I am just a Vizsla, and my story’s often told
’Cause I’m on my mommy’s Twitter
And I’m really rather famous at just four years old.
Simon and Garfunkel? Or Dana and Jasper?
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It’s really fun
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She puts me on her One More Thing and shows how fast I run.
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Do dee do do do do do dee do…
When I joined this lovely family, I was no more than a pup
I was all blue eyes and wrinkles
And they fell for me completely when they picked me up.
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I had no fear
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And they never even mentioned that I have a little ear…
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Do dee do do do do do dee do…
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Now I love South Carolina, and I still love Central Park
I go walking with my daddy
They are both big open spaces where I run and bark
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I love to play
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But there’s times when I’m so lazy I just lie around all day
And I never snore, no matter what they say…
* * *
I’m America’s Dog Jasper, and people think I’m cool,
When they see me in the sidecar, or jumping fifteen feet into the swimming pool
Or on TV with mommy, I live my life in style
But I’m just a happy puppy making everybody smile.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.