Jade Fountain
Cultivating Your Yoni
The yoni is naturally beautiful
like a conch shell or an unfolding bud.
Through the yoni we can drink
the fertile nectar from Mother Earth.
The yoni is an interconnected web, a source of pleasure and creative power. It is our wellspring of sexual energy. By subtly articulating the Jade Fountain we can move our creative juices through the channels and throughout the body. Being aware of yoni reflexology, we can make conscious connections between the clitoris and hormonal activation, as well as between the yoni canal and the organs. Having a loving relationship with your yoni is vital for your physical and emotional health. This chapter includes a full range of ways to breathe with your yoni and circulate sexual energy.
The yoni is also the entrance to your Core Channel. Along the Core Channel are the sexual organs of the chakras. If you imagine the chakras as flowers, their stem is the spine, their flowers extend to the front, and the stamen and pistil (sexual organs) sit in the Core Channel. By raising the sexual energy, we water these flowers and make them blossom!
Exploring Your Inner Landscape
A Journey to the Jade Fountain
The ancient Taoists regarded the feminine genitalia with respect and admired her natural beauty. They studied her landscape as an art and science. Indeed, the entrance to the yoni temple is a beautiful, natural creation similar to those found in rock crevices, hollows in trees, conch shells, and opening flowers.
The following descriptive journey into the yoni is inspired by the eloquent, poetic, erotic Chinese language. The terms in italics are direct translations from Chinese; the other imagery is my own. Descriptive terms are followed by the Latin or English equivalents in parentheses.
Fig. 5.1. Jade Gate, entrance to the sacred temple
Palace of Creative Power
The uterus is like an upside-down pear, which sits behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. If the uterus hangs on the bladder, women experience difficulties with urination like incontinence. When the uterus is toned, the face is toned.
The qi and blood of the twelve primary channels pass into the uterus via the Thrusting Channels and the Conception Vessel. Each of the organs and channels can affect the quality and regulation of menstruation, as follows.*8
The liver provides and moves the blood.
The heart’s blood and yang nourish the uterus.
The spleen keeps the uterus in place.
The kidneys supply jing to the uterus.
The Conception Vessel supplies qi to the uterus.
The Thrusting Channels supply blood to the uterus.
The womb is the temple of conception and the entrance of the human soul into earthly life.
Baking the Sexual Palace
Place your left hand over the Sexual Palace (uterus/womb). Place your right hand over the sacrum. Rub in circles. Feel the warmth breathing between your hands. Smile to your place of creative power.
Place your right hand over your ovaries and the left hand over any part of your body that needs some healing energy; pulse the energy to that spot. Breathe and smile into the area.
The sexual organs are like a microcosm of the whole body: in the part, there is the whole—just as a single leaf has the same shape as the whole tree. The natural healing art of reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands, ears, and yoni that correspond to every part, gland, and organ of the body. Application of pressure on these reflexes is meant to relieve tension, improve circulation, and help promote the natural function of the related areas of the body.
The three rings of muscles inside the vagina reflect the three dantians—lower, middle, and upper. The clitoris reflects and activates the glands. Squeezing the vagina develops the strength and agility of the genitals. Yoni Breathing and jade egg practices stimulate the organs and glands by activating and massaging the reflex zones.
How genius is the design of the supreme Creatrix! The reflexology zones in the male and female sexual organs match up to each other during deep penetration (fig. 5.2). In the center of the head of the penis is the heart zone; the lungs are like wings on the sides of the heart. This heart zone meets the female heart zone near the cervix. Lovemaking is a deep inner massage of these zones.
Fig. 5.2. Interaction of female and male reflexology zones (Illustration courtesy of Sexual Reflexology by Mantak Chia and William U. Wei)
Making Love, Making Music
Following our heartbeat brings us
into the heat of the swelling clitoris.
Drumbeats of excitement accelerate,
with a crash of a cymbal, the strings kick in,
Playing the emotional push-pull of tango.
Building into a crescendo, the violin soars,
Whirling celestial sounds in higher octaves.
Celebrate the glory of our divine lovemaking!
