Abalum I, Œsel, 104
Aberffraw, 165
Abrincatui, 127
Admagetobriga, 115
Adria, 17
Aduatuci, 97–8, 108–9, 116, 118, 121, 126
Aed Finnliath, K. of Ireland, 192
Ædui : in Italy, 19, 136 ; relationships with other peoples, 20–2, 83, 100, 122–3, 127–8, 135, 147 ; invasions of Suevi and Helvetii, 114, 116–17 ; position, 122, 134–5 ; name, 123 ; war with Sequani, 132 n. ; towns, 141 ; in Gallic War, 144, 146, 224; nobles, kings, magistrates, 221 ; tolls of Senones, 250
Ægae, 42
Ælianus, leader of Bagaudœ, 154
Æolis, 46
Ætolia, 40
Africa, Celtic mercenaries in, 89
Agathocles, 89
Agricola (Cn. Julius), 160
Agriculture and stockbreeding : in Gaul, 7–8, 111 ; Italy, 23, 85 ; Asia, 55 ; Danube, 59, 61 ; Macedonia, 61 ; general, 212–13, 216, 248–9, 256
Agrigentum, Gauls loot, 90
Agrippa (M. Vipsanius), 156
Aguilar de Anguita, cemetery, 76
Ahenobarbus (Cn. Domitius), 144–5
Ahenobarbus (L. Domitius), 156
Ailech, 170
Ailill Inbanna, K. of Connacht, 206, 219
Ailinn, 177
Airgialla, Oriel, 170
Aithech-thuatha, see Rent-payers
Aixe, pilgrimage, 264
Alaise, tumuli, 131 n. Alauna, 125
Alauni, 125
Alaunium, 125
Alaunus, R., 125
Albanians, Illyrian origin, 34
Alcuin, of York, 176
Alemanni, 153
Alesia : Gaul from, 74 n. ; siege of, 111, 147–8, 213, 224; silver bowl from, 141
Alexander III, the Great, 35 ; coins of, 64, 66, 254
Alfred, the Great, 180
Algate, stela, 26
Allobroges, 82, 133, 137, 144–6, 149
Almedinilla, sword, 76
Alounae, 125
Alps : peoples of, 137–8, 164 ; Roman wars in, 149 ; see also Switzerland
Amandus, 154
Ambicatus, K. of the Bituriges, 10, 32, 135, 224, 262
Ambidravi, 57
Ambiorix, 141
Ambisontes, 58
Ambituti, 48
Ambivareti, 224
Ambon, 80
Ambrosius (Aurelius), 164
Amfre ville, helmet, 259
Amyntas, K. of Galatia, 55 n., 88
Amyntas II, K. of Macedon, 35
Ananes, Anares, Anamari, 18, 26, 72
Anauni, 24
Antyra, battle at, 47
Andes, village, 22
Aneurin, 267
Anglesey, Mona, 159–160, 173, 232
Anglo-Saxons : conquer Britain, 164–6 ; christened, 166 ; in Scotland, 179, 182 ; in England, 180
Anklets, 135
Annagassan, 178
Antaricos, 34
Antarios, 90
Angigonos, sculptor, 47
Antigonos Gonatas, K. of Macedon, 41–2, 51, 56
Antiochos I, Soter, K. of Syria, 45–6
Antiochos III, the Great, 50 n., 87, 187
Antiochos Hierax, 47
Antoninus Pius, Emperor, wall of, 160
Aodh Sláine, 212 n.
Apahida, cemetery, 60
Apollo, paintings of Gauls in temples of, 40–1
Apulia, Gauls in, 12
Aquae Sextiae, Aix : battle, 109–110; colony, 144
Aquitania : various limits, 127 ; Gauls in, 133–4 ; rising of Aquitani, 149
Arcantodan, 254
Arcobriga, cemetery, 76
Ardiaei, Vardaei, 34
Arduinna (Diana), 238
Ardyes, 83
Areani, 172
Areeomici, Arecomii (Volcae), 78, 82, 122, 124, 145
Argos, Gallic mercenaries at, 42
Arialdunum, 77
Ariamnes, feast of, 54
Armorica, see Brittany ; Armorici, 97, 101, 130
Army, war, military power, 49, 199, 204, 210–11, 215–16, 220, 223, and see Fianna, Mercenaries
Arretium, 70
Arthur, legend of, 164, 167, 181, 246–7, 263, 266, 268, 276 ; potlatch in, 193–4, 196 ; cauldron, 247
Artio, 238
Aruns, 11
Arverni : in Italy, 19–20 ; in Gaul, 108, 122, 127–8, 134–5, 144–5, 147, 221, 224
Asia : Gauls (Galatians) in, 45–51, 53–7, 66–8, 87–9 ; Roman wars, 87–9 ; coins, 254
Assembly, council : judicial function, 218 ; general, 221–2, 224 ; Ireland, 241–2, 249
Atesuii, 125
Athens : fights Celts, 40 ; paintings and sculptures of Gauls, 40, 41 n., 48 ; Panathenaea suspended, 41
Atis, Boian king, 71
Atrevates : in Gaul, 97, 127, 129 ; Britain, 124, 158, 162
Attalos III, 87
Attecotti, 172
Auaros, 80
Audoleon, K. of Paeonia, 64
Augustine, St., 166
Augustodunum, see Autun
Augustus, Princeps, 103, 110, 155–6
Aulerci, 19–22, 122, 124, 134, 136, and see Brannovices
Aurelius Ambrosius, Emreis, 164
Aurillac, torque from, 63 n.
Ausetani, 77
Auspex (Julius), 150
Autariatae, see Antariatae
Autun, Augustodunum : school, 152 ; temple, 243
Avaricum, 141
Avendone, 59
Avitus, Arch bp., 155
Azov, Sea of, 45
Bagaudæ, 154
Bagicuni, 25
Baile, 213
Baiocasses, 126
Balsa, chariot-burial at, 60
Bannockburn, battle of, 182
Bards, see Fili
Bardulis, 35
Batavians, 127
Bathanattos, 42
Battersea, shield, 259
Becuma, 244
Bel, Irish god, see Bile
Belgæ : in East, 66–8 ; Italy, 69–75 ; Spain, 75–81 ; Gaul, and general, 97–102, 108–9, 124, 127–131, 136–7, 140
Belgica, Vellica, 77
Belgida, in Tarraconensis, 67 n., 77
Belgites, in Pannonia, 67
Beli, Welsh god, 246
Belia, 136 n.
