
(References to illustrations in text are bold; other illustrations indicated by ‘ill’)

Aarons, Eric, 264

Aarons, Jane, 311, 370

Aarons, Laurie, 264, 397

Aarons, Sam, 218, 274, 297, 311, 366, 386, 397

Aboriginal Day of Mourning and Protest, 318

Abyssinia, Italian invasion of, 245, 289, 293, ill

Airey, Fred, see Blake, Jack

Alexander, Dorothy, see Gibson, Dorothy

All-Australian Trade Union conference, 1921, 81

All for Australia League, 198–9

Amalgamated Engineering Union, 256, 355

Anderson, John, 230–1

Anderson, Perry, 240–1

Anstey, Frank, 49

anti-communism, 2–3, 10–11, 48, 60, 103, 105–6, 134–5, 165, 184, 199, 211–14, 232, 303–4, 385, 389–91

Anti-Illegality and Workers’ Press Defence Committee, 268

anti-semitism, 106, 258, 310

Antico, Comrade, 127

arbitration, industrial, 32, 45–6, 50, 153–4, 158, 185, 186, 330, 332–3, 335

Arnot, Robin Page, 145

Artem, see Sergeyeff, Tom

Australasian Meat Industry

Employees’ Union (AMIEU), 135, 256

Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC), 309

Australian Council for Civil Liberties (ACCL), 309, 324–5, 401, 404

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)

affiliate of Pan-Pacific Trade Union movement, 112, 148, 169

collective security, 294, 307, 309, 329–30

criticised by CPA, 187

formed, 112

and National Register, 382–3

and strikes of late 1920s, 154–5

and united front, 252–3

and World War II, 392, 410

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Engineers, 256

Australian Labor Party (ALP)

ban on Movement Against War and Fascism, 274

ban on Unemployed Workers’ Movement, 197

expulsion of communists, 92–4

federal executive, 246–7, 248–9, 292–3, 307, 342, 392

federal parliamentary Labor Party, 49–50, 165, 184, 198–9, 208

foreign policy, 293–4, 307, 382–3

formation, 45

Lenin on, 29–30, 43, 407

1921 conference, 50

1924 conference, 93

Sergeyeff on, 31–2

Socialisation units, 199

split in 1917, 47, 49

state branches

New South Wales, 47, 91, 111, 136, 138–9, 196, 198–9, 210, 213, 295–6, 340–1, 342, 392–3

Queensland, 114, 135, 146, 259, 296, 393

South Australia, 198, 296

Victorian, 113, 196, 198, 230, 294, 342

Western Australia, 296

and World War I, 14, 17, 47

and World War II, 391, 407

Australian Railways Union (ARU), 186–7, 214, 263, 339

New South Wales branch, 255, 332, 338, 339

Queensland branch, 114, 135, 255

Australian Socialist Party (ASP), 13–14, 16, 21, 22–3, 31, 45, 53, 56, 69

see also Liverpool Street party

Australian Tramways Employees’ Association, 256

Australian Workers’ Union (AWU), 81, 91, 111, 114, 126, 189, 258–60

Australian Youth Council, 327

Ayr, Queensland, 258

Bacon, Eva, 399–400

Bacon, Ted, 206, 234, 349, 354, 397, 400

Bailey, John, 81, 91

Baker, Alf, 151, 219

Baker, Clarence Wilbur (Carl), 19, 21, 70, 71, 72, 74, 88, 90, 95, 105, 122

Ballarat, Victoria, 316, 398

Baracchi, Guido

apologist for Soviet Union, 375, 377–8

critic of leadership, 313, 360

departures from Communist Party, 72, 97, 99, 104, 122, 232, 388

early life, 19, 24

educational organiser, 96–7, 99

financial assistance, 181, 209, 356

in formation of CPA, 21

marriage, 237

on Jock Garden, 91

raided, 397

rejoins CPA, 311–12

Barbarossa, Operation, see German invasion of Soviet Union

Barker, Tom, 48

Barnard, Marjorie, 322, 404

Barnes, Les, 205, 386–7, 401

Barras, Andy, 128, 163, 220

Barrington, Joy, 126, 168, 170, 171, 208, 237, ill

Barry, Jack, 299, ill

Batterham, Joyce, 326

Beasley, Jack, 96

‘Beef Riot’, Adelaide, 191, 214, ill

Belcher, Bill, 301

Bell, Tom, 64, 75

Blackburn, Maurice, 81, 113, 273, 274, 294, 407

Blake, Audrey, 265, 289, 326, 328, 375–6

Blake, Jack, 115, 176, 183, 284, 286, 314, 339, 342, 343, 344, 352, 376–7, 379, ill

