Illustration Credits

Frank Grant / Library and Archives Canada / PA-185522.

Governor General Michaëlle Jean. THE CANADIAN PRESS / Fred Chartrand.

Demonstrators at flag debate, 1964. Ted Grant / National Gallery of Canada / AC 64-3988.

“A Girl from Canada.” T. A. Chandler / Library and Archives Canada / C-063256.

The Dominion’s splendid Parliament Buildings, under construction in 1864. H. Spencer / Library and Archives Canada / C-000606.

The Fathers of Confederation outside Government House, Prince Edward Island, after the 1864 Charlottetown Conference. John A. Macdonald, seated in the middle, and George-Étienne Cartier, on his right. George P. Roberts / Library and Archives Canada / C-000733.

George-Étienne Cartier standing by podium. Notman / Library and Archives Canada / PA-74102.

Cartier’s house in Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu. McCord Museum II-230554.0.2.

Sir John A. Macdonald. William Notman & Son / Library and Archives Canada / C-003811.

Miss Cuvillier, Montreal, Quebec, 1865. McCord Museum I-16253.1.

Portrait of Louis Riel. Library and Archives Canada / PA-139073.

Chinese work camp. Glenbow Archives NA-1234-5.

North West Mounted Police Town Station on 4th Avenue in Dawson City, Yukon, 1898. Stuart Taylor Wood / Library and Archives Canada / C-022074.

Samuel Steele, portrait as young man. Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta (2008.

Indigenous women mending a birchbark canoe. Library and Archives Canada / PA-074670.

Sam Steele and wife. Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta (2008.

Skidegate Indian Village of the Haida tribe in the Queen Charlotte Islands. George M. Dawson / Library and Archives Canada / PA-037756.

Emily Carr illustration. “11” from Sister and I in Alaska (Figure 1 Publishing, 2013) reproduced with permission from the Estate of Ruth Daly.

Group of Seven artists at Toronto Arts and Letters Club luncheon. Archives of Ontario. I0010313 F-1066. William Colgate Collection.

Empress Hotel. Albertype Company / Library and Archives Canada / PA-031859.

Emily Carr with pets. Library and Archives Canada / C-020368.

Freight canoe, Hudson’s Bay Company post, Lake Temagami. G. M. Kelley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-123355.

Harold Adams Innis, military portrait. University of Toronto Archives, B1972-0003 / 034 (07), 2001-77-120MS.

Vimy Ridge Memorial. National Film Board / Library and Archives Canada / C-007492.

Innis canoeing on the Peace River. University of Toronto Archives, B1972-0003 / 034 (01), 2003-21-2MS.

“Modifications of the Beaver Hat.” Horace T. Martin’s Castorologia, or The History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver (London, E. Stanford, Ltd., 1892).

Jubilee celebrations on Parliament Hill. Diamond Jubilee / Library and Archives Canada / PA-027624.

Commercial fishing catch of cod. U.S. Library of Congress / Prints and Photographs Division / ppmsc.01626.

Members of Parliament with new Canadian flag, 1964. Duncan Cameron / Library and Archives Canada / PA-142624.

Prairie farmer in field during drought. Provincial Archives of Alberta, A3742.

Tommy Douglas, portrait as a young man. Arthur Roy / Library and Archives Canada / PA-046989.

NWMP in Winnipeg strike. Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Library and Archives Canada / e004666108.

Single Men’s Unemployed Association. Toronto Star / Library and Archives Canada / C-029397.

Mackenzie King with soldiers. Laurie A. Audrain / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-152440.

Anti-medicare rally in Regina, 1962. Saskatchewan Archives Board, R-A12109-4.

Douglas giving speech at founding convention of NDP. Duncan Cameron / Library and Archives Canada / C-036222.

Joey Smallwood. Duncan Cameron / Library and Archives Canada / PA-113486.

Expo 67 Collage. Library and Archives Canada / e000756917.

Margaret Atwood. Ron Bull / Getty / 515083601.