Belinus, 59
Belisarius, 164
Belli, 79
Bellovaci, 97–8, 100, 108, 129, 139, 149
Bernard, St., 182
Berones, 78
Berru : chariot-burial, 3 ; helmet, 259
Besançon, battle, 149
Bessi, 234
Bibracte, see Mont Beuvray
Bituriges, 10–11, 19–20, 122–3, 135, 141, and see Cubi, Vivisci
Black Forest, 113
Bledri, 181
Blucion, 50 n.
Boerebistas, 115
Bohemia, 92, 112, and sec Boii
Boii : in Italy, 11, 14, 16, 19–22, 70–2, 83–4, 136 ; Russia, 44–5 ; relation to Tolistoboii, 48 ; invade Danubian countries, 58, 65, 91 ; general, 96, 118, 123–4 ; coins, 97 n. ; repel Cimbri, 106 ; driven from Bohemia, 115, 156 ; in Gaul, 116–17, 149, 156 n.
Bologna, Vononia, 15, 17, 23, 28, 84
Bononia, Vidin, 43
Book of Acaill, 186
Bordeaux, school of, 152
Bouray, god of, 261
Brannovices, 122, 124 ; Aulerci Brannovices, 224
Brendan, St., 246
Brennus, chief in Greece, 38 n., 39–41
Brescia, 23
Brian Boru, 179
Briccriu, feast of, 195–6, 264, 269, 271
Brigantia, 237
Brigetio, 58
Brigid, goddess, 189, 237, 239
Bri Leith, 240
Briona, inscriptions, 23 n.
Britain, England : Le Tène tombs in, 4 ; pre-Roman, 158–9 ; Roman conquest and evacuation, 159–164 ; Saxon conquest, 165–6 ; Irish in, 172–3 ; Danes in, and relations with Wales, 180–2 ; relations with Scotland and Ireland, 182–4 ; Druids, 188, 226–7, 232 ; family, 203–4 ; property, land, 211, 249 ; dwellings, 213 ; kings, 221 ; religion, 236, 238, 245 ; coins, trade, 253–4, 257 ; see also Britons, Wales
Britolagae, 44
Britomarus, 71
Britons : in Spain and Gaul, 164 ; in Brittany, 166–7 ; Ireland, 173 ; survival in Britain, 274 ; see also Britain, Wales
Brittany, Armorica : lack of La Tène finds, 6 ; Belgæ in, 130 ; Britons in, 166–7 ; modern, 184, 274
Brixia, Brescia, 23
Brochs, 250
Bronwen, story of, 266
Brooches : La Tène, distribution, 93, 102 ; Spain, types, 75–6 ; general, 270
Bruce, Edward, 183
Brugh-na-Boyne, 238
Brythons, 92
Building, houses : in Gaul, 140, 151, 270 ; British Isles, 160, 181, 213, 270 ; general, 249–250
Burdigala, Bordeaux, 152
Burgh, de, family, 183
Burgondiones, 93
Buttons, 259
Cabari, 44
Cabrera de Mataro, cemetery, 76
Cadwaladr, 167
Caedwalla, K. of Gwynedd, 167
Caepio (Q. Servilius), 108
Caere, statuette from, 54 n.
Cœsar (C. Julius) : Civil War, 88 ; Gallic Wars, 117–18, 128, 147–8 ; Illyricum, 155 ; policy towards kings, 221
Caïcos, R., battle, 47
Cairbre, son of Cormac, 220
Cairbre Riada, son of Conaire II, 174
Cairnech, St., 192
Caladunum, Calahorra, 76
Caledonians, absorbed by Scots, 174 ; Caledonia, see Scotland
Cales, pociduni from, 41 n.
Caligula, Emp., 159
Callaici, 77
Callion, 40
Calvinus (C. Sextius), 144
Cambaules, 38
Camillus (M. Furius), 30
Camodunum, Zaleszczyki, 44
Campania, Gauls in, 12
Camulodunum, Colchester, 158–160
Cannae, battle, 83
Canossa di Puglia, cemetery, 12
Capedunum, 59
Capua, medallion from, 41 n.
Caracalla, Emp., Edict of, 151
Caratacus, Caractacus, 159
Caraunios, 80
Carausius, Count of the Saxon Shore, 163
Carman, witch, 242
Carnuntum, 58
Carnutes : in Italy, 19–20 ; in Gaul, 100, 125, 134 ; sanctuary, 232–3
Caros, Spanish hero, 80
Carpi, 118
Carthage, in Punic Wars, and Celtic mercenaries of, 81–90
Cashel, 179
Cassander, K. of Macedon, 35, 38
Casses, Dii, 126
Cassi, 93
Cassius (C), 88
Castor, Galatian king, 88
Cateia, 104
Catiline, 145
Catulus (Q. Lutatius), 109
Caturiges, 19, 25, 125, 135, 137
Caturix, 244
Cauari, 66 n.
Cavareno, 24
Celaenae, Gauls attack, 46
Celestinus I, Pope, 175
Celtiberians, 29–30, 78–81, 86, 109, 144, 191, and see Spain
“ Celticans,” 128
Celtici, in Spain, 78
Celto-Scythians, 99
Cenomani : in Italy, 14, 16, 18–19, 20–3, 72, 84, 124, 135–6, 143 ; in Gaul, 122, 124 ; general, 124, 137
Census-tablets, of Gaul, 117 n.