Blamey, Thomas, 215–16, 226, 270

Bolshevism, see communism

Book Censorship Abolition League, 279, 309

Bossone, Bob, 207

Bourke, New South Wales, 194, 212–13

Boyd, Barbara, 398, 401–2

Boyd, Clarrie, 398

Brady, E.J., 273

Brand, Mona, 326

Brandler, Heinrich, 145

Brest–Litovsk Treaty, 39

British seamen’s strike, 1925, 97, 98–9, 102, ill

Brodney, Bob, 13, 22, 26, 73, 113

Broken Hill, New South Wales, 27, 46, 58, 209, 252

Browder, Earl, 315

Brown, Norman, 156

Bruce, Stanley Melbourne, 99, 102, 158

Bukharin, Nikolai, 48, 64, 65, 137, 144, 145, 148, 219, 376–9

Burchett, Wilfred, 325

Burgmann, Bishop Ernest, 194, 270, 304, 320

Cahill, Les, 226

Cairns, battle of, 194, 239, 252

Calwell, Arthur, 120, 342

Cameron, Archie, 395

Cameron, Don, 294

Campbell, Ernie, 349, 375

Carmagnola, Frank, 310

Carter, David, 322

Carter, Joe, 205–6, ill

Casey, Richard, 103

Catholic Action, National Secretariat of, 303–4, 389, 391

Catholic church, 294–5, 298, 302–7

Catholic Worker, 303–4

Chapman, Arthur, 255, 269

Childe, Vere Gordon, 44, 418

China, Japanese invasion of, 290, 307–8

Churchward, Lloyd, 5

Cilento, Raphael, 320–1

Civil Rights Defence League, 404

Clancy, Pat, 258, 343

Clarey, Catherine, 274

Clarey, Percy, 294

Clark, Manning, 302

Claudin, Fernando, 41

Clayton, Wally, 400–1

Coldicutt, Ken, 302

Collinsville, Queensland, 254, 353

Common Cause, 92, 341


Bolsheviks, 28–9, 38

class war, 22, 33, 41, 206, 417

collapse, 1–2, 413–14

cultural doctrines, 277, 321

democratic centralism, 38, 40, 178, 241, 337, 358–9

dictatorship of the proletariat, 23, 39, 51, 105

discipline, 141–2, 219–21, 223, 231–2, 235–6, 240–2, 280, 348, 414–15

doctrine, 23, 37–41

internationalism, 126, 267–8, 318–19

language, 2, 104–5, 119, 200, 206, 349–51

literature, 278–9

masculinity, 26, 124–5, 236–8, 263–4, 353–4

and middle class, 121, 231–5, 273–4, 277–8, 325, 347, 387, 416–17

origins, 15, 28–9, 35–6

proletarian character, 121–2, 231, 236, 273, 354, 416

and race, 127–8

and religion, 19, 85, 88, 235, 304–6

sectarianism, 195–6, 198

self-criticism, 162, 171, 173–5, 221–2

theatre, 278

vanguard party, 23, 37–8, 76–7, 105

and women, 325–7

Communist (Brisbane), 56

Communist Hall, Sussex Street, Sydney, 56, 74, 97, 103, 188, 191, 227, 282, ill

communist historiography, 4–6, 133, 240–1, 245, 258, 260, 291, 371–2, 413–14, 434n

Communist International (Comintern)

Anglo-American Bureau, 72–3, 75, 76, 82, 85, 129, 137, 146, 148, 149, 171, 251, 312–13, 338, 342, 346

Australian records, 9–10

Australian representatives at, 50, 63–7, 78, 82–6, 130–2, 137–8, 145–6, 148–9, 176, 209–10, 249, 251, 265, 285–6, 313, 365–6, 379


first, 62–3

second, 40, 63

third, 59, 64–7

fourth, 82–6, ill

fifth, 94

sixth, 144, 148

seventh, 245, 249, 286, 288

Executive Committee (ECCI), 65, 72, 86, 94, 130–2, 145, 160–3, 169, 172, 176, 179, 210, 220, 245, 345–6, 359, 386

and fascism, 291


eleventh, 225

twelfth, 246

thirteenth, 247

‘Queensland Resolution’, 146

representatives in Australia, 94, 138, 142, 170–1

rules, 76, 144

Small Bureau, 1921, 65–6

Third Period, 142–5, 164, 179, 183–4, 203, 245–6

twenty-one conditions for membership, 40, 59

united front in 1920s, 86–7, 136, 143

united front in 1930s, 245–8

Communist League, 388

Communist Manifesto, 34–5, 107, 135, 325, 349

Communist Party of Australia (CPA)

Aboriginal campaigns, 126, 130, 265–7, 353

agrarian section, 190

bookshops, 282


Adelaide, 57, 67, 71, 80, 159, 218

Balmain, 53, 57, 71, 113

Biboohra, 135

Blackall, 114

Bowen, 135

Brisbane, 53, 57, 58, 69, 71, 95, 113–14, 119, 149, 150

Broken Hill, 150

Brunswick, 205

Bulli, 149

Cairns, 71, 135, 149, 150, 343

Cessnock, 114, 149

Collinsville, 135, 254, 353

Darlinghurst, 57

Greek, 113, 127, 267

Home Hill, 135

Hurstville, 113

Innisfail, 71, 135

Ipswich, 114, 127

Italian, 127–8, 149, 403

Jewish, 311

Kalgoorlie, 268

Kurri Kurri, 114

Lithgow, 114–16, 117, 119, 127, 133–4, 138, 149–50, 206, 347, ill

Lucinda Point, 135

Melbourne, 53, 57, 71–2, 95, 97, 113, 119–20, 149, 150–1, 159

Mossman, 135

Mount Mulligan, 135, 344

Newcastle, 53, 57, 58, 71, 114

Newtown, 53, 57, 71

Perth, 53, 58, 71, 113, 149, 159

Russian, 113, 127

Scottsville, 135

Sydney, 53, 57, 71, 74, 119, 149, ill

Toowoomba, 222

Townsville, 53, 135, 149, 150, 235, 343, ill

Trades Hall, 71

Tully, 135

West Maitland, 114

Wollongong, 114

Wonthaggi, 258

cadres, 284–5, 356, 359–60

central committee, 177, 227, 228, 285, 293, 358–9, 382, 400, 409

Class Against Class, 165–6, 175, 184–5, 198, 219–20, 231, 235, 250, 279


foundation, 12–13, 16, 18, 21–3, 54

unity, 1921, 57, 59

first annual conference, 1921, 71

unity, 1922 (first), 72

unity, 1922 (second), 74

second annual, 1922, 87

third annual, 1923, 94

fourth annual, 1924, 94–5

fifth annual, 1925, 113

sixth annual, 1926, 132

seventh annual, 1927, 138–41

eighth annual, 149–53

ninth annual, 1929, 162–3


tenth, 1931, 177–8, 224–5, 262

eleventh, 249, 285–7, 330, 338

twelfth, 313–14, 339, 342

Control Commission, 118, 172–3, 218, 250

denigration of opponents, 230, 241, 377


formation, 177

New South Wales, 180, 280, 351

north Queensland, 114, 134–5, 343–4, 353–4

Northern Territory, 355

Queensland, 94, 114, 235–6, 280, 352–3

South Australia, 170, 281, 283–4, 355

Tasmania, 281, 355

Victoria, 180, 225–8, 280, 284, 294, 351–2, 383, 387

Western Australia, 267, 280, 300, 354, 398–9

education, 88, 117, 122–4, 349–50

electoral candidatures, 95, 159, 170, 174, 200–2, 213, 234–5, 249, 281, 312–13, 343–5, 406

