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Abildskov, Dale, 201
Abrash, Michael, 250
air-conditioning, 138–40
Alcorn, Allan, 247
Aldini, Giovanni, 193
Aldrin, Edwin “Buzz,” 37–39
Allen, Harvey, 39
America, 252–53
Ammann, Othmar, 144
amusement park, 169, 229–32
Annan, Charles, 120
Apollo 11, 37–39, 82
Appleby, John, 209
aqueduct, southern California, 215–17
Armstrong, Louis, 222
Armstrong, Neil, 37–39
Arnold, William S., 220
Artaud, Antonin, 251
Arthur, Chester Allan, 111
Asimov, Isaac, 87
Astor, John Jacob, IV, 211
Astor, Vincent, 211
athletic shoe, 113–15
Atkins, Jearum, 209
Bachelet, Emile, 44
Baer, Ralph, 247–48
Bakken, Earl, 193, 194
Balaban, A. J. and Barney,
Barisford, Bob, 201
Baruch, Bernard, 108
Barnum, P. T., 103, 129
Barth, Paul, 227
Batchelor, Charles, 76
Bath, Patricia, 123–25
Beattie, John, 191
Beauchamp, George, 227
Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 179
Beecher, Catharine, 116–17, 119
Bel Geddes, Norman, 62
Bell, Alexander Graham, 74–77, 81–83, 218, 219
Bell, Chichester, 219
Berliner, Emile, 219–20
Bessemer, Henry, 132
Bissett, Enid, 108–9
blood plasma, 191–92
blues, 223–25
Boahen, Kwabena, 92
Bolden, Charles Joseph “Buddy,” 222
Booth, John Wilkes, 187
Bourdelle, Pierre, 59
Bourseul, Charles, 74
Bowerman, Bill, 114
Boyton, Paul, 230
bra, 107–9
Braddock, Edward, 132
Breer, Carl, 25–26
Breslin, Ed, 59
Bridges, Harry, 33
Brown, John, 42
Bryson, Bill, 63
Buchanan, James, 72
Budd, Edward G., 61–62
Budd, Ralph, 62, 63
Buehrig, Gordon, 26
air-conditioning, 138–40
Chicago, 155–57
Fallingwater, 151–53
Golden Gate Bridge, 141–45, 171
River Rouge, 147–49
safety elevator, 127–29
steel-frame construction, 135–37, 169
steel mills, 131–33
Bullock, William, 65–66
Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, 16–17
Burgoyne, John, 184
Burlington Zephyr, 61–63
Burnham, Daniel, 135, 137
Burns, Ken, 221, 222, 224
Bushnell, Nolan, 247, 248
Butler, Charles, 155
Butterick, Ebenezer and Ellen, 102, 103
Butters, George, 117
California aqueduct, 215–17
Campbell-Swinton, A. A., 244
Erie Canal, 9–11, 16, 48, 156
Panama Canal, 16–20, 62
Čapek, Karel, 87
Carnegie, Andrew, 131–33, 136
Carrier, Willis Haviland, 138–39
flying, 41–42
Lincoln Zephyr, 25–27
River Rouge, 147–49
self-driving, 45–47
Carson, Johnny, 87
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 109
Casement, Jack, 52
Cassatt, Alexander, 53–55, 57
Cassatt, Mary, 53
cataract surgery, 123–25
Chaikin, Andrew, 37, 39
Chapin, Daryl, 179–80
Chapin, Jonathan, 95–96
Chapman, Ray, 236
Chardack, William, 195
Chicago, 155–57
Chrysler, Walter P., 25–26
Churchill, Winston, 44, 188, 189
Clarendon, Lord, 71
Clark, Edward, 99
Clarke, Arthur C., 42
Clinton, DeWitt, 9–11, 156
clipper ships, 13–15, 16, 63
athletic shoe, 113–15
bra, 107–9
copper-riveted jeans, 104–6
dress patterns, 101–3
dry cleaning, 110–12
safety pin, 94–96
sewing machine, 95, 96, 97–99, 102
Cochran, Josephine, 117–18
Coleman, Joseph, 109
Collins, Michael, 37, 39
electric telegraph, 67–69
rotary printing press, 64–66
tape recording, 78–80
telephone, 74–77
transatlantic cable, 14, 48, 71–73
computers, computing, 122, 124
cyborg, 91–93
industrial robot, 85–87
microprocessor, 81–83
Silicon Valley, 77, 82–83
3-D printing, 88–90
Condit, Carl, 137
Coney Island, 229–32
container ship, 33–35