Becoming Multiorgasmic
Becoming aware of the three gates of the yoni will help you activate the jets within the three tiers of your Jade Fountain. These jets can be stimulated in any order and in any combination. The natures of these fountains are expressions of whole-body bliss: the clitoral jet has a lubricating function; the G-spot jet is an orgasmic, pleasurable gushing from internal sources; the cervical jet is the blissful consecration of nourishment offered before entering the sacred womb.
First Gate: Clitoris
Location: The clitoris is the nodule located between the inner folds of the vulva (labia minora), at the top. The glans of the clitoris is similar to the head of a man’s penis yet more sensitive. The tip of the clitoris or “bliss pearl” is like the tip of an iceberg: long legs or roots of the clitoris reach into the entrance of the vaginal canal (fig. 5.3). During sexual arousal, the vestibular bulbs fill with blood, causing the tissue to become erect. This puts pressure on the clitoral legs, which spread and appear to fly like quivering dragonfly wings inside! The blood inside the bulb’s erectile tissue is released to the circulatory system by the spasms of orgasm. If orgasm does not occur, the blood exits the bulbs over several hours. Massage will help to move this blood.
Self-healing: Begin with a soft, spiraling massage off the body in the Wei Qi field. Gently massage the area of the outer and inner labia without touching the clitoris first as it can be ultra-sensitive. Then you can gradually spiral down onto the physical body like a butterfly softly landing. Be aware of which spiraling direction feels good.
Fig. 5.3. Flying clit: bliss pearl, clitoral legs, and vestibular bulbs
Clitoral Orgasm
When most women think of orgasm they refer to this short-lived physical bliss. The aroused qi builds up in the swollen mound of Venus into a potent volcano. When she erupts there is a quick rush of intense pleasure! The clitoris is on the outside of the body, so it can be stimulated by a finger, penis, or dildo. This external part of the body is as much for the woman’s pleasure as it is for the man to play with. Often, a woman will know how to best stimulate herself to climax.
A clitoral orgasm helps a woman connect with herself as a physical being capable of amazing pleasure. It is an exciting gate that awakens the sex hormones triggered by the master glands. This prepares the body for deeper journeys and higher bliss. Unfortunately, it is common to stop here due to the misconception that this is the only peak experience. Some women feel like they still are not satisfied and intuitively know there is something more.
The condition for a clitoral orgasm is to get down into your body and senses. A practice that can help induce this orgasm is to smile down to your Sexual Palace with a readiness for whole-body arousal. This is like your warm-up to dance with your partner or with yourself. Another essential way to wake up the clitoris is to practice nipple massage; these two areas of the body are linked through reflexology with each other. You can massage the nipples and the clitoris at the same time to wake up their connection.
Nectar of the first gate: The nectar secreted from the first gate or clitoris is a clear fluid that invites further entry into the sacred chamber.
Second Gate: G-Spot (Goddess Spot)
Location: You can find the G-spot by curling your middle finger into your vagina and stroking toward yourself on the upper wall—as if saying “come.” If your partner is doing this, he can also make the curling finger movement. You will feel that the texture of the G-spot is similar to the ridged feeling of the roof of your mouth.
Self-healing: The G-spot can be numb or painful if it has not been awakened. This can be a sign of stagnant qi, accumulation of contracted emotion, and/or crystallized sediment from old blood. You or your partner can gently massage this area to clear blockages. It may take five or more times until you experience sensation or pleasure. Make sure you have a lot of lubrication.
G-Spot Orgasm
Simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot area, which is in the area of the urethra, will help induce a G-spot orgasm. A G-spot orgasm stimulates the liver zone. You will tend to grip and move a lot as the qi moves through the liver and into the tendons throughout the body.
The liver qi moves our emotions and ignites passion, so this kind of stimulation can be a passionate push-pull tango dance. There is an intense and urgent sensation like you have to pee. (Best not to go pee then, however, as you or your partner would need to start the arousal all over again! Keep reading for more about female ejaculation.)