Centrones, 19, 25, 82, 122 n., 124–5, 137
Cerealis (Petilius), 150
Ceredig ap Cunedda, Coroticus, 173
Cerethrios, 39
Cernunnos, 238
Cernusco Asinario, stela, 26
Cerrig y Gwyddell, 173
Certosa, Etruscan cemetery, 17
Champagne, population, 7–8, 101
Champlieu, pilgrimage, 264
Chariot, 28, 75 ; chariot-burials, 3, 60
Château-sur-Salins, 8
Chester, Hugh of Avranches, Earl of, 181
Christianity : in Britain, 166 ; in Ireland, 175–7, 186, 204, 209, 227–8, 233, 263
Cian Nachta, 192
Cicero (M. Tullius), 88
Cichorios, see Acichorius
Ciderios, 41
Cimbri and Teutones, 99, 102–113, 144
Cintognatus, 111
Cisalpine Gaul, see Italy
Cisrhcnani, meaning of the term, 98
Cissonius, 244
Cistercians, 182
Civiglio, 26
Civilis (Claudius), 150
Civitas, in Gaul, 122, 126–8, 151, 199, 222 ; assembly of civitates, 150 Civitatcs foederatae, 84, 143
Classicus (Julius), 150
Clastidium, battle, 73
Clientelae : of tribe to tribe, 98, 100, 127, 224 ; of individuals, 215
Clonmacnoise, monastery, 176
Clontarf, battle, 179
Clothru, 203
Clunia, 77
Cogolo, 77
Cogos, 77
Coins : Danube, 35, 58 n., 64–6, 155 ; East, 43, 56–7 ; Ptolemaic, 51 ; Cisalpine Gauls, 56 ; Marseilles and Gaul, 56, 108, 140, 153, 192 ; general, 97, 253–5 ; Britain, 158
Colman, St., 176
Columns with giants, horsemen, etc., 130
Comantorios, 43
Combrog, 165
Comillomagus, 26
Comm, Congentiatus, 145, 158, 209
Como : province, 15–16 ; town, 18, 23, 85
Companions, bodies of, soldurii, 210–11, 222
Compensation-fines, 197–8, 208, 215, 217–18
Conaire II, K. of Munster, 174
Conchobar mac Nessa, 169, 195, 203-t, 264–5, 268
Concordia, inscr., 29 n.
Condrusi, 98
Congentiatus, see Comm
Conn of the Hundred Fights, 202, 246
Connla, 246
Constans, son of the usurper Constantine, 164
Constantine I, Emp., “ Donation “ of, 183
Constantine III, Kustennin Vychan, usurper, 163–4
Constantius I Chlorus, Emp., 163
Cormac, King-bishop of Cashel, 179, 192
Cormac mac Airt, K. of Connacht, 170, 217, 219–220, 235
Cornacum, 58
Cornavia, in Brittany, 167
Cornavii, in Lancashire, 167
Coroticus, 173
Cotini, 118
Cottiris, Alpine king, 137
Cottius, Ligurian king, 25
Council, see Assembly Count of the Saxon Shore, 162
Courci, de, family, 183
Cremation, see Funeral customs
Cremona : colony, 73, 83 ; battle, 84
Crimthann Nia Nair, K. of Ireland, 172
Crimthann the Great, K. of Ireland, 172
Critasirus, 115
Croncs, Les, cemetery, 5
Croton, siege, 12
Cubi (Bituriges), 122, 127, 134
Cuchulainn : and Morrigu, 31 ; headhunting, 192 ; at feast of Briccriu, 196, 271 ; education, 201–2 ; descent, 204, 240 ; as dog, 238 ; death, 242 ; visit to next world, 246 ; cauldron, 247 ; in Tain, general, 264–5, 268
Cumhal, 237
Cunedda, 173
Cunobelinus, Cymbeline, 159
Cybard, St., pilgrimage, 264
Cymry, 165
Dagda, 239
Dairenne, Clan, 201
Dal Cais, 179
Damastium, coins of, 65
Danes, in Gt. Britain, 179–180, and see Norsemen
Danube : Celts on, 19 n., 33–7, 5766, 68, 118, 254; Dacians attack, 115–16 ; Roman conquest, 155–7
Dardanians, 91
Dead : worship of, 205 ; beliefs about other world, 231–2, 236, 240 ; visits to other world, 246–7, 264 ; see also Funeral customs
Dechtiré, 203
Deheubarth, 223
Deiotarus, Tetrarch of Galatia, 87–9, 219, 262
Deirgthene, Clan, 201
Delos, portraits of Gauls at, 40, 51
Delphi, 40–1, 61, 88 ; gold of, 40, 41 n., 108
Demetae, 160
Deva, Chester, 161
Diablintes, 122
Diarmait mac Cearbhail, K., 177, 242
DiarmaitO’ Duibhne, Fenian hero, 269
Dii Casses, 126
Diocletian, Emp., Britain under, 161–2
Dionysios I., 12
Dionysos, 234
Dispater, worshipped by Gauls, 240, 243–4
Diviciacus, Druid, 141, 229–230, 262
Diviciacus, K. of the Suessiones, 146
Domnonea, 167
Don, goddess, 246
Donon, sanctuary, 243
Downpatrick, monastery and castle, 183
Druids : in Italy, 31 ; Gaul, 150, 152 ; Britain, 159–160 ; Ireland, 201–2 ; general, 188, 190, 210–11, 216–18, 226–236, 238, 262
Druim Ceata, Assembly of, 174, 235
Drusus (M. Livius), 70
Drusus (Nero Claudius), 156
Drynemeton, 49
Dublin, 178
Dumnonii, 167
Durostorum, Silistria, 43
Dyaks, 192
Dying Gaul, 47
Eburobriga, Aurolles, 125
Eburodunum, Yverdon and Embrun, 125
Eburomagus, Bram, 125
Eburones, 97–8, 100, 125–6, 129
Eccobriga, 50
Education, Schools, 152, 160, 201–2, 231
Edward I, II, Kings of England, 182
Edward III, 181
Elitovius, 14
Emer, 192 ; Tochmarc Emire, 264
Emilia, Gauls in, 16
Emporion, coins of, 254
Emreis, 164
England, see Britain
Epeiros, Gallic mercenaries in, 90
Ephesos, 45
Equites, in Gaul, 211, 215, 235
Esino, tombs at, 26
Estledunum, 77
Esuvii, 125
Etain, 193–4, 240 ; Tochmarc Etaine, 264
Eterscél, 171
Etruscans, 11–12, 14, 17–18, 22, 24, 27, 70
Euganeans, 24
Eumenes II, K. of Pergamon, 47
Euthydemos, K. of Bactriana, coins of, 57
Fand, 265
Feasts : religious festivals in Ireland, 241–2 ; banquets, 269–271 ; see also Potlatch
Fergus mac Eire, K. of the Dal Riada, 174
Fergus, son of Roy, hero and narrator of the Tain, 186, 222, 263
Fianna, 169, 176, 223, 247, 265–6 Fili, bards, 30–1, 210, 216, 218, 220, 226–8, 230–1, 233, 235, 263
Filottrano, tombs at, 16 n., 27
Finn mac Coul : and snakes, 168 ; potlatch in legend of, 194 ; descent, 240 ; general, 247, 265–6 ; and Grainne, 269
Finnian, St., 241
FitzGerald, family, 183
Five Fifths, Time of the, 170, 223
Flaccus (M. Fulvius), 144
Flann, sixth century hero, 242
Flann Sina, K., 192
Flavia Csesarensis, 162
Florus (Julius), 149
Fonteius (M.), 145
Fort-Harrouard, 111
Forts : early La Tène, 8 ; in Germany, 95, 107 ; Gaul, 111 ; Norman castles in Ireland, 183 ; Celtic in general, 249–250 ; see also Oppida.