Cooke, William Fothergill, 67
Cooper, Peter, 72
Cornell, Ezra, 69
cotton gin, 205–7
Couney, Martin, 230
covered wagon, 5–7
Cramer, Stuart, 139
Creesy, Ellen, 13–15
Creesy, Josiah, 14, 15
Crick, Francis, 203
Crocker, Charles, 49
Cromwell, William Nelson, 17
Crosby, Bing, 79, 80, 228
Crosby, Caresse, 107–9
Crosby, Harry, 107–9
Crowe, Frank, 171–72
Crump, E. H., 212
Curtiss, Glenn, 41–42
Custer, George Armstrong, 187
cyborg, 91–93
Damadian, Raymond Vahan, 197–99
Danby, Gordon, 44
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 97, 98
Davis, Jacob, 104–6
Davis, Jefferson, 156, 187
de Lesseps, Ferdinand, 16–17
Demorest, Madame, 101–3
Demorest, William Jennings, 101, 102
DeSilva, Ashanti, 203
Devol, Evelyn, 86
Devol, George, 85–87
diaper cover, 118–19
Diehl, Lorraine B., 54
dishwasher, 117–18
Dodge, Grenville, 52
Dolby, Ray Milton, 80
Donovan, Marion, 118–19
Dopyera, John, 227
Douglas, Donald, 29–31
Douglas, Sandy, 247
Drake, Edwin, 163
dress patterns, 101–3
Drew, Charles, 191–92
Dreyfuss, Henry, 41, 62
dry cleaning, 110–12
East River tunnels, 53–55
Eaton, Fred, 215–17
Eberson, John, 240–42
Edison, Thomas, 76, 175–76
electric light, 167–69, 219
phonograph, 91, 167, 218–20
Edwards, Bradley C., 43
Eisenhower, Dwight, 34
electric guitar, 226–28
electric light, 167–69, 219
electric telegraph, 67–69
safety, 127–29, 169
space, 41–44
Eliot, T. S., 83
Ellington, Duke, 221, 222
Ellis, Charles Alton, 144
Elmquist, Rune, 195
Engelberger, Joseph F., 86–87
Ericsson, Henry, 136
Erie Canal, 9–11, 16, 48, 156
Europe, James Reese, 222
Everson, George, 244
Faget, Maxime, 37
Faggin, Federico, 83
Fairchild, Sherman, 82
Fallingwater, 151–53
Farmer, Moses, 169
farming, mechanized, 208–10
Farnsworth, Pem, 244, 245
Farnsworth, Philo, 243–45
Fender, Leo, 228
Field, Cyrus, 71–73
Filius, Mary, 109
Fisher, Fred J., 25
flying car, 41–42
Ford, Edsel, 26–27, 149
Ford, Henry, 26–27, 42, 147–49, 175–76
Ford Motor Company, 26–27, 210
River Rouge, 147–49
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 187
Forster, George, 193, 194
Franklin, Benjamin, 138, 139, 167, 193
Fraser, Simon, 184
Friedmann, Theodore, 203
Fritts, Charles, 179
Fuller, Calvin Souther, 179–80
Fulton, Robert, 107
Fulton, Robert Edison, Jr., 41
Gage, Andrew, 195
Gale, Leonard, 68
Galey, John H., 164
Galvani, Luigi, 193
Gardner, Cliff, 244, 245
Gates, Charles, 139
Gates, John, 139
Gatling, Richard Jordan, 188–90
Gatling gun, 188–90
Gelsinger, Jesse, 203–4
gene therapy, 203–4
Gershwin, George, 221, 225
Giannini, Amadeo, 144
Gilbert, Cass, 137
Ginsburg, Charles, 80
Glass, Louis T., 220
Golden Gate Bridge, 141–45, 171
Goldsmith, Michael, 198–99
Goldsmith, Thomas T., Jr., 246–47
Goode, Sara Elizabeth, 118
Goodyear, Charles, 113–14
Gorgas, William Crawford, 20
Gorky, Maxim, 232
Gorrell, Leslie, 244
Gorrie, John, 138, 139
Graafstra, Amal, 91
Graetz, Martin, 247
Grand Central Terminal, 22, 57–58
Grant, Ulysses S., 186
Gray, Elisha, 76
Greatbatch, Wilson, 193–95
Greene, Catharine Littlefield, 206–7
Greene, Nathanael, 206
Guffey, James M., 164
guitar, electric, 226–28
Gatling gun, 188–90
Pennsylvania rifle, 182–84
repeating rifle, 185–87
Gutenberg, Johannes, 64
Gyalpo, Thangtong, 141
Hadley, John, 138
Halliburton, Richard, 20
Hamill, Curt and Al, 164–65
Hamilton, Alexander, 205, 206, 252–53
