
The editors express appreciation to the many individuals who dedicate their lives in the service of children. These include our contributors and all those members of the teams within which they work, but also others too numerous to name. Some of these persons are known to us, many are not. But what is most important is that children are touched positively by their efforts. Our field needs this kind of continued inspiration and “walking the talk.”

We also want to extend thanks to the Fetzer Institute, which provided initial funding to convene many of the contributors and begin the process of sharing and collaboration that has brought such vitality and realism to the chapters herein. Thanks also to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (, which has taken as its mission the development of children’s social–emotional competencies and the capacity of schools, parents, and communities to support that development. CASEL has leant material, logistical, technical, and moral support essential to the completion of this volume. CASEL also will continue to serve as a catalyst for follow-through of the work that might be sparked as readers see new possibilities for their schools.

Finally, thanks to a wonderful team at Corwin Press. Foremost is our outstanding, creative editor, Faye Zucker, who has been a guiding light throughout this project. Elizabeth Budd provided insightful, sharp, and prompt copyediting. Gracia Alkema has expressed great confidence and belief in the authors’ work, has urged the writing of a book like this for years, and has cheered its evolution and completion. We also salute the rest of the Corwin team, including those who designed our wonderful book cover and the overall look and feel of the volume.


I would like to thank Roger Weissberg, Shelley Berman, Janet Patti, Marcia Knoll, Linda Lantieri, Tim Shriver, Eileen Rockefeller Growalt, and Joe Zins of CASEL for educating me a great deal about leadership. Similarly, Bernie Novick, Tom Schuyler, Herb Green, Larry Leverett, Ray Pasi, Bruce Ettinger, and Tony Bencivenga have served as role models and mentors for me in the area of educational administration and leadership. Finally, I must thank my wife, Ellen, and daughters Sara Elizabeth and Samara Alexandra, for their unwavering support for my work on this book and related projects … and for letting me use the computer.—M.J.E.

I am most grateful to Maurice Elias, who has advised and encouraged me since I first met him when I was an undergraduate student. Years later, I continue to be inspired by his energy, vision, and dedication to children. I could never thank my parents, Lucille and Nick, enough. They have loved me, encouraged me, and expressed faith in me as long as I can remember. Thank you to the children I have worked with, especially at Children’s Village and Monroe Schools. They have taught me well and remain in my heart. Thanks to a cherished Brookside School colleague, Sue Krumm, whose creativity, enthusiasm, and commitment to children set a standard I strive to meet. Finally, thanks to my husband Colin Hussey, who has taught me to be open to the possibilities. His love and support mean more than I can express. —C.S.H.

I would like to extend my thanks to John, my husband, for listening, and to Thomas Nelson, University of the Pacific, and Laura Frey, East Carolina University, for providing helpful suggestions. —H. B. A.

The Publisher gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following reviewers:

    •  Michael Ben-Avie, Associate Research Scientist, Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT

    •  Joan Commons, Academic Coordinator, CREATE, University of California, San Diego, CA

    •  Mimi Gilman, Educational Technology Consultant, Adjunct Professor, Lesley University, Saratoga, NY

    •  Launa Ellison, Minneapolis Public Schools, MN