project AMTRUNK,” April 5, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 157, Folder - JFK Box 31; Alleged Assassination Plots, 86n, 173, 179–80; Powers, The Man Who Kept the Secrets, 179; Notes of Special Group Meeting, September 5, 1963 by Betsy Palmer, May 2, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 13, Folder – 19; Jeff Shesol, Mutual Contempt: Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the Feud that Defined a Decade (New York: Norton, 1997), 3, 144.

741 Robert Dallek, Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 9, 529–32; Robert A. Caro, Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson (New York: Vintage Books, 2002), 1024, 1026–28; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 84–87; Doris Kearns, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (New York: Harper & Row, 1976), 256; Vaughn Davis Bornet, The Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1983), 45, 93. 103.

742 Attwood, Twilight Struggle, 263; Memorandum for Mr. Bundy from Gordon Chase, “Cuban Covert Program,” April 7, 1964 and Memorandum to the President from McGeorge Bundy, “Sabotage against Castro,” January 9, 1964 and Memorandum for Discussion of Covert Programs Against Cuba,” April 7, 1964 are in LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Boxes 24–25, Folder Cuba: Intelligence; Letter to McGeorge Bundy from Desmond FitzGerald, March 6, 1964, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 38, Folder 1; Draft, “U.S. Policy Towards Cuba - April to November 1, 1964,” March 22, 1964, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Boxes 26–29, Folder US Policy; Richard Helms Testimony, September 11, 1975, 25, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 35, Folder 4.

743 Memorandum for the Record, “303 Committee Meeting,” June 18, 1964, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 34, Folder 4; CIA Memorandum by Carl Jenkins, “AMWORLD Operational Readiness Status,” February 9, 1964, JFKAC, CIA, Latin America Division Work Files, Box 2, Folder WF0-F10; Personnel File Summary, Manuel Artime, HSCA Staff Notes, March 7, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 19, Folder Box 28; CIA Memorandum by Henry Hecksher to Chief, Monetary Branch, “AMBIDDY/1 Swiss Bank Account,” JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 4, Folder Artime; Gaeton Fonzi and Elizabeth Palmer, “Brigade 2506, Manuel Artime, MRR,” HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 95th Congress, 2nd Session (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979), 67.

744 “Sea Raiders Identity Unknown to US,” “US Denies Blame in Attack on Ship,” “Spanish Marchers Denounce US,” and “Spanish Cargo Ship Departs for Cuba” are in New York Times, September 16, September 17, September 20, and October 2, 1964; Hinckle and Turner, Deadly Secrets, 286; Anderson, Che, 611–12; Felix Rodriguez, Shadow Warrior (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989), 123–25.

745 FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “MRR,” December 24, 1964, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: MRR, Box 2; HSCA Staff Report, “MRR,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 24, Folder 36; “Fiasco in Costa Rica” and “Secrecy Hid Smuggling in Costa Rica” are in Miami Herald, December 12 and December 13, 1964.

746 FBI Airtel from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “Secret Organization of Continental Action,” September 20, 1964, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: MRR, Box 2; Memorandum for the Record by Orville Bathe, “Manuel Artime,” July 25, 1973, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 87, Folder Artime.

747 Tad Szulc: “Ray Plans to Use Cuban Will As Means to Overthrow Castro,” “Anti-Castro Fight Starts New Phase,” “Exiles Proclaim Anti-Castro War and Urge Revolt,” and “Ray Said to Leave for Cuba Landing,” New York Times, May 19, 20, 21,1964 and July 15, 1964; “Cuban Exile Band Seized by British,” “Ray Balked by Storms in 2d Attempt,” New York Times, June 4, 1964 and July 18, 1964; “Can Anyone Here Play The Game,” Time, June 12, 1964; CIA Memorandum for the Record, “Manolo Ray’s Attempt to Infiltrate Cuba,” June 23, 1964, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 10, Folder P; HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 140–41; Memorandum from Thomas Hughes, “Cuba in 1964,” April 17, 1964, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Boxes 24–25, Folder INR Reports.