The Journals of Susanna Moodie, by Atwood, 1st ed. cover. Copyright © Margaret Atwood, 1970. Used with permission from the author.

Line-up for The Riverboat. Albert Lee / Toronto Star / Getty / 538553606.

Joni Mitchell. York University Libraries, Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections, Toronto Telegram fonds, ASC01162.

Celia Franca. Ken Bell / Library and Archives Canada / e008439031.

Scotiabank Giller Prize 2013. Tom Sandler.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Arabic. Image courtesy of the Department of Canadian Heritage. © All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission of the Minister of Canadian Heritage, 2016.

Dalhousie University graduation photo. Image courtesy of Chris Wernham.

Young family portrait. Image courtesy of Chris Wernham.

Supreme Court under construction. Public Works Dept. / Library and Archives Canada / PA-053120.

Queen Elizabeth II signing the Constitution Act with Trudeau. Robert Cooper / Library and Archives Canada / PA-141503.

Abortion demonstration. York University Libraries, Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections, Toronto Telegram fonds, ASC04612.

Man waves flag on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, 1980. Boris Spremo / Getty Images / 502804453.

Idle No More border blockade. Jenna Pope.

Vietnamese immigrants arriving in Canada. Bob Olsen / Getty / 499293253.

Harper holding eagle feather. Wayne Glowacki / THE CANADIAN PRESS.

Schoolroom. Special thanks to Wendy Knechtel and Christopher James at Concordia University Libraries.

Oka, Quebec standoff. Shaney Komulainen / THE CANADIAN PRESS.

Joseph Boyden. Chris Putnam, University of Saskatchewan.

Tanya Tagaq. Six Shooter Records Inc.

Electric Fields Festival poster. Ross Proulx.

Imperial Oil’s Leduc No. 1 burning. THE CANADIAN PRESS.

Preston Manning and Stephen Harper in House of Commons, 1993. University of Calgary Archives, SPC 2001.066_ph1.15-6.

Who Has Seen the Wind. Image courtesy of Allan King Films Ltd.

Cartoon poking fun at Manning reform. Adrian Raeside / Victoria Times Colonist.

Celebrant during Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. Gabor Szilasi.

Manning in front of Canadian flags. Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS.

Parliament as seen across the Ottawa River. Image courtesy of Ottawa Tourism.

Douglas Coupland. Keith Beaty / Getty / 169961654.

Shadrach Kabango. CBC Still Photo Collection / Pascal Chiarello.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with cabinet. Justin Tang / THE CANADIAN PRESS.

Lise Bissonnette. Image courtesy of Université du Québec à Montréal.

Annette Verschuren. Image courtesy of Anthony Sarmago.

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi. Todd Korol / Getty / 509013864.

Syrian refugees. Thomson Reuters.

Relatives awaiting the arrival of Canadian soldiers from overseas aboard the S.S. Ile de France, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 1945. Lieut. Richard Graham Arless / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-192969.


George A. Reid, Logging, 1888, oil on canvas, 107.4 x 194 x 2.3 cm, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Transfer from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, 2011, gift of the Brig. Gen. W. F. Sweny, C.M.G, DSO, in memory of his father, Col. George A. Sweny, 1938, photo © NGC.

Homer Watson, The Flood Gate, c. 1900–1901, oil on canvas, mounted on plywood, 86.9 x 121.8 cm, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, photo © NGC.

Emily Carr, Canadian, 1871–1945, Indian Church, 1929, oil on canvas, 108.6 x 68.9 cm (42 3/4 x 27 1/8 in.), Art Gallery of Ontario, Bequest of Charles S. Band, Toronto, 1970, 69/118, © Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto.

Emily Carr, Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky, 1935, oil on canvas, 112.0 x 68.9 cm, collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Emily Carr Trust, photo: Trevor Mills, Vancouver Art Gallery.

Douglas Coupland, Carr no. 3 (Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky), 2011.