executive, 74, 134, 141, 146, 151–2, 170, 172–3

finances, 89, 118, 159–60, 176, 281–2, 355–6

foreign payments, 20, 67, 79, 148, 176, 356–7

formation, 12–27 passim

illegality, 396–411 passim

raids, 396–9

infiltration of armed forces, 274–5, 382, 394–5


Communist, 21, 97, 282

Communist Review, 264, 282–3, 388, 396, 402

Labor Review, 181

Proletarian, 90, 105

Woman Today, 326

Woman Worker, 181

Working Woman, 262, 263, 326

Young Communist, 265

Young Worker, 181

local government, 345

membership, 84, 89, 94, 98, 113–14, 119, 121, 135, 149, 179–80, 280–1, 351, 405


Australian Communist, 55, 56

Communist, 70

Guardian (Queensland), 343, 356

Guardian (Victoria), 358, 395

Red Star, 282

Struggle, 282

Tribune, 358, 397, 400

WorkersStar, 399

WorkersVoice, 282

WorkersWeekly, 90, 94, 98, 122, 141, 150, 159–60, 166, 176, 180–1, 214, 220–1, 251–2, 282–3, 356

opposition to World War II, 385–8, 390–6, 407–11

organisation, 118–19, 177–8, 281, 357–8

plenums, 222–3, 247, 263, 285, 359

political bureau, 177, 193, 334, 342, 387

popular front, 296, 311–20, 328–9, 347–8

praesidium, 177–8

premises, 55–6, 282

publishing house, 282

‘Queensland Resolution’, 146–8, 151

and racism, 127–8, 267–8

records, 9–10

recruitment, 89, 179–80, 204–6, 265, 351

regionalism, 10


arrests and imprisonment, 88, 129, 155, 157, 167, 175, 192, 195, 207, 208–9, 212–13, 215–16, 218, 226, 237, 399, 401–3

bashings, 60, 135, 157, 193, 205, 207, 211–13, 226, 239, 395–6

censorship, 101–2, 214, 292, 309, 348, 368, 395–6

deportation, 58, 99, 101, 214–15, 270–2

internment, 403–4

prohibition of meetings, 88, 213, 215–17, 393

prosecutions, 101, 207, 214

raids, 191, 208, 396–9

spies, 192, 217–19, 226, 403

surveillance, 67, 70, 85, 101, 103–4

travel restrictions, 62, 83, 84, 101, 138

rules, 241, 347–8, 358–9

secretariat, 177, 221

security, 222–3, 286, 396

Sunday school, 88, 264

Third Period, 164–6, 222–3, 237, 260, 279

trade union activity, 110–11, 116, 152–3, 186–90, 251–60, 329–40 see also Minority Movement

turn to Third Period, 132–63 passim

underground methods, 222, 399–401, 407

united front in 1920s, 81–2, 84, 87, 90–2, 95

united front in 1930s, 246–51, 258, 260, 279–80, 285–6, 340–3, 345–6

women’s section, 89–90, 117–18, 124–5, 150, 208, 236–8, 261–4, 326

Young Communist Children, 117

Young Communist League (YCL), 88, 117, 212, 216, 229, 264–5, 327–8

Young Comrades Club, 114, 118

Young Pioneers, 264

Communist Party of France, 316

Communist Party of Germany, 67, 183, 245

Communist Party of Great Britain, 62, 97, 129, 138, 316

Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

New Economic Policy, 63–4

Third Period, 143

Communist Party of the United States of America, 170–1, 316

Contemporary Art Society, 320

Council Against War, 268–9

Counihan, Noel, 193, 216, 233, 272, 276–7, 290, 320–1, 360

Country Party, 190, 390, 395

Cram, Bob, 359

Crane, Gordon, 339

Crawford, Max, 302

Crimes Act, 101, 103, 214, 223, 324

Curtin, John, 307, 344, 346, 382

Dark, Eleanor, 261–2, 398

Davidson, Alastair, 6, 414

Davis, Flo, 206, 326

Davis, Lil, 402

Davison, Frank Dalby, 325, 404

Dean, William, 399

Democritus Club, 267

Denford, H. L., 91, 95, 96

Depression, 165, 184–5, 189–90, 194–5, 198–9, 203–5, 238–9, 244–5, 256, 277, 354

Devanny, Hal, 128, 242

Devanny, Jean, 126, 128, 177, 217, 218, 226, 237–8, 242–3, 259, 264, 277–8, 348, 361

Devanny, Karl, 242

Devanny, Pat, 242, 327

Dickinson, Ted, 299, 300

Dietzgen, Joseph, 110, 122

Dimitrov, Georgi, 42, 245, 249, 287, 288, 291

Direct Action, 80

Dixon, Richard, 115, 176, 240, 248, 253, 257, 267, 274, 285, 312–13, 317–18, 330, 342, 352, 378, 383, 387