748 FBI Report by Francis J. O’Brien, “JURE,” August 12, 1964 and FBI Report by James J. O‘Connor, “JURE,” October 8, 1964 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: JURE, Box 2; FBI Report, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” December 17, 1964, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Carlos Zarraga Martinez, Box 1.

749 FBI Memorandum from S. J. Papich to D. J. Brennan, Jr., “JURE,” December 10, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Manuel Ray Rivero, Box 2; Letter from Desmond FitzGerald to McGeorge Bundy, March 6, 1964 and Memorandum for the Record and “303 Committee Meeting,” June 18, 1964 are in JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 38, Folder1 and Box 34, Folder 4; Gaeton Fonzi and Elizabeth Palmer, “JURE,” HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X, 77–79; Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1973), 56, 92–95, 156.

750 Memorandum from Richard Helms to John McCone, “Current Thinking of Cuban Leaders,” March 5, 1964, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 24, Folder Intelligence; “Castro Proposes Deal to Halt Aid to Latin Rebels,” New York Times, July 6, 1964; “Press Conference - July 10, 1964, LBJL, Gordon Chase Papers, Box 8, Folder Cuba; Memorandum from Robert M. Sayre to McGeorge Bundy, July 3, 1964, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 17, Folder Vol. 3.

751 “Intelligence Note: Castro Visit to the USSR” by Thomas Hughes to Secretary Rusk, January 13, 1964 and Research Memorandum, “Castro’s Second Visit to Moscow,” January 24, 1964 are in LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Boxes 24–25, Folder INR Reports; Memorandum from Richard Helms to John McCone, “Current Thinking of Cuban Leaders,” March 5, 1964, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 24, Folder Intelligence; NIE 85–64, “Situation and Prospects in Cuba,” August 5, 1964, LBJL, NSF, NIEs, Box 9, Folder Cuba.

752 Taubman, Khrushchev, 622; S. Khrushchev, Khrushchev on Khrushchev, 229; Tompson, Khrushchev, 276; Fedor Burlatsky, Khrushchev and the First Russian Spring: The Era of Khrushchev through the Eyes of His Adviser (New York: Scribner’s 1988), 210–16.

753 Anatoly Dobrynin, In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to America’s Six Cold War Presidents (New York: Times Books, 1995), 93, 128; Taubman, Khrushchev, pp xxi, 459–68; Zubok, A Failed Empire, 193–94, 203; S. Khrushchev, Khrushchev on Khrushchev, 156–57; Troyanovsky, “Caribbean Crisis,” 149; Fursenko and Naftali, “One Hell of a Gamble”, 353–54; Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996), 274; Anatoli Gribkov’s comments in Blight, Allyn, and Welch, editors, Cuba on the Brink, 63; Ernest R. May, John D. Steinbrunner, and Thomas W. Wolfe, History of the Strategic Arms Competition, 1945–1972 (Office of the Secretary of Defense, History Office, March 1981), 492, NSA.

754 Dobrynin, In Confidence, 73n, 93; Raymond L. Garthoff’s comments are in Blight, Allyn, Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 134–35.

755 May, Steinbrunner, and Wolfe, Strategic Arms Competition, 490, 492; Bernd Greiner, “The Cuban Missile Crisis Reconsidered: The Soviet View: An Interview with Sergo Mikoyan,” Diplomatic History, Spring 1990, 220–21; David Holloway, The Soviet Union and the Arms Race (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989), 43–44; John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (New York: Touchstone, 1987), 490; Zubok, Failed Empire, 205; Zaloga, Kremlin’s Nuclear Sword, 101, 132, 135–36, 141–42, 241–48. See also Directorate of Intelligence Research Staff Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis (December 1963), 39, JFKAC, CIA Records, Cuban Missile Crisis, Box 1, Folder 14.

756 CIA Office of National Estimates, “Trends in the World Situation,” February 12, 1964, 8, 10–11, 41–42, 44, 47, CIA Records Research Tool (CREST), 11/01/2006.

757 Dobrynin, In Confidence, 93; May, Steinbrunner, and Wolfe, History of the Strategic Arms Competition, 493; Zubok, Failed Empire, 199–200; NIE 11-4-63, “Soviet Military Capabilities and Policies, 1962–1967” in Donald P. Steury, editor, Intentions and Capabilities: Estimates on Soviet Strategic Forces, 1952–1983 (Washington: CIA, 1996), 150, 152, 154, 164; Zubok, Failed Empire, 149–51; Raymond L. Garthoff, A Journey Through the Cold War: A Memoir of Containment and Coexistence (Washington: Brookings, 2001), 183, 187.