The condition for a G-spot orgasm is intense movement and friction. A woman may want to move her body into different postures that will invite stimulation. There may be a lot of resistance that she has to move through because this gate is like opening a dam of emotions. On this part of the journey, a woman may feel like she is sweating and bushwhacking through a dense forest, before reaching the beautiful vista. With the female ejaculation there is an intense cleansing of the soul that clears the way for a spiritual orgasm.
Goddess Awakening
You can help induce this intensely blissful state with a jade egg practice that is similar to rebirthing. For basic instructions on inserting and working with the jade egg, see chapter 6.
Suck up the jade egg and then pull the string in a push-pull action near the G-spot. Breathe quickly, filling up with qi on the inhalation and letting go with the exhalation. Exhaling with your mouth open will release sound and emotion. Allow your breath to speed up into a crescendo. There will be a natural, peaceful bliss afterward.
Another practice is to dance like a wild passionate animal. The effort needed to climb the mountain is contained in the instincts of the animal—it bypasses all rational thought. This wild-animal energy is needed for your eventual spiritual goal of merging with the light. So let down your hair, be wild, and be aware!
Nectar of the second gate: female ejaculation. The nectar from the G-spot is ejaculated from the Skene’s glands, sometimes called the female prostate glands (see fig. 5.4 below). The G-spot will swell like a bulbous sponge and may spray like a shower head, as there are many ducts within the Skene’s glands. This sweet fluid has a lot of glucose in it and can have traces of urea depending on how much urine was in the bladder before ejaculation. I like to call it “sweet water.”
Even though it feels like you are going to pee, this fluid is not urine. The Taoists consider it to be water essence that is released from the kidneys through the bladder and the Skene’s glands. If you pee before you make love or self-pleasure, then you can be confident that this pressure is not from a full bladder, and you won’t have to stop to run to the washroom.
The kidneys need to feel safe to allow ejaculation. If the kidneys are too afraid, then the fluid is frozen with fear. Feeling safe melts the ice and allows the internal waters to flow. With the contractions of the uterus during orgasm, the bladder will also contract, causing the ejaculation to flow in waves. With these orgasmic contractions there is a bearing down or pushing out sensation as if you are giving birth to your own orgasm.
Fig. 5.4. Urethra duct and Skene’s glands
Third Gate: Cervix
Location: The cervix is the entrance into the uterus, located at the very top of the yoni canal. It feels like a hard doughnut or a ring with a small opening. This opening has its own wisdom and knows when to open for conception and menstruation and ovulation.
The cervix is the reflexology area of the heart, and with loving deep penetration the heart opens. It is also the opening to the Core or Central Channel, and through this telescope we can experience the heavens. If thrusting is too aggressive and not done with love, however, the cervix shuts down and with it the heart.
Feeling the Life Pulses
You can feel the life pulses of the cervix, the heart, and the master glands all at the same time.
Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Feel the pulsing of the three dantians together. Allow these areas to resonate like octaves in the same sound column. When these three centers are consciously linked up, it will induce what the Taoists call self-intercourse. (See the Divine Union Meditation.)
Cervical Orgasm
Ahhh! We made it to the top of the mountain! The vista is vast and open, and we feel at one with all of life. The bliss of being on top of the world! The heart bursts open with tears of release and joy and feels as vast as the universe. All boundaries may dissolve between yourself and your partner, and you can soar freely together in ecstasy. A fountain of bliss bubbles up through your body and encompasses both of your auras in an embrace of sublime unity. The echo of this experience is a feeling of wholeness—a full and satisfied glow that may last for days. The condition for a cervical orgasm is surrender to your natural longing to unite with the Divine. No expectation, trusting in the Divine, pure openness, allowing yourself to be taken—all of these help in letting go. As you can’t fall out of the universe, you will become one with it.
Practices to induce cervical orgasm involve making space for the Divine to happen through you: prepare for grace with meditation, dance, and creativity. The practice of Unwinding allows the qi to move you spontaneously (see here). This requires you to surrender to the spirit and allow yourself to be taken on a journey.
Nectar of the third gate: During a cervical orgasm, the nectar called the “liquid pearl” emerges. This cervical fluid is white and thick and is nourishing for the sperm. It can also be a sign of readiness for spiritual rebirth. The liquid pearl is the cherry on top!
