From family breakfasts to dinner dates with friends, this macramé table mat has a simple elegance that is sure to impress. Use just one to showcase your table centre piece or make a set for stylish placemats. The alternating half knot pattern creates a dense fabric to keep your table top protected and when made with cotton rope, these mats can be hand-washed.
- 82.1m (272ft) length of 5mm (1⁄4in) rope
- Horizontal Double Half Hitch
- Half Knot
- Overhand Knot
- Mounting Techniques
- Fraying
- Cut thirty-six 2.25m (71⁄2ft) lengths of 5mm (1⁄4in) rope
- Cut two 55cm (22in) lengths of 5mm (1⁄4in) rope
- Secure one of the 55cm (22in) rope lengths to a project board using T-pins, or to a flat surface with adhesive tape. (See Mounting Techniques for preparing to start.) This becomes your holding cord (see Knotting Terminology).
- Mount the thirty-six 2.25m (71⁄2ft) lengths of rope onto the holding cord using horizontal double half hitches (see Half Hitch Knots), leaving cord ends 10cm (4in) above your holding cord to make the fringe.
- Directly beneath the row of double half hitches, tie a row of nine half knots (see Half Knot).
- Alternate cords (see Knotting Terminology) and tie another row of eight half knots.
- Alternate cords and tie a row of nine half knots.
- Continue an alternating half knot pattern for a further forty-eight rows.
- Directly beneath the last row of half knots and on top of all cords, place the remaining 55cm (22in) length of rope to create a second holding cord. Tie all cords onto the second holding cord with horizontal double half hitches.
- Tie an overhand knot (see Overhand Knot) at each end of the two holding cords.
- Trim all cords to 5cm (2in) and fray (see Fraying) to make a fringe at either end of the mat.