Preface: Christianity Stripped Bare by Christ
Introduction: A Gnostic Theology in the Quantum Spirit
  1   A Generic Repetition of Gnosis: To Desuture Christ from Theology
  2   The Idea of a Science-in-Christ: Christ, Science, and Their Gnostic Suture
  3   From the Theo-Christo-Logical Doublet to Unilateral Complementarity
  4   Construction and Functioning of the Christic Matrix
  5   Algebra of the Messianic Wave
  6   Christic Science and Its Occasions
  7   The Two Laws of Substantial Religious Existence, and Christ as Mediate-Without-Mediation
  8   The Generic Science of the World
  9   Indiscernible Messianity
10   Scientific Discovery and Revelation
11   The Science of the Cross
12   The Science of the Resurrection
13   Messianity and Fidelity: The Faithful of-the-Last-Instance
14   Faith Harassed by Belief