Self-Love Awakening
We are practicing with awakened and warmed-up sexual energy, like melting a frozen iceberg of potent sexual waters and allowing it to flow. You can induce lightly aroused energy with the joy and love of your inner smile. Shine on your flower and it will rise and open to the light!
Hold one hand over your yoni and the other hand over your heart or breast. Wait for Shakti, life-force energy, to awaken, and simply allow the energy to move—no force, no push. She will quicken and rise to dance! Smile and welcome her to fill your body with delight!
Whenever you practice, it is good to remember the following:
Fantasies can bring you away from the present moment and your energy tends to be projected onto those whom you are fantasizing about. Where your mind goes, qi flows.
Do not expect or have the goal of an orgasm each time you practice!
Listen and make space for the natural wisdom of your energy.
Multiorgasmic Journey
Clitoral Orgasm: personal, physical, excited, quick rush
Prepare to go on a journey with your water bottle!
G-Spot Orgasm: interpersonal, soulful, cleansing, energetic, emotional, engaged, tango, passionate
Climbing the mountain, sweaty and intense!
Cervical Orgasm: transpersonal, spiritual, ecstatic, oneness, expansive, blissful
You are on top of the world!
Exercising the muscles of the pelvic floor, yoni, and Sexual Palace will build your sexual energy and your overall vitality. A strong physical foundation gives you the means to reach greater heights of ecstasy!
Pelvic Floor Articulation
Articulation of the pelvic muscles tones the pelvic floor, upon which all the organs rest. A strong pelvic floor supports all the organs from the base.
Five Magic Points
The pelvic floor looks like a diamond between the pubic bone and coccyx and the two sitz bones. An infinity symbol wraps around the anus and vagina, crossing at the perineum (fig. 5.5).
Squeeze gently in pairs: the clitoral ligament and the anus toward each other, and then the two sitz bones toward each other. Then squeeze up the middle—the vagina and perineum—to pull up the whole diamond in one piece. Move your pelvic floor like a trampoline, which I like to call the trampoline of the spirit!
Fig. 5.5. Pelvic floor and the five magic points
Pelvic Floor Toner
This practice tones your pelvic diaphragm and helps lift the uterus so it does not hang on the bladder.
Press your fingertips above the pubic bone as you inhale. Suck in your lower belly by humming “hummmm.” Exhale strongly with the “ma” sound while pushing your fingers out with your lower belly and the power of your pelvic diaphragm. The perineum stays buoyant.
Relax Your Butt
If someone is a “tight-ass,” their mouth will also be chronically tight. When we clench our buttocks we want to protect something or project something, but it is good to be able to relax our glutes and not remain continuously “uptight.”
Allow your butt to relax to receive the Earth Qi and yet have elastic tone to uphold the organs.
Fig. 5.6. Female pelvic diaphragm and urogenital diaphragm
Wink Ups
If you wink with your right eye, notice how the right side of your anus contracts.
Peeing Practice
This practice can be done when you pee to test the strength of your pelvic floor and to exercise your urogenital diaphragm (fig. 5.6). Toward the end of urination pull up to stop the flow as you inhale. To accelerate the flow of urination, exhale and bear down into the dantian. If you can’t stop the flow of urination, then you really need to practice with the jade egg to build the strength of the pelvic floor and lift the bladder off the uterus. This can prevent and heal incontinence.
Uterus Lift
With gravity gradually bearing down on their bodies, many women get the “sag and spread” syndrome. Without the uplifting force of qi, the organs can prolapse and start to drop and hang. To counterbalance this tendency you need the uplift or levity of the life force, like a tree growing up against gravity.
The purpose of the uterus lift is to lift the weight of the uterus off the bladder so the bladder can function properly.
Fig. 5.7. Lifting the uterus off the bladder
Yoni Toning
Become as articulate with your yoni as you are with your mouth!
Singing reduces the stress hormones cortisol and cortisone, relaxes the nervous system, and boosts the immune system. These practices integrate our sexual and throat chakras to empower our creative voice. They also tone our muscles as we tone or sound to accompany our movements.
