I’m kicking back in Charles’s office just watching the February snow

Settle over Charlottesville. On the desk, Novalis’s Philosophical Writings,

& I think, How cool is that! Then out of nowhere comes this notion…

A villanelle!—all of its lines lifted straight from Novalis. So, really:

Every word is a word to conjure with. What every spirit calls—another such

Appears. (Only the individual is interesting.) In the truest sense, philosophy

Is a caress. Sympathy of the sign with the signified. Every word is a word

To conjure with. The spirit is perpetually proving itself. Magic is different

From philosophy, & forms a world & art of its own. (Only the individual

Is interesting.) Soul & body touch in sex—chemically—electrically—like fire

…the way to be everywhere at home. Every word is a word to conjure with.

Everything that is elect refers to mysticism. Everything mystical is personal.

(Only the individual is interesting.) We shall understand the world when

We understand ourselves. Time is inner space—space

Is outer time. Every word is a word to conjure with. (Only the individual is

Interesting.) So, really: There you are. A villanelle by Novalis, each word lit

By his belated conjurer, lost in the inner time of a late winter snow.