Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abasement, 195; Ascension and, 212–14; of God, 26–28; of transcendence, 173–75
Algebra: and the lived, 103–4; in messiah-function, 50; of messianic wave, 103–16; of religions and Christ, 54–55; and superposition, 63
Alienation, 17, 190
Ambiguity, of Christianity, 164–65
Anthropic principle, x
Apophasis, 243–45
Apostles, 25–26, 40, 47, 79, 226, 255
A priori, quantum, versus transcendental, 49–50, 52
Ascension, 24, 26, 65; abasement of God and, 212–14; Cross relating to, 212; idempotence relating to, 209; messianic wave relating to, 89; nonecstatic, 209; quantum theory of, 212–13; Resurrection and, 200–1, 206–7, 212–14; Tomb relating to, 210–11; transcendence relating to, 238; see also Resurrection
Atheism, 2, 28, 58, 80, 128
Aufhebung, 204
Autoanalysis, circle of, 120–21
Becoming, of Christ, 149
Belief: debasing of, 80–81; as decoherence, of faith, 249–50; defining, xi–xii; faith and, xi–xii, 43, 77, 85, 97, 99–100, 241, 249–57; generic, xi, 79, 165, 180; Messiah’s destruction relating to, 170–72; messianity and, 95–96, 222; science of religion and, 80–81; struggle against, 252–53; subject-in-struggle relating to, 236–37; superposition and, 97
Blood, of Christ, 222–23
Body: of Christ, 55–56, 195; humans in-body, 6, 244; and ideality, 17–18; Resurrection of, 211
Cartesian circle, 120–21
Cataphasis, 58, 243–45
Christ: ages of, 255; algebra of religions and, 54–55; becoming of, 149; blood of, 222–23; body of, 55–56, 195; Christo-fiction and return of, 112–13; conversion of, 191; as founder, 123–24; generic fusion of, 73–74; imaginary, 48–52; in-, 29–30; -in-person, 34, 47–48, 55–56, 76; interpretation of, 130–32; invention of, 127–28; Judaism and, 30; knowledge of, 11; as Last Instance, 200–2; on Law, 137; logia of, 138, 153, 155–58; material formalism and, 62–65; meanings of, 122–23; mission of, 136–37; in non-Christian science, 122; nonsufficient science and, 19–20; -operator, 114–15; as our contemporary, 18, 44, 75–76; philosophy of, 29–37, 42–43; physics of, 19–21; quantum model of, 41–43, 55–56, 90–91; religion relating to, 37, 76, 123–24; return of, 51, 72, 112–13, 123; sacrifice relating to, 218–21; state of vector, 91–93; -subject, 114–16, 122–25, 237; as superposed, 209–10; -system, 47, 51; theo-christo-logical doublet and invention of, 57–59; theology under, 73–74; traditional and Christ-subject, 122–25; unilateral complementarity and, 124–25; unilaterality over, 123–24; see also Science-in-Christ; specific topics
Christianity: ambiguity of, 164–65; Greco-, 162–64; history relating to, 164–65; immanentization of, 29; Laws relating to, 127–28; non-Christian science relating to, 119–20; Paul relating to, 229–30; Quantum theory relating to, 66; sacrifice in, xv, 28, 29, 58–59, 66, 196, 214–15, 220; science of, 33–34
Christian science, 125–26
Christic clinamen, 195
Christic insurrection, 26–28, 84, 93
Christic matrix: composition and construction of, 83–84; elements of, 83–84; Jews and Greeks relating to, 85–86; kerygma relating to, 142–44; messianic wave in, 100–2; messianity, faith, and, 93–98; nontheology criteria and, 85–87; philosophy relating to, 85–87; PST relating to, 85–88; unilateral dualities, of vectoriellity, 98–100, 101; unilaterality and messianity in, 88–90; vectoriellity in, 88, 90–91, 98–100
Christic messianity, 67–68
Christic nontheology, 57
Christo-centrism, 30; Cross relating to, 194
Christo-fiction: Christian theology relating to, x–xi; Christ’s return and, 112–13; procedures of, 138–39