Our orifices connect us with the world. The sphincter muscles around the orifices like to move together; “as above, so below.” Make the sound “mmmmm,” like you are kissing. Notice what happens to your yoni.
Seed Syllables
Keep your right hand on your lap with the palm up to ground the rising tones, while the left hand moves up the chakras. Sing up the scale, using the note names in parentheses as your guide:
Clear down with rainbow light, sweeping your left hand down in front of your chakras. Hum “mmmm” down the scale. Switch hands and repeat.
Strengthening the Ring Muscles
The following exercises focus particularly on the three rings of muscles inside the vagina. By engaging these muscles, you learn to ride your sexual energy like a horse. You can give direction by pulling the reins with muscle control. When you are in tune with your horse power, it will respond to just your mind. As they say in Zen, “The horse (the body-mind) responds to the shadow of the whip.”
Suck Nectar with a Kiss
Draw energy up through your yoni like sucking nectar up a straw. Do not oversqueeze like a “sourpuss” or a “tight-ass!” Smile inside and squeeze your yoni like a kiss.
Reverse Breathing
This breathing increases the suction of qi into the body. Women can use this exercise to tone the sexual organs, especially after childbirth. It will help uplift the uterus so it does not hang on the bladder. (For detailed description with arm movements see Spinning Wheel.)
Engaging the Gates
Your ability to close the gates helps prevent energy leakage. Opening the gates helps you channel energy into whole-body orgasm. Relaxing the muscles helps you receive energy.
Toning the Three Rings
Activate the three rings of muscles in the yoni canal as you sound “oh” and “uuu” (as in “you”).
Notice if the left and right sides squeeze equally. If not, try to make them more even. This will help balance any asymmetry in the sides of the body.
Yoni Elevator
Toning Up the Pumps
Crystal Bliss Toning
Repeat the previous practice but use the ”nng-nng-nng” sound and resonate longer in the skull. Raise the frequency to resonate bliss in the master glands. The “nng” sound lifts vibration above the nose and resonates in the midbrain, the Crystal Palace. Smile as you sing to draw up the sexual energy effortlessly.
Chant “nng-nng-nng” with rising tones (like “do-re-mi”) to lift energy up through the sacral, adrenal, and dorsal pumps. Hold out the exhalation for six counts to create empty force, which sucks qi upward.
Inhale and pop open the dantian with wonder and breath.
Fig. 5.8. The high priestess raises her serpent power.
High Priestess
Sublimate your sexual energy to the majestic and mysterious archetype of the priestess. The priestess channels divine light and the natural Shakti power of nature (fig. 5.8).
To enter the kingdom of heaven, become a child again, with childlike wonder.
Turning on Your Jade Fountain
The cultivation of sexual energy requires a strong connection with your physical body and with your sources of energy. Let the explorations begin!
What Is Her Name?
Many English names for female genitalia tend to be dark, childish, or scientific—like “down there,” “private parts,” “pussy,” or “vagina.” Are you ready for a new name that expresses the meaningful, energetic function?
Yoni, the Sanskrit name for female genitalia, embraces the anatomy, energetic functions, and spiritual dimensions of this vital region. The yoni is the creative power of nature and represents the goddess Shakti, female creative energy. Lingam is the Sanskrit name for male genitals. A lingam stone is an upright stone that represents Shiva, and it is usually placed in the yoni stand. The lingam and yoni united represent the indivisible oneness of male and female, passive space and active time, nonduality and limitless potentiality. Their union represents the eternal process of creation and regeneration. In the ancient tantric tradition, Shiva is recognized as the embodiment of pure consciousness, and Shakti as the embodiment of pure energy. Their sacred union manifested spirit into form; thus from the tantric view, creation of the universe in all its manifestations is an act of love.
Jade Fountain is the poetic name that Taoists gave to the female genitalia. This name describes so well the fountain of youth and gushing sensation when you squeeze her jet and a fountain of blissful jade juice rises and overflows in and around the body.