Dixson, Miriam, 5

Docker, Ted, 170, 173, 178, 285, 359, 388

Dole Workers’ Union, 230

Domain, Brisbane, 207

Domain, Sydney, 60, 69, 106, 216, 273, 361, 389–90, 391, 393, 402, 404

Donald, Len, 176, 284, 344, 345, 352

Drew, Paddy, 95–6, 113, 217

Dubb, Henry, 88

Duhig, Archbishop, 305

Dutt, Rajani Palme, 109, 130, 148

Earsman, William Paisley

delegate to Communist

International, 61–8, 82–6, 112, ill

early life, 18–20

in formation of CPA, 20–1, 22, 53, 54–5, 59

negotiations for unity, 71

on Lenin, 77, 85–6

on Trotsky, 86

Eatock, Dick, 211

Eatock, Noel, 211

Edmonds, Ron, 300

Educational Workers’ League, 330–1

Elkin, A.P., 266

Engels, Frederick, 34, 107, 124, 349

Esson, Louis, 273

Eureka rising, 78, 314, 316–17

Evans, Wally, 341, 393

Evatt, Clive, 348

Everitt, Ray, 13, 21–2, 54, 59, 72, 73

fascism, 290–1, 298, 319, 382, 384, 408–9

Federated Clerks’ Union, 341

Federated Ironworkers’ Association (FIA), 91, 115, 126, 134, 256, 331–2

Fellowship of Australian Writers, 320, 322, 325

Finey, George, 277

Finger, Alan, 234, 355

Finger, Joan, 234, 355

Fisher, John, 273, 301, ill

Fitzgerald, T.M., 273, 321

Fitzpatrick, Brian, 276, 316, 324–5

Flanagan, Joe, 355

Foster, Alf, 309

Fox, Len, 234, 273–4, 289, 322, 414, ills

Foxley, Sid, 230

Francis, May, 72, 113

Franco, General Francisco, 298, 302

Franklin, Miles, 322, 404

Free Speech League, 215–16

Freeman, Paul, 58–9, 62, 65–6, 69, 70, ill

Friends of the Soviet Union (FOSU), 181, 215, 226, 230, 233, 234, 268, 366–8, 370, 405, ill

Gallacher, Willie, 145

Garden, John Smith (Jock), ills

assaulted, 213

assists Communist Party, 159

delegate to Communist International, 82–6

early life, 16–17

in formation of CPA, 21, 22, 47, 54, 57

intrigues, 80–2, 91–2, 95, 111–12, 156

and J.T. Lang, 199, 296

leaves CPA, 112

and Pan-Pacific Trade Union movement, 111–12, 172

red flag riot, 60

and religion, 85, 88, 305, 428n

timberworkers’ strike, 155

Garland, Tom, 355

Garnsey, Rev. Arthur, 304

Garran, R. R., 103

German invasion of Soviet Union, 410–11

Gezerd, 267

Gibson, Dorothy, 273, 289, ills

Gibson, Ralph

apologist for Soviet Union, 377, 387

criticised by party leaders, 234

district secretary, 348, 352

electoral candidate, 344–5, 406

and Friends of Soviet Union, 226

and International Peace Campaign, 297, ill

joins Communist Party, 232

on north Queensland, 353

on popular front, 289

Socialist Melbourne, 315

and World War II, 390, 401

Gillies, Doug, 349

Gilmore, Mary, 267

Gilroy, Cardinal, 302

Glynn, Tom, 17–18, 22, 47, 54, 56, 57, 72, 79–80

Gollan, Bill, 305, 341, 392, 397, 406

Gollan, Daphne, 7, 327, 359–60

Gollan, Marie, 326, 397

Gollan, Robin, 5

Goodwin, Joan, 326

see also Finger, Joan

Goondi, Queensland, 258

Gosling, Mark, 213

Gould, Harry, 304, 311, 349, 350

Graham, Annie and Sam, 398

Grant, Jess, 326, 397

Graves, J. J., 91, 96

Gray, Oriel, 7

Greenwood, Neill, 371, 373

Griffin, Gerald, 273

Groot, Francis de, 213

Gruppo Italiano, 267, 310

Gust, Itzhak, 267–8, 282, 311, 367

Gust, Manka, 267, 311

Hall, Snowy, 239

Harcourt, John, 322

Hardy, Frank, 239, 377

Harford, Pat, 25

Hartog, Harry den, 115

Hayek, Friedrich von, 2

Healy, Evelyn, see Shaw, Evelyn

Healy, Jim, 329, 334–5, 368–9

Healy, Kevin, 399

Healy, Mick, 305

Heffron, Bob, 96, 341

Henry, Jack, 237–8, 258–9, 343–4, 353

Hewett, Dorothy, 7

Higgins, Esmonde, ill

on Australian circumstances, 108–9

on cult of the party, 104, 119

early life, 97–8

educational activity, 123, 355

historical writing, 5

resigns editorship of WorkersWeekly, 122

resistance to Third Period, 167–8, 174, 175, 189, 224–5, 232

and turn to Third Period, 134, 138, 139, 141, 146, 148–9, 161–3

Higgins, James, 226, 230

High Court, 271–2

Hills, Tom, 261, 335

Hitchen, Jack, 225, 226

Hitler, Adolf, 183–4, 245, 289–90, 309, 383–4, 393, 410–11

Ho Chi Minh, 42, 112

Hodgson, Agnes, 301, ill

Holman, Portia, 301–2

Holt, Edgar, 273

Hook, Chris, 17

Horne, Donald, 44

Howells, Arthur, 322, ill

Howie, Jack, 17, 61, 64, 65, 79, 88, 92, 105, 129, 138, 216

Huelin, Frank, 194, 322

Hughes, Jack, 199, 305, 341, 392–3, 406

Hughes, William Morris, 47, 49, 158

Hunter Valley, New South Wales, 122, 157, 167, 191, 201, 209, 252, 397, 398

Hurd, Ron, 300

Ibarruri, Dolores, 297, 300

Industrial Peace Conference, 152, 153, 156, ill

Industrial Socialist Labor Party, 17, 47

Industrial Union Propaganda Group, 80, 81

Industrial Union Propaganda League, 57, 79

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 17–18, 24–5, 26, 46–7, 56, 57, 80, 86, 187, 266, 317