758 McGeorge Bundy, “The Future of Strategic Deterrence,” Survival, November–December 1979, 2.

Thinking about the origins of the Cuban missile crisis is changing in the United States and new lessons are being learned.

Raymond Garthoff, a Soviet missile analyst during the missile crisis, is a case in point. In a 2001 Cold War memoir, Garthoff points out that U.S. officials gave little thought to the possibility of a connection between Mongoose, and U.S. military exercises rehearsing an invasion of Cuba, and Khrushchev’s deployment of missiles to Cuba. Garthoff says he and his colleagues attributed the missile to deployment to an attempt by Khrushchev “to compensate for the USSR’s inferiority in strategic nuclear weapons.”

But Garthoff’s thinking has changed. He writes, “It is now clear that the Soviet motivation for emplacing medium- and intermediate-range missiles in Cuba was an amalgam with two principal objectives… One was to deter a feared prospective American invasion of Cuba, to defend the only ‘socialist’ regime in the Western Hemisphere. The other was to shore up a still very weak Soviet nuclear deterrent to possible U.S. attack on itself.”

Garthoff, Journey Through the Cold War, 170, 175, 177, 186; Raymond Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis (Washington: Brookings, 1989), 45; Raymond Garthoff, Intelligence Assessment and Policymaking: A Decision Point in the Kennedy Administration (Washington: Brookings, 1984, 12, 27. See also Ray S. Cline, “Commentary: The Cuban Missile Crisis,” Foreign Affairs, Fall 1989, 194–95; Cline’s comments in Blight, Allyn, and Welch, Cuba on the Brink, 126–30, 132, 428; Thomas Blanton, “Annals of Brinkmanship,” Wilson Quarterly, Summer, 1997, 92–93.

759 Zubok and Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War, 272–74l; Peter G. Boyle, American-Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism (New York: Routledge, 1993), 155; Dobrynin, In Confidence, 130–31, 138–43.

760 J. S. Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” May 23, 1967, 95–97, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 4, Folder 23 JFK; Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (New York: Norton, 1975), 89.

761 Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 100–03; Alleged Assassination Plots, 89–90; Memorandum by Nestor Sanchez, “Second Meeting in Madrid on December 30, 1964,” January 3, 1965 and Memorandum by Orville Bathe, “CIA Connections with Rolando Cubela Secades,” January 10, 1974 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 28, Folder F and Folder J; Tad Szulc, “Cuba on My Mind,” Esquire, February 1974; CIA Contact Report, “Carlos Tepedino,” June 28, 2965, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 52, Folder AMWHIP.

762 Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 104–06; Alleged Assassination Plots, 90; Powers, The Man Who Kept Secrets, 173; Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities [Church Committee], Final Report, Book V (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1976), 74–75; Affidavit by Joseph Langosch, September 14, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 15, Folder Backup Material; HSCA, Appendix to Hearings, Vol. X (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979), 163; HSCA, Report: Findings and Recommendations (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979), 112.

763 Federal Broadcast Information Service, “Trial Begins for Assassination Plotters,” March 9, 1966 and Message from CIA Director, “Prensa Latina Report,” March 7, 1966 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 28, Folders H and I; FBI Correlation Summary, “Manuel Artime Busea,” August 11, 1967, HSCA Subject: Manuel Artime Busea, Box 2; Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 107; AP, “Havana Accuses Seven of Plotting with CIA” and “Castro Plot Charge Clarified” are in New York Times, March 6 and March 7, 1966.

764 Dispatch from Chief of Station, JMWAVE to Deputy Chief WH/SA, “AMTRUNK Operational,” July 10, 1964 and Background, “Major Ramon Tomas Guin Diaz,” no date, are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 12, Folder - B and Box 28, Folder I; Information Report, “Plot to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” September 25, 1962, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 33, Folder 3; Reuters, “Castro Bars Death in Plot Trial” and “Five Given Jail Terms in Plot to Kill Castro” are in New York Times, March 9 and March 11, 1966; CIA Field Information Report, “Segundo Frente Nacional del Escambray,” October 30, 1958, JFKAC, HSCA, JFK Task Force, Box 59, Folder C.