Fortunatus, 274
Four, divisions into, 48, 223–4, 252
France, Gaul, Gauls of France : La Tène settlements, 2–8 ; Celtic tribes of south, and Celticiza-tion, 77–8, 82–3, 137 ; Belgæ in, 97–101 ; Cimbro-Teutonic invasion, 107–110 ; effects of Cimbro-Teutonic invasion, 111 ff. ; Celtic Gaul, general, 121–141 ; Roman conquest, 144–150 ; Romanization, 151–5 ; Britons in, 164, 166 ; relations with Ireland and Irish, 169, 172–3, 175; Druids, 150, 152, 188, 226–233, 235 ; head-hunting, 191–2 ; tribes, 198–9 ; women, marriage, family, 204–7, 209–210 ; property, agriculture, villages, towns, 211–12, 216, 248–251 ; society and government, 215–16, 219–222 ; penal law, 217 ; armies, war, organization, 223–4 ; religion, 236–8, 243–5 ; calendar, 242–3 ; coinage, 253–5 ; trade, 256–7 ; industry, 257, 259–260; Gallic race in modern, 274 ; language, 274–6
Franks, in Gaul, 153
Funeral customs, graves : change from Hallstatt to La Tène, general, 1–7 ; in Spain, 80 ; among Belgæ, 99 ; in Germany, 105 ; Gaul, 131, 133–5 ; Italy, 133 ; Helvetii, 133 ; tombs as dwellings of the gods and sanctuaries, 238–240 ; see also Dead
Gabromagus, 58
Galatians, see under Asia : name Galatian, 66–7, 73 n.
Galatika, 47
Galatos, Boian king, 71
Gallia : Braccata, Narbonensis, 146 ; Comata, 127 ; Très Galliae, 127
Gallienus, Emp., 153
Galloway, Picts in, 174
Gaul, see France
Gauls, see the varions countries occupied by them
Gavelkind, 209
Geidumni, 122 n.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 162, 163 n.
Germany, Germans : early La Tène in Germany, 7–8 ; Belgæ in Germany and their relation to Germans, 74, 97–101 ; Germani in Spain, 77 ; Germans in E. Europe, 91–2, 156 ; Celtic influence, 93–4 ; movements of Germans, 94, 103 ; Celts in Germany and advance thence, 94–103; meaning of “Germani”, 94, 99–100, and see Gaesati ; invasion of Gaul, 153 ; trade with Gaul, 259
Giraldus Cambrensis, 181
Glastonbury : Abbey and Arthurian legend, 181 ; lake-village, 250
Gobhan Saer, 258 n.
Gods, see Religion
Goidels : emigrate from Continent, 92 ; “ Celticans ” in Gaul, 128 ; in Ireland, 171
Gorge-Meillet, La, helmet from, 259
Goths, 164
Grail, story of, 247 n.
Gratian, usurper, 163
Graviacae, 58
Greece : Gallic mercenaries in, 12 ; Gallic invasion, 40–3, 66–8, 87 ; influence on Gaul, 140
Gregory, Bp. of Tours, 269, 274
Greinberg : Cimbri on, 107 ; inscr. 107 n.
Grudii, 122 n.
Gundestrug cauldron, 102, 105, 245, 261
Gwawl, 194
Gwynedd, N. Wales, 165, 167, 173, 223
Hadra, nr. Alexandria, cemetery, 52–4, 67
Hadrian, Emp., wall of, 160
Hakon, K. of Norway, 183
Halicarnassos, statue from, 47 n.
Hallstatt : civilization, change to La Tène, 1–8 ; site, La Tène sword from, 36–7
Hamilcar Barca, 81
Hamilcar, Carthaginian general, 84
Harold Fairhair, 178
Hasdrubal, son-in-law of Hamilcar Barca, 81
Hasdrubal, son of Hamilcar Barca, 83, 86
Hearth, 205
Hebrides: Scandinavians in, 179–180; Gaels of in Ireland, 183
Heiligenberg, inscr., 107 n. Hellespont, 46, 49
Helvetii : no early movement, 20, 101, 123–4 ; move to Switzerland, 106–110, 112, 122, 132–3 ; invasion of Gaul and Gallic War, 116–17, 148 ; positions, 124–5 ; relations with Germany, 140 ; army organization, 199 ; gold, 258
Helvetum, places named, 125
Hengist, 165
Henry II, K. of England, 181–3
Henry III, 181
Heracleia, in Asia Minor, 47, 56
Heracleia, in Malis, 41
Hercynian Forest, 33
Herczeg-Marok, torque from, 63 n.
Hergest, Red Book of, 266
Herminones, 113
Hessi, 93
Hodsagh, tomb, 60 n.