Christology, 2, 58; microscopic, 55
Christ-science: foundation of, 179; phases of, 100–101; quantum orientation of, 65–68
Church: development of, 228; faith in, 96–97, 245; on Gnosis, 4, 5; Resurrection relating to, 228–31; superposition relating to, 170; theology, 11; universal philosophical, 228–31
Circle: of autoanalysis, 120–21; Cartesian, 120–21; of Cross, 199; of religion, 119–21
Cloning: characteristics of, 239; faith, fidelity, and, 238–39; incarnation as, 23–26; Resurrection relating to, 210
Cognizance: of faith, 38, 143–44; gnosis, positive knowledge, 8–10, 12, 129
Concept: generic, 111–12; state of, 90–91
Conversion: of Christ, 191; Cross relating to, 190–91; of God, 183; Judaic and Greek, 190–91; scientific discovery relating to, 183–84
Creation, 210; incarnation as, 23–26, 76
Cross, 24–26, 28; Ascension relating to, 212; Christo-centrism relating to, 194; conversion relating to, 190–91; descent from, 195; experimental science of, 43–45; folly of, 191, 192, 194; as generic matrix, 44, 189–91, 192–95, 199–201; generic meaning of, 200–2; generic science relating to, 58; intuition of, 52–54; materielity of, 193–95, 198; matrixial materiality of, 193; matrixial ontological structure, 189–90; in messiah-function, 52–54; phenomenological distance relating to, 189–90; phenomenology and quantum theory of, 197–200; philosophy on, 64–65; power of, 213–14; psychoanalysis of, 190; Resurrected Christ, Christian inversion, and, 189–92; Sacrifice of, 220; science-in-Christ relating to, 43–45, 52–54; science of, 189–202; superposition in, 53–54; symbolic status, 189–91; temporal determinism and trial of, 195–97; theo-christo-logical doublet relating to, 58–59; transparent circle of, 199; universion, of history, 200–2; see also Resurrection
Crucifixion, 24, 28, 191, 193–97, 201–2, 206, 217; materiality of, 216; messianity as content of, 200
Death: of God, 191, 193, 218–21; radical, 204; vectoriell relating to, 204
Decoherence, 230; of faith, 249–50
Deconstruction, 169; of theo-christo-logical doublet, 59
Defense, of humanity, 215–17
Determinism: historical, 196–97; temporal, 195–97
Dogma, 36, 135, 225, 227; development of, 170, 231; messianic program and, 155–59
Duality, 59–60, 123; see also Unilateral dualities
Ecclesio-centrism, 44, 57
Ecumenicism, 231
Ego, 109, 172, 177
Emissary God, 221
Entanglement, 67, 69
Epistemic repetition, 10–13
Epistemic salvation, 12
Epistemology, 68, 184; generic science as rebellion against, 122; spontaneous, of philosophers, 189
Errors, 119
Ethics, 189; gnostic, 6–7
Evil, 253–54
Existence, 14; resurrection, insurrection, and, 207–9
Existentiell (Heidegger), 260n2
Faith, 25; aspects of, 99–100; belief and, xi–xii, 43, 77, 85, 97, 99–100, 241, 249–57; Christic matrix, messianity, and, 93–98; in Church, 96–97, 245; cloning, fidelity, and, 238–39; cognizance of, 38, 143–44; decoherence of, 249–50; faithful, of Last Instance, 245–47; fulfilling messianity, 241–43; generic science relating to, 166–67; as indeterminate knowledge, 96–98; knowledge relating to, 38, 129; messianic, 37; messianic under-going and, 240–41; messianity and, 38–39, 48, 94–100, 114–16; original sin relating to, 251; quantum of, 36, 41–42, 76–78, 166–67; radical, 42; science-in-Christ, fidelity, and, 45–46; superposition and, 97; temptation and, 253–55; theological unintelligible faith, 37–39; transcendence relating to, 238; truth relating to, xi; vectoriellity relating to, 99–100
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 190