New Name—Fonsli!
Fonsli means “my dear little fountain”: fons is Latin for “well,” “spring,” or “fountain,” while li is an endearment after names in Swiss. In the movement art called Eurythmy, “lll” is a water sound that moves like a fountain; the “eee” sound has an uprising, self-asserting quality. So fonsli was born! When I shared this name with people, they laughed because it sounds like “Fonzie,” a macho TV character from the 1970s. So we reclaimed the “Fons,” this time with a feminine character! One woman said it makes her feel like gently holding and fondling her “fonsli.” I have become quite fond of this new name for Her!
Fig. 5.9. Fonsli, my dear little fountain, spreads sexual energy
Wellspring of life,
Mmm, my dear little fountain,
Fonsli, Fonsli, oh my Fonsli!
Gushing, rising, overflowing
Shakti power is ever-growing!
The Yin and Yang of Sexual Energy
Yin and yang are aspects of a dynamic whole. Sexual energy in its yin or cool, passive, unaroused phase is full of potential—like a seed in winter. You can feel it as a steady pulse of life in your ovaries, kidneys, and bones. Moving from yin to yang, the energy awakens, warms up, moves, grows, and builds in excitement. When aroused by the fire of desire and passion it expands into a yang, hot, active, ecstatic, or orgasmic phase of vibrant expression. Then the energy settles back into the yin phase, gathering what is valuable to us, releasing and relaxing. These phases may interchange during lovemaking, or in the cycle of a day, or even within a relationship. As your internal state shifts you can follow the steps for cultivation in a yang or yin way as needed.
Yang Cultivation—Lighting Your Lamp
Yang cultivation activates and mobilizes sexual energy, transforming jing into Jing Qi, which then becomes fluid and available for distribution throughout the body. Yang cultivation is good for addressing problems like frigidity, low desire, cold womb, dampness, candida, states of fear or inhibition, or disconnect between the heart and sexuality. In any case, yang energy will light your passion and get your life steamy and alive!
The yang approach begins with the yang pole, the golden smiling energy, to warm and open the heart and awaken the heart’s loving fire. We descend this warmth down to the Ovarian Palace to melt the iceberg of potential, yet frozen, sexual energy. This alchemical process creates steam, which is readily movable and digestible in the body, soul, and spirit. We start pumping this sexual steam with the yoni’s squeezing and releasing movement—like a steam piston. This energy, like a warmed-up jet, can be projected to different channels or organs in the body.
To summarize the yang approach, practice Inner Smile, breast massage, ovarian and uterus massage, Yoni Breathing, and Upward Draws. The warmth of the heart melts the icy cold fear in the womb and the pool of inner jing starts to bubble and steam. Move the steam around the Microcosmic Orbit by doing the Crane Neck.
Yin Cultivation—Putting Fuel into Your Lamp
The yin approach nourishes sexual energy with the earth’s fertile jing, as well as with the prenatal and ancestral jing stored within the kidneys. You would practice this type of cultivation in the case of low energy, adrenal fatigue, high blood pressure, ungroundedness, disconnection from the earth, lack of will, or stressed-out feelings. The positive intention is that through deep relaxation you allow yourself to fill up. Your energy comes from a place of fullness and giving rather than from neediness. You feel you are supported from deeper resources of vitality.
In this approach we start with the yin pole, bringing yin sources of energy from the earth up through the Bubbling Springs point (KD 1 on the sole of the foot) into the kidneys. This establishes a healthy pipeline that fills the kidneys.
The overflow of this energy will pour over from the kidneys into the ovaries, our potential essence. Imagine how many eggs we are given at birth: every girl is born with over a million immature eggs, or follicles, in her ovaries. With each menstrual cycle, a thousand follicles are lost and only one lucky little follicle will mature into an ovum (egg), which is released into the fallopian tube, kicking off ovulation. Out of thousands of follicles only about four to five hundred will ever mature. We are given so much abundance that can be sublimated up through our chakras for our evolution.
If we need more accessible energy or “cash” to invest in new growth, we withdraw from our “savings account”—our inheritance in the kidneys—the sexual essence given by our ancestors. You need money (Prenatal Jing) to make money ( Jing Qi).
