Introduction by Fran Grace, Ph.D., editor
CHAPTER 1: Overview of the Map of Consciousness
Understanding Consciousness Calibration
Scientific Background of Attractor Patterns
CHAPTER 2: The Levels of Consciousness
Energy Levels 700–1,000: Enlightenment
Everyday Examples of How the Levels Determine Human Behavior
CHAPTER 3: The Evolution of Consciousness
The Evolution from Survival to Love
Considerations across 7 Sectors of Life
Intention: Evolving beyond Causality
CHAPTER 4: Health and Happiness
CHAPTER 5: The “ABC” of Success in 10 Steps
CHAPTER 6: The Way Out of Addiction
Process of Consciousness in Recovery
The Twelve Steps: Removing the Blocks
The Healing Power of a Loving Group
CHAPTER 7: Transcending the Barriers to Higher Consciousness
The Experiencer: Leading Edge of the Ego
Dualities of the Ego: Attractions and Aversions
CHAPTER 8: Spiritual Truth, Teachers, and Teachings
40 Characteristics of Integrous Teachers and Teachings
Self-Realization and Enlightenment of the Mystic
CHAPTER 9: Guidance for Spiritual Seekers
The Most Valuable Qualities and Attitudes for the Spiritual Seeker
CONCLUSION: The Essence of the Path
Readers’ Guide: Study-Group Questions
Appendix A: Consciousness Calibration
Appendix B: Calibration Lists for Spiritual Aspirants