765 Earman, “Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro,” 25, 80, 103–04; HSCA Staff Notes on Earman Report, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 115, Folder Frank Sturgis; FBI Memorandum from Legat, Havana to Director, FBI, “Santo Trafficante, Jr.” FBI Headquarters Reading Room, Part 1 of 8; CIA Cable from Bell to JMWAVE, March 26, 1961, JFKAC, HSCA “Juan Agustin de la Caridad Orta y Cordova,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Forcce, Box 77, Folder Juan Orta; Rober E. Quirk, Fidel Castro (New York: Morrow, 1993), 215, 217; HSCA, Hearings, Vol. V, Trafficante Testimony, 95th Congress, 2nd Session (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979), 368.

766 AMLASH Case Officer [Nestor Sanchez] Testimony, Church Committee, July 29, 1975, 64–65, JFKAC, Church Committee, Box 35, Folder 4; “AMLASH Operation,” May 10, 1977, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 33, Folder HSCA Vol. III; Memorandum from Richard Falluci, “Contacts with AMWHIP/1 and AMLASH/1, January 1, 1962, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 51, Folder AMWHIP/1.

767 Thomas, Very Best, 299–303.

768 FBI Memorandum from Newark, N.J., to FBI Headquarters, “Manuel Antonio Varona,” March 19, 1965, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Antonio Varona, Box 1; “Cuban Anti-Castro Chief by Day Selling Cars in Jersey by Night,” New York Times, August 22, 1964; HSCA Notes from Varona’s CIA Security File, March 7, 1978, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 19, Folder 25–31.

769 CIA Memorandum, “Cuba - A Status Report,” December 2, 1963 and CIA Memorandum, “Cuba - A Status Report,” December 12, 1963 are in JFKL, Theodore Sorensen Papers, Box 48, Folder Cuba; Bohning, Castro Obsession, 237, 252–54.

770 CIA Cable, “Financial Aid to Cuban Exile Groups by Carlos Prío Socarras,” April 27, 1964, JFKAC, Counterintelligence Source Service, Cuba and “Gutierrez Menoyo Questioned by Department of State Security,” Havana Domestic Information Service, February 3, 1965 and Airtel from Director, FBI to SAC, Miami, “Second National Front of Escambray,” March 15, 1965 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, Box 2; “Cuba Says Dominican Aid Exiles,” New York Times, January 28, 1965; Memorandum to Mr. Bundy from Gordon Chase, “Cuba - Miscellaneous,” January 26, 1965, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Boxes 31–37, Folder Subversion; HSCA Staff Notes from FBI and CIA Files, “Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo,” no date, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 19, Folder Box 28 - Folders 42–46.

771 FBI Memorandum from SAC, Miami to Director, FBI, “Sandino Herminio Diaz Garcia,” February 8, 1966, HSCA Subject: Norman Rothman, Box 4; FBI Report, “30th of November Revolutionary Movement,” June 3, 1966 and FBI Report, “Comandos L,” July 21, 1966 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: John Thomas Gurkin, Box 3; FBI Report, “MRR,” September 22, 1965 and FBI Report, “RECE,” December 3, 1965 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: MRR, Box 2; FBI Report by William M. Drew, Jr., “30th of November Revolutionary Movement,” March 30, 1962, JFKAC HSCA Subject: Carlos Rodriguez Quesada, Box 1; FBI Report by Stephen Labadie, “Santo Trafficante,” September 27, 1960, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 3; Tom Gjelten, Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba (New York: Viking, 2008), 231, 233, 260, 262; Ragano and Raab, Mob Lawyer, 41; CIA Memorandum by Raymond A. Warren, “Documentation of Castro Assassination Plots,” August 11, 1975 and CIA Memorandum by William V. Broe to Assistant General Counsel Robert Bladergrom, “Department of Justice Inquiry,” January 5, 1966 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 3, Folder H; FBI Memorandum, November 26, 1963, JFKAC, FBI, JFK Assassination Investigation - Miami, Box 228; FBI Report by Robert James Dwyer, “Anti-Fidel Castro Activities,” July 7, 1966, JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Joaquin Godoy y Solis, Box 1; CIA, “Cuban Counterrevolutionary Handbook,” section on RECE, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Box 55, Folder 64 Handbook; Jack Anderson, “Plea for Cuba’s Political Prisoners,” Washington Post, December 12, 1978; “Cuban Charges Bell Obstructs Admission of Ex-Prisoners to U.S.,” New York Times, November 19, 1978; Ameringer, Cuban Democratic Experience, 82.