To summarize the yin approach, practice Kidney Breathing, ovarian and uterus massage, Yoni Breathing, and Upward Draws.
Yoni Mudra—Locating Your Ovaries
To locate your ovaries, place your hands in a downward triangle, thumbs at the belly button. Where your index fingers touch is where your uterus is, and beneath your pinkie fingers are your ovaries.
Yoni Breathing
Yoni Breathing increases blood and qi circulation, warms up the sexual organs, activates your Shakti power/sexual energy, and tones the lower diaphragms and pelvic floor. It is a good prelude to Ovarian Compression exercises, as well as the Upward Draw and Power Lock. I call these practices Yoni Breathing rather than Ovarian Breathing because we are engaging more than our ovaries in the breathing process.
While practicing Yoni Breathing please remember that the release is as important as the squeeze. Tightening and relaxing builds a strong pelvic floor, because a strong muscle is able to both fully contract and fully release. Do not overexert your muscles with mechanical exercise by thinking that more is better. Doing lots of reps of contractions and not fully releasing can cause muscles to become too tight and locked short. Remember to play and feel the whole body move subtly from within, like a jellyfish moves through water.
Since I have been practicing Yoni Breathing and jade egg and changed my consciousness about sexuality, I am on a big healing path, liberating a lot of shame and experiencing more joy in relationship with myself. My menstrua tion is much gentler; I have much less pain in premenstruation and less strong bleeding. Since the teacher training I am sharing these practices and women love it!
Ovarian Compression
Ovarian Compression builds sexual heat, increases fertility, and stokes the digestive fire. What kind of energy do you want to hold in your sexual organs? Loving energy! By holding smiling energy in the ovaries and uterus we increase internal qi pressure. This pressure kindles passion and burns up the “heavy water” of sluggish stagnation in the lower body, which is a major source of ill health.
Ovarian Compression works like an old-fashioned water pump: you add some priming water and start pumping until the water pumps up by itself. You breathe in smiling energy, compress it into the yoni, and then the pressure uplifts the sexual waters.
Because the womb is a space where women tend to store negativity, it is good to practice Womb Cleansing (see chapter 3) before holding the qi in the sexual organs.
Lotus Sublimation
Sublimation is the process of elevating and transmuting sexual desires into the development of the psyche and spiritual experience. The sublimation practices raise energy levels so that the chakras vibrate at higher frequencies. Sublimation is the art of creating sexuality that is a sublime, royal, and golden state.
This practice draws sexual energy up the Core Channel, the Front Channel, and the Back Channel. The soul gestures or mudras express inner realizations that come from within. Channel the enlivened or aroused sexual energy to higher centers and bring down the refined essence and nectar into your center.
Lotus Bud Breathing
Core Power
Heart Blossoming
Fig. 5.10. Lotus Sublimation, sublime blossoming of the lotus
Third Eye Opening
Crown’s Higher Octaves
In this exercise, the hands above your head describe a halo—a satellite dish that picks up higher octaves.
What seems outside of us (palms facing out) becomes inside (palms facing in). Our awareness embraces all. This is another “Aha” moment as we shift from duality to nondual consciousness.
Return to the Seed
In the seed is the whole universe.
Upward Draws
In these exercises, pull energy up your spine in small sips, as though you’re sipping up through a straw and holding your finger on the end to suspend the fluid. After each Upward Draw, exhale and bear down into your lower dantian. The compression of your qi ball in your core enhances the opposing upward force.
Fig. 5.11. Pulling up qi through the yoni, perineum, coccyx, and sacrum
Single Upward
Several Upward Draws
Seven Pools Breathing
Replenish your yin by filling pools of sexual waters in your body. Sensualize that these pools are connected by seven waterfalls and circle back to the source spring again. Recall the fresh feeling of being in a waterfall.
This exercise is best done sitting, with your back erect.
Jing Express
This practice awakens and activates the body, stimulates more yang, and warms you up. Distribute the gems of jing from the kidneys into the body for whole-body radiance!