Hamilton, Margaret Heafield, 38
Harbisson, Neil, 91
Harrison, Bill, 248
Harvey, David, 35
Hawley, Jesse, 9, 10
Hay, John, 17
Hayes, Rutherford B., 77
Hefner, Hugh, 82
Heilig, Morton, 249
Henderson, Greg, 45
Henry, Beulah Louise, 124
Henry, Joseph, 68, 75
Henry, Patrick, 124
Higgins, Andrew Jackson, 34
Higgins, Pattillo, 164
Higinbotham, Willy, 247
Hoe, Richard, 64–66
Hoff, Marcian “Ted,” 83
Hoover, Herbert, 29, 171
Hoover Dam, 171–73
Hopkins, Mark, 49
Hopper, Grace, 124
Hoskins, Willis, 94
hoverboard, 45
Howe, Elias, 97–99
Hubbard, Gardiner, 75, 76
Hubbard, Mabel, 74–75, 77
Hudson tunnels, 53–55
Hughes, Howard, 30
Hull, Chuck, 89, 90
Hunt, George W., 96
Hunt, Walter, 94–96, 97–99, 185
Huntington, Collis P., 49
Hussey, Obed, 208–10
Huxtable, Ada Louise, 57
Hyman, Albert and Charlie, 194
Jackson, Kenneth T., 23
Jackson, Lloyd E., 111
Jacob, Mary Phelps “Polly” (Caresse Crosby), 107–9
Jacobs, Charles, 55
jazz, 221–22, 224, 225
jeans, copper-riveted, 104–6
Jefferson, Thomas, 10, 206, 253
Jennings, Elizabeth, 111
Jennings, Thomas L., 111, 112
Jenny, William Le Baron, 135–37
Jerome, Leonard, 189
Johnson, Robert, 223–25
Joliet, Louis, 155
Jones, Walt, 201
Joplin, Scott, 222
Judah, Theodore, 48–49, 52
Kahn, Albert, 147
Katz, Sam, 239
Kauffman, Clayton Orr “Doc,” 228
Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr., 151, 153
Kaufmann, Edgar, Sr., 151–53
Kaufmann, Gordon B., 173
Keir, Samuel, 163
Kekuku, Joseph, 226
Keller, Helen, 74
Kelly, Kate, 119
Kettering, Charles, 61
Kevlar, 122–23
Kilby, Jack, 83
Knight, Margaret E., 120–21
Knight, Phil, 114, 115
Knox, Ziba, 94
Koch, Christof, 92
Kruesi, John, 218
Kuhler, Otto, 62
Kwolek, Stephanie, 122–23
Lacey, Robert, 27
Lamb, Thomas, 239
Lanier, Jaron, 251
Larsson, Arne, 195
Lauterbur, Paul C., 199
Leder, Phillip, 204
Leonardo Da Vinci, 97, 98
Levinson, Marc, 34
Lewis, David L., 148
Lillehei, C. Walton, 194
Lincoln, Abraham, 9, 49, 68, 156, 157, 185–87, 189
Lincoln Zephyr, 25–27
Lippincott, Joseph B., 215–16
Liquid Paper, 121–22, 125
Loar, Lloyd, 227
London, Jack, 197
Los Angeles Water Works, 25, 215–17
Louis XV, 128
Loew, Marcus, 239
Loewy, Raymond, 62
Lucas, Anthony, 164
Luckey, Palmer Freeman, 251
Lydiard, Arthur, 114
MacWilliam, John Alexander, 194
Madison, James, 10, 253
maglev train, 44–45
magnetic tape recording, 78–80
Mann, Estle Ray, 246
Mansfield, Peter, 199
Marcus, Gary, 92
Marsh, Charles and William, 209
Masters, Sybilla, 117
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 14, 15, 71
Maxim, Hiram, 190
Mayer, Louis B., 239
Mays, Willie, 237
McClintock, Barbara, 124–25
McCormack, William, 33
McCormick, Cyrus, 157, 208–10
McEvoy, Brian, 93
McKay, Donald, 13–15
McKim, Charles, 57
McLean, Malcom, 33–35
cotton gin, 205–7
farming, 208–10
artificial pacemaker, 193–95
blood plasma, 191–92
gene therapy, 203–4
MRI, 197–99
prosthesis, 200–202
Melville, Herman, 161
microprocessor, 81–83
Miller, Phineas, 206–7
Mills, Victor, 119
Minkoff, Lawrence, 198–99
Moisseiff, Leon, 144
Moller, Paul, 41
Moore, Gordon, 82, 83
Moore, Hiram, 209
Morgan, Daniel, 183–84
Morgan, J. P., 133, 169
Morrow, Irving, 144
Morse, Samuel, 67–69, 71
Morton, Jelly Roll, 222
movie palaces, 169, 239–42
MRI, 197–99
Mulholland, William, 215–17
Mullin, Jack, 79, 80
Mullins, Aimee, 202
Murphy, Tim, 184