Fiction, x; fiction-body, 195; oraxiomatic, 257; philo-fiction, 257; see also christo-fiction
Fidelity: apophasis and cataphasis, 243–45; faith, cloning, and, 238–39; Faith and fulfilling messianity, 241–43; faithful, of Last Instance, 245–47; fiction of, x; gnosis, struggle, and, 29–30; Messianic under-going and faith, 240–41; messianity and, 233–47; observer subject, 237; science-in-Christ, faith, and, 45–46; unilateral complementarity and, 235–37
Folly: of Cross, 191, 192, 194; scandal and, 139–41
Freud, Sigmund, 161
Fulfillment, 40; of messianity, 241–43
Fusion: generic, 73–74; gnostic, 117–18; Last Instance relating to, 233–34; by mediate-without-mediation, 74–75; of messianity and science, 73; of quantum science, 117–18; of science, 233–35
Galileo, 161
Generic concept, 111–12
Generic ethics, 7
Generic fusion, 73–74
Generic humanity, 45–46, 68–69, 71
Generic incarnation, 233–35
Generic matrix, 32; Cross as, 44, 189–91, 192–95, 199–201; entanglement in, 69; humanity and, 68–69; incarnation in, 24–25; matrixial materiality, 193; matrixial ontological structure, 189–90; noncommutability in, 69; quantum principles of, 69; superposition in, 69; variables of, 67; see also Christic matrix
Generic messiah, 77
Generic orientation, 6–7, 17–18
Generic quantum theory, 165–67
Generic religions, 161–62
Generic science, 33; Christianity’s ambiguity relating to, 164–65; contemporary Christ through, 75–76; Cross relating to, 58; defining, 78–80; faith relating to, 166–67; generic quantum theory and science of religions, 165–67; hermeneutics relating to, 121–22; -in-Christ, 39–41; Judeo-Christian and Greco-Christian problematics, 162–64; Resurrection relating to, 58; substantial religions, generic religions, and, 161–62; of world, 161–67
Globalization, Christianity and, 231
Gnosis, 1–20, 28–29; beyond Athens and Jerusalem, 28–29; Christic insurrection, 26–28; Church on, 4, 5; cognizance, positive knowledge, and, 8–10, 12, 129; contemporary orientation of, 7–8; defining, 1–2, 8–9; deployment of, 8–10, 13; epistemic framework, 3; epistemic repetition of, 10–13; fidelity, struggle, and, 29–30; fully deployed, 13; generic orientation of, 6–7, 17–18; God, abasement of, 26–28; historical, 8, 17–18, 222–23; interpretation of, 228–30; nonsufficient science and physics of Christ, 19–20; objects and means, 13; PST and, 6; quantum physics and, 75; quantum preparation relating to, 20–23; quantum-theoretical terms of, 5; reformed, 2–3; religious definition relating to, 8; science, theology, and, 1, 15–17; sufficient nonknowledge and nonsufficient knowledge, 13–15; vanquishing of, 3–7
Gnostic ethics, 6–7
Gnostic fusion, 117–18
Gnostic matrix, xiv–xvi
Gnostic theology, 1; in quantum theory, xiii–xvi
God: abasement of, 26–28, 212–14; Christic insurrection and, 26–28; conversion of, 183; death of, 191, 193, 218–21; emissary, 221; Greek, 217; incarnation, 23–26; Jewish, 217, 221, 223; Man-God relation problem, 76, 149–51; sacrifice of, 215–17, 219, 221; Salvation of, 223–25
“God made Man,” 149–51
Golgotha, 193, 195
Gospels, 128–29
Grace, 179–81
Greek conversion, 190–91
Greek God, 217
Greek Law, 146–49
Greek paganism, 28, 161–62
Greeks: Christic matrix relating to, 85–86; theo-christo-logical doublet relating to, 70–72
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 41
Hegelian philosophy, 20–21, 65–66
Henry, Michel, 166, 249
Heraclitean flash, 243–44
Heresies, 169
Hermeneutics, 34; generic science relating to, 121–22
Hilbert space, 91
Historical determinism, 196–97