Homage, 195
Honour, 271
Hostages, 222
Houses, see Building
Hy Neill, 192
Hylli, 42
Iberians, 30, 75–81, 138, and see Celtiberians ; “ Iberia,” name for Spain, 78
Idria, cemetery, 37
Illyria, 34–7, 39, 43–4, 59–60, 65, 87-8, 90 ; province of Illyricum, 155–6
Illyrios, 34
India, similarities to Celts, 190, 234–5
Ingaevones, 105
Inscriptions : Gallic in Cisalpine Gaul, 23, 26; Gallic in East, 52–3 ; Latin on Danube, 59 ; use of Celtic in, 274 ; see also Oghams
Insubres, 11, 14, 16, 18–22, 71–3, 84–5, 135–6, 143
Introbbio, tombs, 26
Iona, 176
Ionia, 46
Ireland : races of, 120 ; attacks on Wales, 165 ; history, 168–173, 177–9, 182–4 ; primitive customs, 192–6 ; organization of society and law, 198–225 ; religion, 240–2, 244–7 ; ownership, agriculture, villages, 248–9 ; houses and forts, 249–250 ; coinage, 254–5 ; modern Ireland and language, 273–4, 276 ; in Scotland, see Scots ; Druids, literature, see those headings
Irenaeus, St., 274
Isca Silurum, Caerleon, 161
Isles, Western, of Scotland, see Hebrides
Italy : Gallic invasions and settlements, 9–33, 84–5, 212–13, 226 ; Belgic invasions, 69–75 ; Punic Wars, 82–4 ; Roman conquest of Cisalpine Gaul, 143 ; Italic peoples, similarities to Celts, 189–190 ; modern, Celts in, 274
Ivar, K. of Dublin, 179
Jaen, battle at, 83
James III, K. of Scotland, 180
James VI and I, 182
Jarubinetz, cemetery, 44
Javelins, see Spears
Jerome, St., on language of Galatians, 53, 67–8, 274
John, K. of England, 181
Kildare, 189
King : in East, 49 ; régulas commanding mercenaries, 90 ; in Germany, 93 ; Gaul, 146–7, 167, 197 ; Britain, 164–5 ; Ireland, 168–171, 177, 183, 217–220, 222, 224; general, 197, 208–210, 214–15, 218–221
Koberstadt, pottery, 101 n.
Koîvov I’aλaτών, 49
Kulhwch and Olwen, 196, 266, 269
Kustennin Vychan, see Constantine III
Laelianus (Ulpius Cornelius), 153
Laevi, 18
Lampsacos, 187
Land, see Property
Language : of Gauls and Italians in Italy, 29 ; of Gauls in East, 53, 67–8 ; Celtic influence on Germans, 93–4, 103, 105 ; of Belgæ, 100 ; Ariovistus, 103 ; Latin in Gaul, 151–2, 274–5 ; Latin in Britain, 161 ; Goidelic in Isle of Man, 173–4 ; Gaelic in Scotland, 179 ; of modern Celts, 184, 273–6
Larissa, coins, 57
Lasgraïsses, torque from, 63 n.
Latin rights, 143
Lauriacum, 58
Law and justice, 196, 216–18, 230
Legnano, tombs at, 26
Lepontii, 18–19, 85 ; Lepontian inscrr., 26
Leukon, Spanish hero, 80
Levaci, 122 n.
Lex Cornelia de Sicariis, 152
Lex Flaminia, 71
Lex Pompeia, 143
Libici, 18
Ligurians : in Italy, 18, 20–1, 23–6, 143 ; kingdom of Cottius, 25 ; in Spain, 79 n ; in Gaul, 138–9
Lingones : in Italy, 14, 16–17, 19–21, 72, 84, 135–6 ; in Gaul, 77, 127, 134–5, 147
Litana Forest, battle in, 83
Literature : Gallic, 31–2, 262–3, 267, 269 ; British chroniclers, 162–3 ; Irish, 168, 176, 185–7, 193–4, 203, 228, 231, 236, 246, 263–9 ; Welsh, 186–7, 193–4, 203, 236, 246, 263–4, 266–7, 269
Livy, character of his work, 31–2
Lludd and Llevelys, story of, 266
Llywarch Hen, 267
Lodi, see Laus Pompeia
Loegaire, K. of Ireland, 176, 186, 201–2
Lombards, 113
Londinium, London, 158, 160, 163
Longinus (L. Cassius), 107
Luernius, 141
Lugaidh mac Conn, 173
Lugh, 105, 236–7, 240–2, 244, 246
Lutetia, see Paris
Luxeuil, monastery, 176
Luzaga, cemetery, 76
Lysimachos, Galatian leader, 53 n.
Lysimachos, K :of Thrace, coins of, 64
Mabinogion, 173, 186, 263, 266
Maccabees, Gallic mercenaries engaged against, 52
Macedonia : wars with Illyrians, 35 ; relations with Celts, 35, 38–42, 64 ; Celts invade in second century, 61 ; Celtic colonies in, 87 ; coins, 254
Macha, 242
Macpherson (James), “ Ossian,” 268
Macsen Wledig, 163, 266, and see Maximus, usurper
Maeldune, voyage of, 246
Maelgwyn, 173
Magaba, Mt., 87
Magas, 51
Magnesia, battle, 87
Magnus, K. of Norway, 179
Mago, 84
Maine Mor, 199
Malachy, St., 182
Malcolm III, Canmore, K. of Scotland, 182
Mansuetus, Bp., 166
Mantua, 18
Map (Walter), 181
Marcellus, Empiricus, of Bordeaux, 152, 274
Marcellus (M. Claudius), 73
March, Mark, god, 238
Marche, in Italy, 28
Marcus, usurper, 163
Margaret, St., Queen of Scotland, 182
Mark, see March
Maroboduus, see Marbod
Masciacum, 58
Math, son of Mathonwy, 266
Matilda, Queen of England, 181
Matucaium, 58
Mavilly, Segomo of, 238
Maxima Sequanorum, 133 n.