Mushet, Robert Forester, 132
blues, 223–25
electric guitar, 226–28
jazz, 221–22, 224, 225
phonograph, 91, 167, 218–20
Musk, Elon, 46
Nahai, David, 216
Napoleon, 76
Nasaw, David, 169
Naylor, David, 241
Nelson, “Big Eye” Louis, 224
Nesmith, Bette, 121–22, 125
Nesmith, Michael, 121
Newhouse, Benjamin, 128
New York:
Coney Island, 229–32
Erie Canal, 9–11, 16, 48, 156
Grand Central Terminal, 22, 57–58
Hudson and East River tunnels, 53–55
Pennsylvania Station, 54, 57–58, 173
subway, 21–23
Nirenberg, Marshall, 203
Nobel, Alfred, 190
Norris, George, 176, 177
Northrop, Jack, 30
Noyce, Robert, 82, 83
Ochoa, Ellen, 125
Ogden, William, 155–57, 209
Ohl, Russell, 179
oil rig, 163–65
Oster, Daryl, 46
Otis, Elisha Graves, 127–29, 169
pacemaker, 193–95
Page, Larry, 93
Panama Canal, 16–20, 62
paper bags, 120–21
Parker, John H., 190
Paul, Les, 227–28
Pearson, Gerald, 179–80
Pearson, Jerome, 42–43
Pennsylvania rifle, 182–84
Pennsylvania Station, 54, 57–58, 173
Perkins, Jacob, 138, 139
Pershing, John, 190
Phillips, Van, 200–202
phonograph, 91, 167, 218–20
Pierce, Franklin, 72
plane, transcontinental, 29–31
Polo Grounds, 233–37
Poniatoff, Alexander M., 78–80
Pound, Ezra, 169
Powell, James, 44
electric light, 167–69, 219
Hoover Dam, 171–73
oil rig, 163–65
solar cell, 179–81
Tennessee Valley Authority, 175–77
whaling ship, 136, 159–61
prairie schooner, 5–7
printing press, 64–66
cotton gin, 205–7
mechanized farming, 208–10
southern California aqueduct, 215–17
supermarket, 211–13
prosthesis, 200–202
Purcell, Edward, 198
Rabi, Isidor Isaac, 197, 199
Ragsdale, Earl J. W., 61
railroad, transcontinental, 7, 16, 31, 48–52, 53, 171
Raymond, Charles W., 55
Rea, Samuel, 55
amusement park, 169, 229–32
blues, 223–25
electric guitar, 226–28
jazz, 221–22, 224, 225
movie palaces, 169, 239–42
phonograph, 91, 167, 218–20
Polo Grounds, 233–37
television, 91, 243–45
video game, 246–48
virtual environment, 249–51
Reed, Walter, 17–20
Reis, Johann Philipp, 74, 77
Reiss, F. Winold, 59
Reuther, Walter, 149
Ribas, Moon, 91
Richards, Keith, 223
Richardson, Jonathan, 95–96
Rickenbacker, Adolph, 227, 228
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 30
Pennsylvania, 182–84
repeating, 185–87
Riley, William J., 115
Ripley, James, 186
Rivera, Diego, 149
River Rouge, 147–49
Roblin, Richard, 203
robot, industrial, 85–87
Rockefeller, John D., 163, 164
Rockne, Knute, 29, 30
Roebling, John and Washington, 141
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 148, 176, 245
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 17, 20, 190, 216
Root, John Wellborn, 135, 137
Rosenthal, Ida “Itel,” 108–9
Rosenthal, William, 108, 109
rotary printing press, 64–66
Rothafel, Samuel, 240
Rothrock, Mary Utopia, 177
Rusch, Bill, 248
Russell, Steve, 247
safety pin, 94–96
Salter, Robert M., Jr., 46
Sanders, Thomas, 75, 76
Sarnoff, David, 180, 245
Saunders, Clarence, 211–13
Savage, John L., 172
Schwab, Matty, 236
Scudder, John, 191
Seinfeld, Jerry, 41
self-driving car, 45–47
Selsted, Walt, 80
Senning, Åke, 195
dress patterns, 101–3
sewing machine, 95, 96, 97–99, 102
Sheeler, Charles, 149
Shelley, Mary, 193–94
Sheridan, Phil, 187
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 187
Shima, Masatoshi, 83
container, 33–35
Yankee clipper, 13–15, 16, 63
Shockley, William, 81–82