Ingham, Queensland, 259

Inglis, Amirah, 7

International Brigade, 206, 297, 299–300, ill

International Class War Prisoners Aid (ICWPA), 181, 216, 268, 357

International Communist, 54, 59, 70, 73

International Labor Defence, 216, 267, 268, 274

International Peace Campaign (IPC), 296–7, 304, 309, 353, 354, 389

International Press Correspondence (Inprecorr), 97, 119, 181, 312, 401

International Red Aid, 118

International Socialist, 13, 21–2, 54 see also International Communist

International Unemployment Day, 190, 211

International Women’s Day, 118, 326

Investigation Branch, Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department (CIB), 9, 13, 21, 70, 102–4, 208, 217, 270, 274, 310, 357, 392, 394–5, 400

Isaacs, Annie, 262, 311

Jarmson, Laurie, 190

Jeffery, Norm, 114, 117, 136, 138, 145, 173, 174, 189–90, 266, 390, ills

Jewish refugees, 310

Johnson, Rev. Hewlett, 304, 324

Johnson, Jacob, 97, 102, 333–4

Johnson, Johnno, 206

Johnson, Phyllis, 402

Johnston, Elliot, 355

Jones, Claud, 354

Jones, Cliff, 222

Jones, H.E., 394 see also Investigation Branch

Judd, Ernie, 57, 60

Kalgoorlie race riots, 268

Kamenev, Lev, 219, 375

Katayama, Sen, 137

Katoombah, New South Wales, 209

Kautsky, Karl, 50

Kavanagh, Jack, ills

critic of Stalinist terror, 388

early life and appearance, 109–10, 239

and education, 117, 231

expulsion, 229–30

and Labor Council of NSW, 112, 156

resistance to Third Period, 166, 169–70, 172–5, 191, 225, 250

and turn to Third period, 132, 136, 138, 139–42, 145–6, 157

Keenan, Joe, 333–4

Keogh, Lesbia, 24–5

Khrushchev, Nikita, 2, 363, 377

Kilburn, Jack, 17, 60, 96

Kilpatrick, Gordon, 220

King, Carl, 205, 258–9

King, J.B., 79–80, 187, 373

King, R.A., 296

Kisch, Egon, 270–3, 301, ills

Knowledge and Unity (Brisbane), 69

Kollontai, Alexandra, 107, 262, 264

Korumburra staydown strike, 337

Krupskaya, Nadezhda, 64, 379

Kun, Bela, 42, 64

Kuusinen, Otto, 42

Labor Anti-War Committee, 294–5

Labor Club, University of Sydney, 232

Labor Colleges, 19, 56, 113, 122, 255

Labor Council of NSW, 16, 56, 61, 79, 80, 94, 112, 148, 153, 155–6, 168, 172, 173, 187, 191, 217, 267, 295–6, 307, 318, 329, 404

