
  1. A Note to Readers    ix
  2. Acknowledgments    xi
  3. INTRODUCTION   An Armed Society Is a Policed Society    1
  4. CHAPTER 1           Gun Politics in Blue    24
  5. CHAPTER 2           The War on Guns    57
  6. CHAPTER 3           Never Off Duty    86
  7. CHAPTER 4           When the Government Doesn’t Come Knocking    106
  8. CHAPTER 5           Legally Armed but Presumed Dangerous    143
  9. CONCLUSION      Our Gun Talk    171
  10. APPENDIX A        Methodological Approach    182
  11. On Gun Militarism: Discarded Lives    197
  12. On Gun Populism: Shame on Us    199
  13. On Reform: At the Pinnacle of Privilege    201
  14. APPENDIX B        Procedures for Protecting Research Subjects    204
  15. APPENDIX C        Interview Guide    205
  16. Notes    209
  17. Bibliography    237
  18. Index    263