Maximian I, Emp., 154
Maximus, usurper, 163, and see Macsen Wledig
Maximus (C. Fabius), 145
Maximus (Cn. Mallius), 108
Mechel-in-Nonsberg, cemetery, 24
Mediomatrici, 97, 123, 129, 254
Medulli, 19, 25, 82, 123, 125, 137
Megalith-builders, debt of Celts to, 227, 238
Megara, Gallic mutiny at, 42
Megaravicus, 80
Mehren, pottery, 101 n.
Meldi, 97, 127, 129, 131 n., 254
Melpum, 11
Melun, oppidum, 250
Mercenaries, 12, 40–2, 45–7, 49, 51–4, 56, 74, 82–4, 88–90
Mercia, foundation of kingdom, 166
Metal-work : Greek vessels in Gaul, 140, 257 ; Celtic in general, 258–261
Metaurus R., battle, 84
Metulum, 59
Milesians of Ireland, 224 ; Mile, 240
Miletos, 45
Mithradates VI, Eupator, K. of Pontus, 62, 87–8
Moidons, tumuli, 131 n. Molistomos, 35
Molon, Satrap, 50 n. Mona, see Anglesey Monetium, 59
Mongan, 240
Mont Beuvray, Bibracte : assembly of Gaul at, 117, 224 ; town, industry, etc., 140–1, 250, 259
Montefortino, tomb, 27
Montfort (Simon de), 181
Morganwy, 223
Morrigu, 31
Mortara, coins, 65
Moytura, battle, 242, 244 ; Cath Muighe Tured, 264
Muirchertach mac Erca, 242
Muirgen, 263
Muttenz, cemetery, 5
Myrddin, 267
Namur, 108
Nanteuil, cemetery, 3
Narbonensis, 146
Nassenfus, cemetery, 37
Neckar, R., 95
Negau, helmets, 36
Nemetes, 93–4, 115, 117–18, 127
Nera, voyage of, 246
Nervii, 27–8, 100, 122 n., 124, 129–130
Neuvy-en-Sullias, horse-god from, 238
New Grange, Brugh-na-Boyne, 238
Niall of the Nine Hostages, 170, 172–3
Nicomedes I, K. of Bithynia, 45, 51
Nîmes, Tour Magne at, 145
Nitiobriges, 122, 127, 134, 146, 221
Nobility : Celts in Gaul not a military aristocracy, 138–9 ; Gaul, 141, 221 ; general, 209–211, 214–16 ; Ireland, 220
Nonsberg, 24
Noreia, 57–8, 61 n., 65 n., 106
Noricum, 33, 57–8, 61, 65, 87, 106, 109, 115, 125, 155
Normans, in British Isles, 180–4
Norsemen, in British Isles, 178–180
Northumberland, 166 ; Northumbrians attack Ireland, 176
Norway, see Norsemen
Noviodunum, in Dobrudja, 43
Nuits, mule-god of, 238
Oatrians, 40 n.
Oeha, 170
O’Clery (Michael), 264
O’Connor (Margaret), née O’Carroll, 184
O’Connor (Rory), K. of Ireland, 183
trymnis, 130
Ogma, 239
Oisin, Ossian, 238, 246, 265, 267, and see Macpherson
O’Kelly, 184
Olaf, K. of Dublin, 179
Olbia, on the Bug, 44, 115 ; inscr. 91
Olympos, Mt., battle, 87
O’Neill (Brian), K. of Tyrone, 183
Orange, battle, 108
Oriel, kingdom, 170
Ornavasso, finds at, 19, 26, 85
Osi, Onsi, 58
Osimo, tomb at, 16 n.
Ossian, see Oisin, Macpherson
Osuna, relief from, 76
Paemani, 98
Pagus, 48, 122, 139, 199, 219, 222–3
Paintings of Gauls, 40–1, 67, and see Galatomachies
Palafittes, 250
Palladius, Bp. of the Scots, 175
Pannonios, 34
Panticapaeon, statuette from, 54 n.
Paris : Lutetia : Segomo of, 238 ; oppidum, 250
Parisii : in Gaul, 97, 135, 250 ; England, 124
Parma, 84
Partholon, 242
Patraos, K. of Paeonia, coins, 64
Patrick, St., 168, 171–2, 175–8, 186, 202, 240–1, 246, 267
Paulinus (C. Suetonius), 159–160
Pavigliano, cemetery, 24 n.
Peion, 50 n.
Pelagius, heretic, 175
Pelepia Illyriae, coins, 65
Penitentials, Irish, 176
Perdiccas III, K. of Macedon, 35
Périgueux, temple, 243
Perseus, K. of Macedon, 88, 90
Persia, likenesses to Celts, 189, 234
Pertinax, Emp., 160
Philip II, K. of Macedon, 35, 64, 254
Philip Anthidios, 64
Phocians, 40
Phoenice, 90
Phyromachos, 47
Pianezzo, tombs at, 26
Pictones, 124–5, 127, 134, 147
Picts : relation to Pictones, 125 ; in Gaul, 138 ; attack Britain, 162–3, 165, 167; in Ireland, 168, 170 ; conquered in Scotland, 174–5, 179
Pitobriga, 50
Pleumoxii, 122 n.
Plautius (A.), 159
Pontus, 47, 62–3, and see Mithradates
Postumius (L.), 83
Postumus (M. Cassianus), Emp., 153
Pottery : Cisalpine Gaul, 23, 26 ; Spain, 79 ; W. Germany, 101 ; Greek in Gaul, 140
Powys, tribe, 223
Jlpavooi, 66 n.
Procillus (C. Valerius), 146
Property, land, 208–9, 211–15, 248–9
Province (Gaul), Roman organization, 127
Prunay, tumuli, 134 n.
Prusias I, K. of Bithynia, 50, 87
Pryderi, son of Pwyll, 258
Ptolemy I, K. of Egypt, 35
Ptolemy II, 51
Ptolemy III, IV, 52
Ptolemy Ceraunos, K. of Macedon, 39
Puig-Castelar, 191
Puy-de-Dôme, sanctuary, 243
Pyrrhos, K. of Epeiros, 42
Quadi, 118
Qvenen, 91 n.