Historical gnosis, 8, 17–18, 222–23
History: Christianity relating to, 164–65; of Judeo-Christianity, 162–63; mediate-without-mediation relating to, 164–65; messianity relating to, 114; revolutionized, 27; universion of, 200–2
Humanity, 3, 16; defense of, 215–17; defining, 69–70; generic, 45–46, 68–69, 71; generic matrix and, 68–69; philosophy on, 17; relation to God, 76, 149–51; Resurrection, sacrifice, and, 215–17; unilateral complementarity between grace and, 179–81
Idempotence: algebraic solutions and, 103–4; Ascension relating to, 209; Christ-subject relating to, 123; effects of, 110; mediate-without-mediation relating to, 150; of messianic lived, 103–10, 113, 117, 172; nonacting relating to, 175; One relating to, 171; quantum principles and, 109–10; Revelation relating to, 180; same in, 107–8, 173
Idemscients, 154, 186–87; and scientific discovery, 186–87
Illusion, transcendental, 119–21
Imaginary: algebraic, of science, 233; of apostles, 25; of Christianity, 21, 239; controlled, 83; dimension of fiction, 91; versus imaginable, 67; individual, psychoanalysis as science of, 161; of messianity, 92–93; philosophico-relgious, 112, 139, 228; theological, 54, 102, 193
Imaginary number, imaginary quantity, 21, 24, 47, 50, 52, 53, 63, 66, 67, 109, 156, 158, 167, 238; Christ as, 48–50, 58, 59, 90, 91, 92, 114, 255; and superposition, 121
Imagination, 52–53
Immanence, 74–75; messianic wave relating to, 172; One relating to, 171; sacrifice, transcendence, and, 216–17, 220; transcendence and, 86; unilateral dualities relating to, 172
Immanentization, 29
Incarnation: ascension, 24, 26; as cloning or schematization, 23–26; as Creation, 23–26, 76; generic, 233–35; in generic matrix, 24–25; in-Christ relating to, 30; Resurrection and, 24, 25; understanding, 24, 76; vectoriell relating to, 24
In-Christ, 29–30
Indeterminate knowledge, 96–98
Insurrection: Christic, 26–28, 93; PST relating to, 26; resurrection, existence, and, 207–9
Intelligibility, 132–33
Interpretation: of Christ, 130–32; of gnosis, 228–30; of materiel formalism, 62–63; of sacrifice, 218; theological, 229–30
Intuition, 52–54
Jesus, 48, 51, 54, 101, 122–24, 137, 193, 195, 205, 222; and Christ, 46–47, 83, 94–95, 116, 128, 130, 139, 145; Judaism of, 153; life of, 27, 94; logia of, 47, 51, 54, 78–79, 130, 136, 138, 153, 155–59
Jewish God, 217, 221, 223
Jewish persecution, 224
Jewish rebellion, 154
Jewish science, 125–26
Jews: Christic matrix relating to, 85–86; in messiah-function, 50–51; theo-christo-logical doublet relating to, 70–72
Judaic conversion, 190–91
Judaic Law, 134; Messianic noncommutativity relating to, 151–53
Judaic messiah, 243–44
Judaism: Christ and, 30; on philosophy, 29; PSJ, 50; science relating to, 161–62; Torah, 133–34, 142–46
Judeo-Christian problematics, 162–64
Kantian philosophy, 20–21, 49–50
Kerygma, 90–91; Christic matrix relating to, 142–44; as superposition, 142–44; unintelligible, 132–33
Kierkegaard, Søren, 66; on experience, 132
Knowledge: acquiring, 12; of Christ, 11; and cognizance, 8–10, 12, 129, 259n2; faith relating to, 38, 129; indeterminate, 96–98; modern, 128–30; nonsufficient, 13–15; -of-salvation, 10; philosophy relating to, 13–14; sufficient nonknowledge, 13–15; truth relating to, xi; unlearned knowing, 128–30
Last Instance, 183–84, 210; Christ as, 200–202; faithful of, 245–47
Laws: Christianity relating to, 127–28; Christ on, 137; cognizance of faith relating to, 38, 143–44; Greek, 146–49; Judaic, 134, 151–53; Logos-Law, 226; Messianic, 35–36, 215, 217, 227–28; of monotheism, 226; new, 215; scandal, folly, and, 139–41; superposition, noncommutativity, and, 140
