The delicate ‘links’ of this exquisite choker-style necklace are created using square knots embellished with metallic beads, and the finished piece is secured in place around your neck with plaited ties. Simply adjust the length of the plaits to make the necklace longer or shorter to fit. You can make a bracelet or an anklet to match your choker necklace – just tie fewer ‘links’.
- 12m (40ft) length of 1mm (1⁄32in) nylon bead cord in a colour of your choice
- 8mm (5⁄16in) jump ring
- Fourteen 4mm (5⁄32in) round metallic beads with 2mm (3⁄32in) hole
- Reverse Lark’s Head Knot
- Square Knot
- Overhand Knot
- Numbering Cords
- Plaiting
- Cut eight 150cm (5ft) lengths of 1mm (1⁄32in) nylon bead cord
- Secure the jump ring to the top of a project board using a T-pin (see Tools & Materials).
- Mount four 150cm (5ft) lengths of nylon bead cord onto the jump ring with reverse lark’s head knots (see Reverse Lark’s Head Knot).
- Separate the cords into two groups of four cords and tie a sinnet (see Knotting Terminology) of three square knots with each group (see Square Knot).
- Number the cords 1 to 8 (see Numbering Cords). Thread a metal bead onto cords 4 and 5 so that the bead sits directly against the square knots above it.
- Tie a square knot directly beneath the metal bead using cords 4 and 5 as filler cords and cords 3 and 6 as working cords (see Knotting Terminology).
- Separate the cords into two groups of four cords and tie a sinnet of four square knots with each group.
- Number the cords 1 to 8. Thread a metal bead onto cords 4 and 5 so that it sits directly against the square knots above it.
- Tie a square knot directly beneath your metal bead using cords 4 and 5 as filler cords and cords 3 and 6 as working cords.
- Repeat steps 6–8 four more times.
- Number the cords 1 to 8. Tie an 8-cord square knot using cords 3– 6 as filler cords and cords 1 and 2 and 7 and 8 as working cords.
- Directly beneath the 8-cord square knot, tie an overhand knot (see Overhand Knot) using all eight cords and pull really tightly to secure.
- Cut off five of the cords just beneath the overhand knot and carefully singe the ends with a flame to melt them, taking care not to char them, then press them onto the knot.
- With the remaining three cords, make a 12cm (43⁄4in) plait (see Plaiting) and tie a tight overhand knot to secure.
- Thread a metal bead onto the cords and secure with a tight overhand knot, then trim the cords to your desired length.
- Unpin the half-completed necklace from the project board, rotate it through 180 degrees and reattach the jump ring to the top of the project board (the completed half of the choker is still right side facing up but it is now trailing off of the top of the project board).
- Now repeat steps 2–14 on the other side of the jump ring to complete the necklace.