Racing, 242
Raetians : of the Euganean Hills, 24 ; of the Alps, 34, 60 ; Macedonian coins in Raetia, 64 ; Bheti Gaesati, see Gaesati
Raetus, Etruscan leader, 24
Ratiaria, 43
Refuges, 50, 111–12, 141, 158, 249
Rcgenbogenschuesselchen, 66, 108
Regni, 162
Rentra, 28
Religion, gods, 151–2, 205, 231–2, 234–247
Remi, 97–8, 100, 123–4, 129, 136, 141, 147, 150
Rent-payers, Aithech-thuatha, 171, 175
Rhacatae, 118
Rheims, Segomo of, 238
Rheti Gaesati, see Gaesati
Rhetogenes, Rectugenos, 80
Rhiannon, 194
Rhigosages, 50 n.
Rhoda, coins of, 254
Rhoen, R., 95
Rigomagus, Trino, 18
Rings, 27
Riotimus, 166
Ripa Bianca, tomb at, 27
Roads, 251
Robert I (Bruce), K. of Scotland, 182–3
Roermond, plaque from, 62
Rome : Gallic wars in Italy, 11–14, 32, 69–73, 143 ; representation of Gauls on Palatine, 40–1 ; Punic Wars, 82–6 ; Eastern wars, 87–9 ; Cimbro-Teutonic invasion, 106–111 ; Gallic Wars, 117–18, 130, 144–150; government and Romanization of Gaul, 126–9, 140–1, 145–6, 148–155, 211, 248, 274–5 ; conquer Celts in Spain, 144 ; conquest and evacuation of Britain, 159–164 ; relations with Ireland, 168–9, 171–2 ; priesthoods, 190, 233 ; influence of Roman law, 209 ; attacks Druids, 227 ; coins, 254
Rondineto, stela, 26
Rudiobos, 238
Ruscino, R., 82
Rutilius Numatianus (Claudius), 155
Sacrifices, 62 n., 229, 234, 244–5
Sacrovir (Julius), 149
Saint-Aoustrille, tumuli, 134 n.
Saint-Denis, chronicler monks of, 269
Saint-Gall, monastery, 176
Salassi, see Salluvii
Salem, pottery, 101 n.
Saliceto di S. Giuliano, cemetery, 26
Salluvii, Salassi, 14, 16, 18–19, 25, 143
Salomo, K. of Bretons, 167
Samnite War, 70
San Genesto, tomb at, 16 n.
Sankt-Michael, cemetery, 37
Santa Lucia, cemetery, 37
Sarmatians, 118
Saxons, see Anglo-Saxons
Schools, see Education
Scipio (Cn. Cornelius) Calvus, 86
Scipio (L.), conqueror of Scordisci, 88
Scipio (P. Cornelius) Æmilianus Africaine Minor, 80
Scipio (P. Cornelius) Africanus Major, 86
Scordisci, 42–3, 49, 61–2, 88–9, 102, 105–6, 115, 123, 191 n.
Scotiae, Écuisses, 172
Scotland, Caledonia : Roman expeditions, 160 ; Scots in, 173–4 ; Norsemen in, 179–180 ; relations with Normans and England, 182 ; modern Celts in, 184 ; blood-covenant, 192 ; marriage, 207 ; family, 208 ; buildings, 250
Scots : invade Britain, 162, 172–3 ; name Scotti, 172 ; on Continent, 172 ; in Scotland, 173–4, 179
Sculpture : statues of Gauls, 41, 47–8, 51, 67, 72, 74 n. ; in Spain, 79 ; in Gaul, 243–5, 262
Scythia : Scythian art among Celts, 63 ; Scythians on Baltic, 99
Sebeldunum, 77
Secret societies, 235
Seduni, 133
Segni, 98
Segomo, 238
Seleucos II, Callinicos, K. of Syria, 47
Semnones, 113, 114 n. Sena Gallica, 23, 70
Senchan Torpeist, 263
Senchus Mor, 186
Senones : in Italy, 11, 14, 16–17, 19, 20–3, 26, 70–1, 135–6; Gaul, 20, 77, 124–5, 134–5, 221, 250 ; Egypt, 52 n.
Senonis, 125
Sentinum, battle, 70
Sequani, 20, 109, 114, 116, 122–3, 128, 131, 132 n., 133–5, 140, 147
Severus (Alexander), Emp., 274
Severus (Septimius), Emp. 160
Severus (Sulpicius), 274
Shield : Gallic and Italian, 30 ; in Spain, 76 ; British, 259
Shipping : no British, 158 ; Veneti, 159
Shrewsbury, Roger de Montgomery, Earl of, 181
Sidonius Apollinaris (C. Sollius), 155
Sigovellauni, 137
Sigtrygg, K. of Dublin, 179
Sigurd, Count of Orkney, 179
Silanus (M. Junius), 107
Silenos, historian, 82
Sitones, 91 n.
Slanga, tomb of, 240
Soap, 270
Social War, 143
Soer and doer, 175
Soghan, tribe, 200
Soldo, tombs, 26
Soldurii, see Companions
Sosthenes, 39 n.
Spain : La Tène tombs, 4 ; Belgæ invade, 75–8 ; races of, 78–81 ; in Punic Wars, 81–3, 86 ; Roman conquest, 144 ; Constans in, 164 ; Celts in modern, 274 ; see also Celtiberians
Sparta, mercenaries attack, 42
Spears, javelins : Celtic, 54, 74 ; Germanic, 102
Spercheios, R., 39 n.
Spina, 17
Steinsburg, 95
Stephen, K. of England, 181
Stradonitz, finds at, 156 n.
Strathclyde, Cumbria, 166
Stratonicos, sculptor, 47
Stuttgart, god from, 261
Suessatium, 77
Suessiones, 77, 97–8, 123–4, 127, 129, 136
Suicide, collective, 51
Sulla (L. Cornelius), 109, 143
Sumarlidi, Lord of the Isles, 180
Susa, in Cottian Alps, 137
Switzerland : La Tène tombs and settlements, 3, 5–8 ; Helvetii in, 132–3 ; see also Alps
Swords : Roman and Celtic, 29–30 ; Galatian, 54 ; of Gaesati, 75 ; in Spain, 75–6 ; Germanic, 102 ; La Tène II, 97 ; in Gaul, 135–6
Taillac-Libourne, treasure of, 108
Tailtiu, woman, 242
Tara, 168–171, 177, 222, 231, 241, 246
Tarcanos of Tarsos, coins of, 57
Tariona, 34 n.