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 20–21
Levinas, Emmanuel, 163, 224
Light, in mysticism, 179
Lived, 16, 74–75, 79; idempotence, 98–99; and materiel, 21; messianic, idempotence of, 103–10, 113, 117, 172; objective nonreflexive, 165–66; preempting of, 105–6; science and, 74–75
Logos, 48, 51, 56, 85–86, 117, 133–34, 142–46, 205, 213; Christ in relation to, 63, 147–48, 159; superposition of, 142–46, 194, 196, 199, 213, 228, 244; and Torah, Judaism, xiv, 5, 26, 28, 35, 39, 52, 61, 80, 86, 106, 107, 127, 133, 136, 139–40, 183
Marxism, 26–27, 183–84
Materialism, 19; matter and, 260n3
Materiality, 193–95
Materiel formalism: Christ and, 62–65; transcendent interpretations of, 62–63; vectoriell and, 63
Materielity, 19; of Cross, 193–95, 198; defining, 260n3; messianity and, 94; properties of, 93; of Resurrection, 209–10
Matrix, xiv–xvi; One in, 171–72; see also Christic matrix; Generic matrix
Matrixial materiality, 193; see also Materiality
Matrixial ontological structure, 189–90
Matter, 260n3
Meaning, 130–32
Mediate-without-mediation: concept of, 72; fusion by, 74–75; Greek Law relating to, 146–49; history relating to, 164–65; idempotence relating to, 150; messianic addition, 153–55; Resurrection relating to, 214–15; sacrifice, of mediation, 149–51, 214–15, 217–18; theo-christo-logical doublet relating to, 72
Memory, 241
Messiah, 122; belief and destruction of, 170–72; generic, 77; institutionalized, 227; Judaic, 243–44; traceability of, 176
Messiah-function, 48–54; algebra in, 50; Christ-system and, 47, 51; Cross in, 52–54; Jew in, 50–51; Resurrection in, 51; superposition in, 53–54
Messiahs, 40–41
Messianic addition, 153–55
Messianic-factor, 83–84
Messianic faith, 37
Messianic laws, 35–36, 215, 217, 227–28
Messianic noncommutativity, 151–53
Messianic program, 155–59
Messianic stance, 136–37
Messianic under-going, 240–41
Messianic vector, 184–86
Messianic wave: algebra of, 103–16; Ascension relating to, 89; belief compared to, 222; in Christic matrix, 100–102; Christo-fiction and return of Christ, 112–13; faith and messianity relating to, 114–16; function of, 100–102; generic concept, 111–12; idempotence, of lived, 103–10, 113, 117, 172; immanence relating to, 172; preempting, of lived, 105–6; quantum principles and idempotence, 109–10; resistance and defense, 113–14; Resurrection relating to, 89; tunneling-effect, 238–39; unifaciality and saturation of real, 108–9; unification of theories, 111–12
Messianity: aspects of, 99–100; belief and, 95–96; Christic, 67–68; Christic matrix, faith, and, 93–98; in Christic matrix, 88–90; faith and, 38–39, 48, 94–100, 114–16; faithful axioms of, 156–58; fidelity and, 233–47; fulfilling, 241–43; fusion of, with science, 73; history relating to, 114; imaginary of, 92–93; indeterminate knowledge of, 96–98; indiscernible, 169–77; materielity and, 94; Resurrection relating to, 203–6; sameness of, 114; temptation relating to, 253–55; unilateral complementarity of faith and, 114–16; unilateral dualities of, 101–2, 174; untraceable, 175–77; vectoriellity and, 93–94, 99–100
Metaphysics, 59
Mimetic rivalry, 217–18
The Mirror of Simple Souls (Porete), 259n1
Monotheism, 127; Law of, 226
Negative theology, 170
Nonacting, 173–75
Non-Christian science, 125, 216; Christianity relating to, 119–20; Christ in, 122
Noncommutability, 69
Noncommutativity, 151–53; superposition, laws, and, 140