Labor Daily, 111, 112, 295, 341, ill

Labor Propaganda Group, 113

Labour Club, University of Melbourne, 231, 233, 324

Labour Research and Information Bureau, 98

Laidlaw, Bill, 167, 209

Laidler, Percy, 21, 58, 113

Lamb, Paddy, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70

Lamm, Mary, see Wright, Mary

Lane, William, 27, 44

Lang, John Thomas, 91, 95, 111, 136, 184, 199, 295, 340–1

Larkin, Peter, 71, 75

Latham, John, 10, 102, 158, 214–15, 271–2

Latham, Richard, 302

Laurie, Ted, 387, 397

Lawrence, D. H., 106, 128

Lawson, Henry, 44–5, 279, 322

League Against Imperialism (LAI), 181, 265, 268

League of National Security, 211

League of Nations, 245

League of Young Democrats, 328, 391, 405

Lee, Alwyn, 324

Leece, Lionel, 95

Left Book Club, 324, 354, 355

Legal Rights Committee, 405

Legge, Jack, 303

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich

on Australia, 29–30, 43–4, 78, 85–6

criticism of Stalin, 3, 42, 364

doctrine, 35–42, 62–4, 245, 264

early life, 28–9

Imperialism, 39

Left-WingCommunism, 40, 61, 63, 77–8

reputation, 48–9, 95

State and Revolution, 39, 48, 107, 349

What is to be Done?, 37, 231, 349

Lenin Enrolment Week, 118

Lenin School, 133, 159, 176, 178, 183, 224, 267, 284, 285, 327, 349, 375

Lewis, Sam, 311–12

Lindop, Jock, 115

Lindsay, Jack, 315–16, 418

Liverpool Street party, 55, 58, 59, 62, 69, 70–1, 72, 73–4

Lockwood, Rupert, 301, 325, 395, 406

Loughran, Jack, 128, 172, 178, 224–5, 250, 286, 305

Lovegrove, Dinny, 226–8, 230, 231, 295

Lowson, Mary, 301, ill

Lozovsky, A., 169

Luckner, Count von, 310

‘lucky country’, 31, 108

Lukin, Lionel, 155

Lyons, Joseph, 199, 212, 248, 309, 310, 344, 381

McClintock, Herb, ill, 207

McCormack, Jack, 239–40, 252

McDougall, Bill, 206

McGillick, Tony, 218, 370

McHenry, Pat, 331

McQueen, Humphrey, 44

Manchuria, Japanese invasion of, 245, 289

Mann, Tom, 45–6

maritime strike, 1928–29, 154

Marshall, Alan, 321

Marshall, Arthur, 226, 229

Martin, J.B. (‘Plugger’), 210

Marty, André, 313

Maruschak, John, 21, 72, 149

Marx, Karl, 33–4, 107, 233, 284, 349

Marxism, 15, 28, 33–6, 107

Mason, S., 312–13, 342–3

Masses, 275

May Day, 60, 200, 276, 369–70, ills

Maynham, Rev. Farnard, 304–5

Mensheviks, 38

Menzies, Robert, 10, 255, 271–2, 308–9, 310, 348, 381–2, 384, 391–6, 406

Mildura, Victoria, 194, 212

Miles, J.B., ill

authoritarianism, 250, 344, 352

criticism of John Anderson, 231

in early Communist Party, 69, 70, 113

early life, 69, 74

general secretary, 176–7, 223, 225, 227, 285–6, 348, 360–1, 386

and middle class, 232, 234

on popular front, 312, 316–17, 347

and religion, 305–6

on trade unions, 334, 338–9

and turn to Third Period, 142, 149, 159, 160, 163

on unemployed, 196, 240, 261

on united front, 247–9, 257, 265, 341–3, 345

and women, 264

and World War II, 407, 411

Militant, 229, 396

Militant Women’s Group, 118, 155

Millis, Roger, 7

Miners’ Federation, 92, 134, 150, 156–7, 167, 254–5, 295–6, 332, 336–7, 338, 392, 409, ills

miners’ lockout, 1929–30, 154, 156–7, 167–8

Miners’ Minority Movement, 117, 156

Minority Movement (MM), 148, 153, 155, 157, 179, 186–90, 251–4, 257–8, 263, 357 bulletins, 252, ill see also Red Leader

Modern Women’s Club, 354

Monk, Albert, 294

Montefiore, Dora, 94, 101

Moore, Herbert, 170–8, 217, 222, 224, 226, 246, ill

Moorehead, Alan, 301, 323–4

Moran, Stan, 218, 285, 309, 375

Morgan, Charlie, 331

Morris, Bernice, 7, 326

Morris, Dave, 234

Morrison, John, 321, 366

Mortier, Paul, 377

Moscow News, 367

Mountjoy, Bill, 238, 354, 398–9, 409

Mountjoy, Lindsay, 238

Mourilyan, Queensland, 258

Movement Against War and Fascism (MAWF), 269, 270, 271, 272–4, 289, 294, 296, 310, 387

Moxon, Bert, 226

arrests, 174, 208–9, 213

expulsion, 176

in Liverpool Street party, 73

secretary of CPA, 166–76, 206, 218, 230, 238, 266, 286

and turn to Third Period, 113, 135, 136, 140–2, 145, 149, 159, 160, 162–3

unemployed organiser, 226

Munich agreement, 381

Murphy, J.T., 129

Mussolini, Benito, 184, 309

National Anti-War Congress

First, 268–9

Second, 270, 273

National Register, 382–3

National Security Act, 393, 395–6, 403

Nationalist Party, 47, 49, 92, 102, 106, 112, 127, 154, 158

Nazi party, 183, 247

Nazi–Soviet pact, 384–5, 386, 389

Nehru, Jawahalarl, 319

Nelson, Charlie

barred from ALP, 134

expelled, 188, 409

Lithgow branch leader, 114–15, 138

president of Miners’ Federation, 254, 332, 336–7, 341, ill

resistance to Third Period, 178, 224–5, 239

New Guard, 211–14, 246, 303

New South Wales Teachers’

Federation, 330–1, 341

New Theatre, 320, 322, 389, 397, 406

New Zealand, 72, 117, 128, 226, 242, 273, 400

Newcastle, New South Wales, 190, 193–4, 256, 307–8, 329, 331, 336, 340, 389

O’Day, Gerald, 232–3, 234, 303, 306

Olive, Doug, 258

One Big Union, 17, 47, 49, 51, 81

Orlando, Ottavio, 310

Orr, Bill, 346

at ACTU congress, 294

delegate to Communist

International, 313

delegate to RILU, 176, 199

early life, 115, 188, 305

Miners’ Minority Movement, 117

organiser of Minority Movement, 157, 188–9, 251, 253–4

on Ralph Gibson, 234

removed from central committee, 409

secretary of Miners’ Federation, 254, 332, 336–7, 338, ill

and turn to Third Period, 134, 138, 139

and united front, 346

Palmer, Aileen, 301, ill

Palmer, Nettie, 98, 273, 302, 303, 322, 377, ill

Palmer, Vance, 273, 302, 322

Pan-Pacific Trade Union movement (PPTU), 112, 148, 157, 168, 172, 357, 436–7n, ill

Pan-Pacific Worker, 169

Pasionaria, La, see Ibarruri, Dolores

Pastoral Workers’ Industrial Union (PWIU), 189, 205, 256, 260, 299

Paterson, Fred, 92, 159, 207, 234–5, 250, 343–5, 348, 402–3, 406

Paton, E.W., 220, ill

Patullo, ‘Shorty’, 216

Payne, Tom, 73, 86, 88, 95–6, 97, 101, 112, 199, ill

Pennefather, May, 326

Petrovsky, D., 137

Phillips, Rev. Palmer, 304

Piddington, A.B., 273

Piddington, Marion, 242

Pink, Olive, 266

Playford, John, 10

Plebs League, 114–15, 124

Pogany, Joseph, 130

police action against communism, 60, 88, 103, 156–7, 187, 192–4, 396–9, 401–3

Pollitt, Harry, 98, 148, 175, 286, 316

Port Kembla, New South Wales, 256, 308–9, 331

Premiers’ Plan, 185

Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 113, 126, 174, 273, 300, 321, 354, 369, 373, 375, ill