772 CIA Summaries on Antonio Veciana, UFG-7683, 10/28/65, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, JFK Task Force, Box 30, Folder Box 55-1; Cable from JMWAVE to Director, CIA, September 17, 1963, JFKAC, HSCA, Segregated CIA Collection, Printed Microfilm, Box 101, Folder Cubela (2); Research Memorandum by Thomas L. Hughes, “The Cuban Revolution: Phase Two,” August 10, 1965, LBJL, NSF, Cuba, Box 18, Folder Cuba, Vol. 1.

773 SNIE 85-68, “Cuba: Castro’s Problems and Prospects Over the Next Year or Two,” June 27, 1968, 2–4, 6–7, LBJL, NSF, NIEs, Box 9, Folder Cuba.

774 Reports by the Dade County Public Safety Department’s Organized Crime Bureau and the Dade County Sheriff on Trafficante “Santo Trafficante,” March 17, 1977 and “Santo Trafficante,” March 31, 1967 and Memorandum from R. A. Harr to Sheriff T. A. Buchanan, “Cuban Gamblers,” October 24, 1966 and Cesar Comacho, “Raul Gonzalez Jerez,” March 15, 1968 and Memorandum from Robert Hoelscher to B. Wilson Purdy, “Santo Trafficante,” July 10, 1968 and Memorandum from Charles Black to E. Wilson Purdy, “Santo Trafficante, April 22, 1968, “Information Sheet on Santo Trafficante,” September 20, 1971 and Memorandum from Charles Black to E. Wilson Purdy, “Santo Trafficante,” August 8, 1967 and Memorandum from Cesar Comacho to Charles Black, “Santiago Rey Pernes,” November 14, 1967 are in JFKAC, HSCA, Numbered Files, Box 21, Folder 000834; See also Scott M. Deitche, The Silent Don: The Criminal World of Santo Trafficante, Jr. (Fort Lee, N.J.: Barricade, 2007), 110–12, 177–82, 194.

775 Kelley, His Way, 121–24, 159–60, 366, 473; Martin A. Grosch and Richard Hammer, The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano (Boston: Little, Brown, 1975), 312; Frederic Sondern, Jr., Brotherhood of Evil: The Mafia (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1959), 167–69; Gus Russo, The Outfit: The Role of Chicago’s Underworld in the Shaping of Modern America (New York: Bloomsbury, 2001), 25; Estes Kefauver, Crime in America (Garden City, N.J.: Doubleday, 1951), passim; Summers and Swan, Sinatra, 130–37, 443; FBI FOIA Releases of Frank Sinatra: Sinatra 2b.pdf, 13–15 and Sinatra4a.pdf, 22, 38 and Sinatra4b.pdf, 92 and Sinatra5.pdf, 126 and Sinatra09a.pdf, 68; Ragano and Raab, Mob Lawyer, 188; Tom Kuntz and Phil Kuntz, The Sinatra File: The Secret FBI Dossier (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2000), 95, 97, 99, 109–10, 113.

776 FBI Report by Wendell W. Hall, Jr., “Santo Trafficante, Jr.,” March 16, 1967 and FBI Report by Wendell W. Hall, Jr., “Santo Trafficante, Jr.,” February 20, 1967 are in JFKAC, HSCA Subject: Santo Trafficante, Box 8.

777 James G. Blight, Bruce J. Allyn, and David A. Welch, editors, Cuba on the Brink: Castro, the Missile Crisis, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union (New York: Pantheon, 1993), 6–10.