Nonecstatic Ascension, 209
Nonphilosophy, 29, 119
Nonstandard theology, 65–66
Nonsufficient knowledge, 13–15
Nonsufficient science, 19–20
Nontheology: Christic, 57; criteria of, 85–87; distinguishing, 68
Objective nonreflexive lived, 165–66
Observer subject, 237
One: idempotence relating to, 171; immanence relating to, 171; in matrix, 171–72; scientific discovery relating to, 181–82; vision-in-, 181–82
One-in-person, 55–56
Oraxioms, 133–34, 156–58, 240
Original Sin, 250–52
Paganism, 28
Paul (Saint), 141, 191–92; Christianity relating to, 229–30
Phenomenological distance, 166; Cross relating to, 189–90
Phenomenology, 197–200
Philosophical circle of religion, 119–21
Philosophy, 10; of Christ, 29–37, 42–43; Christic matrix relating to, 85–87; on Cross, 64–65; errors and, 119; ethics compared to, 6–7; Hegelian, 20–21, 65–66; on humanity, 17; of in-Christ, 29–30; Judaism on, 29; Kantian, 20–21, 49–50; knowledge relating to, 13–14; nonphilosophy, 29; Principle of Sufficient Nonknowledge relating to, 13; science relating to, 16, 111–12; theology compared to, 235; wisdom compared to, 77
Physics, 33–34; of Christ, 19–20
Plato, 161
Platonism, 33–34
PMS, see Principles of Mathematical Sufficiency
Porete, Marguerite, 259n1
Positive knowledge, 8–10, 12, 129
PPS, see Principles of Philosophical Sufficiency
Principle of Sufficient Judaism (PSJ), 50
Principle of Sufficient Nonknowledge, 13
Principle of Sufficient Philosophy (PSP), 50
Principle of Sufficient Theology (PST), x, 62; Christic matrix relating to, 85–88; defining, 6; gnosis and, 6; insurrection relating to, 26
Principles of Mathematical Sufficiency (PMS), 19
Principles of Philosophical Sufficiency (PPS), 19
Proletarian science, 125–26
PSJ, see Principle of Sufficient Judaism
PSP, see Principle of Sufficient Philosophy
PST, see Principle of Sufficient Theology
Psychoanalysis, 190
Quantum a priori, 49–50
Quantum model, of Christ, 41–43
Quantum of faith, 36, 41–42, 166–67; science-in-Christ and, 76–78
Quantum-oriented order, x
Quantum-oriented theory, 66–67
Quantum physics, 34–35, 41; Christ-science relating to, 66–67; gnosis and, 75; Tao of, 77–78
Quantum preparation, 20–23
Quantum principles, 109–10
Quantum science, 117–18
Quantum-theoretical terms, 5
Quantum theory: on Ascension, 212–13; Christianity relating to, 66; of Christ’s body, 55–56; of Cross, 197–200; generic, 165–67; gnostic theology in, xiii–xvi; on Original Sin, 250–52; vectoriellity relating to, 212–13
Quantum thought, 21–22
Quantum vectoriellity: Christ as, 90–91; see also Vectoriellity
Quantware, 21–22
Radical Christ: Christ-in-person, 34, 47–48, 55–56, 76; Christ-system and messiah-function, 47, 51; messiah-function 1, 48–52; messiah-function 2, 52–54; messianity and faith, 48; names and functions of, 46–48; science-in-Christ and, 46–54
Radical Death, 204
Radical faith, 42
Rationalization, 44
Real, 108–9
Reality condition, 92
Reason, 32–33, 36, 42–43
Reconciliation, 201
Redemption, 18
Reformed gnosis, 2–3
Religion: algebra of, 54–55; Christ relating to, 37, 76, 123–24; formal, 162; foundational religious legacies, 29; philosophical circle of, 119–21; science of, 33–34, 80–81, 165–67; substantial and generic, 161–62
Religious definition, 8
Resistance, 113–14
