Table of Contents
(Short answers to commonly asked questions)
Chapter 2: What Is the Space Industry?
(Activities that make up the space industry)
(Only by understanding the past can one understand the present)
Chapter 4: Inside the Space Economy
• The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
• Other Civil Space Organizations
• Applying to Work at NASA and the Federal Government
• The U.S. Military Space Sector
Chapter 5: Choosing the Space Career for You
(Understanding satellites, rockets, ground operations, satellite services, remote sensing, GPS, microgravity, space science, and non-technical positions)
Chapter 6: Colleges and Universities
• Scholarships and Fellowships
• Enhancing Your Education: Getting Real-World Experience
• Accredited Aerospace Degree Programs
Chapter 7: Finding a Job for the First Time…Or the Not-So-First Time
(How to identify the employment opportunities that are out there)
Chapter 8: Networking: Your Key to Success
• Identifying Networking Opportunities
Chapter 9: A Foot in the Door…Now What?
(Advice from Lockheed Martin’s Marillyn Hewson)
• Three reasons I’d look twice at your résumé
• Why I’d hire you. My top five interview questions
Chapter 10: Becoming an Astronaut: The Right Stuff
Appendix A: Key Space Terms and Acronyms
Appendix B: North American Companies and Institutions
Appendix C: Canadian Government, Associations, and Universities
Appendix D: Universities Offering Astronomy and Astrophysics Degrees
Appendix E: Profiles and Advice From Some Industry Leaders
• Debra Facktor Lepore, VP/GM Strategic Operations
• Dino Lorenzini, Satellite Engineer
• Dan Durda, Principal Scientist
• Jason Townsend, Deputy Social Media Manager
• Kobie Boykins, Principal Mechanical Engineer
• Charles Bolden Jr, NASA Administrator
• Elizabeth Silbolboro Mezzacappa, Psychological Researcher