abune: above
ae: one
afore: before
aiblins: maybe
arrant: errand
attowre: above
atween: between
ava: at all, of all
ayont: beyond
bairn: child
bane: bone
big: build
biggit: built
blin: blind person
bluid: blood
bonnie: pretty
bore: a hole
brattle: clatter
braw: fine
brent: unwrinkled
brig: bridge
broukit: neglected
carlacue: curlicue
cantie: happy
ceinture: girdle, belt
chevalier: a chivalrous man
clinty: flinty, hard
core: group
coulter: blade
cracker: a white man
crammasy: crimson
clanjamfrie: collection, rabble
daffin: merriment
daimen icker in a thrave: one ear of corn in twenty-four sheaves
dart: punch
décédé: deceased
dibble: planting stick
dight: sifted
dominie: pastor, schoolmaster
donsie: hapless
douce: sober
doverin: dozing
dow: dove
dowie: dismal, melancholy
duds: clothes
een: eyes
faucon, faukun: falcon
fause limmer: false scoundrel, prostitute
feisant: pheasant
fleet: floor
frae ilkae: from alike
gang aft agley: go often awry
gare: a skirt seam
gars: makes, causes
gennel: a covered alleyway connecting terraced houses
gied: gave, made
gill: a small measure of liquor
gin: if
girt: prepared for action
glaikit: stupid
glamourie: spell
glent: glinted
glims: candles
gob: mouth
gowden: golden
gralloch: disembowel
greet: weep
guid: good
hald: holding
heapet happer: heaped hopper
heuch: crag
hosen and shoon: hose and shoes
hussyfskap: household chores
inby: toward, into
ingenerit: begotten, engendered
jo: darling, love
a kennin wrang: a little wrong
kens: knows
kine: cows (collectively)
kirk: church
lane: lonely
lamer: amber
lave: remainder
lichter: boat, barge
limmer: wretch
lug: ear
maun: shall, must
Miltown: a tranquilizer
mirk: murk
nane: none
napper: head
niffer: comparison
nostos: homecoming
ocht: ought
owre: over
owrhailit: overthrown, overpowered
paction: agreement, contract
pattle: part of a plough
philters: love potions
pismire: ant
pow: head
pudding-broo: hot pudding
punctilio: observance of form, attention to detail
reemlin: tremulous
rin: run
sall: shall
scad: scald
scud: move fast
semmit: undershirt
sith: since
slaw: slow
sleekit: sly, sleek
sneezer: a drink
snell: bitter
shuther: shoulder
squeezer: gallows, rope
stane: stone
stare: starling
swees: sways
t.b.: tuberculosis
thochtie: thought
tousie: tangled
twa: two
unco: uncommon
wantonnesse: recklessness
weel-faur’d: good-looking, handsome
wheen: a few
wheen o’ blethers: pack of nonsense
whinnes: whins, thorns
Whinny-muir: Thorny Moor
wunds: winds
Ach, du: Oh, you
Ich, Ich, Ich, Ich: I, I, I, I
liebling, liebchen, mein liebe, mein kleine liebe!
darling, darling, my love, my little love!
Noli me Tangere: don’t touch me
S’io credessi che mia risposta fosse …
If I believed that my answer would be
Given to someone who would ever return to earth,
This flame would move no more,
But because no one from this gulf
Has ever returned alive, if what I hear is true,
I can reply with no fear of infamy.
(from Canto 27 of Dante’s Inferno)