Resurrection, 65; abasement of God and, 212–14; Ascension and, 200–1, 206–7, 212–14; of body, 211; Christic insurrection and, 26–28; Church relating to, 228–31; cloning relating to, 210; experimental science of Cross and, 43–45; generic science relating to, 58; God’s salvation and, 223–25; humanity and, 215–17; incarnation and, 24, 25; insurrection, existence, and, 207–9; interpretation relating to, 131–32; materielity of, 209–10; mediate-without-mediation relating to, 214–15; in messiah-function, 51; messianic wave relating to, 89; messianity relating to, 203–6; as meta-physical, 51; rationalization of, 44; receiving blood of Christ, 222–23; reconciliation of, 201; Resurrected Christ, Christian inversion, and Cross, 189–92; return, science-in-Christ, and, 225–28; sacrifice and, 215–17; science of, 203–31; suspended sacrifice and, 218–22; theo-christo-logical doublet relating to, 217–18; tomb relating to, 204–5, 210–11; vectoriell relating to, 204–5; vectoriell superposition in, 206–7
Return, 225–28
Revelation: idempotence relating to, 180; scientific discovery and, 181–83
Revolutionized history, 27
Rosenzweig, Franz, 50
Sacrifice, 201; in Christianity, 214–15; Christ relating to, 218–21; of Cross, 220; of God, 215–17, 219, 221; God’s death relating to, 219–20; humanity, Resurrection, and, 215–17; interpretation of, 218; Jewish persecution relating to, 224; of mediation, 149–51, 214–15, 217–18; sameness and, 219; in science, 216; superposition as, 219; suspended, 218–22; transcendence, immanence, and, 216–17, 220
Salvation, 9–10, 201; epistemic, 12; of God, 223–25
Sameness: of idempotence, 107–8, 173; of messianity, 114; sacrifice and, 219
Saturation: of real, 108–9; and scientific discovery, 181–83
Scandal, 139–41
Schematization, 23–26
Schrödinger, Erwin, 209–11
Science: Christ, as founder, 123–24; Christian, 125–26; of Christianity, 33–34; Christic subject-, 43; creation of, 161–62; of Cross, 189–202; experimental, 43–45; fusion of, 233–35; fusion of, with messianity, 73; generic, 33, 75–76, 78–80, 121–22; gnosis, theology, and, 1, 15–17; gnostic alliance of, 74–75; Jewish, 125–26; Judaism relating to, 161–62; non-Christian, 119–20, 122, 125, 216; non-Jewish, 125; nonsufficient, 19–20; philosophy relating to, 16, 111–12; physical, 34; Proletarian, 125–26; Quantum, 117–18; of religions, 33–34, 80–81, 165–67; of Resurrection, 203–31; sacrifice in, 216; subject of, 114–16; of theology, 58; see also Christ-science
Science-in-Christ: Christ and algebra of religions, 54–55; Cross relating to, 43–45, 52–54; faith, fidelity, and, 45–46; generic, 39–41; idea of, 31–37; messiah-function 1, 48–52; messiah-function 2, 52–54; quantum model, 41–43; quantum of faith and, 76–78; quantum theory, of Christ’s body, 55–56; radical Christ and, 46–54; Reason and, 32–33, 36, 42–43; return, Resurrection, and, 225–28; symptoms of, 39–41; theological unintelligible faith, 37–39; theology and, 2; variables and inputs, 70
Scientific constant, 165–66
Scientific deficiency, 133–35
Scientific discovery: conversion relating to, 183–84; idemscients relating to, 186–87; of messianic vector, 184–86; One relating to, 181–82; revelation and, 181–83; of superposition and saturation, 181–83; unilateral complementarity between grace and humans, 179–81
Scientific order, 212–13
Scientific positivity, 120
Second Coming, 72
Secularization, 96
Simple phenomena, 19
Simplicity, 186–87
Sin, 201; Original, 250–52
Speech, 157
Spontaneous epistemology, 189
State, of concept, 90–91
State, of vector, 91–93
Struggle: against belief, 252–53; gnosis, fidelity, and, 29–30; subject-in-, 236–37
Subject, observer, 237
Subject-in-struggle, 236–37
Substantial religions, 161–62
Subversion, 186–87
Suffering, 226–27
Sufficient nonknowledge, 13–15