Proletarian (Review), 21, 70, 90

Proletariat, 231, ill, 233, 324

Purdy, Steve, 350

Quinton, Jim, 57, 62, 65, 66, 217

Radek, Karl, 42, 48, 64, 82, 375–6, 377

radio station 2KY, 295, 309, 341, 395

Rae, Arthur, 189, 197

Rakosi, Matyas, 85

Rathbone, Hugo, 130

Ratliff, Horace, 403–4

Rawling, James

collection of records, 10

historical writing, 5, 316

joins Communist Party, 234

leaves Communist Party, 387–8

on party language, 350

on popular front, 314, 317

secretary of Movement Against War and Fascism, 274

Reardon, Arthur, 13, 21–3, 26, 54, 59, 71, 72, 73–4

Reardon, Marcia, 13, 26

Rechter, Miriam, see Dixson, Miriam

Red Army, 63, 64

red flag riots, 60, 60, 106

Red International of Labor Unions

(RILU), 59, 65, 145, 176, 257, 329, ill

Australian section, 79, 80, 112, 117, 148, 153, 157, 168–9, 173, 214

Red Leader, 181, 188–9, 214, 225, 251–2, 257

see also Minority Movement

Rees, Alf, 62, 64, 65, 66, 73

Reeve, Charlie, 80

Relief and Sustenance Workers’ Union, 261

Richards, Ron, 398

Rickie, Nelle, 95, 125, 278

Riley, Charlie, 300, ill

Rivett, Albert, 273

Roach, Ted, 308

Robeson, Paul, 319

Robinson, Albert, 190, 353, 401

Robson, R.W., 138, 145

Roche, J.W., 94

Roland, Betty, 326, 375, 388–9, 397

Roper, Gil, 222, 388

Ross, Bob, 46, 50–1, 107, 109, 237, 316

Ross, Edgar, 234, 341

Ross, Hector, 114, 122, 130, 134, 136, 138, 150, 163

Ross, Hettie, 114, 124, 136, 139, 150, 262, 331

Ross, Lloyd

at ACTU congress, 294, 307

and ALP, 392

historical writing, 316

joins Communist Party, 234

leaves Communist Party, 409

on middle class, 325

on popular front, 315

secretary of Australian Railways Union, 255, 332

Rothbury incident, 156

Rowe, Ted, 398

Roy, Manabendra Nath, 42, 130, 137

Rudkin, Arthur, 399

Russian Revolution, 15, 29, 39–40, 42–3

anniversary, 118, 174, 226, 232, 233, 367

impact in Australia, 47–8, 50–1, 106

civil war, 62–3, 364

famine, 64, 365

see also Soviet Union

Russians in Australia, 20, 21, 26, 31, 58, 70

Rutherford, Arthur, 17, 96

Ryan, Edna, 141, 168, 172, 229

Ryan, Jack, 112, 134, 138, 139, 145, 163, 168–9, 171–2, 229, 388, ill

Ryan, Mick, 210, 397, ill

Ryce, George, 113

Santamaria, B.A., 303–4

Sawtell, Mick, 266–7

Scott, Ben, 369

Seamen’s Union of Australia (SUA), 18, 61, 65, 97, 256, 329, 333–4

Second International, see Socialist International

Seeligson, Nattie, 311, 386

Sergeyeff, Tom, 31–2, 43–4, 58, 66, ill

Sharkey, Lance

authoritarianism, 221

cult of personality, 361–2

delegate to RILU, 176, 199

early life, 134

editor of WorkersWeekly, 176, 221

member of ECCI, 285–6

on popular front, 265, 312, 317

and religion, 306

surveillance, 404–5

sustenance payment, 356

in turn to Third Period, 136, 141–2, 152, 160, 163, 173

on united front, 249–50, 260, 346

and World War II, 383, 390, 407

Shaw, Evelyn, 325, 326

Sheet Metal Workers’ Union, 329

Shelley, Joe, 113, 119–20, 138, 149, 159, 167, 209, 274–6

Short, Laurie, 229

Simonoff, Peter, 20, 21, 48, 56, 57, 58, 65, 83

Simpson, Jack, 270, 286, 399

Slater, Jim, 258, 353

Smith, Bernard, 7

Smith, Bill, 66, 70, 72

Smith, Christian Jollie

correspondence with Bill Earsman, 67

early life, 19–20, 98

and the female communist, 90

in formation of CPA, 21, 54

legal practice, 125, 181, 273

pianist, 26

Social Democratic League, 16

socialism, 13–14, 33–6, 45–6, 50–1, 104, 122

Socialist International, 23, 28, 29, 36, 38, 63, 246–7

Socialist Labor Party (SLP), 16, 45, 56, 57

Soviet Union

on allegations of sabotage, 219

collectivisation of agriculture, 164, 365

Five Year Plan, 365

foreign policy, 245, 269, 274, 291–2, 381, 383–6, 410

nationalities, 266

show trials, 365, 375–9

terror, 365–6, 374–9

visits to, 285–6, 366–72, 375–8, ill

soviets, 29, 39, 63

Soviets To-day, 181, 367, 398

Spanish Civil War, 206, 290, 292, 297–303

Spanish Relief Committee (SRC), 299, 302–3, 309, 311

SS Dalfram dispute, 308–9, ill

SS Silksworth dispute, 307–8, 339–40, ill

Stakhanov, Alexi, 372–3

Stalin, Joseph

abandons anti-fascist policy, 291, 384–6

announces Third Period, 143

criticised by Lenin, 42

denounced by Khrushchev, 3, 363, 377

dictatorship, 240–1, 287, 292, 363–4, 372, 379

The Foundations of Leninism, 364

History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 379–80

1952 speech, 2

Theory and Practice of Leninism, 123, 349

Stanley, Millicent Preston, 303

State Labor Party of New South Wales, 393, 404, 405, 406

Stead, Christina, 98, 110

Stettler, Gordon, 73, 74, 83

Stevens, Rev. Aubrey, 303

Stevens, Jack, 208, 300

Stöler, G. Sydor, 436–7n, ill

Street, Jessie, 326, 371

Strife, 276, 278

Student Christian Movement, 304

Sullivan, Les, 258, 353