Tom Thomson, Canadian, 1877–1917, The West Wind, Winter 1916–1917, oil on canvas, 120.7 x 137.9 cm (47 1/2 x 54 5/16 in.), Art Gallery of Ontario, gift of the Canadian Club of Toronto, 1926, 784, © 2016 Art Gallery of Ontario.

Frederick Varley, For What?, 1918, CWM 19710261-0770, Beaverbrook Collection of War Art, Canadian War Museum.

Pegi Nicol MacLeod, Untitled, 1944, CWM 19710261-5820, Beaverbrook Collection of War Art, Canadian War Museum.

Paul-Émile Borduas, Leeward of the Island (1.47), 1947, oil on canvas, 114.7 x 147.7 cm, National Gallery of Canada, photo © NGC.

Jean Paul Lemieux, Charlottetown Revisited, 1964, oil on linen, 197.2 x 380.4 cm, collection of Confederation Centre Art Gallery, commissioned with funds from Samuel and Saidye Bronfman, Montreal, © Gestion A.S.L. Inc., copyright holder of the artwork of Jean Paul Lemieux.

David Blackwood, Canadian, born 1941, Hauling Job Sturge’s House, 1979, etching and aquatint on wove paper, 32.9 x 81.3 cm (12 15/16 x 31 3/4 in.), 43.9 x 88 cm (17 5/16 x 34 5/8 in.), Art Gallery of Ontario, gift of David and Anita Blackwood, Port Hope, Ontario, 1999, 99/948, © 2016 David Blackwood.

Joyce Wieland, Canadian, 1931–1998, Reason Over Passion, 1968, quilted cotton, 256.5 x 302.3 x 8 cm, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, photo © NGC.

Kenojuak Ashevak, Canadian, 1927–2013, Luminous Char, 2008, stonecut and stencil, 52 x 63.8 cm, Gallery Phillip.

Christopher Pratt, Four White Boats: Canadian Gothic, 2002, oil on board, 36 1/4 x 80 1/2 in., private collection.

Kent Monkman, The Academy, 2008, acrylic on canvas, 72 x 108 in., collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario, image courtesy of the artist.

Sarah Anne Johnson, Explosions, 2011, courtesy of Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto, and Julie Saul Gallery, New York, © Sarah Anne Johnson.


Enlist!, 1914–1918, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-28-826.

Help Canada Secure Business in Foreign Markets, 1914–1918, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-28-566.

Canada’s Egg Opportunity, 1918, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-28-686.

Canadian National Exhibition Toronto, 1919, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-29-111.

Advertisement, 1892, Library and Archives Canada, nlc-16306.

Canada West: Canada—the New Homeland, 1925, Library and Archives Canada, C-030619.

Britishers!, Canadian Pacific Steamships, 1929, Exporail, the Canadian Railway Museum, Canadian Pacific Railway Collection.

Canadian Pacific: Holidays in Canada, 1925, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1990-106-7, image courtesy of Canadian Pacific Archives.

Canadian Pacific Airlines: Straight to the Point, 1955–1960, Library and Archives Canada, R1300-1151, image courtesy of Canadian Pacific Archives.

Votez Libéral, 1930, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1996-76-13.

Nugget Shoe Polish: the Very Best!, 1930–1939, Library and Archives Canada, R1300-1161.

Get Your Teeth into the Job, 1941, CWM 19790385-109, Canadian War Museum.

Newfoundland—Canada’s Newest Province, 1949, Roger Couillard, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. R1409-21.

The 1967 World Exhibition—Show of the Century, 1967, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1994-272-1.

Captain Canuck, image courtesy of Chapterhouse Comics and Captain Canuck Inc.

Artists—Athletes 1976 Olympics, 1976, poster design by Burton Kramer, R.G.A., O.Ont., AGI., Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1994-434-181

St. James Park, 2011, Occupy Toronto.

Franke James, No Keystone XL, from her Oh No Canada! art show in Washington, DC, in 2013.