shoe, athletic, 113–15
Sibley, Hiram, 69
Silicon Valley, 77, 82–83
Silverstein, Abe, 37
Singer, Isaac Merritt, 96, 98–99
Skelton, Owen, 25–26
Slater, Hannah, 121
Smith, Francis O. J., 69
Smith, Oberlin, 79
Smullen, Charles, 122
Snow, Richard, 230
solar cell, 179–81
southern California aqueduct, 215–17
space elevator, 41–44
space race, 37–39, 82
Spencer, Christian Miner, 185–87
Sprague, Frank Julian, 22
Sproull, Bob, 249
Stanford, Leland, 49
steel-frame construction, 135–37, 169
steel mills, 131–33
Stephens, Alexander, 187
Stevens, John F., 62
Stewart, Martha, 118
Stieglitz, Alfred, 137
Stoddard, William Joseph, 111
Stout, William B., 62
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 116
Strauss, Joseph P., 141–45
Strauss, Levi, 104–5
streamlined trains, 61–63
Stuart, Jeb, 187
subway, New York, 21–23
Sullivan, Louis, 135
supermarket, 211–13
Sutherland, Ivan, 249, 250
Tainter, Charles Sumner, 77, 219
Tantlinger, Keith, 34
tape recording, 78–80
Taylor, Chuck, 114
telegraph, 67–69, 71, 74, 75, 167, 218
telephone, 74–77, 167, 218, 227
television, 91, 243–45
Temple, Lewis, 159
Tennessee Valley Authority, 175–77
Thomson, Bobby, 237
Thompson, Frederic, 230
Tom Thumb, General, 102–3
3-D printing, 88–90
Tilyou, George C., 229–32
Tjaarda, John, 27
Tolman, Justin, 244, 245
Hudson and East River tunnels, 53–55
maglev, 44–45
New York subway, 21–23
streamlined, 61–63
train stations, 57–59
Transcontinental Railroad, 7, 16, 31, 48–52, 53, 171
transatlantic cable, 14, 48, 71–73
transcontinental plane, 29–31
Transcontinental Railroad, 7, 16, 31, 48–52, 53, 171
transistors, 81–83, 87, 179
container ship, 33–35
Erie Canal, 9–11, 16, 48, 156
flying car, 41–42
hoverboard, 45
Hudson and East River tunnels, 53–55
Lincoln Zephyr, 25–27
maglev train, 44–45
New York subway, 21–23
Panama Canal, 16–20, 62
prairie schooner, 5–7
self-driving car, 45–47
space elevator, 41–44
streamlined train, 61–63
train stations, 57–59
transcontinental plane, 29–31
Transcontinental Railroad, 7, 16, 31, 48–52, 53, 171
whaling ship, 136, 159–61
Yankee clippers, 13–15, 16, 63
Traub, Jim, 168
True, Allen Tupper, 173
Trump, Fred, 232
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 42, 43
tunnels, Hudson and East River, 53–55
Union Terminal, 58
Upson, Ralph H., 62
Vail, Alfred, 68, 69
Van Dusen, Hugh, 59
Victoria, Queen, 72, 75
video game, 246–48
video tape recording, 79, 80
Villiers, Alan, 13
virtual environment, 249–51
Volta, Alessandro, 76, 193
von Braun, Wernher, 37
wagons and wagon trains, 5–7
Ward, Geoffrey C., 221, 222, 224
Warren, Lavinia, 102–3
Washington, George, 132, 183, 206, 207
Watson, Harry, 227
Watson, James, 203
Watson, Thomas A., 75, 76
Webster, Walt, 113
Welles, Gideon, 185
whaling ship, 136, 159–61
Wheatstone, Charles, 67
Whitehouse, Edward Orange Wildman, 72
Whiteman, Paul, 221
Whitney, Asa, 48
Whitney, Eli, 48, 147, 206–7
Wiitanen, Wayne, 247
Wilder, John T., 186
Wilgus, William J., 22
Willème, François, 90
Wilson, Richard Guy, 29
Wilson, Woodrow, 175
Winchester, Oliver, 185, 187
Withington, Charles, 209
Wolfe, Thomas, 57
blues singers, 225
inventors, 116–19, 120–25
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 136,
Wright, Orville, 25
Yankee clippers, 13–15, 16, 63
Zeder, Fred, 25–26
Zukor, Adolph, 239
Zworykin, Vladimir, 245