Sussex Street party, see Communist Party of Australia

Sylvester, Jack, 225, 229

syndicalism, 23–4

Symons, Beverley, 6

Taylor, Beatrice, 368

Tennant, Kylie, 194

Thalheimer, August, 145

Thälmann, Ernst, 287

Theodore, E.J., 50, 93

Third International, see Communist International

Thomas, Bill, 27, 57, 73, 92, 367

Thomas, Max, 349, 403–4

Thompson, Jean, 262, 263

Thorby, Harold, 390, 395

Thorez, Maurice, 286

Thornton, Ernie

at ACTU congress, 294, 392

and Catholic Action, 304

critic of leadership, 313, 337–8, 345, 352, 361–2

early life, 205

expelled by Lovegrove, 227, 229

in Federated Ironworkers’ Association, 256, 329, 331–2

and illegality, 397

Thornton, Lila, 205, 397

Throssell, Hugo, 270, 375

timberworkers’ strike, 1929, 155–6, ill

Togliatti, Palmiro, 130

Townsville, Queensland, 159, 209, 235, 343

Trade Union Educational League, 116, 128

Trades and Labor Council, Brisbane (TLC), 84, 114, 187, 191, 329, 353

Trades Hall Council, Melbourne (THC), 113, 176, 187, 191, 197, 200, 226, 294–5, 329

Trades Hall Reds, 16, 19, 22, 26, 47, 79, 81, 91, 96, 172

Tripp, Ted, 135, 139, 157, 159, 160, 178, 224–5, 229, 366

Trotsky, Leon, 38, 48, 64, 65, 86, 219, 229, 318–19, 363, 379

Trotskyism, 229, 265, 292, 364, 379, 388

history of Australian communism, 4

parties in Australia, 229–30, 388, 396

in Spain, 298, 300

Troy, Paddy, 399

Tully, Queensland, 258

Turner, Ian, 5, 10

Ullman, Cleeve, 92

unemployed protest

city demonstrations, 191–2, 261, ill

eviction resistance, 192–4, 211, 218

hunger march, 150, 209, ill

itinerant camps, 194, 239, 261

Unemployed Workers’ Movement (UWM), 179, 181, 191–8, 225, 238, 261, 263

Adelaide, 191, 192

Bourke, 194, 213

Bulli, 195

Cairns, 194

Darwin, 191

Frankland River, 195

Hunter Valley, 196

Melbourne, 191, 192, 197

Brunswick, 197–8

South Melbourne, 273

Mildura, 194

Newcastle, 193–4

Perth, 192

Sydney, 191, 218

Balmain, 225, 229, 261, ill

Bankstown, 193, 214

Clovelly, 192

Glebe, 193, 229

Leichhardt, 193

Newtown, 19

Redfern, 193

Union of Russian Workers, 20

United Association of Women, 326

United Australia Party (UAP), 199, 212, 214, 215, 248, 381

United Front Against Fascism, 268

United Peace Council, 296

United Trades and Labor Council of South Australia, 187, 330, 355

USSR in Construction, 367

Utley, Freda, 375, 378

Varty, Vic, see Donald, Len

Victorian Council Against War and Fascism (VCAWF), 273, 294–6, 298, 300

Victorian Socialist Party (VSP), 16, 18, 19, 45–6, 51, 300

Wake, Robert, 400

see also Investigation Branch

Walker, Clifton, see Dixon, Richard

Wall Street Crash, 161, 204

Wallis, George, 403

Walsh, Adela Pankhurst, 18–19, 26, 69, 70, 89, 303

Walsh, Tom, 18–19, 57, 65, 97, 102

Walters, Charlie, 300, ill

Waten, Judah, 119–20, 217–18, 220, 227, 276, 278, 311, 320–1, 325

Waterside Workers’ Federation (WWF), 134–5, 154, 256, 307–9, 329, 334–5

Webster, Bob, 17

Weil’s disease strike, 258–60, 268

Weiner, Bella, 311

Weitzel, Hetty, see Ross, Hetty

White, Sam, 324

White Australia policy, 32, 46, 50, 126–7, 131–2, 148, 265

Wicks, Harry, see Moore, Herbert

Wilkinson, Fred, 67, 73

Williams, Idris, 255

Williams, Justina, 326

Willis, Albert, 17, 47, 80, 81, 91–2, 111

Winter, George, 128

Wobblies, see Industrial Workers of the World

Wollongong, New South Wales, 225, 329

Women’s Guild of Empire, 303

Women’s Peace Army, 18

Wonthaggi, Victoria, 254–5, 257–8, 337, 344, 369

Wood, Arnold, 316

Woodruff, Harold, 371

Workers’ Art Club, 275, 276–9, 320, 354

Workers’ Defence Corps (WDC), 181, 210–11, 238

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA), 122, 255, 355

Workers’ International Relief (WIR), 91, 118, 181, 196, 218, 268, 357

Workers’ Party of Australia (Left Opposition), 229, 231, 388 see also Trotskyism

Workers’ Sports Federation, 328

World Peace Congress, 296

World War I, 14–15, 29, 38–9, 46, 48, 204

World War II, 204, 290, 385–411 passim

Wren, John, 65, 273

Wren, Mary, 273, 324

Wright, Mary, 168, 172, 326

Wright, Tom

and Aborigines, 266–7

party organiser, 217, 227, 234, 277

secretary of Communist Party, 117, 159

Sheet Metal Workers’ Union, 329

submission, 171

and turn to Third Period, 136–8, 139, 141, 162–3, 168, 170

Writers’ Association, 319

Writers’ League, 273, 279, 319, 322

Yarra Bank, Melbourne, 200, 205, 226, 294, 390

Yezhov, N.I., 378

Young Communist Children, see Communist Party of Australia

Young Communist League, see Communist Party of Australia

Young Comrades Club, see Communist Party of Australia

Young Pioneers, see Communist Party of Australia

Zetkin, Clara, 64, 264

Zhdanov, A.A., 321

Zinoviev, Grigori, 48, 64, 219, 375

Zwolsman, Jack, 270