Tartessians, 81
Taurini, 20
Taurisci, 57, 59, 75, 106, 123
Tavium, 50
Teetosages (Volcae) : in East, 40, 48, 50, 66 n., 87, 124 ; France, 40, 42 n., 66 n., 78, 82, 100, 107, 122, 124, 145 ; Bavaria, 66 n.
Telamon : battle, 72, 75 ; statuette from, 72, 76
Temples, sanctuaries, 49, 232–3, 238, 241, 243
Tencteri, 118
Tène, La, civilization, general character of, 1–8
Tetricus (C. Pius Esuvius), 153–4
Teutates, god, 198, 243 ; name, 59
Teutobodiaci, 48
Teutones, see Cimbri Thames, shield from, 259
Themisonion, 46
Theodosius, 163
Thermopylae, battle at, 40
Thessaly, 61
Thrace : Celts in, 38, 41, 43–5, 52, 88 ; Thracians, 61, 115 ; priesthoods, 190
Thusnelda, statue, 47 n.
Thyresius, Spanish hero, 80
Ticinus R., battle, 86
Timagenes, as source, 9
Tin, trade in, 257
Titti, 79
Togidumnus, 159
Tolistoagii, Tolistobogii, Tolistoboii, 47–8, 50, 66 n., 87, 187
Tolistothora, 50
Tornà, 237
Torre de Villaricos, cemetery, 76
Tosiopes, 48
Tournament, as potlatch, 194
Tours, Council of, 166
Towns : Galatia, 50 ; Spain, 76, 79 ; Belgæ and Germans, municipal life, 99 ; Gaul, 111, 138, 140–1, 151, 153, 249–250 ; Britain, 158, 160–1, 181 ; general, 256–7
Transylvania, La Tène civilization in, 38 n.
Trapezus, 87
Trees (yew, oak, walnut, rowan), in religion, 125, 228
Trent, see Tridentus Treviri, 68, 97–8, 100–1, 129, 150
Tribe, tuath : in Cisalpine Gaul, 21–2 ; East, 49 ; general, 198–200, 215–16 ; Ireland, 212 ; Gaul, 222 ; four in Wales, 223
Triboci, 93–4, 115, 117–18, 127
Tricorii, 137
Tristram and Yseult, 167, 173, 268, 276
Tritolli, 137
Trocnades, Tricomia, 50 n.
Trousers and bracca, 63, 67, 74–5, 204, 270
Troy, Galatians at, 45
Trumpilini, 24–5 Tuath, see Tribe
Tuatha Dé Danann, 239, 242, 246
Tuathal Teachtmar, 171
Tugeni, 106
Tumuli, see Funeral Customs
Turbie, La, monument at, 25
Turdetani, 80
Turduli, 77
Tutor (Julius), 150
Tyle, Tylis, 43
Uberi, 133
Ui Liathàin, 173
Ui Maine, 199
Ui Neill, 200
Ulster, 168–170, 174, 192, 223
Uriconium, Shrewsbury, 161
Usipetes, 118
Uther Pendragon, 164
Uxisama, 123
Vadimo, L., battle, 70
Val Sugana, cemetery, 24 n.
Valentinus (Tullius), 150
Valerian, Emp., 153
Vardaei, 34
Vates, Celtic origin of, 30–1 ; see also Fili
Veliocasses, 97, 126, 129, 131 n.
Velleda, 150
Veneti, Venetia, in Italy, 11, 16–17, 28–9, 34–5, 57, 59, 72, 84
Veragri, 133
Verbigenus, pagus, 132
Vercingetorix, 141, 147–8, 221, 255, 262
Vergobret, 221
Verona, 23 n.
Verulamium, 160
Vesona, temple of, 243
Via Æmilia, 73
Via Domitia, 145
Via Flaminia, 70
Vicenza, 23
Victorinus, Emp., 153
Vieille-Toulouse, torque from, 63
Vienne, 145
Vigna Ammendola, sarcophagus, 48 n.
Villages : in East, 50 ; Gaul and Rhineland, 111–12, 139, 249 ; Britain (lake-villages), 250
Viminacium, 59
Vindalum, battle, 144
Vindelici, 118
Vindex (C. Julius), 149
Vindobona, 58
Viriathus, 80
Virodunum, places called, 77
Vismarus, 83
Vital, cemetery, 37
Vitellius, Emp., 149
Vivisci (Bituriges), 77, 113, 122, 132
Viviscus, Vevey, 113
Voccio, K. of Noricum, 115 n.
Vocontii, 18, 83, 123, 137, 145
Vogelsberg, 95
Volcae, 82, 96, 100, 106, 118, 122–4, 136–7, 145, 188, 204, and see Areeomici, Teetosages
Volterra, caricature from, 76
Voturi, 48
Vulso (Cn. Manlius), 87
Wales : no Roman conquest, 160 ; Saxons, 165–6 ; Scandinavians, 180 ; relations with England, 180–2 ; modern, 184, 274 ; tribes, 199, 223 ; family, marriage, 205–7, 209 ; agriculture, property, 212–14 ; warfare, 215–16, 223 ; penal law, 218 ; king, 220 ; non-Welsh groups, 222–3 ; Druids, 226, 228 ; bards, 233 ; gods, 237 ; calendar, 242 ; literature, see Literature ; see also Britain, Britons, Gwynedd
War, see Army
Watsch, cemetery, 37
Wight, Isle of, 159
William I, the Conqueror, 180–2
Wizards, 245
Women, see Family, Marriage, Priestesses
Writing : Cisalpine Gauls, 23 ; mercenaries in Egypt, 52–3 ; Ireland 169, 176, 186, 228 ; see also Oghams
Yspaddaden, 196
Zama, battle, 84