This beautiful, large-scale plant hanger uses rings to create a basket-like enclosure for your favourite plant, but equally it stands – or should that be hangs? – alone as a super stylish home décor piece. We recommend you warm up to this more advanced plant hanger pattern by trying both the simple plant hanger and the hanging basket projects first.




  1. Wrap the 8cm (318in) metal ring with a 1m (314ft) length of rope (see Wrapping a Ring).
  2. Mount the twenty-four 8m (2614ft) lengths of rope onto the wrapped ring by folding them in half over the inside of the ring. (See Mounting Techniques for preparing to start.)
  3. Using a 1.5m (5ft) length of rope, secure all of the cords together directly under the ring with a 4cm (112in) wrapped knot (see Wrapped Knot).
  4. Separate the cords into four groups of twelve cords and tie eight Chinese crown knots (see Chinese Crown Knot).
  5. Drop down 10cm (4in) and place all the cords inside one of the 13cm (518in) metal rings. The metal ring sitting horizontally is now to be used as the holding cord (see Knotting Terminology). Keeping the ring level, tie double half hitches (see Half Hitch Knots) with all cords onto the ring.
  6. Secure the cord to the ring by tying a row of twelve square knots (see Square Knot) directly beneath the ring.
  7. Alternate cords (see Knotting Terminology), drop down 3cm (118in) and tie a row of twelve square knots.
  8. Alternate cords, drop down 3cm (118in) and tie another row of twelve square knots.
  9. Place all cords inside the second 13cm (518in) metal ring, which now becomes the holding cord. Keeping the ring horizontal and level, tie double half hitches with all cords onto the ring.
  10. Separate the cords into four groups of twelve cords. Each group now becomes a sinnet (see Knotting Terminology). Repeat steps 11–17 for each sinnet.
  11. Tie a row of three half knots (see Half Knot).
  12. Directly beneath, alternate cords and tie a row of two half knots.
  13. Directly beneath, alternate cords and tie a row of three half knots.
  14. Continue this alternating half knot pattern for another five rows.
  15. Directly beneath, tie a row of three square knots.
  16. Drop down 25cm (10in) and tie a row of three square knots.
  17. Repeat steps 11–15.
  18. Place all cords inside one of the 29cm (1138in) metal rings. The metal ring sitting horizontally is now to be used as the holding cord. Keeping the ring level at all times and working on one sinnet at a time, tie double half hitches with all cords onto the ring, so that the sinnets are sitting on the ring in four separate groups equally spaced apart.
  19. To cover the ring in between each of the secured sinnets, add fourteen 3.5m (1112ft) lengths of rope using reverse lark’s head knot (see Reverse Lark’s Head Knot) – a total of fifty-six lengths in all.
  20. Directly beneath the ring, tie a row of twenty 8-cord square knots using four filler cords and two working cords on either side.
  21. Drop down 1cm (38in), alternate cords and tie another row of twenty 8-cord square knots.
  22. Continue the alternating square knot pattern (see Alternating Square Knot Pattern) for ten more rows with spaces of 1cm (38in) in between the rows.
  23. Place all cords inside the second 29cm (1138in) metal ring. The metal ring sitting horizontally is now to be used as the holding cord. Keeping the ring level at all times, tie double half hitches with all cords onto the ring.
  24. Gather the rope firmly and bring it upwards until it is centred and level with the second 29cm (1138in) metal ring. This will create a base for the plant hanger. Secure with a double overhand knot (see Overhand Knot) using the remaining 1m (314ft) length of rope.
  25. Using the remaining 1.5m (5ft) length of rope, tie a 3.5cm (138in) wrapped knot over the top of the double overhand knot.
  26. Trim cords to the desired length.