Superposition, 16, 19, 22; algebra of, 63; Church relating to, 170; faith, belief, and, 97; in generic matrix, 69; of idempotence, 106; kerygma as, 142–44; messiah-function and Cross, 53–54; noncommutativity, laws, and, 140; as sacrifice, 219; scientific discovery of, 181–83; vectoriell, 63, 206–7
Suspended sacrifice, 218–22
Suture, 34, 117, 122, 222–23, 230–31
Tao, 77–78
Temporal determinism, 195–97
Temptation, 253–55
Theo-centrism, 44
Theo-christo-logical doublet: Christ’s invention and, 57–59; contemporary Christ through generic science, 75–76; Cross relating to, 58–59; deconstruction of, 59; destruction of, 217–18; dualities, 59–60; foundation and generic constant, 68–73; generic fusion and theology, 73–74; generic science defined, 78–80; gnostic alliance of science, 74–75; Jews and Greeks relating to, 70–72; materiel formalism and Christ, 62–65; mediate-without-mediation relating to, 72; quantum of faith, 76–78; quantum orientation, of Christ-science, 65–68; Resurrection relating to, 217–18; science of religion and belief, 80–81; transcendence and, 60–61; as variable, 59–62; variables and inputs, 70
Theological sufficiency, see Principle of Sufficient Theology
Theological unintelligible faith, 37–39
Theology: basis of, 44; under Christ, 73–74; Church, 11; gnosis, science, and, 1, 15–17; metaphysics compared to, 59; philosophy compared to, 235; science-in-Christ and, 2; science of, 58; scientific deficiency of, 133–35; see also specific theology
Three monotheisms, 127
Tomb, 196–97; Ascension relating to, 210–11; Resurrection relating to, 204–5, 210–11
Torah, 133–34, 142–46, 213; Christ in relation to, 63, 147–48, 159; and Logos, xiv, 5, 26, 28, 35, 39, 52, 61, 80, 86, 106, 107, 127, 133, 136, 139–40, 183; superposition of, 142–46, 194, 196, 199, 213, 228, 244
Transcendence: abasement of, 173–75; Ascension relating to, 238; faith relating to, 238; immanence, sacrifice, and, 216–17, 220; immanence and, 86; theo-christo-logical doublet and, 60–61; unilateral dualities relating to, 172
Transcendental a priori, 49–50, 52
Transcendental illusion, 119–21
Transcendental imagination, 52–53
Truth, xi
Tunneling-effect, 238–39
Two Laws, see Laws
Ultimation, 234–35; conversion, universion, and, 183–84
Ultimatum, 247
Uncertainty, 97–98
Unifaciality, of real, 108–9
Unified theories, 111–12
Unilateral complementarity, 88–89; Christ-subject relating to, 124–25; of faith and messianity, 114–16; fidelity and, 235–37; of grace and humans, 179–81
Unilateral dualities: distinctions in, 172; immanence relating to, 172; of messianity, 101–2, 174; transcendence relating to, 172; of vectoriellity, 98–100, 101
Unilaterality: in Christic matrix, 88–90; structure, over Christ, 123–24
Unintelligible faith, 37–39
Unintelligible kerygma, 132–33
Unitary representation, 169–70
Universal philosophical Church, 228–31
Universion: conversion, ultimation, and, 183–84; of history, 200–202
Unlearned knowing, 128–30
Untraceable messianity, 175–77
Vectoriell, 15; Christ’s state of vector, 91–93; death relating to, 204; defining, 260n2; existentiell compared to, 260n2; incarnation relating to, 24; materiel formalism and, 63; messianic vector’s discovery, 184–86; Resurrection relating to, 204–5; superposition, 63, 206–7
Vectoriellity: aspects of, 99–100; categories of, 93; in Christic matrix, 88, 90–91, 98–100; faith relating to, 99–100; messianity and, 93–94, 99–100; quantum, 90–91; quantum theory relating to, 212–13; unilateral dualities of, 98–100, 101
Vision-in-One, 181–82
Waves, 106, 156–58; see also Messianic wave
Wisdom, 77