From family breakfasts to dinner dates with friends, this macramé table mat has a simple elegance that is sure to impress. Use just one to showcase your table centre piece or make a set for stylish placemats. The alternating half knot pattern creates a dense fabric to keep your table top protected and when made with cotton rope, these mats can be hand-washed.




  1. Secure one of the 55cm (22in) rope lengths to a project board using T-pins, or to a flat surface with adhesive tape. (See Mounting Techniques for preparing to start.) This becomes your holding cord (see Knotting Terminology).
  2. Mount the thirty-six 2.25m (712ft) lengths of rope onto the holding cord using horizontal double half hitches (see Half Hitch Knots), leaving cord ends 10cm (4in) above your holding cord to make the fringe.
  3. Directly beneath the row of double half hitches, tie a row of nine half knots (see Half Knot).
  4. Alternate cords (see Knotting Terminology) and tie another row of eight half knots.
  5. Alternate cords and tie a row of nine half knots.
  6. Continue an alternating half knot pattern for a further forty-eight rows.
  7. Directly beneath the last row of half knots and on top of all cords, place the remaining 55cm (22in) length of rope to create a second holding cord. Tie all cords onto the second holding cord with horizontal double half hitches.
  8. Tie an overhand knot (see Overhand Knot) at each end of the two holding cords.
  9. Trim all cords to 5cm (2in) and fray (see Fraying) to make a fringe at either end of the mat.